Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1669 Blame me?

In fact, only ten minutes have passed in real space.

Nishizabeth was a little miscalculated, he found that Alguri was not so easy to deal with.

This woman does have the boldness and freedom of a woman in the last days, but she is a little too simple in terms of feelings. Doesn't she know that men and women are going to be affectionate after they are together? Nishizabeth got close to her several times and was pushed farther away.

"Are you annoying? How hot is this day? Can you not stay so close? If you are bored, go to the window and watch the zombies outside."

"They are all dormant. We are trapped in this building and cannot get out for a while. We don't need to be on guard at all. And my dear, isn't our purpose of opening that black boy to make friends?"

"You really are! I really thought that I had deliberately asked you to distract Sunspot? The man who appeared suddenly behaved strangely, but he needs to be supervised, okay? Heizi, although he usually doesn't talk much, but does things. Seriously, I think he is more suitable to be a supervisor, so I let him go. Don't think too much about it."


Nishizabeth was a little upset, and was speechless to Alguri.

At this time, Alguri's mood was a little depressed.

She actually wanted something to happen to Nishizabeth, which was what she had thought after meeting this man for the first time.

It should be a very pleasant thing to have close contact with such a handsome face, right?

But the problem is that Alguri is a little bit unsure now, she can't see through Cizebet.

When this person first appeared, Alguri felt very good, but his impression has changed a little.

What Jin Bao said before made Alguri entangled. Perhaps it was good not to surrender at that time. Now that they are trapped here, no one will come to rescue them. All the achievements of her years of hard work have been passed away. She has nothing but life.

Hey, think about it at that time... why did Nishizabeth kneel and surrender to the brute so easily? Is he afraid of death?

In the last days, fear of death is not a shortcoming, but as a woman, Alguri still hopes that his own man can be brave, at least in front of him.

In fact, Algure once asked Nishizabet about the surrender in private. He almost didn't even think about it and said that he didn't want to see Algure die, so he surrendered and knelt down. Algure was speechless with the words that could bend and stretch. Although he felt that the situation at the time seemed to be that Nishizabeth had surrendered actively and had no thought at all, it was not easy to be sure of his true thoughts at the time.

Nishizabeth was a little anxious at this time. The time should be about the same. The black boy should be back in a while, but his own charm has failed in front of this woman. It seems that it will take some work!

The so-called Kung Fu is his mouth.

As a professional little white face, he has a three-inch tongue, which is like eating candied dates when he talks about love.

After repeated efforts, Alguri's defensive consciousness was finally breached.

Yeah, why are you thinking so much? This time being trapped may not necessarily be able to escape. If you just die like this, it would be a pity that you haven't tasted too much of a man?

Thinking about this, Alguri's face grew redder and his eyes flickered.

Haha, this is the posture of waiting to be picked!

Nishizabeth was overjoyed and tried to get close to Alguri, but he did not resist. He reached out and took her by the hand, but still did not resist! It seems that everything is in order.

Just when Nishizabeth was about to step forward and bite Alguri's lips, the door was suddenly kicked open from the outside.

The whole door flew up and hit the wall directly. Fortunately, the floor was higher here, otherwise it would have alarmed countless zombies below.

Nishizabeth was stunned, and Alguri pushed him away, where there was still a trace of tenderness.

"Heizi? Are you crazy?"After seeing the person who came, Alguri's eyes widened.

Jin Bao has been around her like a shadow for the past two years, and he can't even speak loudly on weekdays. Why is he kicking the door so hot now? This is obviously abnormal!

The two people in the room didn't realize what was going on. Campbell had already strode to Nishizabet's side, bent over and grabbed his neck by the collar, aside from saying three punches in his face.

In Cizebet's eyes, Jin Bao is an honest man who doesn't even make a sound of farting, so when faced with his abrupt behavior, Cizebet was frightened first, and then he was beaten and confused.

"Jinbao, what the hell are you doing!

Alguri quickly stepped forward and grabbed the hand of Jinbao's beating, and was shocked afterwards.

Her body actually fell quickly with Jin Bao's arm, and then she watched the fist held by her own hands, and once again fell on Nishizabet's face.

The powerful force of the four punches had caused the bridge of Nishizabet's nose to collapse, his eyes were swollen and bleeding, and then he was completely unconscious.

Although he is also an Upgrader, the key to an Upgrader is the head. Nishizabeth suffered a concussion after four punches, and fainted due to a brain injury.

At this moment, Jin Bao finally stopped, Algulli was still holding his wrist with both hands, and still didn't realize that Jin Bao had such great strength? This is more than several times stronger than before.

