Qin An felt that he was very lucky. In any case, he had inadvertently formed a tacit understanding with Ya Xi.

As for Ya Xi's idea that she still wants to fight Qin Ling in the end, let's execute it according to her consciousness.

In Qin An's eyes, Ya Xi is indeed a more humane intelligent system than Ling'er. She loves and hates, and she dares to love and hate!

Qin An's life in the next few days was dull, but also very exciting.

His new home has been renovated and it is super luxurious.

Although Ya Xi did not immediately connect to the Jiulong City Lord System, she still has her own resources.

With her help, Qin An's home was transformed into an extremely technologically advanced building within a few days.

Ya Xi also formally moved into the house, and when she saw Qi Rou she also showed a shy young woman attitude, because she knew that Qi Rou was Qin An's biological mother. The feelings between Qin An and Yaxi seem to be natural. This is mainly because Qin An has a hint of compassion for Yaxi and knows more about each other, while Maya worships and remembers Qin An blindly. This kind of relationship does not require a commitment, long-term company is the best ending.

In the past few days, the army led by the five generals and the brutal beast army drew a tie. The two sides fought and fought at a distance of about 500 kilometers from the five cities. In general, no one took advantage. .

Qin An has been paying attention to the battle situation, what he is waiting for is an opportunity, an opportunity to combine the orcs with the human race.

In September 2059, a full-scale battle between the human race and the orcs broke out for ten days. Because a large number of savage beasts moved forward in the rear of the orcs, they completely overwhelmed the human coalition forces in numbers. The human race had to choose to retreat and continue to use drag tactics. Rebuild the second line of defense 400 kilometers away from the five cities.

Guo Sihai realized the seriousness of the situation, and felt that if the human race continued to fight, even if he could win, it was probably consumed. Then what is the point of victory?

No way, Guo Sihai could only write a book biography with the Beast Emperor. This was the first request for peace since the war began.

The Beast Emperor did not directly refuse, but wrote back, asking Guo Sihai to visit the Southern Beast Capital in person, otherwise he would negotiate a peace and interview.

This incident caused a huge wave in the empire. No one would agree that Guo Sihai was in danger. Orcs were already synonymous with brutality and cruelty in the hearts of the human race, and everyone would not believe that they would keep their promises.

After a full day and two nights of meetings, officials at all levels finally felt that they still could not go to the southern capital. If they wanted to meet, they would let the Beast King come to the front line to meet.

The Beast King directly refused this time, and offered another opinion at the same time.

Yihe, letting go of this in advance, the Beast Emperor hoped that the human race would send the top ten masters to the southern beast capital to fight against the ten masters among the brutal beasts.

If the savage beast wins, then the human race needs to divide all the land south of the five cities to the savage beast family. After that, the two sides can truce and repair for one month. Within a month, the human race must provide food for the orcs, and the talks can continue within a month. Negotiations.

If the human race wins, then the brutal beasts can start a formal negotiation process with the human race, but before the peace agreement is reached, the brutal beasts will continue to advance south. The reason is simple, they need food, and they need land to rest and live!

This unequal proposal once again made the empire boil like a blockbuster. The government closed the door and began careful research, and the private network has begun to select the top ten masters of the empire.

Among the five generals, Tang Yu, Gravel Sky, Huo Qilan, and Immortal Palace were all shortlisted, but Cheng Gang was not optimistic.

Before that, the Qin Family Canghai Jade Qingcheng, the third Elder Huo Wentian of the True Fire Palace, the Fire Demon Zen, the Fire Abyss, and Hu Yunsheng, the first guard by Guo Sihai, were all among the celebrities of the empire.

Qin An thinks this is an opportunity. The top ten masters will go out of Nine Dragons to the Beast Capital, so that the Beast Emperor can see the power of the human race, and then he can be motivated to consider the issue of cooperating with the human race. The reason why he proposed the duel of the top ten masters should also be to touch the bottom of the human race. After all, although the beast tide was fierce in the ten-day battle, it did not stand cheap in front of the human race.

