Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1667 Vajra's Return

At this time, Alguri felt the fiery gaze cast on him by Nishizabeth. Although her character was pungent, she was still a girl after all, so her face flushed slightly.

Walking over to sit on the sofa, Alguri looked at Nishizabeth and whispered:

"Why did you distract Sunspot? Now that we are trapped in this dangerous situation, I don't have any other thoughts!"

"Hey, I'm not afraid that he will see you kissing me and sad? Don't you know that this silly boy has a crush on you!"

Nishizabeth sat next to Alguri and spoke to Alguri in the same tone of old Dage.

He is indeed a capable man. Jin Bao has known Alguri for two years. He has only known her for a few days, but now it is considered intimate. At least in Alguri's heart, he regards Cizebet as a caring person.

"Step aside, the weather is so hot, who wants to make out with you."

Alguri frowned and pushed Sizebet to the side a little.

She couldn't bear to mention Heizi.

Of course she knew that Jin Bao had been secretly in love with her for two years, but the relationship between men and women was about fate and feelings. She just didn't have sex with Jin Bao. Although Jin Bao was very pitiful, she could not be blamed? Can't force her to fall in love with him?

Nishizabeth calculated the time. He was not in a hurry to start with Algure. This time he planned to go further and kiss Algure in a while. By the way, he took off her shirt. He needs to control a time point. It happened to be seen when Jin Bao came in.

Haha, this fool will surely be spitting blood when that happens? And Alguri would be ashamed because of confusion and sentiment.

Nishizabeth likes this kind of strange pleasure, which is the evil taste in his bones, so he is an evil person from his bones.


Next door, Jin Bao had smoked three cigarettes in a row, and Qin An used the time of these three cigarettes to tell him about Nishizabeth's personality and some of the evil things he had done.

When the voice fell, Qin An looked at Jin Bao calmly. Jin Bao frowned for a long time, and finally spoke in a hoarse voice:

"How do you know these things?"

"Not only do I possess mind-reading skills, but I can also see through a person's past."

"...Your ability is really powerful."

Jin Bao was a little shocked by Qin An's powerful ability, but he was in a complicated mood at this time and didn't have the energy to think too much.

Qin An finally sighed as he looked at the dark man who had become more and more silent.

"Campbell, let me help you analyze the woman Algure. She is actually pure as a piece of white paper, because she has never had any intersection with men. So, she doesn't have a deep understanding of Nishizabeth. She just likes his handsome appearance. To put it bluntly, she is a face control and has no resistance to men with good looks. And you are not ugly at all, you are just too self-confident! A person’s appearance will be affected. The influence of temperament, if you feel that you are not handsome or good at yourself, then you will show others the side of your incompetence! Can you understand what I say like this?"

Jin Bao didn't speak, because he was deeply sad at this time. He knew that Cizebet was a scum, but what could he do? He ran to Alguri and told her what Qin An had just told her about Nishizabeth? Can she believe it?

Qin An said that he was actually not ugly and didn't save his cowardly soul. Jin Bao still looked down and looked lifeless.

Qin An's brows finally wrinkled, because he understood a little.

If you want Campbell to gain Alguri's heart, in fact, no one can help him. He must first change himself. He must first show his handsome and strong man side before he can let Alguri re-evaluate him.

So how do you change Jinbao?

After thinking about it for a long time, the real space suddenly stopped, and Qin An's body blurred and disappeared and entered the necromantic space.

This undead space is really lifeless now. The small town established by Liu Xia Lanyue and others is still there, but the farmland has long been barren and overgrown with weeds.

Qin An had entered here before, but he did not resurrect anyone, because he was not ready to face Lan Yue and the others. As for the others, Qin An would naturally not consider letting them resurrect first.There are many undead spirits floating in the undead space. They are colorful and transparent dots, which look like fireflies, and they are very beautiful when they fly around.

There are women who used to be Qin An, thirteen wolves, and many warriors of the Qin family who participated in the battle of the West Coast.

Qin An entered the Necrotic Space after pondering over and over again, because he felt that perhaps only Vajra's resurrection could save Jin Bao's cowardly soul.

Qin An had already collected a lot of sword Spirit Stones during the previous battle with the wild beasts, and now he should be able to resurrect a few people.

Seeing the decadent scene in the Necro Space, Qin An muttered to himself softly.

"Hey, it should be refurbished here too."

After the words fell, Qin An opened the Interspatial Ring and summoned the sword Spirit Stones.

These sword Spirit Stones hovered around Qin An, and Qin An concentrated on Mental Energy to feel the small flying dots like fireflies.

This is the first time Qin An has done such a thing. He was a little worried, afraid that he would not be able to find the dead spirit he wanted in these small fireflies.

The few dead spirits that he first touched were relatively unfamiliar. Qin An didn't know who they were and continued to search. Finally, a familiar Mental Energy was sensed by Qin An.

After continuing to experience this mental energy in depth, Qin An's mind immediately appeared with a smile on his face. Is this Qin Xiaoyan?

Qin An was a little surprised. It seemed that he was able to recognize the identities of these undead souls. This should also be a kind of supernatural attribute of the undead space, right? He obviously didn't remember these people, but he could still know which of their dead spirits were.

