Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1601 Ye Hai's Sword

In Adadilan's eyes, Xiao Hongye looked wonderful at this time.

When she closed her eyes, her eyelashes were long, and her body exuded a faint pink light. The wind blew by and brought a fragrance, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

How did that happen? The previous six female protagonists have not changed so much after their love.

Adadilan could feel the energy bursting out of Xiao Hongye's body, and it seemed to be constantly soaring.

Qin Yana has a divine sword in her body, which Qin Xiaoyan specially helped Qin Yana buy from someone back then.

After Qin An's death, Qin Xiaoyan and her party went to United States to fight against the Demon Clan of the Dead Sect. During the intermission period, she asked Qin Yana as the host to contain the Excalibur.

The reason why Qin Xiaoyan cares about this child is because Qin Xiaoyan knows that Qin Yana can become a little Hongye. This ability obviously comes from Hongye Sword God, so this little girl can be regarded as Hongye's inheritance. At that time, Qin Xiaoyan was already the demigod Realm's resurrected sword god Hongye, so naturally she would not care about her own bloodline.

The sword flew out of Qin Yana's body at this time, suspended in the air.

This is a slender sword with a length of two meters. Its body is not metal. It looks like a red crystal and looks crystal clear.

Such an Excalibur comes from the Star of Sword Spirit and is a refinement of the Bugirago human race. It has not been named after the parasite entered Qin Yana's body.

The red leaf petals linger around the animation sky, and they are all concentrated around Qin Yana in the end, wrapping her into a big ball.

After a short ten seconds, the big ball split, and Qin Yana broke out!

There is a forty-color magnificent flower print on her collarbone, which means that Qin Yana has made her breakthrough to forty times upgraded with the blessing of love flower power and bloodline power.

Neither Adadilan nor Hua Yan knew what was going on, but Qin An saw it really. This little girl seemed to have good luck. Not only did she complete the 40th level upgraded, she also activated the bloodline's abilities, and realized the four major skills at once. , Became a four soul sword repairer.

Qin An can feel the soul of the sword spirit in Qin Yana, and therefore knows its name, Qin Yana will have the sword of Ye Hai!

Ye Hai's first skill is the Sea of ​​Red Leaves!

Qin Yana can summon unlimited red leaves for use. These red leaves can be controlled by Yana. They are Yana's arms and can be used to attack; they are Yana's armor and can form defenses; they are Yana's. Eyes and ears can float to a place tens of kilometers away from Fang Yuan to spy on all confidential privacy, just like Qin An's Spiritual Sense. This kind of red leaf is actually very weak in energy for a single piece, but when gathered together, it can superimpose energy to exert its power.

Ye Hai's second skill, Ye Wei Hua Companion!

Such an ability turned out to be entirely due to Adadilan, and in the subconscious of the Soul of Ye Hai Sword Spirit, Adadilan has been recognized as the only condition for the ability to be activated. As long as Adadilan is within a kilometer of Qin Yana, Qin Yana will have a semi-god physique, and will unilaterally live with Adadilan! It means that if Adadilan is not dead, she can be reborn. If Adadiran dies, she can continue to survive.

Qin An couldn't help feeling a little surprised when he learned of Ye Hai's ability. Because this ability is perfectly complementary to the skills of the love flower, if Qin Yana becomes Adadilan’s affectionate person, then even if Adadilan uses Yana to activate the fourth ability, the affection injury is feasible, because Yana After death, he can be resurrected because of Adadilan.

This is really weird, could it be said that Qin Yana has already fallen in love with Adadilan at first sight in the subconscious? How else would it be possible to comprehend such ability.

The skills of the Sword God are very random. According to the science of the Sword Spirit Star, space matter is composed of trinos. When a certain factor is activated, these trinos will condense into intelligent creatures to become skills. In this process, the Excalibur is regarded as a substance used to store memory and release logic after introducing energy.

In short, the comprehension of the sword god skills is very random, but it is also an opportunity to revolve around the encounter mood of the sword master.

