Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1498 The Incarnation Curse of Obsession (1)

Future husband?

A nine-year-old child can already understand some words.

Caitlin said she would be her future husband?

cut! He wouldn't want such an old woman! He obviously likes playing with little Loli, okay?

Qin Potian didn't bother with this kind of thing, because he felt the powerful and majestic energy gushing from his body.

What is this? Qin Potian was very surprised.

"What was the flash of energy just now? Who is this kid? He realized the ability of a sword god in front of me, and became a soul sword repairer?"

The curse felt a little strange. He obviously didn't feel the realm pressure on the little boy, but he still felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

This turned out to be the curse warning power of the Sword God?

It's really strange, can it be said that this child in front of him can really pose a threat to him?

But the power of the flash just now is really scary, the powerful sense of energy that suddenly appeared and disappeared, should it have reached the Sword God level, right?

Now that the curse uses this body, the power has returned to the real sword god level. He is resurrected, but he has only released less than one-tenth of the power, because this body is not strong enough, if all the power is released, it must be It will be ruined.

In the curse, even if it was only one-tenth of the power, he personally went out, and at the same time sent someone to draw away the guardians around Caitlin, then it shouldn't be a problem to take Caitlin away.

A few days ago, the Heavenly Demon curse woke up in a deep sleep and swallowed the Spirit Stones, the sword prepared for him by the believers. Therefore, the soul energy was revived. Then, he used the temporary resurrection carrier to resurrect and came to the ground to look for Caitlin. He was following Qin An, and when Qin An was always accompanied by a few sword gods, he thought of such a strategy. First of all, he controlled the snow demon clan. The unexpected result was naturally that he discovered that there was a sword god stone in Xue Bao's body. .

Of course, although this thing is extremely tempting, but as the curse of the sword god, he is not in a hurry to get it. What he has to do is to kill two birds with one stone, not only the sword god stone, but also the resurrection of the carrier! So a small layout began to work today.

The four female sword gods were really attracted away, and the curse appeared next to Caitlin, ready to quickly catch him away.

He actually wondered why Qin An was so careless? All four sword gods were transferred to deal with the situation there.

Perhaps in Qin An's eyes, Katrin is not that important.

But now the curse felt wrong and misunderstood Qin An!

Because this little boy of unknown origin is obviously Caitlin's bodyguard! Who is he? It seems that among Qin An's sons there are several children of this age.

Just when the curse was puzzled, the powerful energy just flashed again, and suddenly flew out of the little boy's body, the epee, which was ten meters long, one meter wide, and weighed seven thousand eight hundred jin!

Afterwards, a translucent child was wrapped around the great sword with the faint yellow light, flying back and forth.

"This...what is this?"

Qin Potian was dumbfounded, and the curse said:

"It's the mind of the sword spirit! Boy, you are indeed a strange thing. Before the sword god appeared, the mind of the sword spirit appeared and asked the Lord. The probability of becoming a sword god in the future is very high! It seems that I can only kill you today. !"

The phenomenon of so-called "sword spirit" asking the Lord is indeed uncommon.

Back then, Qiu Jinse once experienced that the thought of the queen of water elves appeared to ask the Lord, Qiu Jinse made a wish that she would work hard to become a sword god.

Only then did the mind of the water spirit release all the Spirit Power, allowing Qiu Jinse to possess the first sword god skill.

Now, this situation has happened again in Qin Potian.

Just when Qin Potian, Su Li were in a daze, Caitlin was confident, and when the curse of killing had started, the flying translucent child had already spoken.

"I am not an ordinary sword spirit thought, I am still the strongest body and the strongest brain master's future child's spirit mind! Dad, are you willing to let my spirit mind become your sword spirit mind? As the strongest The child with the body and the strongest brain, I will be born with the strongest biological gene, so when I was not born, I already had consciousness and the ability to be comparable to your sword god! This is my strong proof! Dad, don’t hesitate, just let me be your sword spirit, I promise, you will become a sword god in the future, provided that you must give birth to me in the future


This little thing is called his own father?

Qin Potian couldn't accept it, but he likes to simplify complicated issues. Since he can't accept it, don't think about it. Anyway, what this little guy said seems to be good for him.

"Well, then I want you to be my sword spirit, what can you get me?"

