Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1506 Chinese Restaurant Chef

There are too many cities in the last days that Qin An has walked through.

The early Destiny City, Wangyou City, Shanlan City, such as Yancheng City, God Tree City, Dark Light City, late stage to many gangster cities in United States, souls traveled to many apocalyptic cities around the world.

In fact, these cities are not the same. They are one city, one world, and each city has its own different style.

For thirty-four years, the only similarity between these cities is the atmosphere of the doomsday crisis, which seems to have never changed.

People get rid of the trouble of zombies, but they can't get rid of the loss of humanity between people.

The situation became more complicated after the arrival of the aliens. After the creatures in the labyrinth world entered the earth, everything became more chaotic.

The lack of food is a topic that people cannot escape, and for today's living bodies, meat food is actually the most abundant resource.

Eating between different races is already a way of life recognized by most intelligent race groups. Even the soldiers of the Azure Dragon Empire occasionally get the corpses of enemy soldiers to open the meat. Qin An once issued a strict order to prohibit this behavior, but sometimes Qin An But you can only close one eye and open one eye. There is no food supply. You can't let the soldiers starve to death while fighting?

High-level upgraded people are no longer like low-level upgraded people, who can no longer quit after eating human flesh, so everything can only go with the flow Qin An followed the human little girl all the way forward, through the narrow streets, Near the city wall is a large vacant residential area. People sit or lie on the cold ground. They wear very little clothes and can only persist even though they are cold.

"Hey, where is it?"

A slightly heavy voice sounded, and Qin An noticed that in fact, far away from the little girl, there was a Fatty running with her, but he was running too slowly, so he couldn't catch up with his legs. A little girl who is much shorter.

"Master Li, right here!"

The Li lord in the little girl’s mouth was the Fatty. Qin An saw that he seemed to be a Chinese, to be precise, a mixed race. His hair and eyes were all black, but his facial features were as tall and straight as a Westerner. Towering, if you lose weight, you should be a handsome guy.

"Oh hell! This is the farthest path I have taken Li Bing. I swear, I must eat a child's leg when I go back! Replenish the fat I lost! Oh my god, it won't work! I can't take it anymore, breathe It's difficult!"

Li Fatty gasped heavily and ran forward. At this time, the little girl had stopped in the crowd. Li Fatty walked for another full minute before reaching the little girl's side.

Qin Anshi was naturally invisible and was nearby. He frowned and looked down. There was a woman lying on the ground with a naked upper body and a shabby black cloth covering her lower body.

By her side, there were several men who looked very haggard. Their faces were not good, but the look in their eyes had different meanings.

Li Bing swallowed, exhaled fiercely, and looked at the woman lying on the ground.

She was estimated to be twenty-seven or eighteen years old. At this time, she looked very haggard and her eye sockets collapsed. She was originally white, but her face was paler at the moment, looking like a ghost.

"My child, this is really unfortunate! Under the interference of T virus, people on earth were not likely to get sick, but space gates and labyrinth gates have brought other races, other gases and other viruses, so now people are again She will get sick. Many people die of this disease this month. We call it Desire. If I read it correctly, within a few days, she will be deprived of all vitality by the Desire virus, and the body will eventually die when she dies. It will become a zombie, all the internal organs will shrink, and it will wither like a tree branch."

With tears in her eyes, the little girl rushed to guard her mother's side, holding her mother's hand.

The white woman is called Megan Dahl. She is already weak and unable to move, but fortunately she can still speak.

She took her daughter's hand and applauded: "Aike, you did a great job. You can find Master Li Bing. I thought you would be taken away by other bad guys, but you did it! Mom is proud of you! "

The little girl named Aike didn't reply, just pouting her mouth, and the tears in her eyes flowed more turbulently.

Megan Dahl moved his fingers and touched the back of Aike's hand twice, then turned his head to look at Li Bing and smiled:

"Hi...I'm dying

Standing on the spot, Li Bing frowned, sighed, walked over and sat next to the woman, raised his hand to hold her still strong chest, and squeezed it twice.

"Yeah, what a pity, you die, this pair of things will be eaten, they are so beautiful, I really want to keep them by my side forever!"

There was still a smile on Megan Dahl's face, but tears had fallen like rain.

A month ago, she took Aike to this city. She once met Li Bing for food.

