

In the inner space of the Tianji Fortress, Weng Lan, Qin Sanchuan and others were all pale.

"I'm going out to help Dad!"

Qin Sanchuan walked to the door excitedly.

"No! Your task is to protect your mother and children! Sanchuan, now it's so chaotic outside, you can't go out anyway!"


"No but! Sanchuan, if you go out, the children will definitely beg to go out. When your father is gone, I can't control them!"

Annie took Qin Sanchuan's arm nervously, and Mulan was also persuading her.

Qin Sanchuan looked at Yabei and other children, and then at Weng Lan, who was already lying limp on the sofa, and finally burst into tears!

What should I do? The dad in the video obviously couldn't beat the hungry man, is he just watching it like this?

"Let's watch it this way, what should happen is going to happen. The battle lasted for a day and a night. I had already contacted Tianju when the war broke out. I think the female sword gods there should be facing here at this time. Come here? I don't know if I can save Qin An's life. If it can't be saved... it's nothing. Qin An won't die easily. I seem to see his future, but I just can't tell."

Caitlin spoke with a serious mind, with an aura like an old monk entering into concentration.

"What? My dad will die? Brother Sanchuan, you are here to take care of your mother and Little Brother and Little Sister nieces, I will go out and have a look!"

It was Qin Potian who was talking, and without waiting for Qin Sanchuan to reply, he left the room and ran away quickly.

"Breaking the sky!"

Qin Sanchuan shouted at the door with red eyes.

"Let him go, after all, he still has some abilities!"

Caitlin was still hanging up on her own.

Qin Sanchuan was helpless, and perhaps only Po Tian could rely on it now. After all, he couldn't join that kind of battle with his own strength.

Weng Lan was trembling on the sofa with tears in her eyes. She watched the screen intently and witnessed the moment Qin An broke her arm.

OMG! How could this be?

Thinking that Qin An might die, she felt a little heartbroken.

God bless, don't let Qin An have anything! If she can survive this crisis, she will definitely forgive him.

The furthest distance between people is indeed life and death.

If Qin An dies, she will be sad for three lives, right?

Qin Potian ran to the outer layer in a hurry, and quickly moved towards Qin An's position.

He was a little frightened along the way. The dead bodies outside were too terrifying, and Qin Potian was a little scared when he looked so bold.

Qin Potian ignored anyone and rushed all the way to the battle ring between Qin An and the hungry man, only to see that his father was still trying his best to avoid, and the hungry man left several scars on Qin An's body in the continuous attack. His attack power was already close to the Super God level, and Qin An couldn't defend it at all.

No need to think anymore, Qin Potian closed his mouth, and found that the hungry man hadn't paid attention to him, jumped over and shook his fist at his back.

This punch Qin Potian used his full strength, but the other party wanted to kill his father, how could he still bear it?

It's a pity that this punch has already tore through the space, and the hungry man's body disappeared, and Qin Potian's reappearance was already behind Qin Potian.

"You are the perverted son of Qin An? Sure enough, it is perverted enough. Just a Soul Realm's strength can release a sword god-level attack ability! If you are hit by a punch, I am afraid that even me will be injured! What a pity, what can you do with brute force?"

While speaking, the hungry man had already swung his sword towards Qin Potian's head.

Qin An activated the bodyguard at the critical moment, penetrated into Qin Potian's body, and then gained control of the body, enabling the teleportation ability to evade.

After flashing out a hundred meters, Qin An left Qin Potian's body.

Now that the power consumption is too great, he can't stay in Qin Potian's body for too long.

"Why are you here? Go home! Your task is to protect Weng Lan's mother!"

"But Dad, you can't beat him again, I'm here to help you!"

Qin Potian suddenly felt wronged when he saw his father's fierce appearance, but he also knew that Qin An was worried about his comfort and also worried about Weng Lan's mother.

Really, it would be great if the punch that was just sneak attack could be hit!

"Want to go? Huh! Stay!"

The space folds, and one of the flames flashes to Qin An and Qin Potian's side and bursts open. The powerful explosion energy directly blows the father and son into flight.

Qin Potian fell to a distance of more than 20 meters, and when he stood up, he vomited a mouthful of blood, only to feel that his internal organs were rolling.

Qin An was even more unlucky and was directly blown into the sea.

The hungry man is too abnormal, as he said, he is proficient in various abilities, and his attack strength can reach the sword god level.

Although Qin An had many abilities, it was several levels worse than the hungry old man.

The moment Qin An fell into the water, his head was dizzy and seemed to be fainting.

How did that happen? A few days ago, he was full of confidence and wanted to return to Seven Sword City to fight with Guo Sihai!

But now, is he going to hang up like this?

How did that happen? Can't figure it out! I really don't understand!

"Hey! How are you?"

A warm body hugged Qin An, and then brought him to the surface.

Qin An glanced at it dejectedly, and it turned out to be Canghai Jade Qingcheng.

"Hey, it's too messy! The Poseidon from Hawaii is very difficult to deal with. He turned out to be a true sword god! At last his strength is worse than mine, and he has been beaten away by me. Qin An, how's the situation on your side? "

Yu Qingcheng was standing on the sea with Qin An treading on the water. Just after speaking, a figure had already approached, and powerful energy burst out.

