"Grandpa, how long will it take to get to the mainland?"

"Quickly Muzha, remember, don't run around after you arrive, we are not pure robbers, there are many aliens on the mainland, and they are very dangerous!"

Mu Chunsheng was 68 years old. When the end of the world broke out, he and his newlyweds were on vacation in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. After that, they were trapped there. It is not easy to live until now. He is now an old sailor. He has followed the pirate ship hundreds of times on this route. Even without any equipment, he can clearly identify the direction. This time it seems that the captain is going to Mexico?

"Grandpa, can I also get a war fish this time?"

"Of course, my little Muzha, how else are you going to fight?"

"Yeah! That's great!"

"Muzha, remember what I taught you since I was a kid?"

"Remember! We only stand when facing outsiders, there is no good and evil! My goal is to snatch supplies, beauties! To kill all humans or aliens who oppose us, whether they are old or weak, women and children!"

Mu Zha spoke out the pirate's vows in a pretentious manner, but his eyes flickered.

Mu Chunsheng knew that Own’s grandson was a good-natured person, and that he was twelve years old and had the ability to think that belonged to Own. I wonder if he could accept the bloody and cruel side of pirates?

At the stern, another net was lifted, and trapped inside was Alli Redfish. This fish was the size of a palm, was pink all over, and had an upgraded type of physical state. They actually had no abilities. The reason why it can be called a strong body state is that after ten times of upgrading, it will produce 2 soul sword fragments in its body at the same time, and after each upgrade, it will have one more soul sword fragment in its body.

Therefore, they are the super-produced body of sword soul fragments. These years, the Hawaiian pirate group has harvested many sword soul fragments. In addition, they have been looting everywhere, so they have accumulated a lot of wealth.

When the net fish was thrown to the stern deck, a group of children about the size of Muzha rushed up with excitement. They quickly took out their accompanying knives to kill the fish, and then took out the sword soul fragments from the fish’s belly. As for the fish, they were thrown directly into the sea.

Some upgraded species are edible, but many are inedible. If they eat too much, they will be poisoned by the sword spirit elements, or they will turn into zombies. This group of people has lived in the sea for many years, and naturally they know what fish can eat and what fish cannot eat.

In the distance, Qin An had already told Weng Lan everything he saw. Weng Lan's little head didn't know what she was thinking, and even spit out three words, making Qin An's forehead full of black lines.

"One Piece?"

"My dear, you used to like to watch Ultraman!"

Weng Lan ignored Qin An's ridicule and said with a blushing face: "Should we rob the pirates?"

"I'm more willing to steal! These people don't seem to be upgraded, but they can pass through the sea unimpeded. This is very strange. It must be related to the strangely shaped sea beasts near them... They are all upgraded sea beasts of the 20th or 30th level. It shouldn't be much better, right?"

Qin An frowned and spoke, as if asking questions from himself.

"You can't beat it? Do you want Weng Die and others to come over? Let's go grab it together?"

Qin An was even more speechless, he didn't even know that Weng Lan still had the gene for being a robber.

"That's not necessary. If I can't beat it, I'll run. Now with my strength, no one can stop me from running away even if I can't beat it."

In front of Weng Lan, Qin An didn't want to show weakness. He did not expect that he had already reported his intention to escape, which was already considered a sign of weakness.

"If you want to rob, I'll be a pirate for you, it's nothing, let's go!"

While speaking, Qin An was already so proud, and he controlled the boat to gallop towards the huge aircraft carrier.

"Let's just grab things, try not to kill people?"

"Well, I'll listen to you, and I just want to ask if there are many treasures in the Hawaiian pirate den, if there are, let's go and steal them all!"

Qin An and Weng Lan turned into male and female robbers at once. They were no longer under pressure, no barriers, no concealment of each other. Although they had not yet fully integrated and reconciled as before, they had known each other again and began to learn to enjoy Life.

If the end times cannot end after all, then come to be the dominator of the end times, not the one to be dominated.

When the starry sky was the brightest, Qin An's boat was finally less than 20 kilometers away from the Lincoln. The crew on board detected Qin An's signal and found Qin An and Weng Lan.

"Captain, this is not our ship. Apart from us, the sea fort ships of Seven Sword City can sail freely in the sea. Would you say they belonged to them?"

Biyadina is the captain of Chartres' woman and deputy, and she hugs Chartres' fat belly and speaks.

At this time, a pair of very discordant couples, BYDina has the pure blood of Western whites, looks bright, plump and coquettish, Chartres is a super Fatty, the weight is estimated to be more than 300 kilograms, height But it is estimated to be only about 1.6 meters.

