After Xiao Liying exclaimed, the world before her suddenly changed.

Not only did the rain on her body dry up, but the heavy rain could no longer fall on her. Qin An's body seemed to be a heater, and the rain curtain completely became the background.

"Where is this? You are a supernaturalist!"

The little girl reacted after a daze, she was really smart.

"This is above the city wall. Have you ever climbed the Nine Palaces Wall?"

"I'm a poor man, how can I get the chance to climb the wall? Abnormal person, those two bad guys were killed by you? In an instant? Are you strong?"

For Qin An, the two of them were indeed weak like ants. He didn't need to take action at all. He could explode them to death only with the judgment of Heaven's Punishment. The premise was also because these two guys were really evil.

Qin An looked at the little girl with tears in her arms still with tears in her eyes.

This girl is really an elf, she was able to speak calmly to herself so quickly, and she was completely free from the panic in her heart before.

Not only that, Qin An had more shocks.

If he hadn't possessed mind-reading skills, it would be impossible for him to guess what the little girl was thinking at this time.

"This person should be very good, and his attitude is kind to me! I am twelve years old, my body is growing, and my appearance is getting better and better! Today I was almost XX by those two people! This is not the way to go. I have to find someone to protect! The opportunity arrives at the same time as the crisis. If I miss it, I will probably never have another encounter like the one in front of me! What should I do? What kind of girl does this person like? Yes, precocious, or naturally charming? How can I attract his attention and make him willingly take me by his side? He looks very young too, estimated to be around twenty years old, not much older than me! In a few years I’m twenty years old and he should look at him, but he’s just over twenty years old. It’s not easy to get old because of the supernatural power! So what should I call him? Uncle? Will this distance the sense of distance? He has a wife What if his wife doesn’t like me? How can I compete with adult women as a child? Maybe... I should call her Big Brother. As long as I behave well, I should be older in two years. It's changed! Now the menstrual period has appeared, and in two years I will definitely get rid of the appearance of a little girl and become a young woman! Then there will be capital for competition. The key question now is whether this man is worth my bet?"

How could Qin An not be shocked. The twelve-year-old girl was so complicated in her mind, yet her face remained calm, she still looked like a weak girl, and she was just like a careful bitch in her heart.

Can you blame Li Ying for this?

Maybe not. I can only say that the end of the world is a super big dye vat. In fact, it is not only her, but other stray children are also complicated in their hearts. How can they survive purely?

In the face of being careful, Qin An didn't feel any disgust, but thought that she was very pitiful and very heartbreaking.

Little Li Ying saw that Qin An did not answer the own question, and her heart was a little uneasy, but she still tried to keep herself calm. Instead of asking if Qin An was a powerful supernatural person, she turned her head to look outside the city and exhaled gently. , Raised a little rough hand, rubbed his eyes and wiped away tears.

"The fire outside is all extinguished. I looked at it before it was blazing into the sky. After a long time of rain, why are there so many dark clouds in the Tianshan Mountains? It seems that it will never dissipate."

"This is called a continuous storm, and it won't stop in a few days. Little girl, what plans do you have in the future?"

Qin An knew that Xiao Liying had deliberately led the topic to Weather Mountain, how could this girl not know the stormy weather.

"Brother...Can I follow you? I am a very sensible street child. If you are willing to accept me, I will be your little maid and help you wash your clothes. I also know how to cook. But I haven't been exposed to good ingredients on weekdays, so just give me a little time and I can become a good cook!"

Xiao Liying seemed determined and said her own appeal.

Qin An sighed softly, not intending to embarrass her, and whispered softly:

"Well, then you will follow me from now on, but don't call my brother, Uncle or anything else. My name is Qin An, what is your name?"

"My name is Li Ying...Can I call your name directly? I don't think you look like Uncle, because you are not old at all!"

