Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1570 Awakening of the Third Skill of Heaven Punishment

Chartres' obese face finally changed, and the fat on it was red and trembling violently at the same time.

"My dear, what's the matter?"

Just after Biyadina's voice fell, a figure suddenly appeared beside Captain Fatty Chartres.

This invisible ability is called Orlant.

"Master Captain, I just followed to see. There are two people on the opposite side, a man and a woman. They are yellow-skinned people of Eastern purebred descent. The strength of the woman should be very average, but the man is very strong. Enter Talid and Hannie. After the ship did not say a few words, they fought each other. They seemed to have controlled each other with parasites, but I don’t know why they called out the sea beasts to fuse and fight. After that, my vision ability was blocked and couldn’t. Seeing what happened over there, my hearing ability didn't work from beginning to end. It should be the other party who set up an enchantment nearby! At least that man is definitely a strong ability person. After the calm and the waves, Talid and Hanni disappeared, I think she should have been killed by the opponent! The battle lasted only a short time, and the enemy was a little weird. I think there should be no superpowers on our battleship to be his opponent. I think we should invite Poseidon to fight. Will shoot, and at the same time use the ship’s artillery against him!"

Chartres felt a sense of ominousness when he felt Orlant return to him, because Ollan came back too soon, so his facial expressions would change.

"If this is the case, tell the ship to stop moving forward and ask the Poseidon to take action. At the same time, use the sword soul fragments to charge the energy run, covering an attack range of five kilometers in diameter!"

The dazed BYDina immediately ran to the walkie-talkie to convey Chartres' orders, and went to see the Poseidon Commander in person to ask her to take action.

The news that Talid and Hanni might have died in battle quickly spread on the ship, shocking all the sailors and pirates.

At the stern, Muzha was so frightened that he couldn't hear from ear to ear.

"How is it possible? The two adults, Taled and Hanni, are so powerful. How long did they leave? How could they be defeated, and they haven't returned yet. Could it be that they were killed by their opponents?"

"Child, as the saying goes, a mountain is higher than a mountain. This world is so complicated now. Of course Taled and Hanni could be killed. They just have good strength on this ship, but they are really strong in this world. It’s still vulnerable to the enemy. You should understand now? A mountain is even higher than a mountain! Look at our ship has stopped moving forward, which shows that the enemy is very powerful, and the Captain Chartre has not dared to continue. Moving forward, I think he will let the Seagod warlord take action."

"What the hell is the Seagod Warrior?"

Mu Zha's expression was a little dim, he still couldn't believe that his own idol was killed just like that, so he resented the so-called enemy.

"Ah, some things should be known to you. Back then, your grandma and I just married and went to Hawaii for our honeymoon, but the end of the world broke out. At that time, there were all zombies on the beach, so I took your grandma to escape. Originally, we had Then one chance can get on the last plane to leave Hawaii. It’s a pity that the person we believed most at the time, a friend who shared the joys and sorrows after the end of the world, he betrayed me, and when the zombies were chasing after him, he pulled your grandma out of the car. , Just to use her as a bait for the zombies, so that the car driving towards the airport can get rid of the pursuit of the zombies. Grandpa couldn't let go of your grandma, so he jumped out of the car. I thought she died like that, but was killed by the Lincoln Was rescued by the United States Navy soldiers, and since then our family has been living in the Hawaiian Islands controlled by the United States Navy for six years. Six years later, the sea king landed and became the real master of Hawaii, until today the sea king has been He became Poseidon, his six clones became Poseidon, and the other children became Poseidon warlords! Poseidon is not a smart creature, his only appeal is to obtain the fragments of the sword soul, so that it can step by step! So now in the Hawaiian Islands The real ruler is still the people of the earth, but we must work hard to collect the sword soul fragments for the sea god, or he will swallow us all in anger. As I said earlier, the sea god’s clone is the sea king, and the progeny of the sea god is the sea god. The warlords and the Poseidon warlords are also very low in wisdom. They are assigned by the Poseidon to assist us in fighting. The most terrifying ability of the Poseidon warlord is to control the sea beasts. He can control all the sea beasts within hundreds of kilometers, so once the Poseidon war will take action No matter how strong the enemy is, there is no chance of winning!"

Mu Chunsheng had already lit another bag of dry cigarettes, and while smoking it, he told Mu Zha about these things he didn't know in ordinary days.

After killing the two invading enemies, Qin An returned to the ship holding Weng Lan.

Using the object transfer ability to move the entire ship's water stains into the sea, Qin An discovered that Weng Lan had been in a coma, and his face was full of tears.

what happened?

It is impossible for Weng Lan to be injured under the protection of own! And he has already used the healing power of Pudu sentient beings for Weng Lan.

Could it be said that this healing ability caused damage to Weng Lan's Mental Energy?

Thinking about this, Qin An immediately became worried, and wanted to take a comprehensive examination of Weng Lan's body.

At this moment, Weng Lan suddenly woke up.

"Weng Lan, what's the matter with you? Are you okay?"

Qin An is concerned about asking questions.