While BYDina was talking with him, he was stuffing a roasted chicken leg into the end. After the two greasy lips, which looked like roasted sausage, squirmed for a while, all the muscles were eaten by him, except that a chicken bone was protruding. .

"Haha! Whatever the ship it is! Send a speedboat to snatch them, kill the man, and bring the woman back with the boat!"

BYDina smiled slightly, stood up and walked to the front of the cockpit, picked up the walkie-talkie to shout, and passed on the order instead of Chartres.

Two motorboats and a group of four set off from the Lincoln, and the goal was exactly where Qin An was.

At this time, Qin An is no longer allowing the ship to move forward. Now that he has been spotted, just wait.

Although Weng Lan said that it is best not to kill too many people, Qin An understands how it is possible not to kill people. People are pirates. They are pirates. If they seek money and kill their mission, if they are soft-hearted, they will suffer.

I found an opaque floral pajamas for Weng Lan to wear on her body, covering her proud body. Qin An did not intend to expose Weng Lan. At this time, this woman was beautiful in her eyes, how could she let her Others admire.

Weng Lan is really not beautiful, but Qin An just thinks Weng Lan is the most beautiful because of the beauty in the eyes of the lover, and no one can help.

"Hey, it's much hotter now than before."

Weng Lan raised her hand and wiped her sweat. She is now also a powerful physical physique. Although she is not too uncomfortable due to the heat, she still sweats.

"What? You don't like to wear too much in front of me? You have to miss some meat to be satisfied? Then don't worry, when I finish sending people over, you will continue to strip naked."

"You...well not wanting face!"

Weng Lan was irritated for a while, and Qin An was very angry when she was watching, and felt that Weng Lan was more beautiful.

"How many people are they coming over?"

Weng Lan felt a little embarrassed, so she took the initiative to change the subject.


"What are you going to do?"

"What else? They wanted to come over and kill me, and then snatch you to be a junior for that Captain Fatty. Do you think I want to kill them?"

"Well, it's good, if they want to trouble us, then you can do it again. This is also considered to be the first thing they did. We take care of it."

Qin An curled his lips, and it seemed that Weng Lan hadn't been able to adapt to this apocalypse completely.

In the last days, strength is the truth, and everything else is floating clouds. If Qin An does not have super strong strength, he will be killed even if it is reasonable. This is reality.

The two stood at the bow of the ship hand in hand and said something. Qin An felt that because of Weng Lan's young return, he found the feeling of love at the beginning of the year. Occasionally, a word from Weng Lan would make his heart beat faster.

Love really is wonderful, Qin An finally feels that the heart he has been indulging in for many years is resurrected, all because of the woman in front of him.

Finally, two motorboats approached their boat.

Naturally, this boat is not a dilapidated shed similar to fishermen, but a small ship with a length of more than ten meters. It is a sword spirit power destroyer manufactured by Seven Sword City. It has a fully computerized control system. The ability can directly control its driving, and can also control the weapons equipped on the ship.

The eyes of the four islands lit up when they saw Qin An's ship.

"Haha, it really is the ship of Seven Sword City, why is it just one ship, do we want to go back and report it?"

A pirate with a telescope carefully observed the meeting and curiously said:

"Hey, how come there are two people on this boat, one man and one woman? They don't seem to have noticed us yet, they are holding hands at the bow of the boat! I'm fucking, this woman is really good-looking, pure oriental descent, yellow skin, black hair and black eyes. Haha, daddy likes it!"

"Oriental woman? Show me quickly!"

A pirate sitting behind him snatched the binoculars, picked it up and looked at the bow, and saw Weng Lan, and then began to say some messy things to his companions to comment on Weng Lan.

At this time, they were almost three hundred meters away from Qin An, thinking that they hadn't been spotted with the help of the night, but in fact, Qin An had mastered their every move.

Listening to the pirates' comments on Weng Lan, Qin An's face became cold, and he was not very angry, because in Qin An's eyes, this guy was already dead.

"Howard, if it's just the two of them, let's go directly to kill people and rob the ship, right?"

"But I always feel a little weird. How can there be a lone ship here under this starry night? Is it a trap?"

"Trap? How is it possible, there is no other sea-going ship nearby, our ship is coming here, we shouldn't have to worry too much if we kill someone, you are always so cautious!"

"Haha, maybe! Then let's go over, if we can't fight and escape back to find someone!"

The guy named Howak was the leader. He finally underestimated the enemy, and the four of them had left the motorboat and jumped into the sea.

Their bodies had just entered the water, and four huge sea beasts wrapped them, making their bodies invisible.

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