Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1516 Sagalos City

On the Star of Sword Spirit, the races that can make super weapons are not only the sacred machine race. In fact, the craftsmanship of making super weapons is very popular. Many intelligent races have the ability to manufacture. Class weapons.

The level of these weapons is similar to the power division of the superpower.

Strong body level, super body level, spirit body level, demigod level, sword god level, super god level.

The key craft of making weapons is some energy magic magnification rune array and sword soul stone, sword Spirit Stones.

A good craftsman can use dozens of sword Spirit Stones to create sword god level weapons, and use hundreds of sword Spirit Stones to create a simple multi-cycle shooting super god level weapon, which means that it consumes more Sword Spirit Stones, you can use magic to amplify the rune array to create a more powerful super god-level attack weapon.

The so-called Ascension is so powerful that it is not harmful, because the Super God level is already the peak of the current weapon manufacturing industry. Judging its strength mainly depends on the attack range, attack accuracy, and attack speed and attack method.

There are so many super-god weapons, but there are not many that can really pose a threat to the sword-god-level powerhouses. Not to mention the sword-god, it is a bit difficult to deal with Qin An with slightly stronger abilities. Qin An continues By flashing, you can dodge the attacks of all fixed-point super-god weapons.

Of course, there are some weapons that are very awesome. Some weapons made by high-level magicians using magic spells have many different attributes such as tracking, traversing, imprisonment, etc., so even the sword god will be cautious for such weapons. .

In the army system of the Azure Dragon Empire, there is a long-range fired super god-level weapon called Azure DragonQ7, which was invented and manufactured by two spirit-level magicians, Deshana and Pandan Sharjah. Female.

The super god-level Azure DragonQ7 has the three functions of ultra-long-distance tracking, flashing, and releasing a wide range of ability inhibitors.

That is to say, after launching from the base, it can directly lock the target for tracking, and then automatically activate the magic circle when the distance to the target reaches a certain range, and directly cross to the target. When the detector thinks it can cause damage to the target within the explosion range It will also explode after injury.

After the explosion, it can diffuse and release an aerosol-like ability inhibitor with a range of about five kilometers! This drug has super ion penetrating power and can penetrate hundreds of meters of soil to attack underground targets. It can also directly act on the body through ordinary protective clothing. It is currently the most powerful Azure Dragon Empire for those with strong abilities. A conventional equipment.

The most powerful thing is not the weapon itself, but the word "conventional" mentioned above!Because of this weapon in the entire Azure Dragon Empire's 64 armies, a total of more than 300,000 pieces are equipped.

"How about it?"

After Qin An returned to the base command room, he immediately found Weng Die to talk to him.

At this time, the main personnel in the base were all there, and Qin Potian was gearing up. If it hadn't been for his father to tell him not to leave Caitlin and Ada Suli, he would have run out long ago. Qin Yabei was also eager to try, but was suppressed by Annie, preventing her from running out.

Seeing Qin An's return, Weng Lan finally exhaled a long breath. At the same time, she also had a little low self-esteem in her heart. Her strength seemed to her to be like a superman, but compared with these real superpowers, it was fundamentally different. Not worth mentioning. However, this kind of emotion is only fleeting in Weng Lan's heart. Her character is not suitable for inferiority. Although she is a somewhat tragic woman, her character is more independent and confident.

"The damage range is very wide, but Wu Kui's energy did not produce any fluctuations, which means that he was not concentrated, but escaped from the attack range. The seven martial artists controlled by him are probably not alive."

Weng Die looked at the screen of the energy detector to speak, a little discouraged.

"This is normal. If a few shells can kill a main god, then the super powers of the Sword Spirit Star don't need to be confused. But don't worry, he is the main god after all."

"What do you mean?" Qin An looked at Yin Yao and didn't understand her.

"The nine main gods have all become gods for many years. To them, life and death are like eating and sleeping. Therefore, in most cases, they will not kill people without purpose. This behavior is really for them. Too boring, insulting their godheads. Wu Kui now regards the Black Gold Empire as an enemy, and he wants to deal with the ghost generals and the undead queen. Of course he wants to kill you is also the purpose, but now it has failed, and you have returned to the camp. If he comes again, it will be too difficult to kill you in our fully armed camp. After all, there are so many supernatural beings here. The main god’s super god defense is not indestructible, and his body is still a biological body. Rather than metal iron stone, the source of his defense power and the skill of the sword god does not exist solely because of itself, so once the fight is started, even if our side will suffer heavy losses, the consequences he may face will also be fatal. The main god is very cherished. Otherwise, they will not raise so many believers and then assign them to do things. So they will not easily put themselves in danger. Anyway, let's take a good defense. If he comes again, then we are going all out to deal with him."

