Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1657 The Demon Heaven Arrives

At this time, there were not many savage beasts around Qin An, but fortunately, the Long Xiao came in time, otherwise these savage beasts would eventually die.

Seeing two naked women running towards him, Qin An immediately recognized their identities, hurriedly greeted them, and sent them a piece of clothing as they approached them.

"Hmph, you kid is quite feudal. Look at other orcs who don't wear clothes. Why? Could it be said that our nakedness is not beautiful, so you are so impatient to watch?"

Perhaps because of the last contact, Yu Qingcheng saw Qin An very kindly, and also learned to joke.

It made Qin An very awkward, and Xin's heart was also annoyed.

The clothes were not effective to him, he just didn't want them to be seen by other men, after all, they were both her ex-wives.

Tang Yu was not that friendly. She had been struggling with Qin An's identity, and she was not sure whether the man in front of her was the reincarnation of Qin An.

After all, even the former Qin An Tang Yu was full of grudges.

Back then, Qin An married many women, but did not marry her because Qin An feared that she would mess up his harem.

After all, for a woman who likes to be a queen, men will have a dike, right?

So Tang Yu didn't speak, and stood beside Qin An and looked around.

"The ability you released is really strong. It is estimated that this blood rain can kill millions of savage beasts, right? Is there any limit to this ability, if we can use it all the time, then we don’t need to negotiate with the savage beasts. , It would be great to just kill them all!"

"Huh! Do you think it's that simple? It took a long time for the two of us to form a soul resonance, and there was blood and water in the Sanyue Lake as the lead, which successfully activated the ability of Killing the Blood Rain. This ability cannot be used. Forcing it, we cannot form soul resonance every time!"

Tang Yu spoke coldly without looking at Qin An at all, and continued to look around, his attention quickly attracted by the collision of powerful energy a few kilometers away.

"Qingcheng, the two capable people who emit roaring wind and strange fire are over there, let's go over and take a look."

"Well, the savage beasts nearby are almost dead. The fugitives are estimated to encounter Potian Beichen and the others, and they should also be wiped out at that time. This battle is not bad for us?"

"It should be okay."

The two women talked to themselves and left, but they weren't paying attention to Qin An.

Qin An was embarrassed, but he could only follow it to watch.

The nearby area has become a scorched earth cemetery, and the orcs who have not died fled as birds and beasts. Qin An was more interested in that Yin Yao at this time.

The trio stepped on the corpse at high speed, and within a few minutes they were several kilometers away, and saw the opposing man and woman, while Luo Yuxia, Jones and Fang Dazhi all hid behind the man.

"Yin Yao?"

Tang Yu and Yu Qingcheng all spoke in shock after seeing Huo Qilan.

Huo Qilan's gaze swept over them, and he glanced at Qin An casually.

When she faced Tang Yu, Yu Qingcheng nodded slightly as a greeting, but ignored Qin An who didn't know who it was.

After that, Huo Qilan still focused on Long Xiao who was standing a few tens of meters away from him.

"Although I don't know much about the savage beast continent, I have also heard of the legend of the beast king and the four heavenly kings under my seat! You can draw a strong wind with a roar, and let the power of blood, fire, rain, and wind merge and offset. This kind of strength must be one of the four heavenly kings?"

"Hahaha, human woman, good eyesight! I am the Blood Slaughter Heavenly King Long Xiao! Are you also a sword god? I have never left the savage beast continent in my life, but I was fortunate to have had a battle with the Wukui sword god, that guy is very strong, if You can beat Wu Kui, maybe we can learn from each other today, if you can't beat then..."

In the middle of what Long Xiao said, he suddenly stopped, because there was an abnormal bump next to him.

Qin An approached a powerful energy behind him. If it hadn't been for the ability of Spiritual Sense to detect the invisible body, Qin An might have been unable to spot this sneak attacker.

