"Sir, are you really sure that you will give me a small piece of sword soul fragment? Just for me to accompany you for a walk?"

"Yes, my little lady, this is indeed my true thought, because I just got here and need a guide who is as lovely as you!"

"Well, sir, don't worry, I will definitely be the best guide, because I was born in this city and grew up in this city too!"

Little Loli is less than one meter tall and wears a pair of exposed shoes with no socks inside. Qin An can see her toes red from the cold through the shoe holes. She wore a pair of white patched pants on her leg. The pants had been washed and they had come off the line, and they were worn but very clean. As for her coat... it's exactly an adult's clothes, and it's also thin, it's hard to resist the cold today, because today's temperature is estimated to be less than ten degrees below zero.

Although shivering from the cold, little Loli's waist is still upright, and it looks like a breath of energy. The European aristocratic Miss breath in the whole body will make people like it at first glance.

"I am French because my grandmother is French. Although I was born in Canada, my grandmother said that the federal government did not apply for a birth certificate or other documents for me, so I am still French. Sir, do you want to know me? Name? I can tell you. My name is Zuowei. This name comes from Greek. It means Life is very elegant and unique. My grandmother thinks this name is in line with my temperament!"

Maybe it was because she wanted to form an intimate relationship with Qin An. Zuo Wei was talking all the time. Qin An understood what she meant. She didn't give her money and made her busy.

"Are you short of money?"

Qin An asked casually, then looked away from the young Loli and looked at the crowds nearby.

Here are some of the farmers' markets in Africa or the Indian countryside before the end of the world.

There are so many people, the goods are arranged irregularly, and everyone is crowded together.

Qin An discovered that there were only three currencies here, gold, diamonds, and sword soul fragments.

Gold does not seem to be valuable, because it is the most basic currency used by people. Buying ordinary vegetables requires a piece of gold the size of a ring. If you want to buy more expensive items, you need diamonds or sword soul fragments, which can be seen occasionally. To the sword soul stone in circulation.

The city of Kutcher has been established for several years, and the predecessor of this apocalyptic city is obviously a small town, so the infrastructure is good, and Qin An can even see some traces of the pre-apocalyptic era, such as the fire hydrant on the side of the road, and it is printed in red. The dilapidated billboard with Fengye's logo is surrounded by some pre-apocalyptic buildings. Although it looks very dilapidated and seems to collapse at any time, it is still full of people.

Under normal circumstances, a family can only live in one room.

So, for example, in a house with three bedrooms and one living room, three bedrooms plus a living room need to live in four rooms with dozens of people.

Such things as furniture are unnecessary and completely cumbersome.

People in this city care more about how much living space they can get, and don't care how many items they hold, except of course gold, diamonds and other money.

Since there is a stable currency circulation market, it shows that the managers here, the Kenok orcs, are still doing something.

Qin An saw some orcs, all of them were indeed burly, and they didn't wear clothes.

This is not surprising. In many pre-mode film and television works, orcs appear in strange-shaped clothes, and some even wear animal skins.There are many Orc Life in Liancheng, Jiulong, and Qin An even has some Orc friends.

When he was drinking with them, the orcs were very disdainful of the image of orcs imagined by humans in the pre-apocalyptic era, and they did not understand how the human mind grew.

"Qin An, it's really hard for me to understand, you know, we will never wear animal skins! It's as if you humans don't make human skins into clothes and wear them on your body! We are also intelligent races, know? Tell you Well, in fact, most orcs don’t wear clothes, because we need to transform at any time."

For the orc's complaint, Qin An could only express helplessness.

The circle of people on earth is very strange, especially in the conservative-minded East, the behavior of not wearing clothes is naturally not allowed.

Think about it and understand the orcs. Will the beasts wear clothes? will not! They are all by nature.

A male beast attacks a female beast and then completes the mating. This is just the process of passing on from generation to generation, and no one would think it shouldn't.

In human society, this obviously doesn't work. It can only be said that something like wisdom is a two-person sword. While it sublimates part of the soul, it also makes them lose their harmony with nature.

Qin An's spirit was a little lost, and when he was thinking about his thoughts, he suddenly heard the little lady start to answer his questions.

"Honorable and handsome sir, I must tell you the truth, I am very short of money, very short of money!"

"Oh why?"

"Because my mother, Santaya woman was sick. She was originally a very beautiful and beautiful woman, but she was sick! There is something worse than this. My favorite grandmother was in half a month. The former disappeared, and I have never been able to find her. Since I was born sensible, my mother went out to make money to support the family, and my grandmother took care of me. I used to be a very happy child, but now my grandmother is missing! I have to find Dr. North Go to my mother to see a doctor, and then let my mother take me to find my grandmother. But the doctor told me that I need to pay him, probably the price of a sword soul stone! I know this is an astronomical figure for me, and I also Knowing that Dr. North’s character is not good, he is taking advantage of me to rob me, but I must admit that he is a good doctor with good medical skills! He knows many ways to deal with diseases in the end times, so I must invite him! I have Goal, so I started to work towards this goal, I can do whatever I can to make money! I am really too young now, I am only seven years old, when I am ten years old, I think I will grow better, Then I can go to Huaer Street in the center of the city, where women can get a Sword Soul Fragment as long as they sleep with a man. How easy is this? I think I can also sleep with a man, but I must be growing up..."

The little lady sighed when she said that, she seemed a little depressed.

Qin An frowned, he knelt down and pulled the little lady in front of him.

"Do you really think so?"

