The main god’s Mental Energy is really strong. Although the ability of the soul to lead the line successfully pulled his soul out, it did not fully work. Now it can only be found slowly. Fortunately, the activation time of this skill has become longer. Qin Anzu One full hour can be used to find, I believe there will always be something to gain.

At this time, the body whose soul was occupied by Qin An was called Di Yage, just an ordinary terrestrial teenager with no abilities, just nineteen years old this year.

"Dia brother, do you say that the god of the spirit race will protect us?"

Diego's good partner Dargar was trembling in his body, apparently in fear.

Aliens have been here for several years, and of course the ball handlers have adapted to their existence.

"Perhaps... will it?"

Through Diego's memory, Qin An has already got a rough idea of ​​what happened here.

A month ago, a four-soul sword repairman named Meihong appeared in the nearby area. She was a member of the demon tribe. She was very powerful and terrifying, and even more terrifying, she was a member of the Dead Sect.

The so-called Dead Sect is a huge religious organization on the Star of Sword Spirit. Its sphere of influence is very wide, covering almost two-thirds of the continent.

This is a bit scary. You must know that the Star of Sword Spirit is extremely large. Except for the Dead Sect, no Sect has such a huge sphere of influence, not even the nine Sects led by the nine main gods.

Then the reason why the death sect is so widespread is because of a concept.

Among the forty-nine sword gods that have been widely transmitted by people, many of the sword gods’ means to comprehend abilities are killing.

Such as Xuantian, such as Hongye, such as Jiuzi and so on.

Then behind the killing is evil.

These sword gods have done things that both humans and gods were angry with, but they were not punished by the gods in the end. Instead, they realized the powerful Realm ability and became gods.

Therefore, the doctrine promoted by the death sect is killing and sin. The people of the death sect believe that killing can make life forms sublime, allowing them to gain some gains on the path of sword repair.

Therefore, their philosophy is completely different from that of the people on earth. They regard killing as a way of life, as a habit, and as a pursuit that they can survive.

The Meihong who appeared nearby was a member of the Dead Sect. After she appeared, she had tortured and killed more than 10,000 ordinary earthlings. Several nearby villages were completely destroyed by her. Only the largest gathering place for earthlings was Al. The Rock City has become the last refuge for the people of the earth.

The Lord of the Rock sent people to the Heaven and Earth Spirit Race and invited the Spirit Race God of War, wanting them to guard the safety of humans here.

Mei Hong's ability is a bit inaccurate. Many warlords of the Heaven and Earth Spirit Race God of War have never heard of her name.

The people on earth are very scared. Everyone is shrouded in the walls of Els Rock City and dare not go out, just like the situation where the walls have just been built when the end of the world has just come.

Three days ago, Mei Hong appeared in the south of Els Rock City. Thousands of people died overnight. When God of War arrived, Mei Hong still retreated, leaving only the ground full of red.

The people in the city couldn't sleep from now on. After discussing with the God of War, the Lord of Els Rock decided to gather everyone to live near Els Rock. Before the rose was removed, people could only stay here. Don't dare to be scattered, the scope of activities is even narrower.

The Els Rock has been regarded as a sacred object by the nearby aborigines since ancient times. Now in the last days, people still regard it as a holy and bright existence, so it is like this activity of hundreds of thousands of people kneeling together at this time. It will be held every day. I only hope to be able to escape from disasters. Hundreds of warlords and dozens of God of War from the Heaven and Earth Spirit Race hide in every corner of the crowd to take charge of defense.

There are more Heaven and Earth Spirit Race supernatural powers scattered around Els Rock City, hoping to find Rose Red and kill them.

In short, there is a tense atmosphere in the city.

After obtaining these memories, Qin An looked around. The people here were all black! In theory, the body occupied by the curse soul should be within a hundred meters of him, but now it is impossible to determine.

Ah, my head is a little dizzy. It seems that the Mental Energy attack of the spell has some influence on him.

Qin An frowned, only to feel that he was...somewhat wrong?

He couldn't tell what was wrong, and he just felt weird.

When Qin An raised his eyes to determine which one was the curse from the expressions in the eyes of nearby people, suddenly a fiery red figure fell from the sky and landed on the highest point of Els Rock.

"Rose! It's Rose, I recognize her!"

Someone nearby shouted loudly.

Qin An's attention was attracted, and he raised his head and looked over there, only to see that it was a humanoid creature about four meters tall.

She is not a human race, except that her body is a human form, she can no longer find a half-human feeling.

Her legs are very long, curvy and white, but it's a pity that her thighs, which should have been beautiful, are covered with sharp red barbs, shining with red metallic light.