"Whoo!"The golden hoop in his hand swept backwards. Although it hit the translucent body, it didn't touch the substance of the force. The stick quickly swept across the translucent body as if it had hit the water.

Sneak attack?

Qin An didn't say anything with a stick, and raised his hand to summon a huge burning bottle to wrap the translucent body, and then let the flame burn inside.

The translucent body really seemed to be permeable water. It permeated from the closed burning bottle and became a translucent water vapor human form suspended in the sky.

Damn, this man's defense is so perverted!

Qin An tightened his eyebrows and looked up at the sky.

The translucent water vapor in the sky turned into a translucent body again, and then he spoke.

"Long Xiao, my task is to kill this earth man, and your task is to protect that Fang Dazhi. Don't talk nonsense, do you?"

Long Xiao smiled coldly and said to the translucent humanity in the sky:

"Devil Bone Lu Liang, I have been waiting for you! You are too slow, then do it, and see who ends the battle first! Luo Yuxia, Jones, protect this earthling, go first, and return to the beast city!"

After Long Xiao's voice fell, he immediately acted, and the target he chose was Huo Qilan.

Huo Qilan squinted contemptuously.

"Naive, I want to kill someone who can stop it!"

While she was talking, she flew in front of her and fought with Long Xiao, and several face to face were evenly matched.

However, at the same time, eight of Huo Qilan's avatars had appeared, rushing to chase Jones and others who were planning to escape.

Long Xiao was a little surprised, but he didn't expect Huo Qilan to have the ability to be a clone.

"Stop them!"

With an order, Luo and Xia, who was about to run, turned around, and Xia turned into Xia Ying and was held by Luo Ti.

After a neigh in the sky, a huge figure fell from the sky, with a pair of meat wings growing on his back, and the whole person seemed to be wearing a green metal armor. This is the king dragon of flying shark beasts!

A person who looked like a five or six-year-old child appeared, and after he appeared, he really stopped many Huo Qilan clones, because this child-like savage beast will also clone, and he is the king of the companion animal race. , Three wolves!

Another person broke out of the ground at this moment. His sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks looked very ugly. His nose was very long like Pinocchio, but his eyes were as small as soybean grains. This is the king of the beasts, poisonous baby!

Then Luo Yuxia, Dalong, Three Wolf, and Poison Baby are the four kings under King Tuxue Tian. Their strength is strong, and the four of them and Long Xiao cooperated with Huo Qilan and her clone, and it was really difficult to tell the winner for a while.

On the other side, Qin An also shot, fighting with the transparent person Lu Liang.

In fact, Lu Liang also brought the four great kings under his men. When he found that Qin An was difficult to deal with, he called the four great kings onto the stage.

Qin An is naturally not afraid, but there are Tang Yu and Yu Qingcheng beside him. The two women are the masters of Tsundere. How could he see Qin An being beaten by a group, so he quickly greeted him when the four kings took action. .

For a long time, the powerhouses of both sides have been inextricably beaten on this open and flat ground full of burnt corpses.


At Qin An's home, Zhong Hongcui asked Qi Judo without shame: "Master, what is the origin of the Blood Slaughter and Devil Bone King? It seems to be very powerful?"

"Well, the savage beast clan is considered to be a race brewed by the law of the sword spirit star. It is a group of its own. It is not the same as the sword repairer. Of course it is powerful. Look at this dragon, his roar can attract strong winds, and his body is strong. If Vajra does not break, his movements have reached the limit speed, and his most powerful ability is still the hand that can control other people's abilities! Although Huo Qilan has now deployed the Flame Demon Realm, it will be really helpless for a while. .Look at Lu Liang again, his body does not bear power at all, because he is a nihilistic existence, and any attack is invalid to him, so how can I defeat such an enemy? I feel a headache after thinking about it, and I don’t know how Qin An will deal with it. His attack power is equally strong, although it is a nihilistic existence, the attacks that radiate through his body are stylistically! Although not too strong, if it hits Qin An’s vitals, Qin An can’t defend it. Once injured, he will suffer. The damage cannot be repaired quickly..."

