Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1530 The mysterious man in black

The Sword Spirit Star is the intersection of the planes, so there are many space gates, and some strange racial beasts will come out of the space gate and become residents on the Sword Spirit Star.

So today's earth is also like this. In addition to the threat of war, people also have to defend against another world creatures that may come at any time.

Therefore, in small cities like Shania, most of the time the gates are closed. They dare not care about it, so they can survive in the last days.

"Zombies! There are zombies! Only a few kilometers away from us!"

A group of fast horses ran into the city gate and shouted.

After the guards heard the scout's words, they immediately sounded the red first-level alarm, and at the same time passed the news to the city lord.

The lord of the city called an emergency meeting and finally decided not to evacuate and entered an underground bunker.

This was because of the intelligence brought by the scout. He said that the zombies were advancing very fast, and the specific number could not be estimated. There should be a lot of smoke and dust.

In other words, they must be rushed to evacuate now. If they lose the protection of the city wall, then they will not be confused in this world in the future.

Therefore, the city lord ordered the whole city to enter the underground bunker castle, did not resist or evacuate, and waited for the tide of corpses to pass.

This is the plan for the city of Sarnia to deal with zombies. The underground castle has enough food for them to eat for half a month, that is to say, as long as it lasts for half a month, I believe this wave of zombies will pass. Even if they stay nearby, there are exits in the bunker that lead to a distance, and they only need to follow the exit to flee.

This plan seems feasible, but it's a pity that this upgraded ability with only ninth-level ability still doesn't know about zombies.

In this world, no one really understands zombies, and even the First Sword God may not. Today the laws of the earth are similar to the Sword Spirit Star, but there are many differences. Zombies are creatures that appear on the earth, that is to say, only they exist in symbiosis with the latest laws of the earth. Their evolution is self-contained and full of randomness.

The Sword Spirit Star also has zombies, belonging to the undead creatures.

Most scholars on the Earth and the Sword Spirit Star believe that the zombies of the earth's biological changes and the undead zombies on the Sword Spirit Star should belong to the same kind of creatures, but...what is the fact? In fact, no one knows.

Ten kilometers, the tide of corpses took only ten minutes to complete the advancement. The first thing that arrived was many different kinds of ordinary zombies, upgraded zombies, followed by a group of jumping zombies, and then a group of ordinary zombies.

These zombies have all bypassed the city of Shania, and it seems that the crisis should not be big.

Suddenly, a roar came from a distance, and then a ten-meter-high figure appeared extremely fast and jumped into the city of Shania.

This is a humanoid giant zombie. His left fist and forearm are wrapped in 24-color spar, which proves that he should be upgraded 24 times.

Upgraded grades can only be used for microscopic vertical comparison, which means that you compare yourself with yourself. For example, Qin An has upgraded 215 times, so his physical skills must be stronger than before, but those creatures with only more than 20 upgraded levels are not necessarily weaker than Qin An, so the number of upgrades cannot be used for macroscopic vertical comparison, at least. The outcome after comparison does not necessarily have a positive meaning.

Then the original body of this D24-level upgraded zombie is not actually a giant zombie. It is a brand new upgraded zombie. It was discovered in West Tibet in the last 25 years, and it was called a heterogeneous giant zombie, called a giant zombie. .

As the name suggests, since it is called Juli, its strength is naturally extremely terrifying.

After entering the city of Shania, the Juli zombie let out a roar, not knowing what it was for, it even swung its fist wrapped in 24-color rune spar and punched the ground fiercely.

This punch is really random, the characteristics of a zombie, most of its movements are random before it encounters food that can be eaten, except for the item of breeding offspring.

Then after this random punch, cracks appeared on the ground, and the three-meter-thick soil layer sank downward, and the cave below also collapsed. A group of people hiding inside were exposed, shouting in horror.

At this time, the Juli zombie was alarmed, and it became more irritable after smelling the smell of human flesh, and began to hit the ground with all its strength, causing more soil layers to collapse.

Its violent state attracted other zombies, and it turned out that the zombie rat was the first to pass through the city of Shania!

Twenty minutes later, the underground fortress of this small city was occupied, 4000 people were eaten, and 1000 people became poor zombies!

The tide of zombies did not stop moving forward, it continued to move forward, and the phalanx of zombies seemed to be endless.

If someone is watching nearby at this time, they will definitely be frightened, because among these zombie rats, there are densely packed creatures, which are zombie insects that don’t know what species they have transformed into!

