Qin An is like a prophet, because what he said is right.

When Weng Lan and Qin An set foot on the land of Canio Island, they were immediately discovered and then treated with hospitality by the residents of the island.

"It's like a dream. For more than 30 years, you are the only guests who have boarded Canio Island!"

The island owner named Nande Road looks estimated to be in his seventies or eighties, with a thick beard on his face, but his body is still very strong and tough.

"Grandfather, are they really from the mainland? It turns out that the legendary mainland is real. I thought you were telling a story to lie to me."

The little grandson of Nande Road is thirteen years old and his name is Knott. He is a handsome blond boy.

"But how did you get here? Did the naughty manta do not overthrow your ship?"

While drinking the fruit wine brewed by the islanders, Weng Lan asked curiously after listening to Nott's words: "What is a devil fish?"

Qin An was very knowledgeable, it was a super encyclopedia, so instead of waiting for Nan Delu's answer, he spoke first:

"Devil fish was also called manta ray before the end of the world. It belongs to the class of cartilaginous fishes. It is the kind of marine fish with huge wings like bats. After the end of the world, there are three upgraded species of this fish, the flying electric tail fish and the big winged dragon fish. , And The Underworld devil fish. The devil fish in their mouths is one of the upgraded species of devil fish that are floating nearby, the big-winged arowana. This upgraded species of devil fish is harmless, and the average upgraded level of the population is between 6 and Eighth-level, with a certain degree of wisdom, can communicate through some short-frequency sound waves, forming a simple social structure. Their temperament is actually extremely docile. The purpose of approaching human ships is only to express friendship, but often because they don’t know. It overturned the hull because of its severity."

Weng Lan and the islanders looked at Qin An with a look of admiration, not knowing why he knew so much.

Qin An naturally knows that the compilation of the book "Apocalypse Biology" has not stalled over the years. Although Guo Shuai's father has retired, the team responsible for compiling the doomsday Biology Record has been established, and a journal will be issued every month to introduce their new discoveries. Nowadays, many cross races have been added to the apocalyptic species. Qin An used to read the publication "Apocalypse Biology" every month when he was in Jiulong Liancheng, so naturally he knew more.

"What does the so-called big-winged arowana look like? Are the other two upgraded species good or bad?"

Looking at Weng Lan, who was very curious about knowledge, Qin An smiled.

When he was at home before, he and Weng Lan liked to watch the animal world. It seems that Weng Lan's interest is still the same as before, and both will be very interested in peculiar animals.

Qin An cleared his throat, naturally willing to continue to show off his own knowledge in front of Weng Lan.

"The big-winged arowana, as the name suggests, their wings have evolved and become very huge, reaching about ten meters above the fifth-level upgrade. As the upgraded level increases, their wings will become longer and longer. Flying electric tail fish The body structure has been upgraded. They have completely become amphibians. They can live in the water or stay in the air for a long time like a bird. Their attack weapon is the tail. The tail of the devil fish originally has weak electricity. It releases a powerful current that can paralyze the body of ordinary abilities. If there is no ability, it is possible to be electrocuted directly. This kind of upgraded species of devil fish is not common, and there is no more about its temperament in related books. Recorded. The alien species of The Underworld devil fish has some Damn it. They are absolute carnivores and will attack all marine creatures weaker than them. Of course they will also attack people. Fortunately, there is no such upgraded species nearby, so this small island Only the residents of Shanghai can survive here for so long. Oh, and there is actually an upgraded tribe of dolphin people nearby. These dolphins have a good IQ after being upgraded, which can be said to be no lower than humans. They are also friendly to humans. Yes, the location of Canio Island is considered to be the territory of this group of dolphin people, so the island has never been too powerful and dangerous sea beasts, in fact, they were all driven away by the dolphin people."

Dolphin man?

Weng Lan's eyes lit up at once.

She used to like dolphins very much, and she knew that dolphins are very smart aquatic mammals. Because it has a well-developed brain, and there are a lot of ditching, the more ditching, the more developed the intelligence. The average brain weight of an adult dolphin is 1.6 kg, the average human brain weighs about 1.5 kg, and the average brain weight of an orangutan is less than 0.25 kg. In terms of absolute weight, dolphins rank first, but in terms of the ratio of brain weight to body weight, human brains account for 2.1% of body weight, dolphins 1.17%, and orangutans only 0.7%.

In other words, dolphins are smarter animals than gorillas, but they live in the sea. Humans know their existence and try to study them, but after all, they can’t get more content.

But this does not prove that dolphins are not intelligent. In fact, humans and marine life are completely two world species. In the same earth, creatures in the terrestrial world and the ocean world have gone through different evolutionary routes. Humans will eventually become kings on land, but the earth’s ocean area is several times the land area. Who can guarantee that dolphins with developed brains will have no wisdom Woolen cloth?

Perhaps they just evolved their own intellectual qualities, or they also have a lot of own scientific knowledge, which is only applicable in the sea, and these so-called abstract sciences are also inaccessible and understood by humans.

Then after the apocalyptic eruption, the composition of the earth's atmosphere gradually changed, the appearance of the sword Spiritual Qi body particles activated the deep abnormal changes of the cells, and the "human" performance of the dolphins became more prominent. It is not surprising at all!

"Qin An, do we have a chance to meet these dolphin people?"

Weng Lan's eyes were shining, and Qin An looked at each other, her eyes full of expectation.

Qin An smiled bitterly and sighed:

"It's not difficult to see them. If you want to, I'll take you to have a look. Anyway, we still have plenty of time."

Nan Delu and the others did not understand the Chinese conversation between Qin An and Weng Lan. They were still curious about the identities of the two people at this time, not knowing where they came from.

Qin An smiled at Nan De Lu and started to tell them about the changes of the earth over the years while eating.

All the islanders are dumbfounded. They are a paradise here. They don't even know that the world has changed so much that aliens have begun to settle on the earth.

After dinner, Qin An left Nande Road. He also consulted Nande Road and asked him if he wanted to leave the island for China.

Nan Delu finally shook his head, but he asked Qin An to take Nott away.

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