Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1520 Wind Bone City

While laughing wildly, the insects have raised their hands and released thousands of flying insects. These flying insects will split into more flying insects when they grow to the size of a thumb. Qin An turns off the magnetic field to hold the little lady in his arms and surrounds the insects. The number of small flying insects has reached more than 40,000, and Qin An opened the ground seal space again at swift speed. It is a pity that those flying insects have diverged and flew, and the flying speed is scary. There are faint lights and shadows everywhere, and the sound of breaking the wind is endless.

Two-thirds trapped!

Qin An was very depressed. If he couldn't trap all the flying insects at once, he wouldn't be able to kill them at all.

At this time, the more than 10,000 flying insects scattered and flew into the crowd.

They fly faster than bullets, and the power achieved after attacking people is even more powerful than bullets. Some ordinary people with no abilities are directly penetrated by them and die, and terrible things happen after death. Those corpses are actually instantaneous. Turn into another blood red flying insect!

The number of blood red flying insects that can be differentiated from a corpse is more than 1,000. At this time, the number of people killed by black flying insects has reached more than 3,000. That is, the number of blood red flying insects has reached almost 3 million. That kind of effect is overwhelming, and it swallows the whole city like ocean waves and floods!

"Oh shit!"

Naturally, Qin An wouldn't be relaxed either, there were also countless flying insects attacking him.

Qin An opened the dream space and put the little lady in, then activated the flame protection ability and ran wildly, burning all the nearby flying insects to death.

It's really powerless, the insect's attack ability has even surpassed Wu Kui in a sense. Although his attack can't cause any harm to Qin An, his attack range can cover the entire city!

In just a few seconds, thousands of people were killed, and then the number of red flying insects quickly reached more than seven million. Their attack method was to bite and swallow. Ordinary people only It takes less than 1 second to be eaten and only the bones are left. Those with supernatural powers do not need to fear these red worms, because the bite force of the red worms cannot break their defenses, so the super body It won't work under the circumstances. In other words, people on Earth are simply vulnerable to attacks from insects.

Qin An did not use the dream space to save people, firstly because they were enemies in the first place, and secondly, the most indispensable thing on earth now is living life. Although Qin An has no heart and stone heart, he has no relationship with the word Virgin, which is irrelevant. People, he has no love, patience, and compassion. The reason why Qin An is willing to help the little lady is only following the wishes of his own. He just thinks that the little lady is very cute. It may be because of her little golden curly hair, which reminds him of a Western actress, Marilyn Meng before the end of the world. dew.

"What can we do? You can't kill me, and I can't kill you, so let's separate like this! If we meet next time, how about we compete in a showdown? Hahaha!"

The sound of the worm seems to come from the bodies of all black and red flying worms. After the harmony, the eardrum that makes people hear is sore and swollen. This is a harmonic attack that ordinary people cannot bear, even those with strong physical abilities. I was shocked and hurt my ears.

Qin An was somewhat afraid of vocal attacks, but it was also relative. Although the worm's attack made him dizzy, it was not enough to cause substantial damage to him. After all, he was an upgraded with more than 200 levels.

At this time, the worms had taken the black worms and flew away, while the red worms were still raging in the city. It took five minutes for them to land on Death. There were only tens of thousands of people alive in Kutch City, almost all of them. The orcs and supernatural races of the Sword Spirit Star, the people on earth are all dead and wounded!

Qin An got rid of the state of flame protection, his naked body suspended a few meters above the ground, and when he looked at the red color of the city, he was shocked and dazzling! This is the real daily life of Sword Spirit Star, right? A powerful monster kills more than a million people at every turn! The Star of Sword Spirit is vast and abundant, and the number of races is huge. It may not matter to them to die a million. How can the people on earth stand up to such a killing?

Hey, even if he is not the Virgin, Qin An is not willing to one day witness the extinction of humankind on earth with his own eyes!

You should act quickly. Settle the battlefield here and return to China. Qin An is a little worried about Guo Sihai and some worried about the city of Kowloon.

The Tianyin Dynasty and the Black Gold Empire are jointly launching an offensive into the inner road. I don’t know if Guo Sihai can bear it. He is also the honorary commander-in-chief of the Kowloon City Guardian Army. Fortunately, there are girls from the Shenji Clan, Kowloon City City. The defense system should be absolutely top-notch!

After sending a set of clothes out of the space, Qin An fell to the ground and met the bloodworm corpses on the soles of his feet. They immediately turned into ashes and disappeared.

Energy body?

Qin An's eyes narrowed slightly, and he had a preliminary understanding of insects in his heart.