Qin An, who could understand Xiao Liying's mind, was very helpless. He originally wanted to refuse, but when he was about to open his mouth, a scene suddenly popped out of his mind.It's a talent market full of job seekers, and I stand in the middle of the talent market, watching everywhere with my eyes full of confusion.

Suddenly, a girl appeared in the line of sight. She looked very cold and arrogant, but she was so beautiful!

Beauty has many pronouns, such as flowers like jade, all over the country, Celestial Immortals and so on.

But Qin An felt that no vocabulary could fully describe the beauty of the girl in front of him, so he only used beauty to describe her most accurately.

A ghostly messenger, Qin An walked to the girl and said: "You look so good!"

The girl was taken aback for a moment, then frowned, ignoring Qin An.

Qin An is not actually an active person, but men and women in this world are always drawn by some inexplicable lines. Once they meet, sparks will inevitably be drawn.

Therefore Qin An boldly said: "My name is Qin An! I want to know you, can you tell me your phone number and name? Don't worry, I am a soldier who has just retired! I am not a badass!"

The girl smiled slightly when she heard what Qin An said, and then sent a resume to Qin An's hands, and said, "There are all kinds of information about me, now I'm looking for a job, don't disturb me!"

The girl turned and left after speaking.

Qin was a little excited and looked at the information with the girl's mobile phone number, age, home address and name.

The girl's name is Li Ying!

The spirit was in a trance for a moment!

Qin An couldn't believe that a little memory of his previous life had jumped out.

This should be the scene when he and Weng Lan met for the first time. At that time, Weng Lan was called Li Ying. The name Li Ying was naturally profound to him, because this was the beginning of his love!

Qin An didn't understand how to describe his own mood.

Some sighs, perhaps because they suddenly remembered; some depressed, perhaps because most of them have forgotten.

Hey, how did Qin An in the previous life live well? Life's happiness? Is there anything unhappy?

Qin An didn't know, he didn't want to know before, but after experiencing the meeting with Weng Lan and other women, he thought of the Jade Qingcheng in the sea, Qi Rou came to him, and now he remembered the first encounter with Weng Lan, who was aliased by Li Ying. He was a little confused.

It seems that he can't get rid of his previous life. Perhaps he will recall all the things and all the people he has experienced!

If he really can't escape, then he can only accept it happily. Only when the past life and this life are combined, he should be a complete Qin An.

Lowering his head, Qin An smiled slightly, looking at the look in Xiao Liying's expectant eyes at this time:

"Well, then you will follow the uncle in the future, but remember, don't hit my attention!"

Little Liying's surprise smile had not yet revealed, she was directly shocked by Qin An's last sentence.

Of course she didn't expect Qin An to have mind-reading skills, but she just felt that she might be acting unnaturally, so that Qin An could see through her mind? So immediately worry about gains and losses.

Qin An knows Xiao Liying's thoughts, and wants to comfort her but doesn't know how to speak, so let her follow the women around her in the future. Qin An thinks that if she gets along for a long time, she should not be so complicated in her mind, right?

Secretly performed Purdue treatment for Li Ying.

All the injuries on Xiao Liying's body were repaired immediately, and her dry and cracked hands became abnormally smooth and clean.

Xiao Liying was shocked by the changes in her body, and she was even more certain that Qin An was her life experience, and she decided that she must hold onto it and never let it go.

Unknown when the gale turned into a hurricane, the soldiers of Jiugongcheng became more difficult.

Qin Ling's system issued an alarm to the whole city. Her peripheral surveillance system discovered that a species of brutal beasts called flying sharks had already taken off near the rear base of the Southern Beast Tide, and the number was uncountable. ten thousand! The vanguard troops will arrive at the Jiugong and other eight cities along the defense line in two hours.

These so-called flying sharks are not like sharks, but more like giant bats.

They have no feathers on their bodies, their bodies are jet black, and their wings can reach six to eight meters in length. They have four sharp claws, and their average defensive offensive and defensive capabilities are above the level of four soul sword repairs. The elite level is in the state of demigod, and the BOSS level is even more. Can directly reach the strength of the Sword God.