Weng Lan looked at the young and handsome face in front of him, her lips trembled and tears poured in her eyes.She gently raised her hand and touched Qin An's cheek, and it took a long time to tremble.

"You...you have lost a lot."

Qin An was stunned for a moment. After a few seconds, his face was pale and the expression on his face was extremely complicated.

"You... have you recovered your memory?"

All of a sudden Qin An had mixed feelings. He had already had a good interaction and affection with Weng Lan, so if Weng Lan recovers her memory, what will her attitude toward own?

For some reason, Qin An was a little scared looking at the tears on Weng Lan's face.

"I...I remember it, Qin An...Thank you for coming to me, you have changed so much.

Weng Lan used a pun, which means that Qin An's appearance has changed a lot, and it also implies that Qin An's identity and background have changed a lot.

Qin An was able to understand the meaning of Weng Lan's words, so he was speechless for a while.

"Qin An, take me back to the fleet, I want to be with the children, I...I can't help myself not crying, I don't know why I feel so sad, I'm sorry."

"Well, well, let's go back right away. If you want to cry, please cry for a while. I

The word "I" exhausted Qin An's complicated feelings at this time, but next he didn't know what to say to comfort Weng Lan.

Seeing the eyes of the woman in her arms always avoiding her, and seeing those uncontrollable tears, Qin An's mood became even more depressed.

The Weng Lan in front of him is obviously not easy to talk. At least the Weng Lan before him is not polite to him.

Qin An can understand this situation. After all, when Weng Lan woke up when she was young, she had never experienced seven years of love and marriage with own in her memory, so naturally she would not care too much about her life these years. And Weng Lan in front of her had restored all her memories. She loved herself deeply, and naturally she would be full of thoughts because of some things that happened to her.

"Weng Lan, you will enter my dream space for a while, and wait for me to deal with the invading enemy."

Qin An didn't know how to face Weng Lan in front of him, and heard the attack order from Chartres on the ship over there, so he immediately opened the dream space to let him and Weng Lan enter together.

The characteristics of the dream space are transformed with the number of people entering it. When there are many people inside, the dream space cannot move, but when there are few people, it can move a short distance.

Therefore, after the Lincoln’s heavy artillery covered a five-kilometer range here, Qin An’s original ship was blown to pieces. Many sea beasts in the sea rushed to surround the five-kilometer-diameter exploding sea, but Qin An quietly took a dream space to escape. All threatened above the Lincoln.

In this process, Qin An didn't need to let the main body go out, as long as he used the ability of Nightmare Sword God's Dream Body clone to solve it.

The fantasy body was originally a mental body. Although its attack ability was weak, its defense ability was very strong. At least most physical explosion attacks were useless for him.

Bringing Weng Lan, who was carrying the rain in the pear blossoms, to lie down in a room, Qin An then wanted to go out and kill the pirates.

Just when he was about to leave, Weng Lan stretched out her hand to hold Qin An.

"I want to go home with the children."

Qin An was slightly stunned, not understanding the meaning of Qin An's words.

"I mean, I want to go back to the home where we lived together for seven years in Hanghai City. After returning, I will live together with the children. Qin An, I can understand the fact that you have many other women, but you can't Accept this. So...Let me go home, okay, I want to take the children with Life, you come and see when you ask them, but most of the time, let me be with the children. Is this my only request of you!"

While talking, Weng Lan couldn't cry again.

Qin An was already sluggish.

What does Weng Lan mean? She wants to take the children to Life, and then let herself go there occasionally? Is this going to be separated? Still going to divorce?

With his eyebrows furrowed and his heart beating rapidly, Qin An looked at Weng Lan's face, but Weng Lan's eyes never looked at Qin An.

"Well, if this is what you want, I promise you!"

After the words fell, Qin An left the dream space, his body appeared in the real world, and his feet stepped on the deck of the Lincoln.

He is extremely lost, what does Weng Lan mean? Don't want him anymore?

Qin An felt very wronged, but he couldn't help Weng Lan because he knew the woman's mind.

She is mad at herself!

Oh shit! I am so true, how can I become a breed of horse?

On the deck of the ship, a group of pirates saw Qin An who suddenly appeared, and the supernaturalists among them moved quickly and came up to besiege Qin An.

At this moment, Qin An's mind was still full of Weng Lan's heartbroken face.

Hey, if time can go back, he will not let himself be so casual, but time can't go back, Qin An knows that he loves Weng Lan deeply, but he has not the courage to give up the women who have followed him over the years.

Because of Weng Lan, Qin An's mind became depressed and irritable, and his devilish thoughts deepened, causing his blood to boil.

This is a pirate ship. Regardless of their nature, most of them are villains with blood on their hands.

Using violence to control violence is the way Qin An has summarized in his life in the end of the world for many years.

Therefore, in a bad mood, he will not be soft-hearted.

Thousands of red leaves waved at once, and hovered a few hundred meters around Qin'an under the starry night.

Those abilities who walked too fast directly hit the floating red leaves, and the red leaves of energy broke their defenses. As a result, several abilities were pierced through. Those who injured the vital ones quickly died, and those who were less injured were unable to move. , Because they found that blood-red light spots were all around them.