Continuing to search, Qin An finally found three dead souls, Vajra, Liu Wenna, and Wu Zhen!

Well, let them resurrect first, and then go to meet Jin Bao, after which the three people can also tidy up this lifeless necropolis.

Thinking of this, Qin An once again concentrated on Mental Energy, causing many of the sword Spirit Stones to fly and fuse with those three necromantic light spots.

It consumed half of the sword Spirit Stones in the Interspatial Ring, which made Qin An extremely distressed.

I fuck!

Why do you need so much? If this f*ck wants to bring all the people in the space back to life, is it impossible?

Qin An was struggling, and the three figures slowly became clear and finally materialized.

There are a lot of clothes in the Interspatial Ring of Qin An, which were put in by Qin An back then. Some of them were worn by himself and some were prepared for his wives.

Seeing that all three people were naked, Qin An hurriedly sent three sets of clothes to them, and then waited quietly and nervously.


With a sigh, Vajra opened his eyes first, and then Liu Wenli and Wu Zhen also opened his eyes.

"This...Where is this?" Wu Zhen, who was a small figure, asked curiously, and then she turned her head to see Vajra, and was immediately stunned, with crystal tears slowly rising in her eyes.

She remembered the moment nine years ago, when Qin An died, the energy in the Necro Space suddenly became irritable, and the sky was surging. Everyone in the Necro Space saw the scene appearing in the sky, that is the moment Qin An died.

After that, everything disappeared, and all consciousness seemed to be suddenly plundered by a powerful energy...

What's wrong? Why did she come alive again? And also saw Vajra, and own sister Liu Wenli?

Could it be said that this is a dream? Could it be that Qin An is not dead at all?

Wu Zhen's consciousness is faulty, and she doesn't know that nine years have passed in the outside world.

"Ah Zhen, Wenli? What's the situation?"

Vajra, the black iron man, was completely dazed.

And Liu Wenli and Wu Zhen are more confused than him.

After the three were shocked for a while, they discovered the strange man standing not far in front of them.

"Who are you?"

Vajra asked with a cold face, his condition at this time was too bad and confused, so the questioning tone was also very bad.

Qin An looked at the three strangers in front of him, and his heart was very tangled.

It seems that he was right, and he did not resurrect Lan Yue, Qin Xiaoyan, Liu Xia and others, because once they were resurrected, he had no way to face these women! He doesn't remember them at all!

Sighing in his heart, Qin An spoke.

"Vajra, Liu Wenli, Wu Zhen! I know you are all Qin An’s best friends, and I don’t know what happened to me at this time. So can you give me some time? Quietly listen to me, I will take everything I’ll explain everything to you, okay?"

The three of Vajra looked at each other and finally calmed down, Wu Zhen said:

"Well, we can listen to you!"

Qin An nodded gratefully to Wu Zhen, and then began his own narration.

He started talking about Qin An's death nine years ago and then the collapse of the Necrotic Space. That story is actually very short, because there are not many fragments in Qin An's memory.

"...In this way, Qin An died, Qin Xiaoyan, Lan Yue and the others took the fighters in the sky to the United States to participate in the raging West Coast battle. As a result, there were many fighters. At that time, Qin An actually did not completely die. , Although he was used the Soul Breaking Curse, this spell card obviously didn’t work. So after Qin Xiaoyan, Lan Yue and the others died in battle, the unconscious souls of Qin An automatically received the unconscious souls in the unconscious space until the nineteenth. Years later, in the Fang family, a man named Fang Xiaobao, Spiritual Sense, awakened..."

Qin An explained everything, including own, including the Qin family. Anyway, when he stays in the Necro Space, the outside space is relatively static, so there is time to talk to Vajra and the others, and he will naturally speak well. Very detailed.

Speaking of Qin An in the end, Vajra, Liu Wenli, and Wu Zhen were completely shocked.

I don't know how long it took before Vajra recovered his own voice.

"You...you mean, you are my Dage Qin An? You did die nine years ago, and now you borrow a corpse to bring us back to life? That's why we resurrected us in the necrotic space?"

Tears filled Vajra's eyes when she said this.

"Borrowing a corpse to restore the soul?...No, it was resurrected by borrowing the body of a fool. Although I have determined that I am Qin An, I don't have any memory yet..."


Vajra suddenly snarled and shouted, then rushed forward and hugged Qin An's body.

This real black iron man completely believed Qin An's words, if the man in front of him was not Qin An, how could he appear in the Necrosphere? How will the three of my own husband and wife be resurrected?

Vajra was too excited and received too much information at a time. He didn't know what to do, so he could only vent all his emotions on Qin An.

Qin An felt Vajra's true feelings for Qin An in the previous life, and was not only a little touched.

He died in a foreign country nine years ago. Many people in the center of the sky moved directly to the west coast of United States from Europe, but they all died because of themselves!

How can he be so loved?

The man does not flick when he has tears, just because he has not reached the emotional point.

Seeing how sad Vajra was crying, Qin An eventually lost two tears, but when the tears fell, his mind suddenly dizzy, and then a plot appeared in his mind.