In any case, this should be a banquet.

For this reason, Qin An intends to find a chance to meet Guo Sihai and announce his own identity and strength. Then in the list of the top ten masters, it is obvious that there must be an own position. Qin An also decided to take Qi Rou there anyway. She is confident of herself. Guarantee! And Qi Rou should also be the guarantee of Guo Sihai's confidence. As for other people, such as Grit Heaven, Huo Qilan, and Xiangong, Qin An doesn't know much about it, but Ya Xi said that these people are by no means simple, I believe it shouldn't be a problem to get the top ten masters.

I want to see Guo Sihai, obviously, I have to go through the Qin family. Qin An is busy decorating his own home these days, and has to exchange feelings with Ding Haitang, Ya Xi, and the proprietress of the Violet Tavern. Therefore, he has contact with the ladies of the Qin family. a bit less.

He did not go to see Canghai again.

The matter with Canghai has been made clear, Qin An doesn't want to put too much pressure on her, so let her consider it for herself, after all, it is her who has to sacrifice.

Now that Tang Yu is busy on the front line, Cang Hai seems to have already been on the battlefield, and Weng Lan and Qiu Jinse are sitting in the Qin family.

Qin An got up early in the morning and planned to see them.

It was very tangled. According to the information he had learned, he should have loved these two women the most in his previous life, but...now I don't know how to love them.

Qin An dressed and dressed in the room, changed two sets of clothes, but always felt wrong.

"Who are you going to see?"Ding Haitang found Qin An's abnormality, and helped him tidy up his appearance, and at the same time couldn't help but ask questions.

"Go to see Weng Lan and Qiu Jinse of the Qin family. I plan to use them to meet Emperor Guo Sihai. According to the information I know, Guo Sihai was once my brother in my previous life!"

"Oh, I'm going to see Mrs. Qin's family..."

Ding Haitang smiled and did not continue.

Knowing Qin An's identity already made Ding Haitang see through many things, knowing that this man is by no means a thing in the pool, and that he is simply too ordinary for him.

Compared with the past two years, she has reached the sky happily. This man is at least willing to love her, so Ding Haitang doesn’t want to take care of his outside affairs. Now there is only one thing that makes Ding Hai entangled. It's the round room.

After looking through the closet for a while, Ding Haili finally found a set of clothes and took it out for Qin An to change.

"It fits well! This dress looks good, why don't I know when I bought it?"

Qin An was very satisfied with his equipment at this time.

"When I first got married, I asked someone to do it for you...husband, although I couldn't make friends with you when I first married you, I knew then that you are the second half of my life!"

Qin An was in a good mood when he saw Haitang's affectionate words. He held her in his arms and molested her, and then lay in his ears to talk love.

"Hey, you said that I was your second half of your life, but how do I feel that you have been thinking about my lower body? Tell me, did you sneak me up after I fell asleep last night?"

"I do not!"



"Where did you touch it?"

Qin An was very surprised. He actually just blew it casually, but looking at Haitang's shy expression at this time, I guess he was really sneaked up after falling asleep?

"You're bad!"

"Hurry up, tell me, where did you touch it? I want to know, I'm so curious to die!"

Qin An's heart had grown grass, and he didn't go to pry into Haitang's mind at this moment, and wanted to feel this ambiguous atmosphere.

"I touched yours..."

"Where did you touch it?"

Qin An was excited, and his body reacted.

"Touched your belly button... I just wanted to see its depth."

Haitang blushed, Qin An's eyes widened! This answer caught him by surprise.


Ten in the morning,

Sitting in the Qin's living room, Qin An secretly observed his own belly button more than once, nothing special? Similar to most people, does Haitang have any habit of here?

Tangled, he originally thought he had become an old driver, but he didn't expect it to be far away.

The Qin’s living room is very large, and the decoration is also very luxurious.

After waiting for about three minutes, neither Weng Lan nor Qiu Jinse appeared, but Qin Yana walked in with the door open.

