Canghai Jade Qingcheng is naturally not stupid. She also knows Voldemort very well. It is definitely not accidental that this guy suddenly came to make trouble in front of the gate of Qin Mansion. Voldemort related.

So why did the people of the Tianyin Sect suddenly come to the Qin family?

Unknown is the source of horror. Although he is confident of the Qin Family's current strength, Canghai Jade Qingcheng does not dare to care about it at all, so Qin Ling issued an early warning for the first time.

"Why don't you talk? Baby, I must take you down today, and I took pains for this! Come on, let's not talk nonsense, let's do it, and when I catch you, I will make you my eternal woman, Ha ha!"

As he spoke, the Demon suddenly bent over and hit the ground with a punch.

I don’t know how much energy was contained in this punch. Within two kilometers of Fang Yuan, the ground trembled, cracks appeared on the surface, and nearby houses were broken. The strong wind flattened the ground and instantly overthrew those broken houses, and the surface had already appeared three times. Road depth reaches tens of meters of cracks.

Along with the powerful offensive ability, a dungeon has appeared near Canghai Yuqing City. A net that quickly becomes a hemispherical shape grows from the surface and envelopes the sea.

"Do you think this kind of dungeon can trap me?"

"Canghai, you are too arrogant! I opened a Four Divinities patio while releasing the dungeon. You should know this kind of spell card? I can trap you in it for at least thirty hours! Haha! Even if you turn into sea water, you can't escape it at all!"

Canghai Yuqing frowned slightly, then whispered:

"You should know that I have the body of the sea. It is not difficult for me to transform into water vapor to escape and replace the body with water. Isn't it wishful thinking to trap me with a patio?"

While speaking, Canghai Jade Qingcheng's body turned into a puddle of water and fell to the ground, and water vapor quickly gathered five meters behind Voldemort's body, making Canghai himself manifest. She had fled long before Voldemort attacked.

"Master Canghai Sword God, of course he knows that you are not easy to deal with, so how can he fight you alone? I am the Fire Demon Lady, a young girl from the Tianyu clan, and I have no reputation on the Sword Spirit Star. I have heard of Master Canghai before. The prestige, I didn’t expect to have such a fate to meet your deity today. It’s a great honor!"

what! How could there be someone behind me?

Cang Hai moved extremely fast in surprise, and turned her head to see a very ordinary-looking woman. She raised her hand to release a scorching flame that surrounded herself.

"This is the Three Spirit Fire Soul!"

"Yeah, Lord Sword God is really knowledgeable. I heard that Fire Soul is the nemesis of Lord Canghai. Now the Little Fire Demon Girl wants to try it out, and see if she has used the Fire Soul spell card to possess her body and then engage with Lord Sword God. If you can beat you in a panic, hehe!"

Water and fire are not tolerated, and now the flame attack released by the fire demon girl after using the three spirit fire soul spell card is enough to threaten the sea.

With the cooperation of Voldemort, the two teamed up to attack Canghai Jade Qingcheng. After a few rounds, Canghai only drew with them. Although they had the advantage, they couldn't win and kill them for a while.

At this time, the short woman in the Jiangnan Hotel walked out of the hotel with more than 30 supernaturalists.

"Hey, the Qin family's reaction speed is really fast, but it doesn't matter. This attack is considered adequately prepared, everyone, let's do it!"

After the short woman's voice fell, she disappeared without knowing her whereabouts. More than 30 people with supernatural powers moved quickly, breaking into the Qin Mansion from different directions separately.

In recent years, the Qin family has not only formed a troop of supernatural powers, but has also been constantly recruiting masters. Therefore, Canghai Yuqing City cannot be alone in the own domain. Within a short period of time, the square in front of the Qin Mansion has gathered hundreds of people from the Qin family. A strong superpower, surrounded by all enemies in the future, the situation seems to be under control.

Tang Yu had already sat in the Qin family's united front command room, and opened the screen to see the situation on the square.