"What the hell?"

Yu Qingcheng was shocked and hurriedly transformed into sea water and took Qin An's body into the sea, and instantly dived to the bottom of the sea 800 meters.

Because of the protection of Jade Qingcheng, Qin An is as relaxed on the sea floor as on the ground.

"Oh my God! I just saw that you are injured? Why did you break one arm?"

"Well, I can't beat that person! He is the starving man! He is the master of the dead sect! Canghai, you are the queen of the sea. If I can't get through this catastrophe today, please don't trouble you with the woman inherited by the empress! She is the most loved woman in my life. I know you are pregnant with me. Will you agree to me on this kind of affection?"

Qin An's voice was extremely lonely, and he was a little frustrated.

After so many years in the last days, he was still vulnerable.

Recalling the past, his staggering effort Life, why did he end up in exchange for this kind of ending in the end?

Now his abilities are completely ineffective against the hungry old man. His sword god-level black armor can't defend against other people's attacks. The ancestor of Magical Beasts is still a juvenile body. Although he has the physique of the sword god, he will not face a strong man like the hungry old man. With too strong combat power, it is the same thing that is killed by others with a single sword!

What should he do?

I don’t know, I really don’t know! Qin An has no answer.

"Canghai! Don't think that there is no way to bring him into the water, the old man, you are the queen of the sea, but I also swallowed thousands of masters of the sea clan on the star of the sword spirit back then, so fighting in the sea can't trouble me. !"

The sound was transmitted by the sea into Qin An and Yu Qingcheng's ears.

The four great sword god abilities of the sea, the body of the sea, the sea of ​​the glacial river, the shadow of the ice, and the ice burst lore.

The ability of the so-called glacial sea is already very abnormal. The sea can instantly freeze a piece of the sea, making the creatures in the sea unable to continue to move.

The icy shadow means that the sea can walk freely in this frozen sea.

Hail lore is a super powerful group killing ability! The sea can burst the frozen sea in an instant, and this power reaches the sword god level, so most of the frozen life forms cannot withstand this powerful force at all, and will explode and die.

Feeling the energy coming from nearby, the sea's ability to quickly open the sea of ​​glacial ice caused all the seawater within five kilometers to freeze. Even Qin An was not spared and was frozen solidly.Canghai wanted to come here to protect Qin An. The enemy who came seemed to be very powerful, and he didn't know where he would attack.

Then in this deep sea, freezing the sea water into ice becomes a kind of shield, which can definitely protect Qin An.

Just when she thought so, a sharp Sword Ray pierced the ice, went straight to Qin An's forehead, and pierced his head.

"Qin An!"

When the blood splashed, Canghai exclaimed, and quickly caused the ice to burst and turn into sea water again, and there was no one around him!

"How could this be? Qin An! You can't die! You can't die!"

The sea walked along the sea anxiously and returned to the ground of the outer city of Tianji Castle.

Looking down, he found that Qin An was motionless, only the wound on his forehead was bleeding.

Cang Hai was terrified and put his lips close to Qin An's nose to feel that he was already out of breath.

She sat on the ground and couldn't believe that Qin An actually died in Own's arms?

"Huh! The little Three Soul Sword Cultivator, under my coercion, the lights are dry and oily and unable to use his abilities! It's a pity that you couldn't keep him!"

While talking, four blood red spells flew and burst beside Canghai and Qin An! "

"Haha, four soul-breaking charms, this time Qin An is completely dead, I see how the emperor will be resurrected!"

At this moment, a Longyan fighter plane descended from the sky. After landing, Lan Yue, Qin Xiaoyan and others rushed out, just to see the scene where Qin An was hugged by Canghai.

They were all dumbfounded, looking at the blood on Qin An's face and the wound on his forehead, they couldn't believe what they saw.

Weng Lan inside the Tianji Castle saw that Qin An entered the sea with blood all over her face, and she fainted with anger for a while.

The story of Qin An comes to an end. At the moment when he was frozen by the sea, Qin An lost his desire to survive because he couldn't see his own future.

Therefore, the hungry man's lore sword did kill Qin An's body.

It's just that the Four Destruction Soul Breaking Curse used by the hungry old man was wasted.

Qin An's soul was not killed. At the moment when he was on the verge of death, Xiaobai, the ancestor of Magical Beasts in his body, merged into Qin An's soul, helping him activate the fourth ability of the Dark Ghost Sword God, called the Undead King!

After that, Qin An's soul swiftly left the body, he was a little unwilling, and suddenly realized that he didn't want to die like this.

But the soul was too slight, and was quickly dispersed by the sea breeze, and it was already in the sky in the blink of an eye.

Slowly, Qin An lost consciousness, and just wandered around in the space, feeling the wind and clouds, the sun and the moon, and the magical world.

Finally, he forgot everyone, only remembering that he was Qin An and his name was Heaven Punishment!

One year or two years passed slowly, Qin An still remembered that he was the god of punishment, Qin An, and couldn't remember other things as well.

Finally, one day, he was attracted by a body and let his soul blend into that body. The ghost king found the most suitable body. The soul and the flesh merged instantly. Qin An was reborn. The time has reached the eighth year of the Nine Dragons calendar, 2058 AD. year!

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