Compared with her figure, her waist is very migratory, her chest is rugged and sharp, she is not wearing any clothes, and the red muscles are not covered with skin. Therefore, although her figure is beautiful, it will not give people a trace of beauty, but It makes people feel that her body is bloody and terrifying.

She has four human-like hands, and those arms and legs are covered with seemingly sharp barbs.

On her back, there were three pairs of six transparent wings, the wings exuded colorful light under the sunlight, it seemed to have a few coquettish beauty.

The Heaven and Earth Spirit Race is one of the nine god-tier races, and the individual strength is naturally very strong. The so-called God of War powerhouses are close to the demigod Realm. They can use the power of a variety of elements, and they also have powerful physical skills. A supernatural person such as a magic warrior.

After the emergence of Rose Red, the four Spirit Race God of War galloped past from different angles, and various spells were already activated while walking, launching attacks on Rose Red.

Mei Hong's coquettish face always wore a weird smile as if she had applied a lot of heavy makeup.

Seeing the attack coming, she gently waved her wings, and the six wings shook all the attacks suddenly turned into invisible, as if it had never happened!

The abilities of the Yaozu are originally ever-changing, and the ability of rose red flapping wings to become a wave of defense is not uncommon, but the defensive effect it plays is a bit abnormal.

You know, this is an attack jointly launched by four demi-god Realm powerhouses. If Qin An does not open the realm of necromancers so that his own strength reaches the level of the sword god, it is estimated that it will be difficult to dodge. The ability to attack magic is of course shocking enough!

After eliminating all the attacks, Mei Hong's figure suddenly flashed and disappeared, and once again she had escaped from the encirclement of the God of War of the Four Divinities family, and entered the crowd a kilometer away!


A burst of coquettish laughter sounded, followed by screams from the crowd.

Where Rose Red flies, the barbs on her body will fly out of the body. At the end of the barbs, there are threads like spider silk connected to the body. These filaments control the flying barbs to hover back and forth, killing all around her. Of the civilians, hundreds of people died instantly after Meihong flew over.

Everyone was crowded together, and the rose red barbs were as accurate as if they were installed. After piercing the heart of one person, they entered the heart of the next person. After piercing the hearts of seven or eight people, these people have been threaded. Connected, the thin line moves with the movement of rose red, and becomes as hard as a laser sharp, dividing everyone's bodies along the way into two!

The nearby Spirit Race supernatural powers shouted, causing the people to disperse quickly, which aggravated the chaos and made Qin An almost not trampled to death!

This is how to do? Now being pushed in the crowd, there is no magic spell possessed at all, or just go back? Then the ability of one's own soul to lead a thread is in vain!

When she was depressed, the danger rose again, that Meihong had flashed to a distance of less than 100 meters from Qin An. This was a killing entirely for the sake of killing. Meihong Movement Technique was extremely fast and the defense was super strong, so she didn’t go. Fighting against God of War, only to kill ordinary people, no one can stop her for a while, more people were killed, Qin An almost died, and hurriedly closed the ability to let the own soul leave Diego and return. Ontology.

So logically speaking, the curse will return when Qin An returns, but...what makes Qin An laugh and feel helpless is that after the curse came back, it turned into a spirit state, and he shouted to Qin An: The deity will return. ... and fled, apparently he should have been killed by Meihong manslaughter over there, and because of the strong Mental Energy, he did not completely die, so he fled with a soul body after returning.

It can only be said that the soul-holding ability of the Wandering Soul Sword God is very powerful, and even the spell cannot be completely defended, so Qin An finally learned that the strength of own is insufficient through this fight against the spell, and it seems that he needs to find ways to continue to improve own. Strength! Now he couldn't challenge the Lord God, realizing this, Qin An's mood became a little depressed and angry.

Yes, Qin An was indeed very angry, and only felt that there was such an evil fire in his heart.

Is it because of the influence of magical thoughts?

Hey, it's so worrying. From then on, I won't change my temperament to kill people, right?

Probably not, because own subjective consciousness is still there, and the mind is not unconscious.

I really don't know how long this situation will last.

Qin An doesn't know much about the power of the spell, so he doesn't know that this mental energy damage is actually permanent.

After spending a while, Qin An remembered what had happened before.

There is Oceania opposite to South America. I didn’t expect that the aliens and the natives on the earth can get along well, but the red-like killers of the dead will often appear, making it extremely difficult for people to live. The weak will be killed at any time.

Ah, this world is too messy and disorderly, maybe not for decades, it is impossible to return to peace and rebuild the law.

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