"Qin Ling, these people are very strong, and I think they should have a back move, but even then they can't move our Qin family! What do you think their purpose is?"Nowadays, the optical image has been upgraded. Qin Ling can directly print out the own entity, but the entity is not suitable for cruising around. Therefore, Qin Ling still appears as a virtual image. The facial features are similar to Ling'er but are somewhat different. They look more possessive. Natural beauty, not as deliberate as Ling'er.

"According to the information we have, these people should be all monsters, from the Heavenly Seal Sect. Why did the Heavenly Seal Sect come to us for trouble? I ruled out most of the possibilities. In the end, I just got one The answer! They are here for Cheng Gang and Yanan!"

"You mean that this incident was made in nostalgia?"

"Well, after the death of the Patriarch, the emperor’s only hope for resurrection is nostalgia. As I know, nostalgia has collected a large number of fusion bloodlines over the years. There are many types of her abilities. One of them is to detect the bloodlines you need. Where, so many years ago she went to find Cheng Gang and the pregnant Lida separately! So for many years, Cheng Gang has been protected by the fire clan masters of the True Fire Palace, and Lida’s daughter Yanan has been living in the Qin Mansion. Protect her! Therefore, Huai Gu has not attacked them again. I guess that Huai Gu has already collected almost the other bloodlines, so I came to trouble Cheng Gang and Yanan!"

"Where is the nostalgia?"

"She has swallowed many people, so she has many appearances. If I'm not mistaken, the short young woman who appeared before and disappeared suddenly should be nostalgic!"

Tang Yu's face became gloomy.

"Notify Maya and ask her to protect Cheng Gang carefully. The Qin Mansion opens the highest level of defense and must protect the children of the Qin Family!"

"Okay, the order has been issued! There are one hundred thousand Qin troops in the residential area around the Qin Mansion. Once the Green Sword Clan's combined energy formation was activated, Hanghai City would be a tomb for the strangers from outside. What I worry about now is nostalgia. One person, I'm afraid that no one in the Qin family can deal with her. I heard that she is already a monster after fusion of multiple genes."

"Huh, it's just a person, if she can't deal with it, how can we kill the dead sect to avenge the dead ghost?"

Tang Yu's voice fell and started to go out to the backyard.

The Qin family’s backyard is where Weng Lan and the children live. It is the most closely guarded area of ​​the Qin family. It has multiple defense systems. As the sword god resurgent, Tang Yu is naturally the second master of the Qin family besides Canghai, so it protects the backyard. She has an unshirkable responsibility.

At this time Qin An has come to Qin Mansion.

This huge house is like a royal palace in ancient times. It is surrounded by a city wall of high-grade materials several meters high. There are many courtyard houses inside. There are more than 6,000 people living in the entire Qin Mansion, all of which are strong Realm. Only half of the abilities above are earth people, and the other half are masters recruited from the Sword Spirit Star race. Among them, there are not only human races, but also abilities of other races.

Qin An walked in the Qin Mansion invisibly. This was not the first time he came, but every time he came, he was extremely strange.

He didn't have any impression of anyone here in his memory, so would he really be that Qin An?

I can't see through but I can't let it go. This feeling is actually not good.

Because of this kind of entanglement, although Qin An has no affection for the Qin family, he doesn't want them to have trouble. So when he found out that there were many uninvited guests, he immediately rushed to see what was going on.

Qin An originally entered from the backyard of the Qin Mansion, so he walked for a while and entered a separate courtyard with a very unique decoration.

"Patriarch, there are some troublemakers outside. Mrs. Tang has already protected the children, and Mrs. Yu is outside to deal with the invading enemy. The Qin Mansion has entered the highest alert level. I am ordered to protect you! "

A handsome man about two meters tall stood in the courtyard and spoke respectfully.

The door of the room was gently pushed open, and a dignified woman walked out of it and stood opposite the man in the courtyard.

A smile appeared on her face, and she spoke faintly:

"Qi Yang, Qin Ling has reported to me just now. My skills are not strong, and I can't help much now. Then I will wait for the news in this yard. Thank you for coming with me. Have the arrangements been made for the children? ?"

