Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1500 Super God Level Attack Ability

The Color Light Sword Spiritual Qi immediately wrapped Qin Potian, and the curse Sword God's continuous hand had already grasped Qin Potian's heart.

Qin Potian stomped on the ground with a roar and punched out.

With this punch, he exhausted all his strength, the old man said, if you encounter a real enemy, you must go all out to fight, and you must not be merciful to give the enemy a chance to survive.

Then obviously this cursed sword god should be the real enemy.

The power of Qin Potian's punch was so amazing, Xiantian's son turned into a streamer and merged into Qin Potian's body, enhancing Qin Potian's physical skills, so this punch was made with the power of the divine sword.

His power cannot be understood by the concept of power on earth.

In other words, what he slaps is actually energy.

This kind of energy is different from the energy of any attribute.

The moisture in the air was instantly evaporated, and the powerful friction ignited a flame on Qin Potian's arm.

The gas in front of the fist was compressed and burst.

The space folds and disintegrates because of this punch.

When the palm of the curse was about to come into contact with Qin Potian's fist, something terrifying the curse happened, one of his fingers suddenly disappeared, and his palm seemed to have touched the extremely hot energy body!

what! ?

What the hell is this little thing?

At the moment of the curse, his body escaped ten meters, his face was already pale.

The reason why the palm felt extremely hot was because the energy released by Qin Potian was too strong.

And the reason why a finger disappeared was because Qin Potian's power caused the space to fold. Just now, the curse had inserted his finger into another time-space world linked by the fold space.

Therefore, the curse violated the laws of the universe, and his body was in two worlds at the same time, which caused his fingers to be cut off by the power of the space enchantment!

How can the curse not be frightened, even if he is the main god, it is impossible to make the space folds into a two-dimensional space with one punch?

At this time, Qin Qin's punch did not subside. In the space in front of his punch, the air continued to accumulate rapidly after the collision and burst. The air limit was compressed to the extreme and began to explode in reverse.

This is an extremely powerful blasting energy, which cannot be explained by earth science, because in the concept of earth science, this kind of thing does not happen.

The minimum extremum is actually the same as the maximum extremum. Therefore, when the air is compressed to infinitely small in 0 seconds, it shows an infinite blasting force.

A dazzling energy light wave shot out quickly, advancing hundreds of meters in the direction pointed by Qin Potian's fist, all the houses, trees, and stones along the way instantly turned into powder, then burned, and then blasted!

With a personal punch, a fire pillar with a diameter of two meters was formed in less than 0.1 second, and the fire pillar with a length of several hundred meters only stayed for a few tenths of a second and then immediately disappeared.

The place where Qin Potian's punch energy passed, that is, the place where the pillar of fire just burned, has become a vacuum, and there is no sign of life to survive in it!In just a few months, Qin Potian’s strength or strength has increased again, so with the blessing ability of the son of Xiantian, the punch he hit with all his strength is a mortal blow, breaking all defenses, and letting all matter. Nothing exists, no matter whether you are a curse or another main god, as long as you stand on this fist road, you will inevitably become invisible!

It's a pity that no matter how strong it is, this is only a physical attack. If the spell is easily avoided, the attack will be meaningless.

However, the shock that Qin Potian's punch brought to the curse was huge and could not be relieved.

The curse was defeated by Tiange in a single encounter, but at that time he had not yet become a sword god.

After so many years, the curse thought that even if he lost to Tiange again, he would not lose so tragically, so he did not expect that the soul sword repair child he encountered on earth now would be Can't resist his attack, if this makes him a sword god, then what?

"Are you Qin Potian?"

The curse remembered the information about Qin An's family he had seen before. It is said that among Qin An's sons, there is a kid who is extremely powerful. At that time, the curse passed directly by dismissively, what's wrong with the strength? No matter how great is it for birds? Could it still break his body of the sword god?

Now the reality is in front of him, his body of the sword god is simply vulnerable to the opponent's fist, so he has lost a finger for this reason, how can he accept it?

