Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1599 The Temptation Of Tang Monk Meat

"Master blames you. He drove the big brother away. It's fine now. Most of us won't be able to survive if we are tied up here...Help! Killed!"

Zhu Bajie was tied to a stone pillar and roared very tastelessly.

"Senior sister, don't shout! If it wasn't for you to always say bad things about the master, how could Senior Brother be driven away!"

Monk Sha was angrily complaining about Zhu Bajie.

"Hey, don't tell me... it's all the master's fault, the master's fault! Why didn't I believe in Wukong? Blame me! Blame me really!"

Tang Seng was very regretful, but this Tang Seng was definitely not as stupid as Tang Seng on TV. He was a firm-willed and devout believer, otherwise it would be impossible to go to Xitian to learn the scriptures. So he was just reflecting on own faults, but he was not really afraid.

Just when the three masters and apprentices were depressed, the beautiful Qin Yana and the sexy Madame White came out with four little demons by her side.

"Hey, it's really not easy to catch you! The monkey is still the smartest, but he behaves recklessly and has a sharp personality. Even after being trapped by Tathagata for five hundred years, he hasn't changed much. Now he is estimated to have returned to Huaguo. The King of Shandang has gone, and I can finally eat Tang Seng meat to make me immortal and immortal. Since then, neither the Yama of the underworld nor the Jade Emperor of Jiuxiao will let me die again, hahaha!"

Mrs. Bone was a little excited. She had been trapped in the mountains by the monster in yellow robe for years. Her temperament had long changed. After being resurrected, she wanted to survive and kill countless people. Therefore, she was an out-and-out fairy. Now she finally caught Tang Monk and was naturally happy.

"This beautiful girl! Let us go. We are poor monks who went to the west to learn the scriptures. We have no money at all... Ah?... What did the girl just say? After eating Tang Seng meat, you can have an immortal body. Tang Seng... isn't that my master?"

Zhu Bajie realized a very important issue.

Master own is actually the elixir?

The rumor that Tang Seng meat can have immortality after eating it has not been spread before. As the first monster to be dealt with by Sun Wukong, the little monster next to the bone spirit is the culprit who spread the news. Otherwise, Tang Seng might not have experienced so many hardships all the way.

Many people in later generations studied "Journey to the West" and believed that the monsters on the way to the west by Tang Seng were all ordeals deliberately arranged by Tathagata. It was a test, a marketing of Western Buddhism, and wanted to sit down on the second largest disciple, Jin Chan. A strategy for Zi to return to Lingshan.

In fact, the fact is not that complicated. In this story world, in order to consolidate his own rule, the emperor of Tang Dynasty, in order to consolidate his own rule, opposed traditional Confucianism, and then sent monks who became monks at Jinshan Temple to the West to find Buddhist scriptures. So this news was naturally known to Tathagata for the first time. He could have directly sent someone to use Magic power to soar through the clouds and drive the mist to send the scriptures to the Eastern Tang Dynasty, but in the end he did not do so, because he wanted to use the hands of the Tang monk to exclude dissidents. , Establish authority.

Tathagata is a god but also has human nature. Where there is human nature, there can be no disputes! Tathagata's abilities are so great. For many years as a big boss, I don't know how many people have been punished. Then these punished people or their family members can't be without a little dissatisfaction. Over the years, these dissatisfactions have formed a lot of power. So Tathagata equips Tang Seng with Sun Wukong, Pig Bajie, Sand Monk, and White Dragon Horse four guardians, and when they encounter enemies they can't defeat, they will send Heavenly Soldiers and Generals to help. In other words, Tang Seng would reach the Western Heaven smoothly anyway, because behind him was the support of the entire Heaven Court. The reason why he was allowed to walk slowly was to get rid of the demon who didn't obey the discipline along the way. These so-called demons used to be gods or gods sitting up in the sky. Tathagata had long wanted to get rid of them, but this time he finally found a chance.

Even Tathagata has selfish intentions, how could Zhu Bajie and Monk Sha not?

"Cut! I don't believe it, my master is just a monk, how could his meat be so amazing! Isn't he still the elixir in the stove of the old man?"

Zhu Bajie kept turning his eyes on Tang Seng as he spoke.