It was on the square of Qincheng Prison. Vajra appeared in front of Qin An for the first time and pointed out the status of Chen Yiku and Chen Sitian's brothers and sisters.

The memory just flashes by like this, but this is enough!

Qin An was stunned and then suddenly hugged Vajra tightly.

"Hahaha! Vajra, I think of you! I think of the first time I met you! Hahaha, I think of one more thing!"

Because of this sudden surprise, Qin An was even more excited, which made the scene a little chaotic.After a full ten minutes, Vajra and Qin Ancai finally returned to calm under the persuasion of Wu Zhen and Liu Wenli.

The emotions of the two women are implicit, and the man in front of him looks strange.

Qin An has a square face with Chinese characters, thick eyebrows and big eyes.

And the man in front of him is more handsome than Qin An himself. Although he looks masculine, he has a little fleshy temperament. Although Wu Zhen and Liu Wenli also think that the man in front of him must be Qin An, but... .... They were really embarrassed to make them jump up and hug someone called Dage like Vajra.

"Ah...I'm really a little excited, Vajra, don't you know! I don't have any memory after I was sober, and I forgot all the people! It wasn't until this time that I remembered the scene of death, and the relationship with Weng Lan I saw you for the first time, now I think of you again! This is great, haha!"

"Dage! This shows that I have a high status in your heart! I guess my sister-in-laws will be jealous!"

"Come here! There should be free drinks here! Now the house over there is too dilapidated, let's just get drunk in the wilderness here!"

Qin An took out a big table and a few chairs while talking, and instantly got another table of dishes from the space.

Vajra was not welcome, and had a drink with Qin An accompanied by his two wives. Three or four hours passed after this drink.

Qin An told the three more about the outside world, and finally talked about the brutal beast invasion and the chance encounter with Jin Bao.

After listening to Jin Bao's experience in the past nine years, both women cried bitterly.

"Uuuuu, this child is really suffering. He is lonely outside and doesn't know how he lives."

"Yeah, Wenli, don't be sad! It will be fine in the future. Dage is resurrected, and we can all be resurrected in the necrosphere. Talk to him here... the poor boy."

"Okay! Loving mothers are so ruined! Daddy and you are dead, this kid is just a fucking life? He has been wandering for seven years? Be a beggar? Why didn't he die? Also, since he met a woman he likes , Then the damn will give Daddy a vigorous pursuit, what secret love? I don't want to see him! I am afraid that I will be pissed to death by seeing him!"

Vajra patted the table aggressively, then drank a large glass of wine.

Qin An smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Vajra, now is not to make you lose your temper, but to solve the problem!"

"That's right, what's your name? After nine years of death, the soul is resurrected, why is this temperament like Tyrant's servant?"

Liu Wenli blamed Vajra with tears.

"Isn't your son going with you? Back then, Wen Like and I took the initiative to pursue you. Have you ever pursued us before we confessed to you? Huh! Daddy is a hero! Why do you blame your son for daddy?"

The two wives joined together and started firing at Vajra.

Vajra was dumbfounded not knowing how he became the target of the attack. He stared with a dark face, and finally drank a large glass of wine again, not daring to go to the two daughters-in-law to go to war.

Qin An saw it with a smile on his face, but his heart was numb.

I fucked a DJ.

Vajra, these are just two wives, and they can't say a word when they clash.

Qin An in the previous life was more than a dozen women. If there was a conflict with them, he wouldn't be eaten alive by the women?

Qin An frowned and took a sip of wine. While admiring Qin An from the previous life, he was also reflecting on himself, but it would be too dangerous to have a lot of wives by his side.

After Liu Wenli and Wu Zhen teamed up to completely clean up Vajra, Qin An found the opportunity to speak:

"Okay Vajra, no matter what, that is your own son! I think that Campbell really likes Alguri. He was lost for seven years because of your death, but was reborn because of the woman Alguri. This is enough to explain everything. I think I should help him, and your father is duty-bound! There is actually only one problem now, and that is that Jinbao must be confident. Only when he is confident can the light of his man be released and be able to shine. Halo that Alguri! As long as Campbell’s own problems are solved, I will have a hundred ways to kill Nishizabeth, so that Campbell can embrace the beauty!"

After listening to Qin An's words, Vajra did not refute this time, nor lost her temper.

He secretly glanced at the two daughters-in-law, and saw that they were also looking at him expectantly.

After a light cough, Vajra sighed: "Hey, this stinky boy, it's not worrying! Dage, what do you want to do? I listen to you!"

"It's very simple! I am now different from nine years ago, and I don’t know how much I have improved. So I can release you from the space of the dead! Although the time in the real space will be very short, I think as long as you father and son When the mother and son meet, Jin Bao’s heart knot can be solved! I was afraid of trouble and didn’t tell him that I am Qin An. Now it’s up to you to tell him that he has the support of his parents behind him, and that I, Qin An, is even With the help of the entire Qin family, with these backgrounds and details, Jin Bao is the second generation of super rich! Isn’t it easy to get an Alguri?"

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