His face turned gloomy, the curse let his fingers regenerate, and at the same time he avoided another punch attack from Qin Potian and used his own first sword god ability, Mo!

"My shield is unbreakable!"

This is the obsession of the curse. He is fantasizing about a shield, a shield that no power can break.

In an instant, the colored lightsaber Spiritual Qi gathered in front of the curse, and then it was suspended in a circular gas shield with a diameter of two meters.

Qin Potian didn't have any rules for fighting. His principle was that if you don't do anything, you must kill the opponent.

Therefore, when the curse shield was formed, Qin Potian had already jumped over and hit the shield with a punch.


The powerful energy explosion made a deafening noise, and Su Li was also a supernatural person, so when Qin Potian and the curse started, they had already retreated dozens of meters away with Caitlin in their arms.

But the sound of the energy explosion still made her almost fainted to the ground.

Caitlin didn't feel anything. Although she had no abilities, she was an energy receptor, so energy attribute attacks would not have any effect on her. She opened her eyes wide, looked at Qin Potian's side, and saw that he really shattered the other's shield with a punch, and once again formed a vacuum belt on the straight line of fisting 100 meters long!

Caitlin exhaled slightly. Fortunately, Qin Potian was very reliable and powerful.

Although Caitlin can predict the future, in her logical calculations, the real future is full of variables. When the sky is advancing, no one can actually predict what may happen in the future, so Caitlin is also a little nervous. .

At this time, facing the fact that his magic shield was shattered, the curse finally sighed again.

Super God level!

After this child gained the ability of the Excalibur, the son of Xiantian, the attack power he fisted had reached the super god level!

If the ordinary sword god couldn't escape under his fist attack, he would probably be killed.

This is too abnormal! How can such a thing exist?

I couldn't understand the curse, but his heart was firmer, and he couldn't let this kid continue to live anyway.

Otherwise, it won't take a few years. As one of the nine main gods, he might not necessarily be his opponent, right?

And now?

The curse sneered again and again, he was really not afraid of Qin Potian.

The first item of the power of the demon is to ask the heart by the demon. Heart's Demon is clustered. Any enemy who engages with the spell will be tainted by the demon heart. With the demon heart, there will be evil thoughts. This is a kind of eternal harm. Get rid of the curse, and then separate body and mind. The power of magic is the ability to guide people into the devil. Once the opponent enters Devil Dao, then naturally they will no longer be able to defeat the spell.

The curse used the power of fighting to cast a powerful Movement Technique to avoid Qin Potian's attacks again and again, and then began to attack Qin Potian's Mental Energy.

Qin Potian waved his fist like a silly boy, but he was a little anxious that he couldn't hit the curse.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a headache, and the punch he was about to punch was weak.

Soldiers, wherever the curse goes, everything can be a soldier, and vegetation can kill people! Realm can trap life and death, can trap eternity, can make time unable to escape, can make space become eternity!

After several trials, the curse finally opened the Bingzhili. Realm trapped Qin Potian in a solidified point of time. Here, for the pro Potian, everything around him has been still, and the obsession with the curse slowly started. The effect caused Qin Potian's evil thoughts, and then the magical thoughts arose.

Qin Potian suddenly remembered the scene of Caitlin changing her underwear in front of Caitlin before sharing the bed with Caitlin the other day. "Hi, Caitlin, what are you doing?"

"I changed my clothes and wore it for a few days, and it felt sticky."

"Shy ashamed! You are a girl, how can you change your clothes in front of me?"

Qin Potian received a good education from his parents since he was a child, and has formed some inherent values ​​and outlook on life.

Just after he asked Caitlin, Caitlin had already taken off her shirt, and then turned to face Qin Potian.

"Of course I can change clothes in front of you, because this is the room where we live together. That means this is my room. If I don't even have the right to change clothes in my own room, then there is no fun in life. ?"

Ah...it seems to make sense.

Qin Potian was a little dumbfounded, and at the same time he blushed when he saw Caitlin's mountain that had grown to a certain scale.

