Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1543 Old Naughty Boy Qin An

Mu Chen's return surprised Mulan, but it also brought not much trouble to the Azure Dragon Empire.

Qin Sanchuan, who loves his wife, immediately expressed his position and asked everyone from the Shiratori tribe to leave immediately.

Shiratori Amaterasu was very angry, but facing the Azure Dragon Empire's mecha battle group, he didn't dare to make a second in the Azure Dragon Empire camp, so he could only leave with resentment.

In other words, the Shiratori and the Azure Dragon empire became vengeful, and they soon joined the Black Blood Alliance during the Inland War of the United States.

Qin Sanchuan didn't think too much, he knew his father's strategic policies. That is, foreign races can be condemned. Those who follow us may not prosper, and those who rebel against us will definitely perish. Use colonial methods to deal with zombies and solve the problem of overpopulation. Now Qin Qicai has left the camp and is responsible for concentrating the colonial army and controlling these alien races to the forefront of the United States and Canada positions. What they will face is the first wave of zombies assault.

After the Shiratori left, Mu Chen was picked up by the Mulan and his wife. They found someone to trim his hair and found that he was indeed old. He looked like a dying old man. This meant that his life was about to end, the tree elves. This kind of oldness will only appear in the years when he is about to die.

Mu Chen has become a story king, and the children are all around him. Hearing his legends and adventures in the martial arts world, he just finds it extremely exciting.

Mulan is already Sanchuan’s wife, and she is delighted to be able to reunite with her tribe. Although Sanchuan has shown jealous emotions, Mulan is still passionate about Mu Chen, serving tea and water.

This is how the old reunion is, and it will always give birth to some emotions.

In a palace in Fenggu City, Ye Wanjun spilled a cup of water on the ground, already dumbfounded.

The old man opposite her was slightly hunched, and the wrinkles on his face were not too many but not too many. His hair and beard were all silver white, and he looked like an old man with some fairy style.

"Ah...boy, why are you so careless, why didn't you hold the water cup? Are you too happy to hear that I am a Chinese? Also, when you meet in a foreign country, you know that old age will explode in the last days. I was trapped in the United States in 2010, and it’s been almost 30 years now!"

"Old man...you just said...your name is Qin An?"

"Yeah! My name is Qin An. I was in Hanghai, China when the end of the world broke out. Later, I escaped in the end of the world and finally came to United States. I thought I could find a piece of pure land where I could enjoy my old age. Who knew this world was actually? So chaotic. Oh, by the way, I heard that your name is Ye Wanjun? Haha, I remember an old classmate called that name, but she is about the same age as me, even if she is alive, she is almost an old lady who is almost years old! How could it be possible to return like you're so young and it? ah ah ah ...... look at your skin really soft white, body Ye Hao! classmates that I was a fat girl, I call her fat, dead Ah, how many years ago ...... "

Qin An seemed to be very emotional. Ye Wanjun was completely stupid. She didn't expect that she would meet Qin An 40 years later... The plot of this story is somewhat bizarre, and even Ye Wanjun, the protagonist in the story, could not believe it. .

"I have been an old slave in this dwarf kingdom for more than a year, girl, I will take care of your diet and daily life today, don't hesitate to tell me if you have any instructions."

This is naturally false. The one who was actually arranged to take care of Ye Wanjun was an old woman who was put to sleep in the dream space by Qin An.

Qin An appeared in front of Ye Wanjun in an old-fashioned and bell-shaped image very similar to his own, and exposed his own identity, completely to tease this old classmate.

Seeing Ye Wanjun's mouth that could fit two eggs into her mouth, Qin An only found it funny, so she continued to pretend.

"Girl, why are you so shocked? What's wrong?"

"I...I don't quite understand what you mean, you said that it has been almost 30 years since the end of the world broke out?"

"Yes, from 2015 to 2050 today, thirty-five years!"

"Why are there three moons in the sky?"

"Naturally because aliens have invaded!"

Qin An pretends to talk and chat at will, but uses a clear line to tell Ye Wanjun all the major events that have occurred from 2015 to the present, and also tells the bimonthly disaster and the current world pattern.

Ye Wanjun finally believed Qin An's words slowly, and then became even more silly, with complex emotions in her heart, and she only felt that she was going to pass out in a coma.

While she was silently meditating, she suddenly felt a tight chest on her left side, and then she found that a salted pig's hand of the white-haired old man was pinching on her protruding breast.

"Yeah, girl, you have such a beautiful breast! I have never touched a woman since I came to United States. For the sake of fellow, can you let me take advantage? Hey, it's okay, I You won't lose a piece of meat if you touch it, is it okay to touch it?"

After Qin An finished speaking, his unbridled hands moved together, using Wei Xiaobao's unique stunt to grab the X Dragon Claw Hand.

Ye Wanjun almost vomited blood.