The storm is coming, and the force is unstoppable. For many years, a terrifying zombie that has been hidden underground and has been continuously upgraded is about to rampage in the continent of America!


Qin An's killing game is still going on. He has killed more than 30 people. There are a total of more than 200 people in this bar. Suddenly, so many deaths make everyone unable to calm down.

Qin An saw the most ridiculous thing happen with his own eyes.

"It's him! It's him who made the murderous red light!"

A woman spoke hoarsely at a dwarf.

The dwarf drank a lot of wine and was holding a red light stick in his hand.

After being regarded as the murderer, some daring supernaturalists all pounced on him. They might think that at this time, they must kill the murderer together to protect themselves, right? Who will care about the innocence? Who still has the truth in his heart?

"Qin An...we..."

Robert was obviously a little nervous, Acerola leaned close to Robert, and Shu Lanna hugged Qin An tightly.

At this time Jack and the seven dwarves finally showed up. They were the tavernkeepers, and now they came out naturally to do something.

Qin An suddenly grabbed Acerola by the collar, and then pulled her to his side.

"Look at those seven dwarves, are they acting as you forcing you?"

Acerola looked over subconsciously, then nodded sadly.

The next moment, a red light flashed across, and the seven dwarfs and Jack were killed together.

Asilola, Robert had all seen this scene, and after a long period of froze, Asilola, who was still smarter, reacted first. She looked at Qin An in horror, and said in a trembled voice: "Is it you?"

"Shhh! This is a secret... well! The ones that should not be killed are dead, and we should run away from the scene soon!"

Qin An mercilessly pushed away Shu Lanna in his arms, and then released the ground seal space.

The people all started shouting, and then ran out together, Qin An left with the crowd casually, and Robert and Asilola hurriedly followed.

Their hearts are too shocked, they know that the dwarves' ability, even if it is the most trash existence among the dwarves, it is better than ordinary earth people with supernatural powers! So what exactly is Qin An? Why is it so powerful? What is that red light?

These questions are deeply engraved into their hearts, but they suffer from no answers.


When Xu Tianjiao was awake, it was still dark, mainly because the night was too long. In fact, she had been in a coma for more than ten hours. Looking at the old wooden house and the dilapidated furnishings, she was completely dizzy. What is this... on earth?

"Wake up? Then get up, eat something, I have already contacted someone, turn around and take you and the little girl back to the base. It's safer over there. There may be a big war here at any time."

Qin An walked in from the outside room and smiled at the time traveler.

"You...who are you?"

Xu Tianjiao's face was pale, she leaned nervously in the corner, and found that she had nowhere to escape.

Qin An's mood at this time was not good. He killed too many people and he saw too much humanity.

Looking at Xu Tianjiao's body, Qin An spoke softly again after a long time.

"I said, my name is Qin An, it should be in 2017? We once had a fate. Now it is actually 2049 AD, but the new calendar has been launched in our Azure Dragon empire, and now the Azure Dragon empire is still There are countries in the East. We have unified a new method of dating. The East is called the Nine-Dragon Calendar. I think it’s good, so I used it together! Anyway, the year 2049 is skipped directly, and we call this year 2050. , The first year of the Jiulong Era, is a new starting point. And you are a time-traveler, you come from the time and space that just broke out in the end of the earth in 2015, I have looked for someone to study the doors of the maze, these doors are irreversible, so now you are this People in the world, you must slowly adapt to and accept this new world! Although the history of the earth has only passed more than 30 years for you, this world is really different. This earth is already a super universe. Carrier, there are so many different races here, there are countless dangers! You may not understand, but you must remember to know these things, believe me, it will be good for you!"

Qin An felt that he was so kind, and he was a grudge against Xu Tianjiao. Xu Tianjiao was completely stupid after hearing these words, and couldn't believe it at all.


In the mountainous area near the Yarlung Zangbo Jiāng Liú domain.

Qin Beichen and Shi Lida were tied up in the cave. They had been taken with supernatural power suppression drugs, so they could not resist or move.

Beside the two of them, a man wearing a cloak and black gauze sat motionless on a stone bench. It was he who caught Qin Beichen and the two.

"Hey, who are you? Really don't plan to talk to us?"

Shi Lida didn't know how many times she asked such a question, but this time, the man in black actually spoke, and his voice sounded euphemistically...this...this is clearly a woman!

"Lida, Beichen, I am your old friend... so you don't need to be afraid. I did not find you to hurt you, but I just want to take something from you!"

Old man? Take something away?

The bound Qin Beichen and Shi Lida looked at each other suspiciously, their eyes still full of doubts.

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