Seeing that Nishizabeth had been knocked out, Campbell exhaled a long breath, and turned his head to look at Alguri.

"...Have you cut your hair?"

Alguri may be a little confused, but the first sentence actually asked this irrelevant.

In fact, this is not insignificant, because he hasn’t overturned his head once in the past two years of knowing Jin Bao. Alguri has told him to cut it many times. Gulistan thinks Campbell has a habit of long hair.

Now that he has short haircut, this man looks a lot more energetic.

Moreover, the Campbell at this time made Alguri feel a little strange, is this the honest sunspot? Why doesn't it look alike? His eyes are gleaming, and his face is calm Wu You hurt!

Yes, there is no sadness at all. This is the biggest difference between the man in front of him and the usual.

Alguri couldn't help but remember the situation he had just met Jin Bao two years ago. At that time, he was like a beggar and looked very pitiful. What impressed Algure most was the sad emotions entrained all over his body, that state. It made Algure a little bit afraid to approach Jin Bao, because she felt that Jin Bao’s sad magnetic field was so strong that she might also be affected if she could not.

In the next two years together, Jin Bao has always been in this state. This may be the reason why Algure always keeps a distance from Jin Bao. She doesn't like the sad taste on Jin Bao.

How did he change at this time? Although very subtle, it is very impressive, especially for Alguri, a woman who has been with Jin Bao for two years.

"Alguri, let me tell you one thing. Nishizabeth is a scumbag, a very bad kind! He once sold the woman who loved him to Russia as a slave. He once had a close relationship with him. The wife of the supernatural being has an affair. In order to get a better chance to get ahead, he often sells his own body to some old women! In my eyes, he is not worthy of you, because you are pure and pure, because you are the best woman in my heart. I think you understand my feelings for you in the past two years, I like you, love you deeply, and I am willing to be with you forever, hand in hand to the end! But I know I have no chance, because I am not handsome enough, and you are I like handsome guys. Algure, stop here, I won’t follow you again, I’m going to walk my own road. Nine years ago I lost all my relatives, parents, brothers, and wives! Then I began to sink , Depressed, wandering around like a beggar, I have not cut my hair for many years, because I stubbornly believe that my parents who are affected by hair and skin, my parents are dead, and I don't want to reduce the things they leave me! This is my stubbornness, naive, isn’t it? Later I met you. I thought you could be a chance for my new life, but in the end we still have no luck! Alguri, I was wrong, I shouldn’t own it. Destiny and the path of the future rest on a woman like you. This is not fair to you, and it is also a manifestation of my cowardice and incompetence! I'm sorry again, it won't be anymore!"

Jin Bao said these words in a series, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

It turned out that it was not so difficult to give up Alguri, and it turned out that making a choice was just a matter of one sentence.

Well, he is relaxed now. He can now go to Uncle Qin and let him take him to see Po Tian, ​​and then he will follow the Qin family to create his own future. If he can escape to heaven this time, he must do well. Be yourself!

Thinking of this, Jin Bao smiled at Algure, then turned around and left the room.

Let her face Nishizabet by herself. Everything that should be said has already been said. If she feels she is lying, or if she doesn't care about Nishizabet's moral character, she just looks at the other person's body. She plans to play a passionate game with her appearance, which is also her own business.

It was painful for Campbell to give up Alguri, but he knew that he had to make a choice quickly, otherwise he would never be able to solve the dilemma he faced.

In the room, Alguri opened her mouth slightly, watching the disappearing back at the door for a long time without any movement.

Is this gone?

Has the man who has been following her for two years and caring for her just left like this?

What's your mood?

Lost? Wronged?

Why are there these two emotions? Alguri felt very surprised and felt as if she was going crazy.

He looked at Nishizabeth who was lying on the ground and fainted.

Are all the things Jin Bao said about him true? It should not be wrong, Campbell never tells lies.

Isn't it right? How could she trust Jin Bao so much?

Alguri couldn't believe his trust in Jin Bao at this time.

Suddenly, the bits and pieces of the two years came to my heart.

When facing powerful Demonic Beasts on the battlefield, a man will always follow her, which makes her fearless and full of confidence when fighting, because she does not need to consider whether there will be other Demonic Beasts behind her, and if she can’t beat them. When escaping, this man would also follow her behind and help her block the enemies who came after him. For this reason, he had been seriously injured three times and almost died on one occasion.

She never needs to think about when to eat and what to eat every day. Because there is a man who will prepare everything for her when she eats! The so-called everything is not just to deal with things casually. She can eat all kinds of seafood when she walks through the sea. When she goes up the mountain, she can eat weird game. When she enters the town, she can eat all kinds of local food. Kind of delicious food! All of this is because the man is hardworking and willing to do it.