Yin Yao's words fell, and the nine son Xia Ke said again: "Yes, besides, he doesn't have the ability to kill you all at once. The hands-on just now is an attempt! As long as we are together, even if he is the main god who wants to kill It’s impossible for you too! Qin An, starting from today, you should think of a way to Ascension own strength. If what he said is true, then other main gods and the emperor, the father of the sword god, will always come to find you. It's not easy to deal with, this is really a tangled problem. If the emperor's strength reaches the legendary evil god level, then he really can't be resurrected! The evil god, the god of heaven, is the lone god of heaven and needs the support of all things in the world In order to survive, the emperor’s source of power is Death, so if he is the evil god, he will indeed torture all the life forms in the world, make everyone’s lifespan very short, and make everything wither and lose vitality!"

Qin An was a little depressed, his eyebrows furrowed, his eyes sharp.

Do you want to become a resurrected body and eventually lose your soul?

snort! This kind of thing must never happen!

No matter it is any one of the nine main gods, he will eventually kill them all!

These guys have been calculating by his side for many years. How can Qin An swallow this breath if this hatred is not reported?

"So, if Wu Kui had left, where would he go?"

"Where else can I go? Of course it is Russia's Black Gold Empire!" Weng Die whispered.

Russia, the capital of the Black Gold Empire, Sagalos!

"My dear, am I beautiful?"

"Beauty, you are as beautiful and holy as winter snow!"

The strong man screamed frantically while galloping on the woman, his eyes were blood red, as if he had lost his mind.

Beside the woman, a man in black was standing, and around this large round bed, there were strangely shaped and terrifying undead creatures.

This is a wide open space surrounded by walls, and this is also the darkest palace in Sagalos!

After a full hour, the man on the woman finally lost his strength. After that, he was lifted up by the snow-white jade hand, and the woman’s lips were pressed against his lips. It took only a few seconds. Sucking him into a dry corpse, the juice in the bone marrow was directly sucked out.

"Ha, this man tastes so fragrant! I like to eat men like this. They release their desires in my body, they use up muscle power, so there will be some sourness in their bodies, and those proteins will be in In the decomposed state, the blood is about one degree higher than usual, and the sweet and sour taste is really tempting!"

"I don't like you like this. You should know that I love you."

"I know, Master Ghost, if you don't love me, how can you always follow me? You are one of the nine main gods, and you are noble! But because you are the supreme existence, can you still not see through? Can you deal with this kind of physical scene? I only let these men crawl on my body just to eat these men. Don't mind. Maybe you can change the subject and talk about other things?"

"Hey...After Tiange, I felt Wu Kui's power and he was resurrected."

"The sixth master Wukui? Well, what a pity, he could have swallowed him last time, but he ran away! Ghost general, do you think he will come to me again?"

"I think he might have to go to Antarctica first."

"Why are you going there?"

"The Wu people have established a country in the south, and his followers are waiting for their master to return!"

"Oh, isn't he about to become the king of Antarctica? When will your people come?"

"The real ghost race has arrived. I did not summon them. You must know that the ghost race does not have a good relationship with your undead race, so I have nowhere to put them."

"Then why did you let them go?"

"Ghosts, invisible and without a trace, let the world go free!"

"How many ghosts are there?"

"Eight thousand or six hundred kinds, the number exceeds ten million!"

"Oh my God! The world is already messed up enough, but you let ten million ghosts run around. Will they kill people?"

"Most ghosts have deep resentment. Among my ghost whisperers, according to earth time, ghosts of ten thousand years are regarded as children, and ghosts over a hundred million years old are considered to have just grown up! There are also many ghosts of billions of years old. Their strength is so powerful that many of them are beyond my control. Of course, these ghosts will kill people. Many of them are also believers in the dead sect, and they will naturally flow in blood wherever they go."

"You mean, they have a super god level existence?"

"Of course there is! Although their Realm has not reached the Sword God, there are many ghosts that have reached the Super God level! The reason why my ghost whisperers are difficult to control is precisely because of their powerful strength!"

"Haha, there are super gods! It's really good! Ah, as today, the demons, ghosts, martial, demons, spirits, and gods have all arrived. I don’t know what Tiange, Real Fire, and the emperor’s people are. Is it time?"

"The emperor’s warrior horse god, the true fire flame rider, and the death singer of the sky song! If the three major races come to this world in large numbers, don’t mention the true fire sword god who has already lost their souls, do you think the emperor Will the emperor and Tiange still be so quiet?"

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