Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1619 Little Red Leaf Flashes

"No Lord God! As long as you don't kill me, I will believe in your eternal life! I will use the slave spell card, I will use it!"

While talking, Silu hurriedly summoned a green spell card from her body, and then let it burst in front of Qin An's eyes.

Qin An has a strong perception of spell cards. After the spell appeared, he already knew its effect. It seemed that Silu was not lying.

With a slight hesitation, Qin An let out a faint breath.

Well, if you have a sword god by your side as a servant, many things will be much more convenient in the future.

A strong mental energy fluctuated back and forth between Silu and Qin An, and ten seconds later, the master-servant relationship formed.

Qin An didn't need to activate any abilities and was able to understand all of Sillu's thoughts.

At this moment, the woman was so afraid of herself that she was full of awe, which made Qin An very satisfied.

At the same time, he is more confident. Although he can't be the savior in these last days, at least he can walk sideways in the future.

Even the sword god can kill in seconds, what else can't be done?

But that nostalgia is indeed a bit tough, and the first sword god behind nostalgia! Shenlong sees the third main god who does not see the end, and the god of the dead sect who only appears in the legend. I don't know if he can defeat the three of them when he meets them?

Frowning for a while, Qin An raised his hand and put a set of clothes on Si Lu's body.

"I listen to your name, and you will call it Qin Lu from now on."

The woman kneeling on the ground heard Qin An's words immediately felt that it was the sound of nature, which meant that she was finally forgiven.

"More masters give Qin the surname!"

Speaking of Qin Lu, she was a little unlucky. She met a monster like Qin An when she just became the Sword God. She could have been famous for doing better in the world, but now she can only serve as Qin An's servant.

But destiny is a strange thing. People seem to lose everything in a moment, but as time goes by, those who think they have nothing are actually the ones who gain more. This is often the case, and it has happened from ancient times to the present.

Qin Lu was still on her knees on the ground, trembling in her body, sad in her heart, not knowing what her future would be like.

At this moment, what surprised Qin An was that Yan Flute also ran over and fell to his knees.

"Lord God! I want to be your servant too! You accept me!"

"You? Ronin singer? You belong to the Tiange clan!"

"As you know, the people of the Tiange clan do not believe in Tiange. Although we gained power because of him, we do not agree with his idea of ​​destroying the world! So the Tiange clan is actually very loose, so we will Wandering around just to find the faith and truth that belong to the own! Many of my partners have been captured by the dead sect. It is estimated that it is too bad for you! You can kill so many dead sect masters in a short period of time, which is enough for me to believe you!"

Seeing Yandi's pious appearance, Qin An only felt speechless.

I ate this kid's jealousy before.

Thinking of this, Qin An was taken aback for a moment, with a wicked smile on his face.

Didn’t Haitang really admire this guy before? If she saw that this kid became a slave in front of her, she would be frightened?

Thinking of this, Qin An slowly said:

"But your strength seems to be too weak for me. I don't know what is the use of accepting you as a believer? Somehow Qin Lu is also a new sword god! Although it is estimated to be fighting power compared to the old 49 sword god It's much weaker, but she is a sword god after all. Maybe it won't take long to go through several evolutions to surpass the old sword god, but what about you?"

Yan Di became anxious when he heard that, he really admired Qin An very much, and only felt that following Qin An must not be wrong. The most important thing is to look at Qin An's methods against the followers of the Dead Sect. It is estimated that in the future they must be enemies of the Dead Sect. This is also Yandi's goal, so he naturally wants to make the powerful Qin An the boss of own."My lord god, although my luck is not as good as this woman, I am also quite strong! The four major abilities of the Yandi Excalibur are Xiao Hongshou, Hunming, Yanhuoge, and Shanhaiyue. Xiao Hongshou is a group psychedelic ability. , The soul-calling song is a group summoning spell, Yanhuoge is a group fire attack, and Shanhaile is a group sonic attack! I am a capable person who is good at group attacks, and my previous fight with Qin Lu didn’t give full play to my specialty! You Bringing me around will definitely be useful! In fact, I have already accumulated enough Spirit Stones to refine a sword god stone. I believe that if I find a way to refine these sword Spirit Stones, then I can condense the sword spirit into God!"