At that time, she didn't know that she was in trouble, and she still hoped to get shelter or help.

The town of her previous Life was very harmonious, but it was a pity that it was destroyed because of the war.

Li Bing threatened her, it was easy to get food, as long as he accompany him to sleep.

Megan Dahl’s husband was separated from her in the previous disaster. They originally loved each other very much. With a well-behaved and sensible daughter like Aike, she felt that she could not betray her husband, so she refused Li Bing’s request and would rather not have food. Then, like many people, dig grass roots to eat on the ground.

A few days ago, she was ill and couldn't afford it. Today, she is dying ill.

When Megan Dahl realized that she was dying, she panicked.

What should her daughter do if she dies?

Look at the people around her, she usually gets along well with her, they seem to be civilized people!

But Megan Dahl knew that once someone dies, these civilized people will share the flesh of the dead! Until you eat it, there are no bones left!

May and Dahl are not afraid of being eaten, but she is worried about the child!

In The Underworld, which cannot escape, children cannot live without adults! I don't know how many eyes will stare at these poor little girls who have lost their adults. Their destiny is to encounter endless strong alkalis, and they will eventually be killed and eaten!

Megan Dahl was helpless. After thinking about it for a long time, she finally thought of Li Bing, so she asked her daughter Aike to venture to a place one kilometer away and find Li Bing.

Once this fat man who was nasty and disgusting in her eyes was pinching her chest with that big fleshy hand, but she was unable to resist, and no one would stop it. She was actually a little grateful for Li Bing. Also interested in her body.

In the life of The Underworld for a month, she has understood a lot of truth and has forgotten a lot of morals.

"Li Bing, take me away. I am willing to let you use my body to make meat. I'm not too old. The meat should be slippery. Tender. It should be delicious! I sell it to you, okay? What I need is that you take my child Ai Ke with me. She is eight years old and looks a little thin, but she is still handsome. She must be a pretty girl when she grows up! I don’t need you to treat her too much. Okay, I just hope you can stutter her and let her live until she is thirteen! After thirteen, you don’t need to care about her, let her fend for herself! Really, I just need you to feed her , That's all. In the past few years, you can let her do whatever you want, let her sit on your bed girl, or put her in public entertainment venues to sell herself for money, go wherever you want! I just want you Raise her to thirteen and let her not be eaten! She should have the right to live, and when she reaches thirteen, she should be thoroughly sensible, and then she will be letting her choose, in the end I want to stay in this world and continue offspring. Fortunately, I will end my life and go to that heaven to be with me. As a mother, the only thing I can do for her now is to sell your body to you. Would you like to buy it? "

At the end of the day, Megan Dahl mother and daughter were in tears.

Fatty Li Bing removed his hand from Meldahl and sighed for a long time before finally taking off his own coat and covering Megandahl's body.

"Hey, since it's so difficult, why do you still have to live persistently? You people, I really can't see through!"

While speaking, Li Bing picked up Megan Dahl.

"Let’s go, my poor little, follow me and your mother, we will go back to our shop. Do you know Chinese food? My grandfather said that Chinese food was the most delicious food in the world! He passed on his handicraft to me when he was dying, So now I can live well! Yes, I am a cook, some people also call me a chef. The dish I am best at is boiled pork slices. I can cut human flesh very thin and thin. It melts and tastes mellow! Many aliens love my craftsmanship, so I was allowed to open a Chinese restaurant in the city. The spicy and delicious dishes were all made by myself. A month ago, your mother originally Can be my woman, but now she can only sit on my food. Fortunately, this disease is not contagious, otherwise her body will be useless! Ms. Megandal, I promise your request and will do my best Raise your child to thirteen, but I have one additional condition. Before you die, before you are divided and put into the cold storage by me... Can I enjoy your body in other ways? ...Ah, I'm really embarrassed. I know you are very weak now. If you do something like that with you, you will probably be killed in bed. After all, I'm still very mighty! But... .... But I really don’t want to waste it! I like you very much, please believe in my sincerity! Also, the request just now is not forced, whether you agree or not, I will help you take care of your children, and ten I will not touch her easily before the age of three. I am not interested in children. I prefer a plump and mature woman like you! Are my words too much?... Hi, Lady Megan Dahl, you Are you asleep? Or pretending to be dead?"

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