He didn't think too much, what can an eight-year-old child think? It was seen before the Gregorian New Year, so it was still eight years old.

In short, Qin Potian felt that he had no evil thoughts, and that he was still a good baby.

Caitlin smiled suddenly, facing Qin Po Heavenly Dao:

"Isn’t there such a sentence? It’s called seeing no evil? If you think I shouldn’t change clothes in front of you, if you think it’s wrong, then you don’t have to look at it? Look at your big eyes, they are all staring. It's like table tennis, not ashamed!"

"Why? Just like you said, this is also my house. If I can't put my eyes anywhere in this room, what fun is there in life?"

Qin Potian felt that he was extremely clever, this is called treating his body with his own way! Haha, see how Caitlin underestimates herself!

Therefore, Qin Potian witnessed the whole process of Caitlin changing clothes in front of him that day.

That night, he had a dream.

In the dream, he dreamed that he had become an adult like his father, and then married a very beautiful woman. They were dressed in red clothes and sitting on a red sedan chair. After all the ceremonies, they were sent to the bridal chamber. After Qin Potian woke up the next day, he felt extremely curious, not knowing why he had such a dream.

But he didn't care too much, he forgot about it in a flash, and then continued to live like an innocent child.

Qin Potian couldn't remember this incident originally, but under the seduce of the magic spell sword god, Qin Potian remembered it again.Maybe he should touch it at the time? See why Caitlin's chest is bulging.

No one should be blamed for this. The reason why Qin Potian failed his physiology class is because Qin An has not taught him physiology class yet, thinking that he is too young to know why men’s bodies and women’s bodies do. have difference.

In short, Qin Potian suddenly had obsessions, he regretted it, and felt that he should touch Caitlin's puffed chest that day.

This thought became stronger and stronger, and it made Qin Potian dizzy, and finally fell to his knees!


Why does he have to play with Caitlin and Ada Suli?

Why are his brothers reluctant to talk to him?

Why does father have so many sons?

Why can he only meet his biological mother Liu Ru through the energy video?

Why did Qin Potian's heart rise one by one, making his emotions become more and more unstable, and his body becoming more and more violent and uneasy!

This was a Mental Energy attack from the curse. Qin Potian was easily defeated because he could not defend.

Even if he already has the super-god-level offensive ability, his Realm still has only one soul state, and his sword-god ability has only one kind, and it is impossible to complete complex and changeable battles!

In this way, Qin Potian became more and more uncomfortable. He just felt that he could no longer control his own mind. He was going crazy and losing his mind. He had many thoughts that would not arise in the ordinary day. Perhaps these thoughts were all before. Hidden in the small corner of his heart, now all burst out!

At this time, Caitlin and Su Li saw the scene of Qin Potian being surrounded by a group of colored lightsabers Spiritual Qi, his body motionless, as if he had entered a static state.

Ada Suri finally got nervous, she said quickly:

"Caitlin, the little boy seems to be under control, should I help?"

"You? Forget it, you're too young to be stuck between your teeth with the curse."

"...What should I do then?"

Ada Suri looked anxious.

Caitlin frowned, and after thinking about it, she said with a sigh of relief: "I think the reinforcements should be here."


"Well, someone bullies his son, he won't stop coming, right?"

Just as Caitlin's voice fell, a bright light suddenly flashed out of the void.

Qin An arrived in time and absorbed a life force in the necrosphere. After that, he turned on the Sword God Guardian Spirit ability and integrated it into Qin Potian's body. Po Tianyao activated at the same time, breaking the spell of Mental Energy's attack, quickly Controlling Qin Potian's body away from the opponent's Mental Energy attack point, returned to Caitlin and Ada Suli, only then left Qin Potian's body and appeared.

"Is he okay?" Caitlin asked nervously when she saw Qin Potian who had passed out of a coma.

"The problem is not big, it may leave some sequelae, but it has not been attacked by too many Mental Energy."

As he spoke, Qin An's eyes were very gloomy, and he had collided with the eyes of the curse, sparking sparks.

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