"Oh? Show me these sword Spirit Stones!"

The success rate of Qin An's Synthetic Sword Spirit Stones has been many times stronger than that of his previous life, but he was confused this year, and he had not specially collected the sword soul fragments, so there were not many survivors in the storage space.

Yandi recognized Qin An as his future, so he generously took out all the sword Spirit Stones from the storage space, and turned out to be piled up into a hill.

Qin An looked at it coldly, and then locked all the Spirit Stones with his mind. He slowly walked forward, placing his palm on the pile of Spirit Stones.

"Master God, I heard that someone in the Sword Spirit Star has successfully synthesized the Sword God Stone, so only you give me some time to find the right way.

Yandi hadn't finished speaking, the sword Spirit Stones that Qin An touched suddenly released a dazzling light, and then all the sword Spirit Stones began to roll, merge together, and finally became a sword god stone that released a colorful light!

Yan Di was already demented. Didn't expect Qin An to use his mind to synthesize these sword Spirit Stones into the Sword God Stone? How can this be?

If this is the case, doesn't it mean that the god-tier in front of you has the ability to create the god of sword spirits? Of course, the premise is that he has enough sword Spirit Stones.

Putting the stone that exudes dazzling light into a cushion in his hand, it seems nothing special. Is this the sword god stone that the sword spirit race dreams of?

Throwing it to Yandi, Qin An said: "Well, Yandi, are you really willing to give up yourself, will you stay by my side as a slave from now on?",

"I am willing! This is my oath. If you violate this oath, Yan Flute will not die!"

"Then, you also change a name that makes me catchy, how about Qin Yan?"

"Qin Yan thanks the lord for his name!"

"Well, swallow your Sword God Stone. I am looking forward to the birth of the Yandi Sword God. You have fought with Qin Lu before. As the saying goes, you don't know each other. Let's get along well in the future!"

While speaking, Qin An ignored the two of them, opened the door and walked into the black armored chariot.

Haitang was still asleep in the lullaby. He didn't know what happened in the town of Bool Bunny, and he didn't know that there would be two servants of the sword god in his house.

Kneeling on the ground Qin Lu kept kowtow, and she watched all of Qin An's process of refining the sword god stone for Yandi.

This is too terrifying, just like a child's play, a sword god stone can be practiced? What is the origin of her main god? I'm afraid that the legendary nine main gods don't have this ability, right? Otherwise, the Sword God in the Star of Sword Spirit must have been flying all over the sky, how could there be only forty-nine?

Qin Lu was shocked again, the rhythm of kowtow was more rapid, and her heart was full of piety. She no longer cared about the death of the people of her tribe. Deep down in her heart, she had completely awed and believed in Qin An.

Qin Family Courtyard.

Qin Yana was a little absent-minded, she was lying flushed in her own boudoir.

Without knowing who it was, he put a spell card with the ability to burn memory into her body.

Now, as long as Qin Yana thinks of the space world of Journey to the West, the scene at that time will be displayed before her eyes, and Qin Yana can see the whole picture of herself as a white bone spirit hooking up with the Tang monk.

God, how could she do such a thing? They kissed his face, bit people’s ears, and ate people’s meat!

This is really shy, and I feel embarrassed to think about it, not to mention that I can still see it through the memory spell card every day.

Hey, so annoying!

So in addition to the annoying things, there are also things that excite Qin Yana. She seems to have made a breakthrough to become a four-spirit sword repairer.