"Yes! You goblin, let us go quickly, otherwise you will be broken into pieces when my big brother comes back! Tell you, he is not easy to mess with!"

Monk Sha's performance is not as obvious as Zhu Bajie, even he really wants to know whether the master's meat can make people live forever.

"Don't believe it? Okay, let you see it!"

Mrs. White Bone walked to Tang Seng's side while talking, and gently touched his cheek, staring intently at Tang Seng's eyes.Tang Seng looked embarrassed, he was not scared, but the woman was too close, and Tang Seng was even more unbearable by the closeness of his skin. His body was not broken in the tenth generation of Yuan Yang. When a woman approaches, the blood will run wild and the sweat will not be broken. Stopped and stayed.

"Female donor, you should let me go. I'm going to Xitian to learn the scriptures. If you really want to eat me, just wait for me to learn the scriptures back?"

Mrs. White Bone sighed, and suddenly her whole body was attached to Tang Seng's body.

"Amitābha, donor! You...you stay away from me!"

"Stay away? Too far. How can the slave family smell the scent of your body? Also, I am not a donor, I am a fairy. Didn't you tell me? Haha, the slave family was originally a pink skull, and got a hint of spirituality I turned into the body of a boneless lady, but...My Magic power is too low and low, and I have to eat the Hun and Po every day to prevent myself from withering and rotting."

The white bone spirit stretched out his hand as he spoke, but he didn't know when there was no meat on his hand, only bones were left.

"Look, the beautiful body of the Nujia with such ugly hands is so disharmonious? Master, you are a good and compassionate person. You shouldn't have the heart to look at the Nujia so pitiful, right? So the slave family wants your flesh and wants you to blend into my body, do you want to give it?"

While speaking, the white bone spirit had already pressed her red lips to Tang Seng's delicate skin and tender flesh, and at the same time her hand fumbled back and forth on Tang Seng's body, and finally pulled down the clothes on his shoulders.

Tang Seng's whole person is not well, he wants to resist, but he is bound but unable to escape.

The white bone spirit kissed Tang Seng's face for a while, suddenly lowered his head, and took a strong bite on Tang Seng's shoulder, and violently tore off a piece of meat on it.

Tang Seng grinned in pain, and the corners of the white bone spirit's mouth were already full of blood.

She chewed Tang Seng meat hard, and finally swallowed it into her abdomen.

After the meat entered the abdomen for a short time, the body of the white bone spirit released a faint Sacred shimmer, and the originally fleshless hands grew rapidly, and the delicate fingers were abnormally beautiful. The flesh and blood organs in the body were activated as if they were reborn, and she could feel the fresh blood flowing back in the body, nourishing every cell and every gene in her!

This is the feeling of life, as if she is no longer just a skeleton!

Yes, she is alive. Although she is still a monster, her current strength has already risen to the sky in one step. This is all because of Tang Seng's flesh.

"Ah... this feeling is great! I feel like I have become a god, haha, Huangpao really didn't lie to me, your meat is really great! Hahaha!"

Mrs. White Bone was originally beautiful and graceful, but now she is completely reborn after eating Tang Monk's meat, and her brilliance is even more attractive.

Tang Seng was bitten and still in pain, but Zhu Bajie and Monk Sha are now completely attracted by Mrs. Bone's words and actions.

OMG! Is this true?

Why did Mrs. White Bone take a bite of Tang Seng's meat and she had a fairy body? This is really unimaginable.

In the novel "Journey to the West", the three brothers Sun Wukong followed Tang Seng to protect him without any regrets. The author's imagination activates the demon, ghosts, monsters, fairy, Buddha, gods and demons, so "Journey to the West" can be listed as one of the four great masterpieces.

However, the existence of the book "Journey to the West" has only its historical significance, and the depiction of the characters in it is not very vivid. All the monsters wanted to eat Tang Seng, and Tang Seng's disciples always wanted to protect Tang Seng. Although the protagonists have vivid personalities, it may be the reason why the text is too archaic. When Qin An used to read Journey to the West, he always felt that food was tasteless, and it was not a pity to discard the night.

Then I didn't care about it in the book before, but now they are people in the real world, wouldn't they really have selfishness?

Qin An had never thought about this problem. Now that he entered the world of Journey to the West, he was finally able to personally feel the inner world of Western tourists.