The most terrifying thing is their flying ability. Such a large number of flying armies cannot be defended at all without intelligent defense weapons. Fighting with them is even more wishful thinking. When they fall from the sky, they are a disaster for the human race.

Faced with this situation, Adadilan seemed to wrinkle in an instant, and hurriedly talked to Guo Sihai.

After a brief meeting for a few minutes, Guo Sihai and Qin Ling made a joint decision, and immediately evacuate the whole line and turn to the underground tunnel fortress behind. Energy supplies should be given up as soon as possible, but food must be brought with them because they don’t know what will happen in the next few days. What's happening.

The Kowloon Empire could not send enough vehicles to quickly bring all the soldiers and civilians in the eight cities and the rear territories back to the five rear cities. If the intelligent system can be fully activated, there may be a way to transport, but after the Maya strike, Qin Ling cannot completely take over the system. Therefore, many high-tech transportation equipment cannot be started, and it is impossible to drive manually. All products created by Maya have no manual operating system.

Suddenly, in the midst of the storm, the situation in the city became more chaotic.

Some people can stick to their posts and follow the steps, but a small number of "smart people" have realized the seriousness of the situation. They have become deserters, which caused more people to leave the team and flee to the north. The original evacuation became a big escape. Unfortunately, no one has the ability to control this situation. Human nature is selfish.

Qin An took Xiao Liying back to his own small fleet. There was still no one in the three cars, and everyone slept in Qi Rou's villa space.

Qin An and Qi Rou have known about this space. It is not a big space and can accommodate no more than a hundred people. The only strength is that it can move freely at any time and it can always exist.

After the formation of the new laws of the earth, the constraints of the power of space have become stronger and stronger.

Qin An's current dream space and Tianju space have been weakened, the opening time has been shortened, and the number of people reposted has decreased. Even the Tianju space can't keep people in it, and after being summoned, it can't move the place, which is very passive.

The Necro Space seems to be stronger, but in fact it is not at all. Nowadays, if you want to resurrect a person in it, you may need to consume tens of thousands of Spirit Stones. This is not known how much more difficult it is than the previous Ascension, since it is impossible to resurrect the dead. Spirit, then the spatial ability is also useless when it is strong.

Therefore, the space of Qi Rou's villa is really strong.

After Qin An returned to the black armored chariot, Qi Rou's real body appeared beside him.

Xiao Liying was shocked when she saw it. She didn't know why she suddenly appeared a woman, who was obviously also a supernatural person, not only so beautiful, but also so powerful, so would she still have a chance by Qin An's side? It seems that it is very important not only to please Qin An, but also to make the women around him like him.

Qin An ignored Xiao Liying's scheming, looked at Qi Rou and smiled:

"Why didn't you sleep?"

"I don't need to sleep and I will be very energetic."

Qi Rou's tone was a little arrogant. After she said it, she felt that she shouldn't use this tone to talk to Qin An, so she turned reddish and looked at Qin Anrou and said:

"It's you. I heard that when you don't use abilities, your physical condition is the same as an ordinary person. Don't you need to sleep?"

"I can't sleep, so I walked around. The storm is too strong. This environment is obviously more powerful for the brutal beasts. I am worried that by this time tomorrow, there will be corpses all over the field for a few hundred miles near Jiugongcheng, bones and bones. "

Seeing Qin An frowning, Qi Rou hesitated and said:

"Do you want me to shoot?"