The face of the old man in front of him was almost exactly the same as Qin An when he was young. Ye Wanjun had seen Qin An with a telescope on the balcony of his mother's house before, and he recognized it at a glance.

It can be said that Qin An when Ye Wanjun was a student was a special existence for her. Because of Li Na, she was thinking about how to make Qin An unlucky and how to make Qin An embarrassed every day.

What character was Qin An at that time?

It seems a bit dull and introverted, still a donkey temper, whoever bullies him will fight to the end.

I remember at that time Li Na asked some little ruffians to beat Qin An, and later beat Qin An to blood. Li Na and her couldn't bear to see what they saw, and hurriedly asked the little bastards to stop and ask Qin An to persuade them.

What is the result? Not only did Qin An not be beaten down, but in the next few months he also found those little gangsters, and finally beat them one by one.

At that time, these little gangsters wanted to entangle more people to deal with Qin An, so Li Na was suppressed.

Ye Wanjun was just a shadow of Li Na when she was with Li Na when she was a student, because she was too ugly to be the protagonist at all.

But she is a shadow, but she is not stupid. She is even smarter and precocious than ordinary girls, so she knew at that time that Li Na had feelings for Qin An.

What about Qin An to Li Na? It seemed that there was a little bit of vague feelings. At that time, Qin An wanted to take revenge, so he went to find the gangsters and also Li Na and her.

On a black and windy winter night, Li Na and Ye Wanjun returned home from the cram school, but Qin An stopped them.

At that time Li Na and Ye Wanjun thought they would be beaten by Qin An, but Qin An only stood close to Li Na and looked at each other for a few seconds, then turned and left.

Li Na was so scared that she sat on the ground and took a selfie with her chest, but Ye Wanjun looked at Qin An's back in a daze.

She saw an emotion in Qin An's eyes, it was a little bit pampered, and a little bit unbearable, as if it was a Big Brother watching his naughty Little Sister.

Although it was not Ye Wanjun who stared at Qin An at the time, she still discovered this. This is exactly how she was clever!

After graduating from high school, Ye Wanjun and Qin Anzai didn't meet each other, and she didn't have any contact with Qin Anzai until she got married and had children of this age.

Therefore, under this situation, Ye Wanjun heard that she had been teleported into the earth's time and space thirty-five years later. It was already very unacceptable. When she met Qin An again, she felt unimaginable. Now this old man Qin An is still kneading her. Two breasts are taking advantage of her here...no, right! Does this f*ck take advantage? Qin An is almost naked and upright, hard and comprehensive. After playing for a while, f*ck broke her!

Faced with such a complicated situation, how could Ye Wanjun not be stunned?

Frozen for half a minute, just when Qin An seemed to have planned to unbutton her clothes, Ye Wanjun finally reacted, jumped up to Lao Gao and ran to the other side of the bed, and began to gasp for breath.

Qin An really found it very interesting, but Ye Wanjun's prosthesis was also very interesting to the touch.

Qin An actually doesn't have any sexual desires. After living for so long in the last days and there are so many women, he just looked down on the relationship between men and women. He thinks it is harmless to make jokes with his old classmates. This can be regarded as revenge for the fat girl. Helping Li Na come up with so many bad ideas to play with herself, now that Feng Shui takes turns, it's time to play with her by herself!

"Qin An... I mean Old Uncle Qin, don't do this, please... please respect yourself!"

Ye Wanjun was squatting, and she was still a little trembling. She really didn't know how to face Qin An in front of her.

They were familiar with each other in school back then, but now they are so strange!

Qin An made it to the bed and sighed in disappointment as he watched Ye Wanjun.

"Hey, I know you despise me for being old. Old people are usually despised, don't you? In fact, I also know that I shouldn't touch you. After all, we are strangers, but your name is very similar to my old classmate’s name. This reminds me of the past. You don’t know, that fat girl is the old classmate of mine with the same name as you. I am so impressed with her!"

Ye Wanjun was stunned again, her body trembling slightly.

When she was a student, she was not even an ugly duckling, and some of her classmates called her a black pig.

Therefore, the memory of those years was painful to Ye Wanjun, and it was gray. She really thought that someone could remember her, and it was Qin An.

"Haha, that fat girl, being with Li Na always bullies me! She gave Li Na a lot of bad ideas! Once I went to the bathroom, I was walking to the men’s bathroom, but suddenly I found the man There was a suspended sign on the toilet, and the men’s toilet sign on it turned into a female toilet. I was confused at the time. Why did the men’s toilet that I often come to have turned into a female toilet? So I ran to the female toilet and found that The sign above turned out to be a men’s toilet! Haha, I was a bit silly at the time. The structure of male and female toilets are different. How can they be replaced at will? I didn’t understand this key issue and I was a little urinary, so I ran into it. The toilet with the men's room, guess what's going on behind it?"

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