Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1572 Weng Lan's Dream

"Why didn't Grandpa come to rescue me! I'm going to die, everyone around is crazy, my God! It's terrible! I want to go back to Hawaii, I...I'm so scared!"

This is Mu Zha's thoughts. Qin An sneered because of the boy's cowardice. He might have been raised too well when he was young, so he didn't know that at this moment, in fact, no one could save him. Do you still want to rely on others? ?

Because the sea beasts got on the boat, people ran around, and Mu Chunsheng's grandparents had already been separated from the crowd.

At this time, Mu Chunsheng didn't even think about owning his grandson Mu Zha, he was smart enough, so he had predicted that he would be doomed today.

So Mu Chunsheng was thinking about the neighbor's daughter-in-law.

"That little lady is really good, hey, she was a little bit interested in me. I thought that I could secretly date her by hooking up this time when I went back to sea, but now it seems I can't go back! Is it true that I am Mu Chunsheng? Are you dead? I still have so many things I want to enjoy that I haven't gotten! God, can you save me?"

God at this time is Qin An standing high on the mast of the sail, but he doesn't want to save anyone.

Released Weng Lan from the dream space and hugged her into her arms. She was tired and fell asleep. Maybe Mental Energy was too tired because the memory had just recovered. Weng Lan slept very hard, even though Qin An pressed her whole body hard on herself. On the body, she did not wake up.

Seeing the tears on Weng Lan's face in his sleep, Qin An's mood finally changed from calm to depressed again.

He could actually see Weng Lan's dream

At her home in Hanghai City, Weng Lan is busy in the kitchen while she is watching TV.

Suddenly, someone rang the doorbell outside the door, and Weng Lan rushed to open the door, only to see that the people who came were Weng Die and Li Ying.

"Oh my God, why are you here together?"

Weng Lan asked confusedly, still thinking in her heart, Weng Lan and Li Ying didn't know each other, why did they meet each other?

"Big sis, there is no show today, I will come to your house to eat and drink!"

Weng Die replied with a smile.

"Yeah, Big sis, would you not welcome it?"

Li Ying's smile is also very sweet.

Of course Weng Lan welcomed them, so he invited the two Little Sisters into the room, and then entered the prescription to continue cooking.

Dreams often do not have the characteristic of being too coherent, one scene after another, just like making a movie.

After the painting style has turned, Weng Lan has already sat at the dining table in the living room, where a large table of delicious dishes has been visited.

Weng Lan was very happy. She didn't expect her own craftsmanship to be so good, she could already make such a big table of dishes.

After sitting in the chair for a long time, Weng Lan finally freed herself from her good cooking skills and frowned and thought: Why are her husband and the two Little Sisters gone? What did they do?

The color of the room suddenly became dim, and eventually became black and white, just like the plot of an early Hong Kong ghost film. Weng Lan felt that the atmosphere in the entire room was extremely depressing.

suddenly! From the living room came the harsh laughter of men, and then the screams of women.

Weng Lan stood up in a daze, walked to the bedroom, and found that the bedroom door had opened a crack.

Looking inside from the gap, Weng Lan's face turned pale, and her whole body began to tremble.

She actually saw the own twin Little Sister Li Ying stripped naked and lying on the bed, while her husband Qin An was also sitting naked on Li Ying, and the other Little Sister Wengdie was hugging her tightly behind Qin An. On his neck, he kissed Qin An's ear with his lips.

OMG! What did she see, did her own two Little Sisters have an affair with her husband?

Qin An felt that in this dream belonging to Weng Lan, Weng Lan had a very healthy heart activity.

She thought painfully, why did this happen, could it be a dream?

So in the dream, Weng Lan raised her hand and pinched her thigh in the dream that she thought she was dreaming.

When Weng Lan was doing such a thing in her dream, her sleeping body trembled in Qin An's arms, her fingers moved abruptly, and she pinched her thigh.


In the dream, Weng Lan grew her mouth, raised her hand to cover it and did not make a loud noise.

OMG! It hurts so much, it's like being stabbed with a sharp knife. Since it can pinch yourself, it's not a dream! It turns out that my husband is really cheating on two Little Sisters!

Weng Lan began to kneel and cry bitterly, crying unscrupulously.

Qin An has been monitoring this dream all the time, and his mentality at this time is ashamed and speechless.

She was speechless because she sighed that Weng Lan knew in her dream to analyze whether she was dreaming or not. After pinching her thigh, her thoughts in the dream dominated the body in the real space, raising her hand unexpectedly. She pinched her thigh fiercely, so Weng Lan in her dream felt the pain in her thigh and felt that everything was not a dream!

Hey, it can only be said that the rumors are deceptive. I used to say that if you pinch yourself after a dream, you will know if it is a dream. Now it seems that this sentence is pure fart.

So the reason for being ashamed is naturally because of Weng Lanmeng's content, which is really good. Huang is so violent, he actually took two sisters-in-law to play together on the bed.

This kind of thing has never happened before. But... what makes Qin An depressed is that now Weng Die has indeed changed from a sister-in-law to an own woman, and after Li Ying became Shangguan Yeying, although she didn’t have much contact with herself, they did have a relationship. A common child, this is still a secret so far, except for himself, Shangguan Yeying, Tang Yu, and Qin Beichen are unknown, and even Shangguan Yeying and Qin Beichen have not even known that Qin Beichen was actually Li Yingsheng back then. The kid who was abandoned after coming down.

Hey, what should we do if we change it? Weng Lan really cared very much. Even in dreams, she could think of this kind of thing, which made Qin An feel a little at a loss.

At this time, a huge fire was already burning on the ship, and sea beasts capable of manipulating flames raged on the Lincoln.

Qin An feels very sorry. It seems that the aircraft carrier of the Doomsday era will be completely retired today. History has pushed forward a bit because of this incident. It is a pity that in the long river of history, no one cares about this moment. Kind of trifle.

Turning on the wings of the wind, Qin An left the Lincoln and returned to the Tianji Castle spacecraft.

He really can't help it. Since Weng Lan still cares about the children, let her be with the children first. The relationship between the two people seems to need a process to reconcile as before.

Tangled along the way, when Qin An stepped on the Tianji Fortress, Linghua appeared to greet him.

She naturally discovered Qin An's whereabouts, so she appeared. What surprised Qin An was that he could even see through Linghua's mind.

"The little red bellyband I wore today was specially made by someone else. I wonder if Qin An will open the perspective to look at me? Will he look at my bellyband later, or will he look at the scenery under my bellyband? Pervert shouldn't care about his bellyband, right?"

Linghua had a peaceful face, and Qin An couldn't see that she would think of these things.

"Your bellyband looks good, is it new?"

Qin An spoke almost subconsciously.

"Hate! Why do you want to peek at others!"

Linghua spoke shyly, but at the same time she thought in her heart:

"Perverted, is it a perspective?"

Qin An only felt a black line on his face, and his originally complicated thoughts became even more anxious.

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