Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1547 Shocking Purpose

"Acquaintances? Their acquaintances seem to know me, but I don’t know that one of them is you. Hey, I have lost my patience, so let’s just talk about it. Who are you and what is your purpose? If you want to continue to challenge My endurance may no longer be necessary."

Rong Rong had the memory of the sword god, and now she was talking horribly, how could she tolerate a strange woman pretending to be big in front of her.

Nostalgic eyes gradually turned cold, and finally sneered:

"No matter who you are, no matter how strong you are, do you really think you can threaten me?"

"I would love to try!"

Seeing Rongrong's firm eyes, she hesitated for a while, and finally sighed slightly: "Well, although I am not afraid of you, I really don't want to do anything with you. After all, I really don't have any malice towards the two children! They are indeed their old friends, but they don’t recognize me as I am now! If this is the case, Lida, do you remember who I am?"

While speaking, Huai Gu stood up from the ground, and then changed his body, turning from a stunning beauty to a black-skinned woman.

Shi Lida was stunned on the spot, and then yelled, "Wet slave?"

In the first battle to defend the hell wall, Shi Lida met Shinu and became good friends.

At that time, Shili was very servile, but Shi Lida had a natural queen aura, so the two were able to hit it off.

Shi slave has super corrosive ability, but was later swallowed by the four bodies.

It was at that time that Shi Lida felt a little girlish towards Qin An, but Qin An had so many women next to him, so how could he care for her.

Shi Lida went out and wandered for a few years. After she grew up, she finally forgot the feelings of the own girl. She did not expect that she would meet Beichenxing on Tangdu Street as soon as she returned to Kowloon City. What was more unexpected was that Beichenxing was Qin An’s. son.

All kinds of memories were connected in Shi Lida's heart, making her feel full of emotions, and she was in a daze for a while.

Seeing the change in nostalgia, Rongrong immediately understood, her face immediately became serious, and Qin Beichen and the others were all behind her.

"So it was you! So you are also Beichen Yoshiko?"

Rong Rong is very familiar with this merging creature, and Qin An has also sent many people to inquire about his news, but he often sees the dragon without seeing the end, and walks around just to do one thing, and that is to collect people who can genetically fuse with him. , And then form a more powerful combined creature.

He still wanted to swallow Cheng Gang, but he didn't succeed.

Rongrong really didn't expect to be able to meet this person here!

At this time, Shinu's appearance had changed, and he became Beichen Fangzi with Rongrong's words.

When Qin Beichen saw that his emotions were complicated, this Beichen Fangzi could be regarded as his adoptive mother. Tang Yu used Qin Beichen as a spear and let him sneak into the backyard of Master Beichen when he was a child.

Later, a compositive creature appeared and swallowed Beichen Fangzi without a trace. Qin Beichen would occasionally think of this incident, and he built a cloak mound for Beichen Fangzi in the Tang Dynasty.

I didn't expect that the nostalgia in front of me was the monster that swallowed Beichen Yoshiko back then!

She changed into the original beautiful woman again, and her nostalgic face was full of smiles.

"Haha, looking at your looks, it seems that I'm still relatively famous. Don't be nervous, as I said, I just came to visit my deceased, and I don't want to do anything else! I have left the Tianyin Dynasty over the years, myself A person wanders the world alone, so we can keep the water in the well without breaking the river. Since you are all holding a cautious attitude towards me, should I go? Continue to wander around with my husband Li Nan! Hey, this worldly dispute is with me again What does it matter? I just want to be an ordinary woman!"

Nostalgia looked harmless, it seemed that everything was really as she said.

Rongrong frowned, and suddenly she also transformed into another beauty.

Nostalgic saw Rong Rong suddenly transforming without saying a word, and her heart was full of doubts. She didn't know what Rong Rong was doing, so she unconsciously took a step towards retreated.

Although she doesn't know who Rong Rong is, she can feel that Rong Rong's strength is absolutely extraordinary through her powerful mental abilities. Maybe she should leave?

And Rongrong's changing image of a woman at this time, Beichenxing, Wu Xiaoxiao, and Shi Lida all know, this is exactly what Weng Die, the honorary vice chairman of the Star Alliance, looks like.

The three of them didn't know why Rong Rong became Weng Die, and Rong Rong who became Weng Die has already developed the unique imagination and thinking ability that belongs to Weng Die to analyze and explore the true intentions of nostalgia.

Even if the nostalgia performance is uncontested, Rong Rong cannot trust her.

This is the resurrected body chosen by the First Sword God, a representative of absolute evil, how could she be a person with no ambitions?

Why, why did she want Beichenxing and Shi Lida to do that kind of thing in front of her?

Nostalgia's purpose should be to continuously integrate different genes, and then make herself stronger and become a super genetic creature!

It is said that many people have been swallowed by her over the years, and she is already a super fit creature!