Qin An can only lament, wondering if Qin Yana's relationship will go well.

Ye Hai's third skill and fourth skill are also related to Adadilan.

The third skill is called One Step Flowering!

This skill allows Yana to teleport Adadiran within one step at any time, and she can also enter within one step of Adadiran at any time. This type of teleportation can only be passively accepted by Adadiran. That is to say, as long as Yana wants to, she can stay with Adadilan anytime, anywhere, every day. This is undoubtedly a nightmare for Adadilan, but at this time he still doesn't know what kind of trouble he has provoke. trouble. This can be regarded as a kind of retribution. If Adadilan did not arbitrarily use Qin Yana as the heroine to open the world of love, the following things would not happen at all.

Ye Hai's fourth skill is called Huayu Night!

This ability is even more weird and perverted, it is a dual cultivation skill for men and women, and the specific male character is still Adadilan. It means that two people have lived a married life together, and every combination can make them have an Ascension in the realm of ability. Through repeated integration, they can continue to evolve and eventually become a stronger existence.Qin An was speechless at this time, what else could she say, it seemed that Qin Yana was destined to be unable to separate from Adadilan in this life.

Adadilan doesn’t understand the situation now, and Qin Yana doesn’t know what ability she has realized, because although Ye Hai Jian Ling appeared in Yana’s mind, it only told her what Ye Hai’s first ability was. How to use it, the second, third, and fourth skills are not mentioned!

There will be scenes in the future, as long as this Qin Yana is moved a little, Adadilan will suddenly be a step away from her. This scene is estimated to scare both of them stupid, right?

Just when Qin An found it interesting, Hua Yan had already started to kill Adadilan.

It's a pity that Adadilan is an undead creature in this space, so after being attacked by Hua Yan, his body turned into cyan smoke and disappeared, appearing again, already floating in the air.

"Little Hongye, I didn't expect your changes to be so big, you are all 40-level Upgraded! Have you realized some sword god skills? By the way, what is your real name?"

"You can control it!"

Qin Yana was very shy. At this time, her mind was clear, so she was full of thoughts about how frivolous Tang Seng was when she was a bone spirit!

She actually kissed him actively! It seems that this kid must be deliberate, really a hooligan!

"Well, I don’t care about you! But Xiao Hongye, can you kill this woman first, we can only go out if we kill her, otherwise we can only continue to let this illusory space develop the story according to the power of the law? , Then when she will die is not a certain thing! I can’t control it. It’s possible that we are trapped here for decades. But you can rest assured that the real space will not move, it is relative to us. stationary."

Qin Yana frowned and her face became solemn.

She didn't want to be trapped in this space, so the ability to open the sea of ​​red leaves caused countless red leaves to float around her, and began to attack Hua Yan.

With Ye Weihua’s bonus ability, Qin Yana maintained a demigod physique with Adadilan by her side. Using Hongye as an attack weapon, her attack strength reached the demigod level.

In an instant, he took Ye Hai Divine Sword into his hands, and then countless red leaves gathered around Ye Hai Divine Sword, and finally formed a huge red leaf sword with a length of sixty meters. Qin Yana swung the huge sword towards Hua Yan. Naturally, Hua Yan ran away in a hurry, but the giant red leaf sword burst immediately after landing. Thousands of red leaves flew out at the same time, shooting directly at Hua Yan.

Hua Yan now not only restores her memory, but also her own sword god ability.

She wanted to dodge Yana’s attack, but unfortunately the other party had too many red leaves. Hua Yan was shot through her body by more than a dozen red leaves. Although she avoided the vital parts, Hua Yan also suffered under the blessing of demigod power. A little hurt.

The next two women started an endless battle in the sea of ​​flowers. In the end, Qin Yana won with the ability she just possessed. In the space of Adadilan, she had the effect of blessing.

After Hua Yan died, the entire space plot was completed, all the villains that were brought into died, the space naturally disappeared, and Qin An, Qin Yana, and Adadilan returned to the real space together.

