"My current location is Jianghai City, which is now called Wangyou City!

There are about 20,000 people in the city. This is not a gathering place for survivors established by the government! There is already anarchy here!

No matter what, those who have survived, cherish your lives!

Now I will tell you the latest information about zombies, and hope that the survivors can hear it so as to increase the chances of continuing to live.

T virus is completely out of control and there is no antidote. At least I don’t know of any R&D team studying how to eliminate the threat of T virus.

With the upgrade of T virus, a large number of upgraded zombies also appeared! At present, we have the following information.

Giant zombies, also known as abnormal eaters! Their appetite is very large, they can eat everything, of course, the most favorite food is the flesh and blood humans! The two giant zombies we have seen are more than six meters tall. They are extremely powerful, and their defenses are extremely strong. They can't be killed by ordinary bullets. The weakness of this kind of zombies is slow movement, so see It must run away immediately! In addition, their hearing is very good. They can fuse human ears with their own cells, which is very weird.

Animal-shaped zombies. These zombies have different forms. They are zombies that animals are infected with T virus. We have encountered zombie dogs and zombie pigs. They are also omnivorous. Without consciousness, they will be close to them. What bite? This kind of beastly zombie poses a relatively small threat to humans, and you only need to stay away from them. After encountering it, you can lead it to the ordinary zombies around you, and they will treat ordinary zombies as food! Similarly, ordinary zombies will also attack them. The upgraded species of this zombie is very powerful. People who have seen the upgraded species are dead, so there is no specific information, but there are various signs that their upgraded species must exist.

Jumping zombies, this kind of zombies is terrible. They are the smartest alien among all upgraded zombies. Their power and speed evolve steadily, and they are the greatest enemy of mankind. They are good at jumping, their bodies are very flexible, they can be killed with a gun, but it is difficult to hit them. It is really difficult to have a chance to survive when encountering such zombies. The Yundang Mountain gathering place is the first to be attacked by the jumping zombies, resulting in There was a gap in the defense, and they were finally broken. They are terrifying, and they know how to cooperate with each other! must be careful!

Skull zombies, this kind of zombies are not high in IQ, but they are the most evolved. Their body size is similar to that of ordinary zombies. The only difference is that their skulls are grown on the outside. That stiff skull will make them weaker. That is, the brain is wrapped and it is difficult to be attacked. The skin of skull zombies is also very hard, and ordinary bullets cannot penetrate their bodies. Their defense power is stronger than that of giant zombies.

Currently, there are only these four types of upgraded zombies we have encountered, but I believe that there are definitely not only these four types of upgraded zombies.

The T virus is really terrible, it is like the gods and demons handed down from the world, it is creating a large number of brand-new creatures!

These creatures have completely different body structures and circulatory systems from humans, and they are even different from each other!

The only thing all zombies have in common is that they are ferocious, like to kill, and feed on humans!

In fact, even if zombies do not eat for a long time, they will not die, but even so, they are still unwilling to let go of any chance to eat humans! This may be God's punishment to mankind!

Once again, I hope that the survivors who heard the radio broadcast of the doomsday can cherish your lives!

If you just want to live, I suggest you come to Wangyoucheng! For the people of the last days, this is heaven and The Underworld!If you want to live like human beings, I suggest you not to come! Because this place is just The Underworld for people in the real sense! There is no heaven!

Hearing such a passage, how could Qin An not be stupid? This was what he heard from the radio when he was hiding in his home at the beginning of the last days!

And now that broadcaster has been eaten by Li Ying!

This person is Xu Tianjiao!

what happened?

After a few seconds, Qin An suddenly raised his head, opened his perspective eyes and looked up, and saw this group of people accumulating in the ten-meter vertical space below the topmost palace. The number is estimated to be more than three thousand. Then in this group of people Among them, there are many dilapidated houses and tents. Qin An finally saw the woman sitting in front of the radio in a tent. It turned out to be Xu Tianjiao!


Qin An uttered two words to himself silly, and finally became a little awake when he saw the black gleam that was rapidly disappearing under the three thousand camp.

Could it be said that they were teleported from the space-time world on the same orbit with the earth by the gate of the maze?

Really f*ck is awesome. Many people in this group of teleportees don't even know what happened, because it is the entire campsite transmission, so Xu Tianjiao, who was broadcasting in the tent with the monitor headset, didn't know anything!

