Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1539 Qin Xiaoyan's Secret History (2)

Is this her life? Is this her life?

Qin Xiaoyan felt that she was ruined. She was tricked into going to bed by Liu Tianyu, and then forced to get married. She insisted on the stumbling and stumbling in the life of marriage these years, thinking about what is going on in a person's life, if she can and Liu Tianyu It might also be good to grow old.

However, in the three months after the end of the world, all the evil points in Liu Tianyu's character have been exposed prominently, making Qin Xiaoyan overwhelmed and painful at the same time!

What should she do? That's all?

Do not! Maybe before she starved to death, before she was eaten by Liu Tianyu, she could do something else!

Thinking of this, Qin Xiaoyan stopped crying, wiped away her tears and stood up coldly.

Women may be weak when they are sentimental, but when they are ruthless, they are actually more dangerous than any creature in the world.

Qin Xiaoyan wiped her face with dirty water that she did not know how many times she had used, and then drew a light makeup for herself.

Then she went to cook some noodles and served them to Liu Tianyu.

Seeing that Qin Xiaoyan was very submissive, Liu Tianyu naturally got angry nowhere, and hummed coldly while sitting on the bed eating noodles.

Qin Xiaoyan massaged Liu Tianyu's shoulders like a big maid, and said: "Husband! Don't be angry, I was wrong before. I shouldn't offend Qin An, let alone be timid when we ran away before, which ended up hurting us all the time. Trapped! I think maybe we should really work hard to find a way to escape, even if that Qin Anken gives us a little food, it is far from quenching our near thirst!"

"Nonsense, don't I know how to escape? How to escape?"

"It must be quite difficult, but if we don't try hard, we won't succeed? Let's just go out and try. If there is a zombie chasing us, I will run out and lead it upstairs, and then You run back to our house first, and you are running away when I lead the zombies away, okay?"

"Huh? What about you?"

Liu Tianyu was a little dizzy and didn't understand Qin Xiaoyan's meaning.

"I've figured it out. We have to try various methods. If this method works, you run out first, and then try to save me outside! It's better than waiting to die? Now we have to run. Because we have no food, we will really die if we don't run!"

"Are you really willing to lead the zombies away?"

"Yeah! Of course I would! This is the only chance for us to escape after all. If you succeed in getting downstairs and then lead the zombies out of the corridor, then I will be able to escape smoothly? Husband, if you escape the building first , Will you turn around and save me?"

This sentence Qin Xiaoyan asked very affectionately.

"Ah... of course of course! Of course it will!"

Liu Tianyu's eyes drifted a little, and he didn't seem to dare to look at Qin Xiaoyan.

Qin Xiaoyan smiled slightly, but her eyes were full of disappointment. She knew that if Liu Tianyu really escaped, he would never come back to find himself as a burden.

The two waited for Liu Tianyu to rest after eating, and then they were ready to go out.

"Then we two go out together and walk downstairs. If we see zombies, we will run back. Then I will go home. You will continue to lead the zombies upstairs, and then I will go downstairs!"

"Yes, husband, this is what I pay attention to!"

"Okay, let's go then!"

Liu Tianyu was excited, he felt that he finally had a chance to escape.

The two left the house one after the other, Liu Tianyu walked in front and Qin Xiaoyan walked behind.

The moment Qin Xiaoyan stepped out of the threshold, she suddenly turned around and returned to the room, then closed the iron fence door and quickly locked it with the key from inside.

Liu Tianyu turned around when he heard the movement, and found that there was a fence between himself and Qin Xiaoyan!

"You...what are you doing?"

Liu Tianyu's voice lowered, fearing to startle the zombies, but his tone was abnormally rapid.

"Hehe, husband, what am I not doing? I was just suddenly scared. I felt I would rather starve to death by myself than go out and be eaten by zombies. So you want to escape so much. You can run away by yourself. I'll just die at home! "

"Xiaoyan, don't be kidding! Hurry up and open the door! Let me in, are we studying?"

"Research? No need to do it! Liu Tianyu, we don’t need to study it. I have deceived you out of this matter. I have already studied it in my heart! From then on, you and I have nothing to do! You used so hard in the living room before, then Beating me tyrannically made me feel that we don’t need to have a relationship! Liu Tianyu, you have to be careful not to yell, because if the zombie comes you may not be able to save yourself, because you have nowhere to go, this home is already Don’t let you in! Haha!"

Qin Xiaoyan laughed a little presumptuously!

Liu Tianyu's eyes were blood red, and he wanted to kill Qin Xiaoyan, but he tried to pull the door, but he couldn't pull it anyway!

At this moment, from the neighboring Lao Wang's house, Lao Wang suddenly rushed out. He has become a zombie in this real space. After rushing out, he directly threw down Liu Tianyu and rolled down the corridor with him, and then began to tear. Bite him!