Zhu Bajie, originally the Tianpeng marshal under the Heaven Court Jade Emperor, was in charge of Tianhe. After being drunk and molesting Fairy and making loud noises, he provokes the picket spirit officer. Then he fell into the Bull Palace and stole the Lingzhi Mushrooms. The Jade Emperor ordered more than two thousand hammers to be demoted to the mortal world. When he was reborn in the world, he was cast into a pig fetus by mistake. His face was similar to that of a wild boar. He once occupied the Yunzhan Cave of Fuling Mountain as a demon. It bit and killed the sow, killed the group, and recruited the second sister Egg who had been to the Yunzhan Cave of Fuling Mountain. Less than a year later, the second sister Egg died, leaving him with only one Immortal Cave. So far, he lived in Yunzhan Cave and called himself "Pig Gang Hyena".

In the portrayal of "Journey to the West", he is a lazy, greedy, lustful, selfish person, so when he learns that Tang Seng next to him is a fairy grass, he can escape from Samsara by taking a bite of his meat. Eternal life, how can he feel at ease?

Drifting monk, also called Sha Monk, Sha Wujing. In the book "Journey to the West", it is also called Huang Po, Tumu and Daogui, and Five Elements is of the soil, commonly known as sand monk and sand monk. Formerly the rolling curtain general of the Jade Emperor of the Tiangong, he accidentally broke the glass lamp because of a mistake, and was demoted from the heavens when he violated the sky.

Such a man-eating monster of course would not be a good kind, and Guanyin instructed him to walk with Tang Seng, and he was also forced to be helpless. In Tang Seng's team, he worked hard and didn't have the problems of Zhu Bajie, and he was not as bullish as Sun Wukong. In the role of Journey to the West, he is definitely a very senior supporting role, and he has basically no outstanding drama.

Such a person is the smartest. He knows that he can only return to Heaven Court after he has completed the journey of learning from the West.

The topic is that it is difficult to change the nature of change. Since he is very utilitarian, he naturally hopes to be successful.

If Tang Sengrou can really make him ascend to the sky in one step, why does he have to work so hard to follow Tang Seng on the road?

Therefore, at this moment, the emotions in the hearts of Monk Sha and Zhu Bajie were complicated, and Qin An felt what they were thinking in their hearts and couldn't help but despise them. Unexpectedly, these two snobs were Zhu Bajie and Sun Wukong who were transmitted by people in the pre-apocalyptic era in the real world! Hey, these two guys look really disgusting.

At this time, Mrs. Bone was already bandaging Tang Seng's wound.

"Hey, little monk, the slave really doesn’t want to hurt you, but I can’t help it, because I can only protect myself if I eat your meat! Now I only eat a piece of your meat, and see if my body falls to the ground next time. How has it changed! If you already have an immortal body and transcend the body of Samsara, then I don’t have to eat your whole person! Speaking of which I have eaten humans, the meat is okay, but the internal organs are watching It's boring, everything is a last resort!"

Tang Seng had nothing to say at this time. After the pain diminished, he began to shake his head and sigh, his eyebrows furrowed.

At this moment, the mutation is raised!

Outside the cave where Mrs. Bones lived, countless zombies suddenly appeared in the mountains and plains!

Qin An was slightly startled, how could there be zombies in Journey to the West? This should be created by the law of plane space, right?

Just thinking about it, those zombies have already rushed to the cave where Mrs. Bones lives in swarms, as if they knew where they were.

"Mrs. Bones! No, there are countless demons appearing on the mountain. They are afraid that they were attracted by Tang Seng meat! Let's go!"

Huangpao monster appeared, entered the cave to report to the bone, and the bone immediately panicked when she heard it, but she didn't want Monk Tang to be snatched away.

So Madame White Bone wanted to take Tang Seng away, but Tang Seng hugged the stone pillar and refused to leave!

"Poor monk don't leave! Donor, unless you let my two apprentices go, I won't leave here!"

Under Tang Seng's stubborn insistence, Mrs. Bone had no choice but to release Zhu Bajie and Monk Sha.

After eating Tang Seng meat, Mrs. Bone already had a lot of fighting power. Zhu Bajie and Monk Sha were not her opponents, so she was not afraid that they would run away.

