Dangerous City In The Last Days

1541 The Girls' Encounter in the Forest

It was almost dawn now, and it was indeed a bit late for the dwarves to work and rest. Tian Rennu drank a lot of wine today, and was dizzy because of the exciting killing performance before, so naturally he wanted to take a rest.

Another very important reason is that palace officials have been reporting to him that the tide of zombies coming from the northeast is getting closer and closer to Fenggu City. Lan Nu, the first military commander of the dwarves, sent people to ask Tian Lun Nu to convene a ministerial meeting to discuss how to deal with the zombie tide crisis.

Tian Lun Nu is very faint, but he recognizes the strength and loyalty of the Lan family.

Therefore, Tianluo announced the suspension of the game, and then moved to the Great Hall with Gilsfina, where Lannu led the important ministers and had been waiting for a long time.

The architectural style of the Dwarf Kingdom is very similar to that of the Great Hall in ancient China. Tian Rennu stepped onto the uppermost throne of the king. Gilsfina sat down first, and Tian Rennu climbed onto the dragon chair and lay down on Gilsfina’s lap. After closing his eyes, he waved his hand to let Lanu speak.

Lan Nu stepped forward and bowed to salute:

"My lord, the tide of zombies will soon reach the city. I have sent out 13 waves of scouts and found that these zombies are numerous and diverse in variety. With the defensive ability of Feng Bone City, I don't think it may be able to withstand their attack."

"Haha, Lanu, what are zombies?"

Tian Rennu's voice was very lazy and asked.

Lan Nu was stunned for a moment, and then said:

"At present, the main body of zombies is still the undead creatures formed after the people on the earth are infected by the upgraded sword Spiritual Qi. Most of them have the body's self-repair ability. Only by killing the brain and causing the brain to die can they be killed!"

"Yes, their original character is a human being on earth, and how can such a weak creature like human being on earth compare with our dwarves? Can't you deal with the monsters they become?"

"This... is really difficult to deal with. Some of my former soldiers have fought against zombies. Ordinary zombies are not difficult to deal with. They are not much stronger than people on earth, but the alien species in zombies are very strong. It can’t be regarded as a primitive creature type on the earth! And whether it’s an ordinary zombie or an upgraded zombie, their teeth are equally sharp. Our skin cannot form an absolute defense against the teeth of ordinary zombies, which means that once the number of bites increases, the skin Eventually it will be bitten, and once the skin is bitten, the zombie virus can quickly enter our skin through their teeth, and then invade our brain! So zombies are very dangerous creatures, and we must treat them with care. The horror of the tide of zombies is even more unimaginable!"

"Well, okay...Fanu, what do you suggest?"

Fa Nu is the head of the generals and the minister trusted by Tian Lun Nu.

There has always been a disagreement between Fanu and Lanu, and this is something everyone in the dwarf court knows.

But this time, Fanu spoke after thinking about it:

"I agree with General Lan Nu's statement that the zombies are very powerful. In fact, it is good for us to retreat. You can leave some soldiers to defend the city, and it is natural to be able to defend. Please also ask the king to lead some of the tribe to leave first. There is still time now. You can leave with our aircraft."

"Haha, Fanu, why are you so courageous? Even if we are besieged by zombies, when our aircraft is there, isn't it the same when we leave?"

"No! My lord, there are also many flying zombies in the zombie tide. It is these flying beasts that reach the Wind Bone City first. Defensive alert, all defense systems are opened, all the people go into bunkers to take refuge. My idea is to let the king lead a part of the tribe to go first, and the City of Strength of Strength will still stick to it.

Fanu didn’t finish talking, but Gilsfina interrupted him, stroking Tianluo’s cheek while smiling and said, "Master Fanu, Master Ranu, your statement is so strange. Now we are in the south. We are at war with the Azure Dragon Empire. If the zombies come and we will abandon the city and flee, where should we hide? You must know that the defense level of Bonewind City is already the highest in the Black Blood Alliance! So ah, I think No one of us can leave, we must insist here! I have sent a message to my Big sis, and soon she will organize a million army to come to Windbone City to support us. I think of the time when the zombies will not be able to treat us no matter how fierce they are. Does the city pose a deadly threat?"

Fanu’s face changed, and he said coldly: "My lord Queen, Feng Bone City is indeed a defensive power. It is considered the best among the several cities in the Black Blood Alliance. But if your Big sis, the newly promoted Alliance Lord Mary Thinking that our city can be used as her to protect the own wall, then it is a big mistake. Even if we are willing to pretend to be stupid and be used by her, the group of zombies is by no means as simple as you think. Are you not afraid of death? At the time of the siege, it was too late if I wanted to leave!"

"Yes, I agree with Fanu's proposal. The king should lead most of the tribe to evacuate first to protect the continuation of the dwarven bloodline!"