The sword of Ye Hai has four abilities,

In the sea of ​​red leaves, you can summon unlimited red leaves for your own use. These red leaves can be controlled by Yana. They are Yana’s arms and can be used to attack; they are Yana’s armor and can form defenses; they are Yana's eyes and ears can float to a distance of tens of kilometers from Fang Yuan to spy on all confidential privacy, just like Qin An's Spiritual Sense. This kind of red leaf is actually very weak in energy for a single piece, but when gathered together, it can superimpose energy to exert its power.

Ye Hai's second skill, Ye is Hua Companion. Such an ability was created entirely because of Adadilan. In the subconscious of Ye Hai's sword spirit soul, Adadilan has been recognized as the only condition for skill activation. As long as Adadilan is within a kilometer of Qin Yana, Qin Yana will have a semi-god physique, and will unilaterally live with Adadilan! It means that if Adadilan is not dead, she can be reborn. If Adadiran dies, she can continue to survive.

The third skill is called One Step Flowering. This skill allows Yana to teleport Adadiran into one step at any time, and also allows herself to enter within one step of Adadiran at any time. This teleportation Adadilan can’t defend, only Passively accept. In other words, as long as Yana wants, she can stay with Adadilan every day, anytime, anywhere.

Ye Hai's fourth skill is called Night of Flower Language. It is a dual cultivation skill for men and women, and the specific male character is Adadilan. It means that two people have lived a married life together, and every combination can make them have an Ascension in the realm of ability. Through repeated integration, they can continue to evolve and eventually become a stronger existence.

So far, Ye Hailingnian only reminded Qin Yana how to use her first skill. As for the last three, there was no hint.

Therefore, Qin Yana was a little bit entangled with joy. Could it be that she had realized too many Sword God abilities at one time, so Lingnian went on strike? Can't have the energy to tell her what the other three abilities are? This is a rare situation. Of course, few people can comprehend the four sword god abilities at once, and directly evolve from an ordinary sword repairer to the four soul sword repair.

This is certainly because Adadilan brought her into the space, and it was also because Qin An's bloodline awakened in Qin Yana's body.

Today is really nothing.

Early in the morning, the three grandma of Weng Lan, Qiu Jinse, and Tang Yu took Qin Potian, Qin Beichen, Qin Huxiao and Qin Sanchuan and left the mansion.

Aunt Qin Jiusi takes care of Avon and Yahua every day, and is a veritable housewife.

Second Gu Qin Wenxin stays with her husband Li Gujuan every day, saying that she must add a baby to the house this year.

My sister-in-law Qin Xiangming is also inseparable from Lanshan, and vowed to compete with her second aunt to see who can give birth to a baby first.

Little sister-in-law, the daughter of Grandma Yu Qingcheng, Qin Haiyue is still young, only eight years old, and Qin Yana can't go with her.

Among the Uncles, Gale and Erhe are about the same age as Yana, but now everyone has a target, and they have to go to the military to train on weekdays, so busy, there is no time to pay attention to Yana.

Founder and Xiaotian are naughty and relatively young, Qin Yana can't communicate with them either.

The elders cannot catch up, and the sisters of the same generation do the same.

The younger ones are Yabao and Yabei. Although these two girls have no boyfriends, they are too wild. They run around every day and can't catch people at all.

There are two younger ones, Yana and Yali, who are also little girls, both of them are less than ten years old, and they have to be looked after by their mothers.

So Qin Yana's autism continues, and now it is in the late stage, she is afraid that she will die.

No one paid attention to her after spending a little day in the own boudoir.

Yana kept thinking about what was in her mind again and again, and she felt nothing to think about, so in the end she was in a daze with nothing to do, repeating her troubles and gains, unable to escape the loneliness of adolescence.

The starry night came, after dinner Yana went back to the room early, took off her clothes, only wore a pair of triangle shorts and a white t-shirt that was not tight. The t-shirt was naturally vacuumed. Yana used to go to bed early because she didn’t. Know what to do, every day.

Lying on the bed, Yana lost sleep.

It's strange that she doesn't have insomnia. She slept six times during the day, but now she has no sleepiness at all.