In this way, the group began to run towards another exit of the cave.

I ran a full three kilometers, but the situation here is also very bad, and there is also the kind of demon in their eyes.

So Mrs. Bone, the man in yellow robe, the four little bone monsters, and Zhu Bajie, Monk Sha could only join forces temporarily, killing monsters while fleeing in the maze-like cave.Eventually they found a cave with a small opening but a large space inside and hid in it.

The Huangpao monster used Magic power to smash a few large rocks above the cave entrance to block the cave, while Mrs. Bone ignited several suspended ghost fires to illuminate the cave.

"Where did this monster come from! It seems that they don't have any wisdom, they are so numerous, it's terrible!"

A little bone demon patted his chest with lingering fears.

Mrs. White Bone took Tang Seng's arm and stood in the corner of the cave. She was able to open the hollow eye to see through the mountain wall, so she knew the situation outside at this time. Now the ordinary cave is filled with bloodthirsty and brutal monsters, it is not difficult for oneself to escape, and it can fly out as a cloud of ashes.

Among the few people here, that Zhu Bajie has the ability to transform into 36 Heavens, and it is estimated that he could escape.

Then it is estimated that other people besides this will not be able to escape, especially Tang Seng.

As he was thinking about it, the Huangpao Monster had already walked in front of Tang Seng and kicked him to the ground.

"Mrs. Bone, it's not too dangerous now! You actually caught Tang Seng. As long as one bite of his meat, my abilities should be restored. If I continue to take a few more bites, I guess it will be able to recover. Possess the immortal body of Samsara! Then we can escape from here together! Hahaha!"

Huang Paoguai smiled, still doing his work when he spoke, and after a few strokes he stripped Tang Seng away.

At the beginning, Mrs. Bone wanted to stop, but seeing the delicate skin and tender flesh of Tang Seng's body and the secret between his legs, she was slightly stunned for a while, her face flushed.

Ah, this monk is not only handsome, but also has a really good-looking body! How can a man's skin be so delicate? The Yellow Robe Monster is also, isn't it just trying to bite someone's meat? Why are you naked? But it seems good to have a good eye. If she let her do it herself, she might be a little embarrassed. Although she had been a monster in this cave for several years, she must have been alone during her lifetime.

"Stop! Hugh will hurt my master!"

Monk Sha had already pulled Zhu Bajie to block Tang Seng who had fallen naked in the cave behind him.

Huangpaoguai's gaze swept across Monk Sha and Zhu Bajie, and then smiled coldly:

"The little general and marshal Canopy are now monsters! Canopy, how did you reincarnated as a woman now? Haha, it makes people laugh to death!"

"Bah baah baah! Daddy dead woman body and male heart! Since you can tell the origins of our brothers, you should know how great we are. Don't run away quickly, lest blood will be splashed on the spot for a while!"

"Huh, don't pretend to be a good person! When the Emperor Ziwei ruled The Three Realms, your canopy was still beautiful, but after the Emperor Jade Emperor entered the Heaven Court, what are you? You were demoted to the little star god, because you molested that The daughter of the Moon Palace was demoted to the mortal world, and then reduced to a pig demon! Canopy, my Kui Mulang was also a person next to the Buddha, things in Yuqing Palace are so messy, there is no place for you to stand. I advise you to still Don’t expect to be able to return again. Lingshan is not a good place for you. Why not eat this Tang monk meat with me, and then no one will be able to pose a threat to us again! What do you think?"

Qin An felt very magical when he stopped the yellow robe monster.

In the West, Tathagata is the great ancestor of Buddha, and Jade Emperor is the supreme Taoism.

Jade Emperor lived in Yuqing Palace, the chief of the world, the gods and demons, Tathagata lived in Lingshan, but occasionally came out to force the scene without asking about the world.

Although both appear in the Journey to the West, they should not be against the river. The Buddha's side seems to be stronger than the Jade Emperor.

Hey, this space is so interesting, there are still these messy things.

It is estimated that the Zhu Bajie and the Drifting should be turned against each other in a few words, right? By that time, the poor monk Tang might be really fish!

Adadilan is now Tang Seng. Will the power of the next space allow Tang Seng to turn the tide and kill these people around him? Qin An will wait and see.

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