"Patriarch is polite, it is my duty and obligation to protect you! Don't worry about the children, Mrs. Tang will go personally, and the guards are all strong."

The woman nodded slightly, and then sat on the wooden bench in the courtyard. A little maid came out with tea and placed it, and then sat next to the dignified woman to chat with her.

"Madam, who do you mean to make trouble?"

"I don't know. We don't need to be nervous with Qi Yang here, just wait for the news."

The little maid glanced at Qi Yang secretly, her face flushed, she seemed a little shy, and then she continued to chat with the calm woman.

Qin An has been to the Qin Mansion many times, so he already knew the Qin family well. Even the 100,000 Qin Jun could call out everyone's name. In fact, the entire Hanghai City was under his supervision.

The woman in front of me who looked calm from beginning to end is the Qin family’s head Weng Lan. The little maid’s name is Qin Chan’er. She is under 16 years old this year. She is an orphan raised by the Qin family. Qi Yang is a high-paid guard hired by the Qin family. The Huo people from the True Fire Palace are responsible for protecting the safety of Weng Lan's Patriarch on weekdays with four other masters.

Standing a few meters away from Weng Lan, Qin An was stunned.

He knew the whole story of that Qin An and this woman, and knew how the two fell in love.

It's a pity that he doesn't even feel at all when he sees this woman now. He really didn't expect that own will live and die in love with this woman in his previous life.

Because of this senseless feeling, Qin An occasionally wonders whether the man who died on the west coast of United States owns his previous life?

In a daze, an invisible energy suddenly surrounded him.

Was discovered?

This was the first time that he was so close to Weng Lan, and it seemed that the Qin family's guards still had some strength, and he was able to discover himself in an invisible state.

Qin An directly dodged the energy attack and appeared five meters away, closer to Weng Lan, only three steps away.

In the courtyard, four people flashed at the same time and surrounded Qin An with Qi Yang. One of the women quickly stepped back, pulling Weng Lan and Qin Chan'er to retreat to the door of the house.

Qin An's eyes swept across people one by one.

It should be the bald old man who looked very old and attacked him just now. He is a strong man of the Eastern human race, named Desa Khan, who is good at anti-concealment ability, he is also invisible, and like Qin An, he has super monitoring ability similar to Spiritual Sense.

The guy holding the black giant sword is a sword magician, with super-physical skills, capable of Spatial Teleportation, and has the ability to make Realm instantly Ascension. After using this ability, he can achieve the attack effect of the sword god level state. His name is Hei Mo Luo!

The woman who protects Weng Lan is called Huo Ru. Like Qi Yang, she is from the Huo Clan. She is good at fire shield protection and also knows the healing power of melting fire regeneration, which claims to bring people back to life.

Qi Yang is the strongest combat power among the five. He is a master of fire clan with both offensive and defensive capabilities. He can release an attack power equivalent to the Sword God level without having to activate any abilities bonus state. What's terrifying about him is that he has three in his body. Thousand spells card! It is said that he can use fire to refine spell cards that do not recognize the master, so that there are so many spell cards that can be used.

The last person is a woman with a sexy body, charming features, and charming temperament, looking in her thirties. This is the master of the Green Sword Clan, named Mei Niang! She is good at the technique of charming poisonous attack. Her poison is indefensible even when Tang Yu doesn’t summon the sword spirit. Moreover, this poison is combined with the ability-suppressing drugs, and after release, it has the ability to distinguish between enemy and friend, that is to say, there is Her strength against the enemy will quickly weaken, but her own people will not be affected.

Qi Yang, Huo Ru, Mei Niang, Hei Mo Luo, and Desa Khan have cooperated for many years. They follow Weng Lan like shadows. They hide themselves in their bodies on weekdays, and they will hardly appear in Weng Lan’s eyes. Disturb her peaceful and widowed Life.

Now that the five people showed up together, they had obviously regarded Qin An as the strongest enemy.

With a slight sigh, Qin An felt a little careless.