Qin Yana and Qin Yabao have returned to Qin's house safely. Yana has gone through the battlefield baptism, and her temperament has become more mature and stable.

Weng Lan and Qiu Jinse were not at home, so she came to pick up the guests on behalf of her grandma. When she saw Qin An, Qin Yana's face immediately turned cold, but she regarded Qin An as a pervert.

"Why are you? What are you doing?"

Qin An saw that Yana was here to meet him, but he was also a little surprised.

"Oh, I'm here to visit Weng Lan and Qiu Jinse. There are some things to discuss with them."

"Do you know my two grandma?"

"Yes, we are still old friends."

"Bah! How could my grandma be your old friend!"

Yana had a very bad impression of Qin An because she misunderstood that Qin An was raising female pets and people. This behavior was not permitted by law in the empire, but it was not punished too severely, so it was a common imagination. Under the patriarchal system, many men find it very exciting to raise women into dog-like pets.

The Qin family's tutoring is very strict, and women are in charge of the family, so this kind of thing is absolutely not allowed to happen, and it is also an unacceptable evil in moral thinking.

Qin Yana hates Qin An with excuse.

After Qin An understood Qin Yana's thoughts, he was a little speechless, and felt that he was going to die unjustly.

"You come out!"

Qin Yana suddenly gave orders to Qin An.

"Why come out?"

"My two grandmothers went to the old house, and the person who was sent to report will not come back! In that case, I want to use a little time to challenge and see what you can do! A malatang seller turned out to be a strong power. , I’m curious why you want to sell Mala Tang! Boy, dare to accept my challenge?"

Yana has a soft personality, and she has a little heroic spirit after walking around on the battlefield.

Qin An laughed.

He feels cordial to the children of the Qin family. This cordial affection comes from the deep blood of his soul, and Qin An himself can feel it.

"Okay, anyway, I'm idle, so why don't I accept your challenge?"

Yana was a little surprised now. She didn't expect that this villain would really dare to accept the challenge of own in Qin's house?

She originally wanted to put him in the army, and then left by herself. I didn't see it but it ended like this.

"Okay! Then come out and follow me to the martial arts training ground!"

The voice fell, Yana's figure disappeared at the gate, Qin An got up and followed with a smile.

The Qin family's martial arts training ground is quite large, and there is the ability to shield the enchantment nearby.

The destructive power of the supernatural beings is very strong, so the martial arts field must be equipped with these devices to control the emission of energy, otherwise it will definitely be turned upside down.

When she walked to the martial arts field, Yana turned her head and found that the bad guy was standing behind her.

Ah...Is this guy really a master? He followed him all the way, why didn't she find out? I thought he didn't come!

Qin An feels the warmth of the family these days, so he values ​​family affection even more.

He has already decided to do Qin An and find the past, so he will naturally accept the Qin family's woman and a nest of children.

So Qin An cherishes this opportunity to interact with children, and he also wants to see if they are really as outstanding as he knows.

"Hi, little girl, don't be in a daze, come on, do it!"

Qin An smiled, this kind of smile was contempt in Qin Yana's eyes, and it could be regarded as squinting.

Now the little girl was really angry, and no longer cared about whether the guy on the other side really knew grandma, she decided to beat him up first.

Before the two started, there were already some people nearby, including the Qin family's masters.

For these masters, many people knew Qin An as soon as an outsider entered the scope of the Qin Mansion.

Seeing Qin Yana challenging each other, people were a little surprised. I don’t know why a gentle Seven Princess has such a temper today. She is not Yabei, Yabao’s two Miss, those two guys like to mess around. , Yana is the best behaved on weekdays.

When people were full of misgivings, Qin Yana had already acted unceremoniously.

The four skills of Yehai Shenjian are the sea of ​​red leaves, and the leaves are the companions of flowers.

As a twin swordsman, Qin Yana was the Four Soul Realm when she was alone, and her only attack ability was the Sea of ​​Red Leaves.