"So strong? Can Qin An win?"

Zhong Hongcui was a little worried.

"Let's wait and see, it's hard to say. I think we can win a little bit more, should we bet?"

"I'm your apprentice, it's not a good bet with you!"

"Xiao Cui, why are you so old-fashioned? Of course you can bet with the master!"

Zhong Hongcui raised his mouth, intending to ignore the master.


When the fighting in the Sanyuehu battlefield was extremely fierce, an extremely fast aircraft from the Tianyin Dynasty had already crossed the sky over western Tibet, and it was estimated that it would take a few minutes to reach the front at this speed.

On the aircraft, Yaotian was sitting on the command chair in a sexy dress, and a woman beside him was named Huayue.

"Master Yaotian, you were originally a man, but now you have become his favorite concubine in front of the king, is this a bit inappropriate?"

"Hua Yue, I can't tell whether I'm a man or a woman. This resurrected body is an out-and-out woman. I am now completely integrated with her and cannot be separated, so I can't change the fact that I am a woman."

"Haha, Lord Demon Heaven, why don't you let the slave house seduce you?"

While she was speaking, the white Huayue climbed onto Yaotian's body and began to kiss her lips.

"How is it, do you feel it?"

"Well, very comfortable!"

Yaotian did think it was good, he closed his eyes and enjoyed Huayue's service.

"Shanyue, Haiyue has been dead for many years...Now I still miss them."

Yaotian suddenly mentioned the deceased.

Huayue's face turned cold.

"Hmph, they were all killed by that Qin An! It's a pity that he died in United States nine years ago, otherwise I must kill him personally to avenge my sisters!"

Realizing that Huayue’s tone was very poor, Yaotian opened his eyes, and then hugged Huayue to comfort him: “Okay, stabilize your emotions. You don’t need to care too much about old things. The front has entered the sky above Xijiang Province, we will immediately To descend, are you ready now?"

"Um, ready, let's go, I promise to complete the task that the king entrusted to me!"

"It's actually very simple. With me protecting you, you won't be discovered by others. When the time comes, we will come quietly and leave quietly!"

"Hey, it's good or bad to do this!"

Huayue acted coquettishly to Yaotian, and the two of them hugged each other, playing, joking, and laughing, and the atmosphere was very ambiguous and hot.

Time flew by in this atmosphere, the aircraft reached its destination, and after choosing a landing point, it fell vertically, Yaotian and Huayue packed up their clothes and left.

This place is located 30 kilometers south of Hunan in March, and forty kilometers south, countless savage beasts are coming from three directions. There are now less than 10 million survivors injured by the blood rain. They were originally running south, but now that the blood rain disappeared, they all stopped one after another. After checking the number of injured Death, they found that the loss was really heavy.

The savage orcs are also human beings, facing such a huge damage, they are angry and angry! Planning to wait for the support to arrive and kill him with a carbine, it is bound to move forward to hit the city of Hanghai.

Of course, some orcs don't think so.

Since they are intelligent creatures that can think independently, the people in the brutal beasts naturally have many personalities.

The daring, the timid, the greedy for money, the lascivious, the pork-loving, the lamb, and so on, the subtle differences are all different.

In the Leopard Beast Camp, there is a female Orc named Dlavina who is thinking about it now.

The resident here is a former imperial town.

Because of the rush of human evacuation, many people have not been able to take everything away.

Fleeing here desperately from Sanyue Lake in the north, the blood rain finally disappeared. The tribe issued an order to stop advancing and repair in place. Some orcs with little food on their bodies began to look for food, including Delevingne. Na.

She went to the wild first, but it turned out to be nothing. There were too many people in the wild. Even the rats, earthworms, and meat and insects in the ground were turned out and eaten, and Drevenna felt that she could not find food when she went out.