In fact, he can also use a deeper level of invisibility, but now he can raise his hand to kill, and he can resolve any attribute attack in the blink of an eye. As a super abnormal creature, he no longer has so much vigilance.

"Are you from the Fang family? In recent years, the Fang family has made a lot of marriages with the Sword Spirit Star race, and now they have a very strong strength in the south of the city. I didn't expect a fool to be a hidden master! Qi Yang, this person's identity is a bit strange Ah, I don’t think he is a member of the Heavenly Seal Sect, because he has lived in Hanghai City for at least eight years. They lived in Qinlan City before! I have investigated several major families in the city, so I know this. people."

Desa Khan's voice was old and his speech was very slow, and his words revealed Qin An's identity.Qin An raised his eyebrows slightly, knowing that this old man had never seen him, so the reason why he was able to tell his own identity was that he had used the ability similar to the Spiritual Sense to conduct investigations before. This is normal, as if he has super hearing, super memory, super vision, and mind reading skills, he can know everyone in the city!

"Do you think he is okay? But why will he appear in the courtyard of the Qin Patriarch tonight?"

Qi Yang questioned very cautiously.

"I don't know. This kid is called Fang Xiaobao, but he suddenly claimed to change his name a year ago, and the name he exactly the word Qin An! I think he may be a fan of the Patriarch. After all, there are so many people in the city who have changed their names to Qin An! Patriarch’s reputation still has weight in the Kowloon Empire."

"Qin An

After hearing Desa Khan's words, Weng Lan shook her body slightly, and her eyelashes were already trembling.

When Qin An heard the two words spoken by Weng Lan, he turned his head and met Weng Lan's eyes.

Qin An didn't feel much, but Weng Lan was stunned again.

This look...impossible! How could there be such a similar look in the eyes?

So many years after Qin An died, Weng Lan thoroughly understood her own feelings. She loved Qin An deeply.

This kind of deep love kept Weng Lan in regret. Back then, she refused to forgive Qin An because there were so many women. As a result, they were still in a cold war when Qin An died.

Witnessing Qin An’s tragic death, Weng Lan had collapsed. Later, Qin Xiaoyan and others arrived. In order to avenge Qin An, they fought against the death sect of the Mozu and killed countless enemies on the west coast of United States. In the end, they all died in battle, which made Weng Lan even more difficult to let go. .

She finally felt that love doesn't need to be so selfish, because she loves Qin An, so she can also fall in love with Qin An's woman.

It's just that she is separated from him and his women forever, which makes Weng Lan regretful, heartbroken, and unable to heal herself for so many years.

Because of this kind of miss, Weng Lan couldn't forget Qin An, remember his voice and smile, and remember every detail of him, including the look in his eyes.

Eye contact is heart communication.

Although Qin An has lost his memory, his soul has not changed. He is still Qin An, and his eyes are still gentle and pure, without a trace of earthly demeanor, just like the eyes of a child.

At the reunion of Weng Lan and Qin An, she was immediately bewildered by Qin An's eyes, as if she had fallen into a bottomless abyss, unable to obtain salvation.

"Whoever he is! Even if he dared to enter the house of the Patriarch, we just caught him first."

The Black Moluo expressed the most practical attention. In his opinion, there is no need to figure out the identity of the incoming person. Since he broke into the house of the Patriarch, he must immediately resolve it.

The Black Mura's suggestion was approved by the other four, and they were ready to move after they exchanged glances.

"and many more!"

Weng Lan suddenly made a sound, stepping forward to stop the five people's eagerness, and then tremblingly said to Qin An:

"You changed your name to Qin An? Why did you call this name?"

Weng Lan's tone was hurried, and she seemed to be eager to know the answer.

"My original name is Fang Xiaobao, and I have been dull since I was a child. A year ago, my spiritual wisdom woke up and became a supernatural person. I think the name Qin An sounds nice, can't it?"

What Qin An said was not a lie, the only secret thing was that the only thing he remembered when his soul was awakened was the name Qin An, so he called himself Qin An.

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