Lan Nu's words are a bit heavy. She has already extended the upcoming zombie siege as a disaster that may cause harm to the race.

Tian Lun Nu was a little moved. He didn't expect that the two important ministers who had a dispute would agree on this time, which made him have to pay attention to it, so he opened his eyes and sat up.

Gilsfina frowned, but Mary Big sis said that she must let the dwarves stay in the City of Fenggu and fight to the death. Fanu was right. Mary really wanted to use the dwarves as walls to block the tide of zombies.

So if the dwarf king escapes first, will the other dwarves stick to the city? Probably not!

So the dwarf king must not go!

Thinking of this, Gilsfina quickly leaned to his ear when Tian Rennu was about to speak, and whispered softly: "My lord! Don't forget the game of those four women, don't you want to witness it in the palace tomorrow? Can you please? Our Windbone City has strong defensive capabilities. At critical moments, you can fold up the crystal cover to form a closed Calabash-shaped defense body. At that time, a fly can't fly in, let alone a zombie? King, the two generals want you Naturally, it is for your safety to leave, but I think if you leave at this time, the ministers and soldiers will be disappointed. You are the king, how can you abandon your subjects?"

This compliment is not clever, but it is enough for a faint monarch.

And Tian Rennu didn't want to give up his own palace, where he could have fun every day, and he would have to go out and eat and sleep.

Therefore, Tian Lun Nu, who originally planned to discuss with the two ministers of Lan Nu and Fanu, changed his mind and directly announced that he would not evacuate, so that everyone would do a good job of defense. He wanted to coexist and die with Feng Bone City and kill all the zombies under the city. .

It was useless for all the ministers to persuade them again, and the heavenly slavery was decided.

The whole family of dwarves is about to fight the tide of zombies!

At the Azure Dragon military base in Detroit, Xu Tianjiao, Robert, Shulana, and Zuowei have been resettled back to the main city of the Azure Dragon Empire after the Longyan fighter returns.

They are people who Qin An has taken care of specially, and they will naturally be treated well.

Xu Tianjiao, a traverser, still doesn't know what she is going through, but she will start a brand new life in this new time and space in the future.

Princess Linghua, Weng Die and others quickly returned to the military command center to listen to the report on the zombie tide, and they also felt that this thing was not good.

According to Qin An's statement, even though he could provoke some zombies, it was impossible to provoke such a large-scale zombies tide.

In other words, the tide of zombies is actively moving, which is not a good thing.

What makes Weng Die and the others even more depressed is that the airspace of the zombie tide has now become a no-fly zone, and countless flying zombie beasts suddenly separated from the zombie tide, flying around in the sky, with a bit of horror.

As a result, everyone began to busy preparing for the battle. The battle with the Black Blood Alliance is estimated to be stagnant, but the wave of large corpses that may arrive at random is definitely countless times more terrifying than the Black Blood Alliance.

When the adults are busy, the children naturally do their own things, which means doing nothing.

In the woods near the city of Detroit, Qin Xiangming, Qin Yana, Qin Yabei, and Qin Yabao are hiding in the grass in the forest.

Speaking of it, Qin Xiangming should be 10 years old now, and her age will be messed up if the calendar is messed up. Then Qin Yana is 9 years old with Qin Xiangming as a reference, and Qin Yabei has grown up to 10 years old in the maze world. Qin Yabao is five years old.

In other words, only Yabao is the youngest of the four little girls, but when she is naughty, she is the most annoying one, because she can fly.

Before, Qin An contacted the base to send a plane to pick up people. The children also went around for a while. After they came back, they went out to play together. They told their parents that they were in the yard, but they ran seven or eight kilometers straight away.

Now that the outer security of the Detroit base has been upgraded, and the internal spies have been cleaned up, the four children went out to play, and Qin Yabei, who inherited the blood of the Empress Sword God, would not encounter much danger under normal circumstances.

The little girls hiding in the grass, the three big ones are already flushed and hot, only the little one, Qin Yabao, is unknown.

"Aunty, should we go out and help that woman fight? You see that man made the woman cry!"

"To shut up!"

Qin Xiangming and Qin Yabei softly gave orders to Qin Yabao at the same time, but Qin Yana, who had the most gentle personality, did not speak for the first time. She blushed and pulled Yabao into her arms and covered her eyes with her hands.

"Albemarle, do you remember the lesson the grandfather gave us? He said don't look at indecent assault!"

Yabao raised his hand to pull Yana's hand away, and continued to look forward with his eyes wide open.

"It turned out that a man pressed a woman and shook it hard, and then made a woman gasp and cry, which is indecent, but why not let it look? I actually think it's pretty? It's just that the man is a bit disgusting, he looks heavy. Will it crush the woman to death?"

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