"Yeah! Yes, I am really sure what I think! Dear Sir, I know it might be wrong to think this way, but in order to survive, to achieve my goal, this seems to be the only way... and it's nothing. It’s not good. I’ve heard Weiya say that it hurts the first few times, but then it’s nothing, and sometimes it’s still very comfortable! Weiya is my neighbor. She is twelve years old this year. She has already made a lot of money for the family. Sword Soul fragments, this is enough to make their family live a good life..."

The little lady said this with a smile, but Qin An found that her eyes were red.

"Why do you want to cry?"

"Hey, it's actually nothing...because Via is dead now."

"You mean, that twelve-year-old girl is dead?"

"Yes, she was not lucky enough to receive an orc! The orc's body was too huge, so Weia died on the bed. When I heard the news, I rushed over and took a look. Her lower body was all Blood, it’s terrible...but I’m not afraid, because after all Weiya really made a lot of money for the family. Now my mother is sick and can’t go to Huaer Street to sleep with men to make money to support the family, so let me go. Bar!"

The little lady's tone was firm, making Qin An stared at her for a long time.

"Well... I don't know if I can visit your home? Tell you a secret. Actually, I will also see a doctor."


"Of course it is true, I never like to deceive a little lady like you!"

Zuo smiled and raised his hand to wipe the wetness from the corners of his eyes.

"Mr. Then, can you take a look at the house? Help me see my mother! If you can, then I... Then I am willing to sleep with you now. Although I am still young and don’t have a chest or butt, I can be very enthusiastic. Very proactive..."

Qin An raised his hand and pressed the girl's mouth with his fingers. Her small lips were soft and cold.

"Little lady, you don't need to sleep with a man to get what you want! You can... treat me as a fool, and I am willing to unconditionally provide you with any help within my power!"


The little lady didn't believe Qin An's words at all.

Qin An took out a set of beautiful and warm clothes in the eyes of the little lady's consternation, and of course there was a pair of beautiful warm shoes, which Qin Wenxin wore when he was a child, and Qin An kept it all the time.

Something that the little lady can't forget for a lifetime has happened. In the blink of an eye, the suit has been worn on her body. Is this... Is it a magic in the legend?

"Well, I think this dress should be more valuable. I gave it to you unconditionally! Remember, I can unconditionally promise to help you do whatever I can, without you having to pay any price. Because you are a very cute and beautiful little lady, you have this value for me to do this kind of thing! But if you go to sleep with a man in exchange for money, then you have no such value, wait? Stay proud Self-esteem and self-esteem can make you truly wealthy. If you lose these two things, you will be worthless!"

Qin An doesn't know if the little lady can understand what he said, but he feels he must say it. He doesn't want this child to degenerate, but he doesn't want to change the life of a strange girl at will. Helping others is actually a thing It's tiring.

I didn't know that after a few minutes, the little girl finally woke up.

"Dear sir, I ask you solemnly, do you mean I can ask you anything? And you will promise me?"

Looking at the little girl's beautiful pale golden eyes, Qin An nodded and said, "Of course, the premise is what I can."

"Well, you can definitely do this."

"What is it?"

"Take me and my mother to this city right away? There are more and more people here, and life is getting harder and harder! It would be better if you could help me find my grandma before leaving... Of course, this last one Don't force it."


Qin An couldn't help but stretched out his hand again and squeezed the little lady's white face.

Facing such a clever and precocious overly girl, his heart really softened a lot.

"Well, then you take me to your house first, and see your mother, what kind of disease does the Santaya woman have!"

"Praise God! Am I going to have good luck? I even met a kind gentleman with magic! But, can I really trust you?"

The little lady bounced around Qin An, her brows showing worry while smiling.

She is too smart. Although she thinks she is a good person through some contact judgments, she still has doubts. In the follow-up, she understands how difficult it is to meet good people in this world.

What can Qin An do besides sighing? Fortunately, he now has demonic thoughts running rampant in his heart, or maybe he will be anxious because of the little girl's cautious appearance, right? So being a bad person is not a bad thing.

Walking all the way with the little girl, they arrived in front of a seven-story building about ten minutes later.

"This is my home!"

"What floor?"

"Seventh floor!"

Qin An raised his head and looked up, then frowned slightly.

The little lady had already stepped forward and pulled Qin An to climb the stairs together.

"In fact, we used to have elevators here, but they couldn’t be used anymore. Now we all have to climb the stairs. Fortunately, our house is on the seventh floor. If it’s on the top eleventh floor, it will take a long time to climb! But now I already like it, just take exercise, my legs are very strong!"

The little lady finally exposed the nature of some children and began to brag with Qin An inadvertently.

Finally all the way to the seventh floor, when the little lady opened them, a strong smell came out from it, making Qin An's brows frowned.

No wonder little ladies are so precocious, how can they not be precocious in this environment?

"How many people live here?"

"Three households with twelve people!

My mother Santaya and I,

Wei Ya’s Big Brother Kenoson, Big sis for Shazell,

Uncle Renta’s family of eight, originally there were thirteen, but my grandmother has disappeared and has not been found.

Qin An nodded slightly, and after standing in front of the door for a while, he exhaled a long breath: "Little lady, I mean Zuo Wei, you just said you want to follow me in Life?"

"Yes! Dear sir, do you regret it?" Zuo Wei seemed a little worried.

"No, it's actually very good, because you will have many evening classes in the future. My son and granddaughter are all about your grade, and they will like you."

"Thank you sir, I know you are complimenting me, but... would you like to follow me in to find the Santaya woman?"

"Go in...but the woman inside, she is no longer your mother Santaya, I think I have guided your grandma's removal, I can help you kill this thing, it is for your grandma Take revenge with your mother, okay?"

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