A breeze blew by, plucking Qin An's hair, and blowing it into Qin An's eyes.

"Let's stand here, look at the grass over there, the dew has come out, is it shining under the stars, okay?"

Ding Haitang followed Qin An's pause and looked over there.

Sure enough, the grass's dewdrops are crystal clear, and the black plants are interspersed among the green plants. With these crystal clear dewdrops, the grass looks like an oil painting, which is quite beautiful.

Ding Haitang is in a better mood. Isn't it her dream to take a man to stroll around and watch the scenery like this?

Qin An had already released a ghost ghost while standing still, drifting into the discussion room of the south city gang in a state of invisibility, and letting the ghost appear after turning on the enclosed magnetic field.

Hutou was smiling, and suddenly saw a man appear in the middle of the house, and he was immediately stunned.

"You...Who are you?"

As soon as his voice fell, an invisible big hand had already grasped it.

"Aren’t you going to kill Qin An? I’m Qin An! I originally wanted to wait for you on the road, but now my woman is in a good mood. I don’t want you to bother, so let’s solve everything here! Your group of forces is also very evil. , My law can't tolerate you, it's just that I didn't bother to worry about too much business to let you live to this day. I didn't expect that our fate is not shallow, and that song Minglang gave you a urging spell!"

While speaking, Qin An's hand squeezed hard, and the invisible big hand directly crushed the body of the tiger's head.

The tiger head originally had the ability to shrink bones. If he was only held by the big hand, he could actually escape, but Qin An's attack power had the effect of silencing the ability. Once he was held by the big hand, no ability could be used.

Many supernaturalists in the room saw the tragic death of the boss, were shocked and went crazy, almost all of them rushed towards Qin An.

Qin An smiled coldly, the time slowing magnetic field turned on, and everyone's movements were one hundredth slower.

Raising their hands and shooting out thousands of red leaves, the bodies of more than 30 people were instantly pierced into a funnel. When the decelerating magnetic field disappeared, the funnel-like bodies ejected blood and eventually turned into a pile of rotten meat. This room where a group of southern masters gathered before suddenly became the bloody The Underworld.

"Hey, I really don't want to kill people, it's boring! So there is no one who has offended me, so please stay away and let me have a quiet life!"

The omnipotent God of Punishment was Tsundere's self-talk, and then disappeared and returned to his body.

And Qin An's body is still pointing out the situation with Ding Haitang nonchalantly!

"Did you see it? There is still a flower there!"


"It's over there!"

"Ah! It's true, but it's so beautiful!"

"Is it pretty? Then I'll pick it for you!"

After Qin An said these words, he hopped over and picked the beautiful flowers and put them in Ding Haitang's hands.

Ding Haitang took a deep breath for a few minutes, and then said in a complicated mood:

"Hey, it should have been allowed to continue to grow, but this is the first time you sent me flowers. I couldn't bear to refuse, so I asked you to be a flower picker. Then I became an accomplice myself! This is really not the case. good!"

Looking at the tangled Ding Haitang, Qin An smiled slightly and said softly:

"What's a pity, it takes a lot anyway!"


Qin An raised his hand and pointed his head to the side. Ding Haitang looked away from the beautiful flower in his hand and looked at the pasture of grass!

OMG! I was dazzled. The grass was black and green just now. Why is it now covered with flowers? It's as if someone used magic to make these flowers suddenly appear. Isn't this amazing?

Seeing Ding Haitang's surprised expression and feeling the fluctuations in her heart, Qin An smiled, with a little sense of satisfaction.

He finally felt that it is actually a very interesting thing to be an omnipotent and powerful superpower!

Before the end of the world, there is a story of a superman in the West, then in the end of the world, in a world where supernatural powers are all over the world, he is also considered a superman, an existence that transcends everything! This is a random time, and there is no scientific reason to explain the emergence of Qin An's creatures. This is how he returned after his soul wandered for many years. The words of the sword god can no longer modify him, because he surpassed the sword god and became the master!

On the second day, the murder of Tianxiang Restaurant and the massacre of the gangsters in the south of the city shocked the entire city of Hangzhou, even the head of the empire and the Palace of True Fire!

The case of Tianxiang Restaurant is nothing. The 30 or so people who died in the southern city gang are all super-realm supernaturalists. The strongest one is said to have reached level 30 upgraded and is about to enter the super-realm.

So who is it? Can you kill people silently?

There are observers and mechanical guards in every city.

The mechanical guard is an improved version of the rice cooker robot. The cameras in the city are connected to these flying robot systems, allowing them to see all kinds of things happening in all corners of the city and outside the city for the first time.

