"Come on! Last box of Zang Xuejiu!"

Qu Yingjia's face was flushed with anger. Qin An is a well-known fool, how could he say such a thing? Ding Haitang was not taught yet!

Humph, this couple is really not wanting face, okay! Then she kept them from coming to the stage, isn't it just wine? There are so many Xiangxue restaurants!

Ding Haitang's face was ruddy at this time, Qin An's remarks probably made Qu Yingjia angry, right?

Hey, this bad guy is not stupid, and he can give his wife a shot at a critical moment!

Ding Haitang has some little happiness, this is the first time she feels this way since she got married.

It turns out that when a man is willing to make a career for a woman, being a woman is so comfortable!

He took Qin An's hand and walked back to his own position, and the waiter had already added a chair without being rich.

This table is interspersed between men and women. Ding Haitang and Lu Jianhua originally sat together.

Qin An casually swept away Lu Jianhua, knowing his thoughts about sleeping with his own woman.

Qin An has almost understood his own life experience now. Although he never thinks that Ding Haitang is a very close person, they have been together for a year after all. Qin An would not want this woman to be tainted by a man like a cat or a dog. .

Therefore, instead of waiting for Ding Haitang's instructions, he directly sat beside Lu Jianhua, so that the two could be separated.

"Begonia, you can change your seats. There is a strange smell on him, as if he has crawled out of a wine jar, and it seems that he has just crawled through the garbage dump. I can't bear it!"

Lu Jianhua stared at Qin An angrily, but his tone was very gentle and elegant, because he was talking to Ding Haitang.

Qin An breathed for the third time, his sleepy eyes were dim, as if he was about to fall asleep because he was drunk.

Instead, he pulled Ding Haitang's hand and took her to sit next to him, after which Qin An suddenly let his body lean forward and kissed Ding Haitang's pretty lips hard.

This kiss lasted ten seconds.

All the people nearby were dumbfounded. When Qin An left Qiu Begonia, the woman being kissed had already become a fool.

Oh my God, Qin An actually kissed her in the crowd? This mud horse was her first kiss, how did it come so suddenly?

"Daughter-in-law, is there a smell on my body? Why can't I smell it? I was very active when I kissed you. Do you think there is a strange smell in my mouth? My mouth is a place where my body smells very heavy, if it doesn't matter. It means that someone may have something wrong with a broken nose!"

"No! No taste, very sweet!"

He said this to cooperate with Qin An, but in the end Ding Haitang almost bit his own tongue in regret.

Damn it! How could it be so sweet, it's obviously a smell of wine! I am really discouraged, I can say anything.

After Qin An and Ding Haitang sang together, the people around them were truly petrified.

Is Qin An really a fool?

impossible! Look at this love show, it turns a circle of people into dogs.

Fuck me, could it be said that Ding Haitang didn't give up on himself, he came here to beat them!

Ah, look at Qin An's handsome little white face, how do you feel that all the jagged beards are so sexy at this time?

I originally thought that I was about to witness a panic movie, but because of Qin An's initiative to kiss, it became a erotic movie.

Take a closer look, the male protagonist in this film really has such a charm.

Look at those dim, harmless and comfortable eyes, look at the upright facial features, look at the fair skin, men inadvertently feel the crisis, women inadvertently are tempted, just feel that the room is suddenly full of hormones the taste of.

This drama seems a bit interesting. Everyone's eyes began to move back and forth on Ding Haitang and Qu Yingjia. I wonder who will win the secret fight between these enemies.

If Qin An is a fool, then the winner is naturally Qu Yingjia, but if Qin An is not stupid, then it is difficult to judge the outcome!

At this moment, the waiter brought a box of Zang Xue Baijiu and put it directly beside Qin An.

When Qin An saw the wine coming, his face immediately smiled.

"Hahaha! You guys, you are old friends, so I won’t bother you as an outsider! You should eat, drink, and no one cares about me! Who, boss, my wife said that your family’s wine and water pipes are enough , You only need to send someone by my side, and wait for my wine to be drunk to fetch it for me, how about it?"

"Huh, okay! Xiao Li, you are by this gentleman's side. You can move him as much as he drinks! Alright, alright, it's really disappointing. I thought I could watch the excitement, but who would have thought that it would have no meaning at all. Haitang, it turns out that your husband is not a fool. Is this really the guy named Qin An? Are you the nursery you got?"

Ding Haitang looked at Qu Yingjia who was furious and frustrated. He finally remembered, and raised his hand to touch his own cheek, oh my god, it was so hot.