But the First Sword God has not occupied her body to resurrect, naturally because she is not strong enough, so she will continue to collect the so-called super genes!

Cheng Gang is her target, but Cheng Gang has been hiding in Tianju all these years and cannot go out. Tianju is a master in the sky, and it is difficult for outsiders to enter, so nostalgia has never succeeded.

So... why did she come to find Beichenxing and Shi Lida? The problem is back to the original point, this must be related to the super gene!


She didn't directly swallow Beichenxing and Shi Lida, but brought them together. Suddenly, Rongrong, who was transformed into Weng Die, had an inspiration, and thought of a possibility!

She quickly changed to Qin An, and then turned on the power of Spiritual Sense to scan the whole body of Nostalgia, and concentrated all Mental Energy to conduct a comprehensive inspection on it.

In the end, the power of a bloodline shocked Rong Rong! The traction of this force came from the nostalgic uterus, Rong Rong saw a cytokine floating there!

Why do you feel so kind?

Suddenly, Rong Rong suddenly realized, and then quickly turned on the ability to control objects, and transmitted the cytokines in the nostalgic uterus into Shi Lida's body.

Nostalgia turned pale when Rong Rong succeeded, and roared.

"You bitch, how dare you ruin my good deeds?"

"Haha! Nostalgia! It turns out that your purpose is to steal the fertilized eggs of Qin Beichen and Shi Lida. I think you must have a powerful ability to search for super genes. This ability can even predict the prophet! So for you, Neither Qin Beichen nor Shi Lida is your target. You need their children to steal things, right? It's amazing, it's amazing!"

Rong Rong changed back to her own body when she was speaking, and opened an imaginary mental energy barrier with her abilities to prevent Shi Lida's fertilized eggs from being stolen again. This is Qin An's unborn grandson or granddaughter, how could it be snatched and swallowed by this woman?

Nostalgia was angry, all her plans failed, how could she not be angry!

Suddenly, the nostalgic body disappeared, turned into a red blood mist, and swept forward.

Rongrong's body suddenly turned into a ball of transparent colloid, covering the people on her side, and then teleporting out of the cave, already a hundred meters away.

The red blood mist of the nostalgic incarnation also has the ability to teleport, and it is not far behind.

Rong Rong had anticipated this a long time ago. It is estimated that Nostalgia has the ability to transfer objects similar to that of Qin An. Otherwise, how could she steal the fertilized egg in Shi Lida silently?

Within seconds, Rong Rong's left hand completed five changes, all she imagined were materials with super defensive capabilities.

When the red blood mist came around, Rong Rong directly activated the ability of returning to the sect of all thoughts, so that the five super defensive materials were combined to form a super strong anti-corrosion shield, which was a sword god-level defense.

As a super-fit, Nostalgia is too powerful, her corrosion ability has reached the sword god level, Rongrong's shield can't be fully effective at all, and it has slowly melted in the blood mist.

Rong Rong was shocked and did not hesitate to activate her fifth ability and summon Wannian Sword Spirit!

A huge image resembling Bodhisattva sitting on Lotus flower appeared behind Rongrong. One hundred and twenty-eight colored balls of light appeared with the colored lightsaber Spiritual Qi. They quickly changed various postures behind the sitting lotus Guanyin. Being a dragon, a snake, a beast, a river of sun and moon in a while!

Since there is no defense, then attack it!

One of Rongrong's palm flew out, and the Huafeng Group wrapped a few people behind her, and instantly moved a hundred meters away, and then her whole body turned into a blue mist.

This kind of fog is also Rongrong's fantasy, and it also has super corrosive power!

Using corrosion to fight corrosion was the solution that Rong Rong thought of when she had a chance.

The red and blue mist entangled, and the sound of thunder, the appearance of electric light, and the same powerful corrosive energy of different attributes released even greater energy after the collision, corroding the space, and making part of the laws of space disappear.

The Wannian Sword Law-abiding beast appeared from the void. It was also a winged doll. She waved her small hand to turn on the energy barrier and wrapped the red and blue mist in it. When her energy shield collided with the mist, it turned out to be zero. I didn't hold on to the point for a second and was quickly swallowed.

This means that the mixed power of the two corrosive mists has reached the super god level, and it is not something that a sword guard can stop.

"Rely on your ma, what the hell is it? Daddy didn't give a face at all in his first appearance!"

Jubi's sword guards are extremely depressed. They are soul creatures, and souls have no boundaries. Therefore, even if they appear on earth for the first time, sword guards will have a complete IQ, and they will also be cursed by the country.

At this time, the red mist suddenly flashed and left, and the blue mist quickly returned to Qin Beichen and the others, preventing the other party's surprise attack! It is now an important task to protect the small cells in Shi Lida's belly. Facing opponents like Nostalgia, Rong Rong dare not care.

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