The so-called observers are those with super-hearing ability, ability to perceive, and ability to calculate. These people must be controlled by the state, and then used by the state to monitor the surrounding walls of each city and prevent other forces from disagreement. Those who can sneak in casually.

Then the Ability Bureau asked the observer, inquired about the information of the mechanical guard, and finally came to the conclusion:

At a certain point in time last night, a ten-second isolation barrier appeared in the discussion room of the south city gang.

The murder must have happened in these ten seconds.

Who on earth can kill more than 30 strong Realm abilities in such a short period of time, and what is its purpose?

This is very inquiring, but no one can think of the answer.

The two newly appointed female captains of the Ability Bureau were slapped in the face. Two homicides occurred in the city as soon as they took office. How can this not make them depressed?

As a result, the two women began to rush around, hoping to solve the crime as soon as possible and catch the murderer.

It seems that Qin An is not affected by the low air pressure in the city, and has officially begun to spend a little time with Ding Haitang.

"Hey, my dear! What do you think I made this car? I plan to go to the street to sell mala tang, this thing is low-cost, easy to make, people love to eat it, I happen to be able to make it, you will wait Let me make money to support you!"

Qin An is happy, he is really satisfied with the cart he welded, and he is also very optimistic about his business selling mala Tang.

Ding Haitang pouted at this time, and seemed very depressed.

Of course she was depressed. The atmosphere last night was so good. Originally, she wanted to get into Qin'an's room, and then she would give him a gift of the Lord of the Week.

But Qin An pushed her out of the room by pushing and shoving her, and she also said that she would sleep together another day, which was inconvenient last night!

What a DJ! Is it inconvenient for him to be a big man? Could it be your uncle here?

In fact, of course Qin An didn't have his uncle here, he just didn't have much interest yesterday.

Qin An is a bit entangled with things like the round room. He can understand all the things of men and women through super hearing and the ability of prying people's hearts.

But in Qin An's memory, he forgot everyone, including all women.

Qin An suddenly realized that own thinking is still a man.

Therefore, seeing the appearance of Ding Haitang pounced last night, he was a little bit timid about his nostalgia. If Guo Sihai and Cheng Gang knew about this, he would vomit blood.

Qin An is a super breed horse in their hearts, and now he licks his face and thinks he is a virgin man in his heart. It's really not wanting face.

In fact, this is really not to blame Qin An, because he is now the rebirth of the soul, a powerful soul power forged Fang Xiaobao's body, which means that this body is also brand new. It is not the same as the previous Qin An, in terms of appearance and performance. Of course, it does not belong to Fang Xiaobao, because Fang Xiaobao's body has been refined and sublimated by Qin An's powerful soul.

Then this is really a brand new, super male body that is out of the low-level tastes of humans, has super genetic abilities, and can release various abilities at will! The adjectives that follow are actually useless, only the word "new" mentioned above is the key.

Since it is new, of course it is a man who has not been dealt with.

So Qin An felt that he was a virgin. The man was absolutely right!

In short, Ding Haitang's plan to eat Qin An failed, and Qin An succeeded in keeping his innocent body.

"Okay, okay, I don’t have a job now anyway, so let’s go out with you to make money! Are you buying all these spices at the vegetable market? It will cost a lot of money, right?"

Ding Haitang let go of his mind and noticed that Qin An had not only finished a car, but had also finished the seasonings for the side dishes. What a speed.

Qin An's face turned red, so he didn't bother to go to the vegetable market to buy it, all of which were taken from the Interspatial Ring.

In fact, Qin An is very rich, and there are a lot of swords in the Interspatial Ring, Spirit Stones.

It's just that Qin An doesn't feel that Life will be happy with money. Instead, he likes what he is going to do at this time, which is like a kind of adjustment of Life.

Picking up the wine bottle on the car, Qin An drank the wine inside before saying: "Yes! I got up early to prepare for this! Not to mention this, now we can go on the road and go out. Find a lively place for someone, and we will set up a stall on the side of the street, haha! After earning money, my husband will take you to eat roast duck!"

Seeing that Qin An was in a happy mood, Ding Haitang forgot everything and acted according to his heart.

Just when the young couple were about to go out, the courtyard door was suddenly pushed open from the outside, and a man and a woman walked in one after the other.

Fang Yunhai is Qin An's father, and Xu Sanyue is Qin An's mother.

Xu Sanyue would often come after Qin An’s wedding, but Fang Yunhai’s father hadn’t seen own silly son for a long time.

The last time I met was seven months ago. It was because Fang Yunhai heard that Fang Xiaobao was going to change his name to Qin An, so he furiously killed his son.

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