What makes Qin An very gratified is that the Ruyi Scepter golden hoop was really brought out by him, and with this thing in his hands, he can really sweep the army!

Qin Yana and Adadilan were sitting at the dining table at this time, staring with big eyes, both of them staring blankly.

"I'll go! I didn't expect that you would awaken as a super power in the illusion plot, and you really killed Hua Yan. I thought it would take a lot of time to figure it out!"

Adadilan was the first to react to breaking the silence and speak.

"You... why are you getting me there! Bad guy! Pervert!"

Qin Yana said that she had to run away when she got up.

Adadilan was surprised again.

The six female protagonists who had entered her psychedelic space before came out and depended on him in every possible way. Why did Qin Yana seem to have no sensational poison? Strange thing!

Seeing Qin Yana about to run, he hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed Qin Yana's hand.

"You... let me go! I want to go home!"

Qin Yana's current strength is not weaker than Adadilan, but she is too nervous, and when she is pulled off her hand, her whole body is numb and unable to resist.

"Okay! I can let you go home, but you have to tell me your name and where you live!"

"I...I'm the child of the Qin family! Tell you, it's better not to mess with me! My grandma is the nine son Xia Ke!"


Adadilan is completely stupid, the granddaughter of the Nine Sons of Sword God Xia Ke? Isn't that also the granddaughter of his brother-in-law Qin An? Oh my God, how could this happen!

Suddenly, Adadilan's body couldn't move, as if he had been tapped, and could only watch Qin Yana jump and hurriedly ran away.

It was a long time before he shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Hey, it seems that this fate is going to end here, let the brother-in-law know that he hooked up with Qin An's granddaughter, maybe he will kill him, right?

It's just that if this girl is poisoned by love, most of them can't forget herself! How can this be good?

Qin An began to clean up the stall and was about to go home. After reading out Adadilan's thoughts, Qin An was also very depressed.

Yana, the girl, is obviously not in love with poison, but looking at her mind, it seems that she can't forget Adadilan, what else can she say, evil fate!

At this time, Adadilan walked to the booth, threw a piece of sword soul fragment, and turned away.

After walking a few steps away, he stopped abruptly and turned to look at Qin An.

"Brother, didn't you enter a strange world just now?"

"Ah? What a strange world? The boss, I don't quite understand what you mean."

"Oh, okay! Don't know if you don't understand... It's weird. Before, I seemed to have brought a few people around here into the psychedelic space. What is going on? Could it be that I made a mistake?"

Adadilan smiled bitterly and shook his head, before spreading his thoughts to Xiao Hongye and the battlefield ahead.

Forget it, what happened here was originally an accident, so let's rush to the front line to see the situation. I am the new general in the defensive battle against the invasion of the animal tide!

Thinking of this, Adadilan summons own mount Wind Beast, this is a very advanced mount, invisible and shapeless, can wrap the owner's whole body into an invisible space, and then fly like a gust of wind.

With the Mount Wind Beast, Adadilan has disappeared in an instant!

Qin Mansion, Qin Beichen and Shi Lida were playing with their two children in the courtyard.

Qin Yanan was less than nine years old, and Qin Yali just turned six.

Both children look more like their mothers, and they are very beautiful. In terms of character, they combine the characteristics of their parents, and they are both cold and warm Tsundere fans.

"Big sis, I will not go to Avon to play tomorrow, and you will not find Avon either, even if they come to us, we will ignore it!"

Qin Yali pouted her little mouth, her emotions were very low.

Qin Yafang and Qin Yahua are the daughters of Dongsheng and Qin Jiusi.

Dongsheng is an honest man who looks enthusiastic and cheerful but introverted. Qin Jiusi was spoiled by Yin Yao since he was a child. When he was a child, he was a cute woman. When he grows up, he is just a young woman. Therefore, their children are more modest in character. When they are making trouble, they are crazy, Wanquan is just two little crazy girls, and naturally there is a big personality gap between the children who were brought up by Shi Lida.

