At this time, the four semi-invisible people boarded the ship, very fast, and they approached Qin An without saying a word and planned to kill him behind his back.

Qin An felt a bit boring. According to the plot of the novel, they should jump out and brag, and then they were strangling them forcibly, so that they could appear to be ups and downs, and they could make up the number of characters after pretending to be forced to slap their faces.

It's a pity that they don't play cards according to routines at all.

When the two pirates running in front were about to attack Qin An, one of Qin An's hands suddenly changed and became a huge transparent ball, enclosing both of them.

Back then, Qin An used this kind of transparent ball to refine Wang Yi. Now facing an enemy with the same super resurrection and regeneration ability, this is naturally the best enemy strategy.

The two of Howak, who ran behind, saw Qin An's movements, but did not see the transparent ball. They didn't know why the two of Own suddenly couldn't move forward, as if they were blocked by a barrier.

They are really supernatural beings!

This kind of thought had just risen in Howak's mind, and a crimson flame was already burning in the transparent ball.

At this time, the burning in the transparent ball was many times more tyrannical than when Wang Yi was refining and refining.

The roar of two sea beast warriors was heard in the glass ball, but the roar only rang for a few seconds before being swallowed by the flames.

Qin An finally turned around, looked at the two Howaks who were not trapped, and whispered softly: "A killer who wants to secretly kill him without saying hello? Isn't it a bit too unnatural?"

Howak was shocked, but he didn't expect the actions of his group to be discovered.

"No! He is powerful, let's withdraw and report!"

As soon as Howak's voice fell, the transparent glass ball that Qin An's other hand changed quietly approached them, and instantly enveloped the two of them, and then it burned violently.

From the outside, I couldn't see the horror of the burning of the four people, because the heat and flames were too strong, and they burned their bodies almost instantly, evaporating all the water.

In just twenty seconds, everything in the two burning transparent spheres was wiped out!

This is the true sense of ashes, even the ashes and the air have been burned out.

This process has completely broken the laws of the earth.

First, the mass is no longer conserved. The super flame swallows everything. No water, carbon dioxide, and other compounds are produced. They eventually become flame energy, which means that there is no chemical reaction equation after the human body burns.

Second, combustion no longer needs the support of oxygen. The skill of the Flame Sword God is originally a kind of super energy. This kind of combustion is not a process, not a chemical reaction of burning material and oxygen at temperature, but a result. A fixed formula is just burning.

Seeing that the four people had completely disappeared, Qin An calmly dissolved the energy and returned his hands to their original shapes.

"Is it done?"

Weng Lan couldn't believe it. Qin An said the monsters were so good before, how could he kill them in seconds? Moreover, Qin An's hand could actually turn into a huge burning fireball, which caught up with the Hundred Change Star Lord.


"Then you said so badly about them, it made me worry and nervous again."

"They are great, but I am better."


Seeing Qin An’s stinky fart, Weng Lan rolled her eyes, but in Weng Lan’s heart she was actually very excited. She found that after Qin An and her confessed everything, her communication with Qin An was natural and harmonious. This is what made her happy.

In the distance on the Lincoln, Chartres put a small grilled fish into his mouth and ate it up with the bone.

"Biadina, should they be here? Why is there no news coming back?"

"Captain, the detector showed a high-energy response for 20 seconds just now. It is near that ship. This energy should not be released by our people. I think the other party may be a supernatural person. And the two sides should have already fought."

Biyadina frowned slightly, her face was not so good, and she had a bad feeling in her heart.

The abilities of the pirate group rely on the abilities obtained by combining the sea beasts with ordinary earth people. This looks very similar to the parasitic beast, but it is essentially different.

The sea beast can merge with all the pirates here anytime, anywhere, which means that as long as the sea beast is not dead, it can abandon the fusion at any time and quickly find the next host. It is impossible to kill the sea beasts alone. After the combination, the sea beasts are actually absorbing the vitality of the host. As long as the host is not dead, the sea beasts can live forever. Therefore, it is better to say that the earth people are parasitic beasts of the sea beasts. On the other hand, it is more appropriate, and the status of the sea beast is more detached.

"Who did you send?"

"Four undead ghost sea beast warriors!"

"Oh, these guys are the most powerful forwards. They can both give the enemy a fatal blow, but also retreat when they encounter a strong enemy. Don't worry, wait for them to come back and see if they are big fish. "

Chartres is very confident of his own people, he is not stupid, and much smarter than he looks.