His initial black worms should be very important, so the worms took all the black worms away when they left.

Perhaps the reason why he left so quickly was actually a kind of escape, because he killed so many black bugs, so he suffered some damage. That is to say, you must not be anxious when you are working with it. You must use the Spiritual Sense ability to lock all his black bug clones, and then kill them at the same time, so that it is possible to completely kill the bugs.

Qin An rushed through the city as he thought about it. When he entered the city, he already had a general recognition of the people in the city.

Among them, some ordinary civilians with a harmonious family atmosphere and the same ideological and moral values ​​as himself have been positioned by Qin An.

Qin An used Mental Energy to find the dead spirits of these people, and then collected them into the dead spirit space, the number of which was hundreds of thousands.

It is estimated that these people will have to wait hundreds of years before they want to be resurrected, provided that they can collect so many Spirit Stones, perhaps they will never have the chance to be resurrected. The necrotic space exists because of Qin An. If Qin An dies, this space will disappear. Qin An doesn't know how long he can live.

After more than an hour had passed since all this was done, Qin An released the little lady from the dream space, and she was crying into tears.

"Did you kill mom?"

"Little lady, that's not your mother, she's already been killed by worms!"

"Then did you kill the worm?"

"No, he is very strong. I am not confident that one blow will kill him, so I can't move him. Wait, I think maybe he can't run far, maybe we will meet him in the next city, and I will try my best. , After all, this is what I promised you to avenge your mother and grandmother!"

"I will live with you from now on?"

"Well, my name is Qin An, you can call me uncle."

"No, I'm not calling, can I just call you Qin An?"

Seeing the little lady whose face was full of tears, Qin An sighed and said:

"Well, it’s up to you! But...you can only cry this time because your mother and grandma are dead. This is a fact that no one can change. You can't forget them, you can do it in your heart. Miss them here, but don’t always cry! Tears can’t solve the problem and will only make people sad in vain. I hate girls crying and crying, so if you cry all the time, I might throw you away. After all, you are not my responsibility. Do you understand?"

Qin An's words were somewhat ruthless, which made the little lady cry even more sad, but she nodded vigorously.

"Well, I understand! I am not your responsibility, and you will not necessarily become my savior! Grandma said that in the last days we cannot rely on others, so we must be strong!"

"What's your grandmother's name?"

"She is a Merkel woman, a true lady. She almost became the princess of England! But that was a long time ago. She said that there were no zombies and supernatural beings on the earth at that time."

Qin An adjusted his posture so that the little lady's ass was sitting on his own arm, and then the body could lean on his strong chest, so that the little lady would be more comfortable.

This strong child has more tears, but she can still speak calmly. She must be very sad, right?

Qin An decided to continue talking to distract the little lady, and then hugged her and left the Death City of Kutch!

Worm can be regarded as doing a good thing. Before he brought the zombies, he destroyed the city.

This preserved the name of Qin An’s Virgin, and also allowed Qin An’s goal to be achieved, finally destroying a city of black blood. When all the forces here are disintegrated, when they have to rely on the Azure Dragon Empire to survive, That is when the Azure Dragon Empire's war against the zombies in the northern Canadian region broke out.

After a short while, Qin An took the little lady to Lake Mistasini, the largest lake in Quebec. It is the source of the Rupert River in the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean region in the central west of Quebec. There are a series of islands in the lake. The lake is about 160 kilometers long and 19 kilometers wide, with an area of ​​2336 square kilometers.

Then, on a series of islands in the lake, there is a cross-island city called Fenggu City!

This city is a fortress of the Black Blood Army in Canada. Its architectural style is very unique. It was built by dwarf craftsmen. The height of the city is 973 meters high. It’s big and it’s very slender in the middle. From a distance, it’s an impossible architectural work of art. Perhaps only the dwarf architects of the Sword Spirit Star can build this kind of castle. They are naturally good at building houses. , This is beyond reproach.

The City of the Bone of Wind is now inhabited by 1.6 million people on Earth, more than 3 million dwarves, and almost 400,000 mixed races.

In other words, the city is ruled by dwarves.

The patriarch of the dwarf family, Moxi, married Mary’s Little Sister, Gils Fenna. Mary has successfully inherited the throne of the black blood forces. This is considered a gift to Mary before Wu Kui left and helped her kill all the competitors. .

Qin An hugged the little lady who had fallen asleep, and looked at Fenggu City across the lake. Some were shocked. He only felt that the dwarves were born architects just like the legend.

At this moment, from the plain to the west, five kilometers from here, a group of people and a group of beasts rushed over, attracting Qin An's attention.

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