So she returned to the small town and searched from house to house.She found some seaweed, some chocolate, some instant noodles, some peanuts.

In fact, these are all good food, but for the orcs, they don’t eat these things. Even if they starve to death, they won’t touch food other than meat. This is the obsession of a savage orcs. Conscience and rules.

Since she couldn't eat them, Drevenna could only continue to look for it.

This is a three-bedroom house that is not too big. Although Delevena is well-proportioned and sexy, but the word is two meters and five meters long, and the small door of the room must be lowered before she can walk through it.

After entering the room, Delevena did not find food, but found a cabinet of clothes.

Needless to say, the hostess of this house must be a super fatty, because Dlevina found that she could wear her clothes.

Very curious, Drevenna chose a super large bra, and then buckled the two bowls on her own large breast.

"Huh? It's quite appropriate? These humans are so strange, why do you want to make two things like Guo to install a breastfeeding device?"

For Drevenna, own breasts are used to breast-feed the cubs. There is no other use at all. Therefore, she does not understand the demands of human women who are afraid of sagging and want to crisp their breasts, so she does not understand these two big breasts. Why are bowl-shaped clothes designed and manufactured?

"Hi! There are hooks on the back of the clothes. You can pull the two belts behind you and hook them up, which makes it more comfortable."

Someone talking?

Dlavina turned her head curiously, and then stared.

This "person" is really a person! Not her people!

His height is estimated to be only 1.8 meters, and he looks well-proportioned and strong.

But compared with the men of the leopard and beast clan, he looks too weak, absolutely correct, this is an out-and-out human! It's own enemy!

Drevenna is actually quite good, but she is a young leopard beast who has just grown up, so she hasn't been on the battlefield yet.

A little nervously opened his posture, the front legs were half-bow, back even, her fists clenched and raised, the expression on her face became fierce, and Drevenna was ready to kill this human at any time!

The human man frowned slightly, only to feel that his eyes were staring at Venus.

Fuck, this silly Big Sister, this posture exposes all the hidden places on the body without any doubt. I really don't understand these brutal beasts, so there is no shame.

"Hey, why? Want to kill me? I didn't offend you, why are you so fierce?"

Dlavina looked at the human man with a smile on his face, and she was a little bit puzzled.

What he said was right, and he did not offend himself, but now the human race is at war with the savage beasts. They are enemies, should they still be offended?

Thinking of this, Little Leopard Girl intends to take a firm stand, she said: "You are a human, I am a beast! We are destined to be enemies! What are you doing here? Conspiracy?"

"No, no, my men and horses are stationed ten kilometers to the south, but we ran for a long time before we got there. The reason why I appeared here is to spy on the enemy. It is my advanced room, and then you Here it comes."


The Little Leopard Girl is a little confused, this person seems to be a general of the individual race, but what does he mean? Tell me that his army is in ambush? This is too inconsistent with the cleanup!

The man looked at the bewildered little leopard girl with a simple smile, and said: "Now as long as I give a signal, my people will rush to destroy your savage beasts. Hey, actually I don't want to, because I found the big one among you Most of the people are already injured and exhausted by the previous blood rain attack. Even if I bring people to fight you like this, even if I win, I will not be able to win, but since it is a confrontation between the two armies, I can only do this. How else can I avenge the soldiers who have died these days? You say, right?"

"You...are you sick? If you want to come and fight, then come! Our brutal beasts are brave warriors and are not afraid of anything! It's strange, why do you want to ask my opinion?"

"No... I didn't ask your opinion, I just chat with you."

"What are you talking about? I'm sick!"

Little Leopard's voice is getting colder and colder, and she feels that the earth man in front of her is abnormal.

"Huh? Plane?"

The man had been sitting by the window. The house was located by the woods on the edge of the town. He glanced out inadvertently and found that an aircraft of unknown origin had landed into the woods.

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