Therefore, he did not underestimate the enemy, he was just calmer and calmer than BYDina.

After seeing Chartres calmly eating food, Biyadina finally stopped worrying, and continued to let the operator control the ship to drive towards the target, and then returned to Chartres to help him massage his fat.

At this time, Muzha on the stern deck had completed his own work, and together with the other children, collected all the sword spirit fragments in the little red fish and put them in the storage container.

Returning to Mu Chunsheng's side, Mu Zha exhaled a long breath, and said to the grandfather who was smoking a dry cigarette:

"Just now I saw four fighters traveling. It seems that an unknown ship was found ahead. I really envy them to perform the mission."

"Oh, what is so envious of, Muzha, do you like to kill?"

"I don't know, I have never killed. But everyone says that pirates are meant to kill and rob. I think I should be a qualified pirate! This is my ideal!"

"Hey, Muzha, it is possible to be killed as a pirate! Don’t take this kind of thing as an ideal, because we have to be pirates just to survive. We can only live by robbing others and being a Devil in front of others. In Hawaii, otherwise we would have been treated as slaves or died, you know?"

Mu Zha nodded without mind, this is a somewhat idealistic teenager, so he didn't even listen to what Grandpa said.

The sailors on the Lincoln are all busy with their own affairs. Some are fishing, some doing chores, and some are wandering around. These wandering guys are all combatants, professionally trained, and have their own. Private war fish, which is a status symbol in the Hawaiian Islands.

Suddenly, the side of the ship became chaotic.

Mu Zha was a young and strong kid, and when he saw the excitement, he didn't greet his grandfather, and hurried to the front deck.

The Lincoln was more than three hundred meters long, and Muzha ran to the bow without much time, very fast.

"Isn't this Howard's speedboat? Why did you come back by yourself?"

"Impossible. We are now sailing along the ocean current, and the wind is blowing behind us. It is impossible for the two speedboats to return here without control of them?"

"The point is that the four Howards didn't come back! Could they be killed? I heard from Howard just now that they were on a mission, and there was a ship twenty kilometers away!"

When people were discussing, someone also reported the news to Captain Chartre and BYDina.

Chartre's fat face remained unchanged, he continued to eat, and said after a long time:

"Go forward at full speed and find a good guy to see the situation. Are the four of them really so useless and killed!"

BYDina immediately got up and picked up the walkie-talkie, frowned and thought about it before saying:

"Let Talid go out and have a look!"

A few minutes after the order was given, the two figures plunged into the water, and it was Talid and his partner Hanni who had traveled.

After inquiring about the latest news, Mu Zha hurried back to the stern, and sat down on the deck directly beside Mu Chunsheng.

"Grandpa, the enemy was found ahead! Howard and the others haven't come back. Who did we send to fight this time?"


"Talid and Hanni! They are my idols!"

Mu Chunsheng's brows immediately frowned, he stood up, knocked the ashes from the old pipe into the sea, raised his head and looked at the stars in the sky, as if thoughtful.

"Grandpa, what's the matter with you?"

Mu Chunsheng lowered his head, glanced at his own grandson Mu Zha, and shook his head slightly:

"Boy, what do you think of Captain Chartre and Biardina?"

"It's not easy to say, they are called Captain Fatty is useless, I heard that he is a real superpower, he will have a very strong fighting power in cooperation with the Shanghai Beast, but I have never seen him fight against people. However, I really doubt that his fat body can make him move. And BYDina is just a bitch. Chartres occasionally even rewards BYDINA to the crew for the night, so everyone will say that."

Mu Chunsheng's complexion became a little worse, and he said:

"Child, you can't underestimate a great captain and his very smart mistress. I actually don't know how strong Chartres is, but as a captain, he is definitely wise. Talid He Han Nico is the top ten masters on our ship, because they are also true super-powers, working with the sea beasts and their own parasitic beasts can have the ability to protect the twin beasts! If the enemy is just a small boat, Do you think Master Captain will send such a powerful expert to travel? The reason for this arrangement must be because the enemy is also very tough. This is the judgment of Master Captain and Mrs. Captain! So don't be stunned by your idea of ​​chasing stars! You have to Seeing the essence of things, our trouble may be coming! If we don't make it right, there will be a big battle soon!"

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