She raised her hand and summoned countless red leaves, which quickly entangled to form a high-speed rotating tornado, and then smashed directly at Qin An.The guards of the Qin family looked a little shocked. They didn't know when Miss, her senior, had such a great sword god skill. In the past, she would only become a little Hongye.

Qin An raised his eyebrows slightly.

This is the inheritance ability belonging to the Hongye Sword God, and Qin An is the first inheritor of the Hongye Sword God, so how could he be afraid of Hongye's energy.

When the red leaf tornado arrived, he waved his hand gently, without seeing any energy fluctuations, all the red leaves disappeared in an instant!

If it was the Rain of Red Leaves released by the Red Leaf Sword God, Qin An might have no choice but to face the red leaves released by Qin Yana, Qin An could directly control it.

Therefore, Qin An cheated somewhat in this round.

Outsiders didn't know what Qin An did. What they saw was that Qin An raised his hand and instantly turned Qin Yana's seemingly mighty offensive to nothing!

Everyone around was stupid.

It is not difficult to resolve Qin Yana's attack. The guards on the scene have gathered more than 80 people, and almost all of them have the ability to resolve such attacks. The guards recruited by the Qin family for many years are not dry food.

The problem is that Qin An did not release any sword Spiritual Qi nor any energy between raising his hand, just as if the red leaves had touched a black hole and disappeared by themselves.

This is too exaggerated. Everyone knew in their hearts that if they faced Qin Yana's attack, they would never be so casual.

So who is this man who appeared in Qin's house?

At this time Qin Yana was already stunned. She was not merciful just now, because Qin An was too awkward in her eyes.

Qin Yana regretted it when she shot her, and she didn't know the depth of the other party. If he hurts him, if he is really a friend of the grandma's, then she will probably be trained.

But before she was worried for more than a second, she saw Own's strongest attack be taken away by others.

How could the strong internal contrast make her not shocked?

After a few seconds in a daze, Qin Yana's angry little face turned red, and she might be ashamed. I really feel that I have no face!

Regardless, since the opponent still has some abilities, then she doesn't need to be polite!

In the following time, Qin Yana concentrated on Mental Energy, summoned the Sea of ​​Red Leaves to form various offensives, and bombarded Qin An indiscriminately.

It took ten minutes for Qin Yana to gasp and stop the attack.

At this time, she discovered that Qin An hadn't moved at all, and all the attacks she sent out were sinking into the sea, as if there was an energy swallowing magnetic field beside Qin An, cracking all the red leaves.

Qin Yana was completely stunned at this time, and couldn't believe this fact.

"Yana, aunt, help you! Boss, you can go to me!"

A very beautiful child sounded, and it turned out that Qin Haiyue had arrived.

A few days ago, this little girl made a super villain with a sword god-level offensive and defensive ability. She was worried that she had no place to experiment with the villain’s combat effectiveness. Now that she saw a fight, she immediately jumped over and commanded Her villain called the "boss" attacked Qin An, and didn't care whether Yana was in a fair duel with others.

When Yana saw Haiyue's presence, she was finally clear-headed.

Hey, she is many years older than Haiyue, but she wants to call her aunt.

I don't need her to participate in this matter, it's really depressing! This is simply adding chaos.

When Yana was struggling, the Sword God-level villain had quickly reached Qin An's side and punched Qin An's toe.

No way, the villain is only five centimeters high, standing on the ground can only reach Qin An's toes.

Qin An felt the majestic power from the villain, and it was indeed a sword god level attack.

But this kind of attack was completely ineffective to him, because he only reached the Sword God level with his power attribute, without any abilities.

Lifting his foot slightly, the villain's punch was empty, and his body rushed forward under the influence of inertia.

Qin Anzhen didn't mean it. He lifted his foot up to avoid the attack and fell down. As a result, he stepped the villain under his foot.

The elated Qin Haiyue was dumbfounded, and when he saw that his boss was trampled on, he didn't know if he would be trampled to death, and immediately burst into tears.

This cry did not matter, it attracted more people to watch.

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