"Dad, I can let you get the first magic sword ability, called the son of Xiantian, didn't my mother just say it! Then once you have this ability, you can call me out to fight with you at any time! I am a soul body, omnipotent from heaven to earth, can transform strong blades to slash mountains and mountains, and transform strong shields to destroy all attacks! Hey, this is of course an effect that can only be achieved after you become a sword god! Believe me, me Very strong!"

"That's good! That's it!"

"Well! The Overlord Excalibur should have a different name after integrating my power! Dad, it will be called the Vajra Overlord Excalibur from today! This name fits its identity and yours!"

While speaking, the thought of sword spirit disappeared and merged into the Overlord Excalibur.

The next moment that divine sword released a dazzling golden light, and finally became smaller and became a huge golden sword with a length of 1.5 meters and a whole body of gold!

Qin Potian picked it up and tried the weight in his hand. It was estimated to be heavier than before, but it was a bit smaller. It seemed that he had to adapt well to exert his maximum power!

Haha, Vajra Overlord Excalibur? This sounds pretty awesome, four words too! Qin Potian secretly felt happy.

At this moment, the legendary Ninth Lord God's curse was already a painful killer on Qin Potian!


Many years ago before the Star of Sword Spirit,

A trace of obsession suddenly became conscious, and after a long time of floating around, I understood Fengyun, the sun and the moon, but didn't understand myself.

What am i? Why do I have no body? Why am I flying around in this world? I really don't understand.

Finally, I arrived here, the legendary Oriental Human Race Continent. It is said that the life forms here are more primitive. Maybe I can find the origin of own from them?

I wandered around for a long time, and finally in the small town at the foot of Angel Mountain, I ran into the very beautiful and very kind woman who was advertised, Alvia.

"Oh my dear neighbor, is this your little pastry? It's so beautiful, I think it must be the most delicious!"

"Mrs. Sudy, you are very polite, don't say that, but please accept my gift!"

"Okay! Do you want to come in and sit down?"

"No, I still want to send gifts from other neighbors, so busy, Mrs. Sudy."

Alvia left while she was talking, and she walked around giving gifts with dried pastries, and finally entered Pauld's house.

"Is your wife not at home? Mr. Pauld?"

"No, maybe you are not familiar with her. She is a believer of the first main god, so she will go to the temple to pray for blessings every three days. I heard that she has to kneel down for three days."

"Then I bet your wife will kneel down!"

Alvia walked into Pauld's bedroom without anyone else. At this time, she had already taken off her coat and pants, and was continuing to take off her underwear.

Pauld looked dumbfounded at this unfamiliar female neighbor, not knowing why she had to undress on her own bed.

"Hi, what are you doing?"

"I didn't do anything, but I'm really waiting for you to come to bed and do something to me."

Alvia had already taken off her clothes while she was talking, and then lay flat on the bed.

Pauld was completely dumbfounded. He didn't know what happened to the dignified and beautiful Alvia.

Pauld felt that he should close his eyes and not look at Alvia's body, but when Alvia was scratching her head on the bed, Pauld could not control himself.

So, they had a romantic day, and they fought until dark!

"Why is this?"

After Pauld calmed down, he had more doubts.

"Nothing, I'm just being myself!"

"What kind of you are you?"

"I long for freedom and don't want to be bound, so I am not the Alvia in your eyes, I am me, a woman who wants to feel different men!"


Time and space stopped in my eyes.

Alvia's words touched me deeply.

What is freedom? Am i free?

It seems that I can move freely between heaven and earth, and go wherever I want. It seems that I am the most free, but no one in this world knows my existence...

Is this a good thing?

Maybe not... When I became aware and wise, I began to long for someone to notice me and talk to me, but I couldn't do it, and I was always ignored.

Time continued to roll, and I started to stop walking around, just following Alvia, observing her life, and feeling her life.

"Everyone, I am very glad that you can come to my home. My wife, Ms. Alvia, and I welcome you!"

This is a family gathering, hosted by Alvia and her husband Miga. The people who came to participate were Sudi, Mrs. Pauld and Mrs. Duck.

Four men and four women ate very happily until late, drank a lot of wine, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

"I think our party has just begun. Please allow me to leave and go to the kitchen to prepare more food for you?"

Everyone nodded and smiled, and then praised Alvia for her virtue.

Alvia smiled and left, only to put her smile away when she got to the kitchen.

"Do you know? I hate those three women. They are very fake. They only know smirks. This so-called family gathering can't give me any comfort at all. It's a waste of time! But the most tragic thing is that I must also It's a hell to laugh with you!"

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