On weekdays, because Yanan and Avon are about the same age, and Yali and Yahua are about the same age, the two pairs of four sisters are interspersed to play. Yana and Avon are considered best friends, and Yali and Yahua are natural friends.

The two youngest always like to play together, but each time they play together, they will fight again, and they end up unhappy!

"You kid, I think Yahua will forget about the fight tomorrow, but you remember! Wait, I bet Avon will bring you a small gift tomorrow, and then you will be with her again. Make up, so you don’t have a long memory too!"

Yanan seriously criticized Little Sister, while Qin Beichen was drinking tea, and Shi Lida, who was accompanying him, all laughed.

"Haha, look at your eldest daughter, who has a personality like you! Didn't you mature prematurely when you were young?""Hmph, you didn't grow up with me, how do you know what I looked like when I was young?"

Qin Beichen laughed dryly, then frowned slightly.

Shi Lida keenly noticed the change in Qin Beichen's mood, so she raised her hand and held her man's hand.

"Look at you, but when I was a kid, I also said something that shouldn't make you feel hurt. Why? Did you miss her?"

Qin Beichen smiled awkwardly and said, "Yes! Xiao Cui grew up with me since I was a child, but... hey! Alright, let's not mention her!"

Shi Lida curled her lips and ate dry vinegar.

Zhong Hongcui has disappeared for many years, and now he does not know whether it is life or death.

Although Qin Beichen never mentioned this woman in front of him, Shi Lida knew that he had never forgotten his maidservant.

The couple were not talking, and continued to look at the two daughters who were playing on the courtyard lawn.

At this time, a little girl who was only about 1.2 meters tall came outside the Qin Mansion.

This little girl is actually oriented towards maturity, with a sexy and hot body, she is estimated to be around twenty years old at her age.

There is a square opposite the Qin Mansion. There are many shops around the square. This is the business of the Qin family. There are a lot of customers on weekdays, and it is very lively even when it is late.

The little girl walked into a restaurant, directly chose the largest private room and walked in.

There are four big round tables in this private room, and it is estimated that it can seat forty people.

"Girl, girl! Why are you walking so fast, and you don't stop when I tell you all the way, why? Want to book a table?"

The restaurant guy followed the little girl and spoke respectfully.

The little girl found a chair and sat down, then smiled and looked at the shop assistant:

"Yeah! Order all four tables and serve all the dishes in your store!"

While talking, the little girl threw a sword Spirit Stones casually.

The guy hurriedly took it, and his face changed slightly after looking at it.

This is really a sword Spirit Stones! What is the origin of this little girl? So eye-catching!

"By the way, a store of your size should be able to turn on sound shielding for guests, right?"

"Ah! Of course! If you have such a request, we will definitely follow it."

Under the control and management of the Maya system, there are almost no secrets in the cities of the Kowloon Empire. The laws of the Empire allow people to have privacy, but they need to apply to the government to apply for filing. Some merchants who open doors to do business to welcome customers Basically, they will do this kind of report, and then open the sound barrier for hotel guests. This is considered a kind of service, and it is also commonplace in the city of Kowloon.

It's just that the little girl looks too awkward.

The store clerk directly told the store manager about the incident after he withdrew from the private room. The store manager didn’t have much trouble, and he went through the program and reported the incident of the little girl to the guards in the Qin Mansion. It didn’t take a while for the Qin family to be different. The capable have already monitored here, wanting to see who is coming.

The little girl sits in the box as steady as Mount Tai, occasionally picking up a cup to drink, as if she is just an ordinary passerby.

As the starry night darkened, some of the same strangers entered the little girl's box, and the number had reached as many as thirty.

The Qin family's guard felt that things were not normal, so they sent someone to report the incident to the Qin family's guard chief, Canghai Yuqing!

"Oh? Gathering in front of my Qin Mansion? What is the origin of these guys...Anyway, there is nothing wrong with staying, I'll go and see for myself!"

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