The place they went to was the military training square of the dwarves. There should have been dwarf training in the square at this time, but just now because of the arrival of the Tyrannosaurus zombies, all the dwarven soldiers returned to their strategic positions, so there was no one on the square. These three thousand people are teleported here.

Some people on the edge of the camp have actually noticed the differences around them.

They looked up and saw a suspended ceiling full of incandescent lamps, but when they looked at it, it was suspended in the air!

The camp was gradually chaotic because of this, but Xu Tianjiao, who was alone in the tent, still didn't know what had happened. She began to cry, and after a short cry, she continued to speak into the microphone: "Okay! Survivors of the last days! This may be the last time I will broadcast the radio to everyone! I hope you can all survive! If you really don’t want to live anymore, it’s actually a blessing to die!"

Ah...Qin An couldn't understand his own mood at all when he saw this.

He quickly pulled the Roberts out of the tavern, and after more than ten meters, he looked at Robert intently and said:

"Hi brother, do you believe me?"

"Well, believe

"That's good! I suddenly found a more urgent matter to deal with, so you take Asilola home first, and I will come back to you after I have dealt with the matter over there! Don't worry, I shouldn't have it for a long time. I'll be back in time, and see you at home then!"

When the voice fell, Qin An ignored Robert, and directly activated the teleport ability to disappear. He appeared again behind Xu Tianjiao and entered the tent.

Robert was dumbfounded when he saw Qin An disappearing, he only felt that this ability to come and go without a trace was amazing.

Although there was a little disappointment in his heart, Robert quickly adjusted his emotions.

This is also very good. He was nervous to die just now, all in one go, then faded and exhausted.

Now Robert is no longer so angry, and his courage has become much smaller.

Besides, he actually cares more about his own woman, Acelola. He thinks there is still a lot to communicate between them. He was too rude to her before, and he beat her! You know, he has never done anything to her after so many years of marriage.

With these thoughts, Robert didn't continue to think about it, and took Acerola to the house according to Qin An's instructions.

"Does your face still hurt?"

"Robert, I just love you, I love you! I'm sorry!"

"Don't say sorry, as long as you still love me!"


"So there is nothing to say, we are very helpless, because we are all people of the last days, I hope Qin An can save us."

"Do you really believe him? Who is he?"

"An old friend, he was very lost when I met him back then, let me tell you his story

The two finally held hands again, and all the helplessness became calm and understanding.

Xu Tianjiao's tent is located in the center of the camp at the training square on the top of Fenggu City. After the final broadcast was broadcast, Xu Tianjiao took off the headphones and continued to cry.

My cousin Xu Jie said that she might not be able to take care of her in the future. Some capable bosses in Wangyou City have taken a fancy to her, and maybe she will be exchanged as a low-level currency soon.

Xu Tianjiao is really sad, I don't know why people become so Damn it, and they want women to make money!

After crying for a while, Xu Tianjiao stopped her tears.

what happened? Why is it messy and noisy outside?

Standing up with some doubts, Xu Tianjiao walked to the side and pulled up the small ventilation window to look out, and saw that the lights were flickering outside. From Xu Tianjiao's perspective, she could see the rows of lights on the roof. It's like an airport LED light.

Ah? What's wrong? What she should see is the sky, why are there so many lights? Has anyone set up a bigger tent outside?

At this time, the shouts of nearby people finally reached Xu Tianjiao's ears.

"Where are we?"

"Did you see it? The black light on the ground just now? What is that?"

"Oh my God, look at your feet, how can this ground be transparent? Someone is walking below, a group of dwarves, they are looking at us, it's weird!"

"Am I dreaming? Suddenly I entered a strange place

Xu Tianjiao heard that his mind was completely confused here, and the only thing he could be sure of was that something strange had happened.

Slowly retreated the two parts, Xu Tianjiao raised her hand and wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes, then turned around at will.

"Ah! Who is it!?"

Xu Tianjiao almost fainted because she realized that behind her there was a strange man sitting on a small bench looking at her intently.

This is too weird. Her tent door is made of wood and has been locked inside. Now that the tent door is not bad, how did people get in?

Qin An was also taken aback when Xu Tianjiao yelled.

Hey, he saw Li Ying eat Xu Tianjiao's brain with his own eyes in the dream space back then. The tragic situation is still vivid, this poor woman has actually passed through the world from other planes to her eyes?

It's amazing, this end of the world is really incredible, and there are surprises and surprises every day!

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