The people with supernatural powers around were all shocked and dared not move forward, because at this time there were already thirteen pirates killed.

"who are you?"

"Hurry up and call the captain!"

"Sea beasts, summon the sea beasts to fit together, brothers!"

Whether it was the pirate trapped by the red leaves, or the people outside the circle, they roared in a panic, and the shouts alarmed the stern.

"Grandpa, it looks like an enemy has invaded, I'll check it out!"

When Muzha's voice fell, he ran to the bow deck.

Mu Chunsheng smiled bitterly and shook his head, knocked his own dry tobacco rod, and finally stood up.

He looked like an old man with a hunchback, but he didn't walk slowly. It turned out that he arrived early to the accident site.

At the same time, the fat captain Chartre, his lover BYDina, the stealth ability Orlant and other masters on the ship all arrived at the same time.

Chartre's eyebrows were furrowed, and he walked to the front, looking at the floating red leaves with flashing energy, and looking at the man standing in black, his face became more gloomy."Hahaha! I really wanted to die. I dared to break into our mothership. I heard that you killed my baby Hanni. I must avenge her, haha!"

A figure broke through the air, and at the same time merged with a small beast that jumped out of the water.

After the twin beasts guarded his body, his height was more than five meters, and his shirtless black muscles were as solid as metal.

This person is called Farob, and he is a good master on the ship. The parasitic beast he possesses is the tiger shark alien species devouring the sea monster, and the battle beast he possesses is the sea turtle alien tortoise shell war beast!

Fa Luobu was a proud boy who was born in the last days. He is only twenty years old this year. Now his comprehensive strength has reached the state of Three Soul Swordsmanship. In the Hawaiian Islands, this kind of strength is already considered a master, so he has a high profile.

Someone had just told him that Hanni had been killed, and he was a little unhappy in his heart. In fact, he has always been greedy for this woman, but it is a pity that Talid's strength is good, and Hanni himself is not easy to deal with, so he has not been able to start.

So I heard that the murderer who killed Han Ni might have arrived. He didn't even think about it. He jumped up and broke through the obstacles of floating red leaves with his strong defensive power. He actually came to Qin An and prepared to attack Qin An. Kill.

In fact, Fa Luobu couldn't offset Hongye's energy attack, but Qin An couldn't concentrate enough in a trance.

Perhaps because of Weng Lan's indifferent attitude towards Qin An, Qin An's heart was suppressed by an inexplicable anger.

I don't know if I hate myself or hate the end times.

He was always full of hatred in his heart. After so many years, he finally found Weng Lan. Weng Lan, who had lost her memory, treated him very well, but why did she abandon herself when Weng Lan's memory returned?

What made Qin An even more powerless was that he could not resent Weng Lan, because he knew her heart, and he knew that it was because she loved herself enough that she would have that kind of performance.

Qin An’s personality is mature. He knows it’s normal. It takes some time to reconcile with Weng Lan. He has thought of this kind of result and felt that he should accept it. Who made him really sorry for Weng? Lan has so many worries about women.

It's a pity that imagination and personal experience are always not equivalent. Thinking of Weng Lan's look, Qin An just couldn't calm down.

Before the flirtatious and intimacy with Weng Lan, suddenly the two of them were blocked by a high wall by Weng Lan. The emotional contrast between the front and the back was too great, which made Qin An’s Mental Energy break through the obstacles and entered a kind of explosion. status.

During this outbreak, Qin An suddenly felt very noisy and confused in his ears, and he heard countless voices.

"What should I do? This person looks very powerful. If the entire ship can't beat him, how can I escape?"

"Hey, it's just one person. The strong guys quickly get rid of him. I'm just an ordinary sailor, and I can't help. I fucking, BYDina is out! This woman is so beautiful. I heard that the captain only treats her as a plaything. Occasionally someone makes meritorious service, and BYDina will be rewarded to sleep with her. If Daddy is also a supernatural person, she can sleep with this woman!"

"It's great. The captain has arrived. It seems that the situation will not develop too badly. It is really strange. Just now I clearly issued an attack order. Dozens of super bombs should have destroyed the opponent's ship. Why? Can this man come over? Isn't he the enemy on the ship?"

"Damn, these stinky men! Playing with my old lady every night, my bones are about to fall apart! No, I have to find a way to seduce the upgraded adults. I can't be played by these rubbish sailors all day, or I will spend my whole life. Can't stop."

For a moment, Qin An was in a trance.

These words are not spoken by people nearby, but what people think!

what happened? Can he hear the voice of others?

Passing through the crowd, Qin An looked at a woman standing on the stern deck. She looked like she was in her thirties. She was only wearing a short black skirt to cover her body and her upper body was naked. It was just that she was going to hook up with the supernatural person, so that she could get ahead and make Life better.

But she didn't speak just now, just thinking about it in her heart, and Qin An actually listened to all the thoughts in her heart.

What made Qin An even more surprised was that when her eyes were locked on this woman, her life experience quickly merged into her own memory!

This is a woman who has done all the bad things. In order to survive, she has poisoned her husband and sold her body countless times at will.

Just when Qin An was stunned, Farob's attack had already arrived.

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