Hey, it was really boring, so she thought of Tang Seng again.

In fact, Yana still doesn't know Tang Seng's true identity so far, in her heart he is just a villain who is not too bad.

The reason why he is a badass is because the kid molested her that day.

The reason why it is not too bad is because they have shared hardships.

Who is he? Don't know what he is doing right now? Do you think of yourself?

Qin Yana's consciousness inadvertently locked Adadilan, and then affected the opening of the skill of blooming flowers.

"what!"With a cry of exclamation, Qin Yana discovered that her own bed was suddenly gone, and her body was falling downwards like a free fall. What's the situation?

Just thinking about it, a warm embrace has embraced her tightly.

"Little Hongye? Why did you...appear?"

Adadilan was full of Blood Qi, holding the own love foil in his hand, sweat and blood on his face, and a body suddenly appeared in front of him just a second. Adadilan caught it subconsciously, and when he saw that it was the little red leaf, he was immediately stunned.

"You... why are you here?"

Qin Yana was also dumbfounded. She had just asked a word, only to hear a roar and roar in her ear, which shook her eardrums! Then countless roars finally came into her ears, causing Qin Yana to turn her head subconsciously, and then she was completely dumbfounded.

At this moment, Adadilan was standing on the crevice of the city wall of Jiugong City, and Qin Yana could see the endless sea of ​​beasts on the south side of the city wall!

This kind of big scene has never been seen in TV series or movies. There are terrifying behemoths and orcs everywhere in the mountains and plains. They screamed and ran forward, seeming not afraid of Death.

On one side of the city, there are planes and missiles flying in the sky from time to time.

Those planes went out to fight the flying barbarians, and those missiles would eventually hit a few hundred meters in front of the city wall and explode, exploding the flesh and blood of the barbarians.

However, these did not stop the savage beasts from advancing.

Below the 100-meter city wall, the brutal beasts are already full. Although most of them are corpses, they have become the best ladder for the opponent to attack the city wall. The follow-up brutal beasts only need to step on the corpses of their companions to run directly on the city wall.

On the city wall, all the soldiers of the super-powers were fighting with the wild beasts that were on the wall. Adadilan was no exception. What he never expected was that Xiao Hongye came to the front and gave her a hug. NS.

A three-meter-tall green giant rushed up with a roar, Adadilan held the sword in one hand, and the sword Spiritual Qi slashed towards the green giant with the blade.

This sword cut very accurately, directly cutting the opponent's big head in half.

Killing the green giant beast roar, Adadilan hurriedly hugged Qin Yana and left the city wall, into the bunker under the city.

"Little Hongye, why did you come? Floating here? Came to me specifically?"

The stupid Qin Yana finally awoke and found that she was still blushing in the arms of Tang Seng. She is now in a hollow state, and she has only a pair of trousers! A pair of big white legs are exposed outside!

Qin Yana wanted to struggle and suddenly found blood on Tang Seng's body.

"You are hurt?"

"No, it's all the blood of the enemy! Little Hongye, this place is extremely dangerous, you go back quickly."

"This is where?"

"The front line of the south wall of Jiugong City!"

"...You turned out to be a soldier here."

"You don't know who I am... Well, I will formally introduce myself. My name is Adadilan. You are Xiao Hongye from the Qin family. I am Brother-in-law of Guo Sihai. I am still in your grandfather's generation..."

"Go to hell!"

Xiao Hongye pushed Adadilan away hard, his face flushed, and his heartbeat accelerated.

I didn't expect that Tang Seng turned out to be the famous young general! I heard that when he came to the earth, he was still a milk doll. In a few years, he achieved a lot of military exploits by virtue of his abilities, and eventually became an empire general.

Yana has not only heard of his name, but even idolized him.

"Yes, I want to put on this military uniform. Why did you suddenly appear when you wear it so little? Did you fly here as a little Hongye Mengyou?"

Yana said aggrieved: "I don't know either."

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