Liu Tianyu screamed in pain, but he couldn't get up.

Qin Xiaoyan was also frightened by the sudden event, she panted quickly, and stood at the door without any movement for three seconds.

In these three seconds, she actually thought a lot!

What should I do? Continue to stay at home? That's waiting for death, there is no food!

So how can a weak woman escape?

Gently pushed aside the iron fences, and looked at the husband who was being torn by the old king on the stairs below, Qin Xiaoyan was cowardly, she knew she would not be able to escape anyway!

Then... Qin Xiaoyan looked at the door of Qin An's house with a slight turn of her eyes.

Suddenly there was a hint of inspiration in her heart. Qin Xiaoyan began to take off her own clothes and kept stripping off. Then she found a pair of tight white shorts to put on her leg, and found a tight black vest to put on.

Should I wear a bra inside?

Qin Xiaoyan looked down at the two bulges on her towering chest, and finally decided not to bring it.

Holding the key of her house door in her hand, she locked the door when she left the room and glanced sideways at Lao Wang and her husband. They were still fighting, and Lao Wang was still eating her husband.

Coming to Qin An's door lightly, Qin Xiaoyan took a deep breath, and then began to knock on the door hard, crying while knocking!

"Qin An, open the door, I beg you, open the door, save me! Liu Tianyu is dead! He was bitten to death by the old king next door!

Qin Xiaoyan knocked on the door and cried while looking back.

If Lao Wang gave up her husband and rushed forward, she must open the door of her own house with the key in her hand at the first time, and then retreat inside.

There may only be one chance, and now is the best time!

Qin An, will you open the door?

Qin Xiaoyan was not sure, and she couldn't think too much.

God seemed to extend an olive branch to her.

After a while, Qin An's door opened, and there was only an anti-theft iron door between her and the man.

Qin Xiaoyan's heartbeat accelerated, and she knew that she could not give up this only opportunity.

So Qin Xiaoyan tried her best to stick her body on the metal fence door.

She is very skillful. She clamped a round iron rod of the fence gate with her breasts on both sides, so that her breasts had already passed through the fence gate and entered inside. Violent? They have been squeezed by the iron fence, twisted and deformed by the small vest, showing an exaggerated strange face. Any man will not refuse this kind of chest that is so close at hand, right?

Qin Xiaoyan thought in her heart, while continuing to shout, "Open the door! Qin An, please open the door quickly!"

Qin An's brows frowned, he first glanced at the situation in the corridor, where Old Wang was still eating his husband very hard, showing his expertise as a zombie.

Then Qin An's gaze moved to the two chests that Qin Xiaoyan had been squeezed out by the three metal gate posts.

At that moment, Qin Xiaoyan saw the sluggish heat in Qin An's eyes.

Maybe it's going to be successful?

Thinking of this, Qin Xiaoyan continued to cry silently, while sneaking back the key in her hand and threw it downstairs.

It's a pity that Qin An didn't have super vision at the time, otherwise he would be able to spot Qin Xiaoyan's little movement.

No matter what, Qin An finally opened the door and got Qin Xiaoyan into the room.

Qin Xiaoyan was too excited and too happy, she even wanted to smile to celebrate her success.

But in the end she knew that she couldn't laugh, so she used howling and crying to cover up the smile on her face.

Qin An ignored her, turned around and sat on the sofa, picked up a bottle of mineral water, opened it and took a sip, then sneered and said, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"We really have no food. We haven't eaten anything since yesterday! My husband and I have been worrying about food all afternoon after we had a dispute with you. Later, there was really no way, so I asked to go out. , To see if there are people in other neighbor’s houses, maybe we can find some food! So we walked out of the house together, when we came out, we found that the door of the opposite Lao Wang’s house was open, so we went in to find food. The living room. It’s safe, but when I opened the kitchen door of their house, I didn’t expect Lao Wang to rush out. He has become a zombie. My husband and I ran out of Lao Wang’s house in fright. I wanted to open the door of my house with the key, but Because I was too anxious, the key fell on the ground and I didn’t know where I was kicking it. But after Lao Wang chased it out, he threw my husband down. I was terrified, but I didn’t dare to run downstairs. I didn’t know what was in the corridor. Are there any other zombies!"

Qin Xiaoyan cried while telling that this lie gradually took shape, making her speak more and more smoothly.

"Why do you lock your door when you go out looking for food? Afraid of being stolen?"

Qin An looked speechless.

Qin Xiaoyan just cried more fiercely, and she seemed to be too nervous and too scared, but in her heart, she was just laughing.

She succeeded, her life has turned, and her future will be different because of leaving Liu Tianyu!

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