"Of course not, he is really my man, Qin An. You guys, let's not pay attention to him. Today's party is Ying Jia's treat. We are all sisters and brothers who grew up together, but don't be polite. Come on, I was absent-minded just now. , I didn’t talk to you more, communicate and communicate feelings, this is my fault! This glass of wine is to respect everyone, everyone gave me a Face to do it together, and then let us continue to chat?"

Ding Haitang has the backbone because Qin An is sitting next to him, so he speaks in a set way.

It was difficult for everyone to refuse, and they all drank their own cup of wine. After that, there was no mood to talk, chat and communicate, all of them focused on Qin An.

Oh my God, he drank a whole bottle of Tibetan snow in an instant!

This is a powerful shochu originally created in the Real Fire Palace. Ordinary people with abilities can get slightly drunk with a drink, drink two glasses and get drunk crazy, drink three glasses and get drunk!

Only those with powerful abilities can drink continuously.

I heard that the imperial monarch Guo Sihai and his friend Cheng Gang like to drink this kind of wine the most, every time they drink several boxes!

But what kind of power and identity people are, naturally they can drink, and the body can tolerate it.

So now, Qin An, who has no powers, actually drank a bottle in one breath. Will this guy die of drunkenness?

"Haha! Really good wine! It tastes sweet and hot, ah, not bad!"

Qin An’s voice is not too loud, it seems that he just wants to tell Ding Haitang, but now everyone’s attention is focused on him, so it is natural that Qin An’s state is clear, there is nothing about birds, and people seem to be more energetic than before. A little more sober.

"You drink slowly, can your body stand it?"

Ding Haitang knew that Qin An could drink, but he didn't know how much he was drinking.

Originally, I wanted Qin An to come over and drink more wine to make Qu Yingjia's wealth. After being kissed by Qin An, Ding Haitang cared more about Qin An, afraid that he would drink himself into trouble. If so, she would rather not trouble Qu Yingjia. .

"It's okay! Our family is poor and can't drink such a good wine on weekdays, so you don't need to worry about me, let me let it go and enjoy it!"

These remarks were very poor, and once again attracted everyone's attention, and people raised a trace of contempt in their hearts.

Really f*ck is a poor ghost, even if you can't drink this kind of wine on weekdays, can it be so violent and swallowed by drinking for free now? If this is because of drunk and drunk, it would be bad luck. What's the point of being a drunkard?

That's what Lu Jianhua thought, so he smiled maliciously: "Begonia, I think he seems to be really fine. I'm afraid that the amount of alcohol is too good! But if you like to drink, then drink it. There are five more. As for the bottle, if you can drink it all, then you can be considered the number one Bacchus in Hanghai City, haha!"

Ding Haitang bit her lip. For the first time, she discovered that Lu Jianhua was such an annoying guy. Ding Haitang knew exactly what he was thinking.

Just about to say something fierce, Lu Jianhua suddenly felt a hand deep into own's inner thigh.

Ding Haitang looked down nervously for a while, and at the same time pinched his legs, only to realize that the original hand belonged to Qin An, but now it was tightly clamped by own legs.

Ding Haitang became shy immediately, feeling that it was inappropriate to hold Qin An's hand in this way.

But if you let go, will Qin An do bad things to himself? You must know that his finger is now only ten centimeters away from her part.

OMG! Qin An had never actively touched her before again, but the timing and environment before him were too bad, how could he do such a thing?

The pleasure and panic of affair made Ding Haitang nervously unable to make a sound. He could only continue to clamp his legs, and then watched Qin An drank the second bottle of Tibetan Snow Wine!

"Haha, it's really good wine! Waiter, go get me a basin of water, towels, toothpaste, toothbrush, razor! I'm getting two clean clothes! I feel like drinking this kind of wine, if I don't freshen up and dress up It's really ashamed of the fragrance of the wine. I haven't combed my hair and washed my face for three days. My body is covered with sticky sweat!"

The waiter guarding Qin An froze for a moment, and looked up at Qu Yingjia.

Qu Yingjia opened her mouth slightly, and was shocked because Qin An drank the second bottle of Tibetan Snow Wine. At this moment, after hearing his remarks, she immediately sneered to herself.

What is he doing? Do you comb your hair, wash your face and shave in the public? How could a normal person have such a request? It is estimated that this time I finally drank too much.

"Go! Get more water, and then choose a good set of clothes. This is my friend's husband, so you can't neglect it!"

The waiter got the instructions of the lady boss and ran away. After a while, he came in with another waiter and brought all the things Qin An wanted.

Qin An got up from the chair, shaking his footsteps, looking really drunk.

He laughed loudly and left the wine table to an empty space on one side.

In the private room, more than forty people on the four tables could see his angle, it was as if there was a stage, and Qin An was just going to the stage to perform.

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