Qin An glanced at Qi Rou and said with a smile: "Although I have a stand, I am still sensible enough. Even if you take action, this situation should not solve too much of the problem. Once the flying shark beasts arrive, the brutal beast army outside the city wall We will also move forward, and we will face more than ten million enemies! One or two spirit sword repair defensive beasts can kill you and I in seconds, but the average strength level of the flying shark brutal beasts has reached the four spirit sword repair. Realm, I’m afraid it won’t be so easy to kill at that time. So I have to see if I want to take a shot. This time is different from before. I think the real powerful enemy is about to appear!"Qi Rou nodded and said:

"Well, I don’t know much about the savage beasts, but one beast king, four heavenly kings, and 16 BOSS-level generals have heard of them. Their strength is definitely not weaker than the sword god. The sword god once had the experience of passing by with the beast emperor. The so-called passing by is actually a hundred kilometers away! Even so far away, True Fire still felt the sudden emergence of powerful power, believing the emperor I must have felt the existence of real fire. Real fire sword god sent people to investigate, and only then discovered that the person who made her feel extremely powerful was the barbarian beast king!"

Qi Rou opened the chatterbox, so she sent Xiao Liying into the villa space, let Zhong Xiaocui take care of her, and didn't want her children to know too many complicated things.

After that, she began to tell Qin An about many sword spirit stars, including how King Qin and Zhenhuo got to that planet, and how Qi Rou gave birth to Qin An.

Qin An understands these things, but they are not too detailed. Now, listening to Qi Rou's own narration, he immediately feels deep and complicated.

Time passed slowly, and two hours arrived in a blink of an eye.

People in Jiugong City have gone to empty buildings and become a bleak and dilapidated city.

In the sky, the cry of strange beasts sounded, and the tide of land beasts from the south also poured directly into the south of the city.

Qin An and Qi Rou were not in conversation, and sat quietly in the car.

This kind of scene is very spectacular and hard to see in life.

A strangely shaped savage beast passed by the window of the car, and then stopped for a full twenty-four hours later. It is not known how many savage beasts crossed the border.

After this batch of savage beasts passed, a new wave of savage beasts had arrived ten kilometers south of the city.

They will occupy eight cities and use these cities as their own strongholds.

With the addition of the three previous cities, the brutal beasts have already taken the eleven southern cities of the empire, and are close to the last five big cities in the rear, Hanghai, Zhu'er, Ange, Kasli, and Qiushi. If you can break through the blockade of these five cities, Magical Beasts will be able to flood into the blessed land of the Kowloon Empire, the city of Kowloon on Jiulong Mountain!

The overall situation has been determined. After discussing, a group of people who lived in the villa space for a day and a night decided to abandon the two apocalyptic abysses. Qin An Qirou returned to the black armored chariot, Qin An controlled the black armor to soar into the sky, and then turned into a moving shadow. Flew north.

Along the way, there are really corpses all over the wild, humans and orcs.

Obviously when the beast tide was advancing, the human race and the beast race also broke out in fierce conflict and battle.

Qin An and the others would naturally encounter many flying sharks. Qi Rou did not hesitate at this time, and together with Qin An, they killed many flying sharks.

Because the target in the sky was too big, the black armored chariot didn't go far after killing it all day and night.

Qin An could only let the black armored chariot fall into the wilderness, which was marked by the map as a black sand grass forest.

The so-called grass forest is a new apocalyptic landform. The grasses here are all black plants of the post-apocalyptic era that emerged after the March disaster.

They are very huge, with an average height of ten meters. Although the grass stems are soft, they are simply a dense black forest from a distance.

The self-suspension ability of the black armored tank allows it to run smoothly on any uneven road.

The 1,000-kilometer range between the eight cities and five cities The Underworld is very wide.

Therefore, although the total number of the human race and the brutal beast family together may have exceeded 80 million, they did not pile up all the places.

The human race retreated in different directions, and the wild beasts who thought they were hunters naturally followed different paths.

The reason why Qin An stayed in the black sand grass forest was because he discovered that there was a human team that had run out of ammunition and food was hidden here, and the surrounding area was surrounded by brutal beast camps. They wanted to get out of here. difficult.

Coincidentally, Fang Jiaoyan and Fang Dazhi, who had previously met, happened to be in this team.

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