There are too many things like this, and they can't be counted.

When she is tired, she can lie on his sturdy legs and sleep directly in the wild.

When she is thirsty, she can always drink water right away, because there is always water in his kettle.

She can always take a hot bath after training with her comrades. She actually wondered why he has such a great skill and can get a bathtub anywhere.

In the past two years, he has watched her cry, watched her smile, watched her scenery, and watched her become depressed.

He has actually integrated into her life, but she didn't realize it before!

no! The matter hasn't been figured out yet, how can I let him go?

Algure bit her silver teeth, quickly moved away from her long legs and chased it out, so she didn't want to let this damn man go!

What? I have not expressed anything for two years by my side, but now I am leaving but come to confess?

Although she may not accept her confession before, after all, Alguri feels that she has no feeling for him, but this kind of practice of abandoning herself after confession is really annoying!

snort! Damn big sunspot!

Alguli was tangled in her heart, and she walked faster and faster, leaving the room and quickly crossing the corridor. When she got downstairs, she saw that Jin Bao was killing zombies.

Jin Bao's emotions at this time were very emotional.

He didn't know where he was going, Qin Uncle said, let him make his own choice, and then he would watch him by his side, and then take him away.

The ignorant Jin Bao could understand what Qin An meant. He let himself face Alguri alone.

So now that he has said everything that should be said, Uncle should have appeared, right? If his ability is stronger than before he died, it should be easy to take himself out of here. Where is he?

Just thinking about it, there were footsteps behind him, and Jin Bao turned his head and raised his fist just about to hit him, and found that it was Alguri standing behind him.

"You... why are you here?"

"Why am I here? You knocked Nishizabeth out in front of me, and then you said a lot of messy things and wanted to run? Go back and tell me clearly, otherwise don't want to leave!"

Alguli angrily killed the two zombie tables that rushed up, and then ran upstairs while pulling Jin Bao."Damn Heizi, he woke up all the zombies! Although there are only a few here, what if you attract more? Come back with me!"

Jin Bao wanted to refuse, but at this moment Alguri's smooth and slender hands were tightly pulling on him, making his body a little numb, after all, he had not passed the stage of beauty!

Quickly returned to the previous room, the door had been damaged by Jin Bao, Alguri could only pull Jin Bao into a bedroom with a balcony, and then carried the unconscious Nishizabeth in.

"Humph! Heizi, I haven't seen it yet! Your temper is so hot, and you hide your strength in front of me, isn't it?"


"Then why did you knock Nishizabeth out with four punches? The strength you showed before is comparable to him!"

Jin Bao frowned slightly. He was so excited just now that he didn't notice that his own speed and strength had increased more than ten times.

Seeing what Jin Bao looked like he didn't know, Algulli secretly said, it seems that Jin Bao really didn't lie to himself...Is it right? Why does she believe him so much? Damn it!

Alguri stomped angrily, then glared at Jin Baodao:

"Say! How did you know so much about Nishizabeth? Also, let you watch the man cook next door, where did the man go?"

"He... he turned out to be one of my seniors. He actually came here to find me."

Campbell decided to tell the truth.


"Yes, he has mind-reading skills and can see through other people's past experiences. He told me everything."

Alguri was shocked, but he didn't expect the other party to possess such a rare ability.

"Well, where is he? Call him over, I have to ask in person."

"He didn't want to see you, and didn't want to manage my personal affairs with you, so he asked me to come out and tell you clearly."

"What? He asked you to confess to me and then abandon me?"

"Abandon? No, no, no, he didn't say that, everything is my own choice, Alguri, since we can't, since I'm so humble by your side, then you let me go, I think I need a new one Life."

Jin Bao was a little entangled, and secretly asked Qin Uncle why he couldn't come out, so quickly take him away. It's really embarrassing, sad, and entangled here.

"Being humble by my side? Blame me?"

Alguri's face was worse, and she felt more aggrieved in her heart.

What does it mean to be humble by your side!

Jin Bao saw Algure's thoughts, and immediately felt entangled. He really couldn't speak, and Algure was angry again.

It seems that own choice is correct, leave this woman, otherwise everyone will not be happy!

At this moment, Qin An was standing nearby and leaning against the wall to watch the show.

His purpose is not to make Jin Bao give up his lover and become a monk, so he is very happy that Alguri can chase him out and bring Jin Bao back to the room.

As the saying goes, if there is no comparison, there is no harm, maybe he can help Jin Bao on stage in a while.

Then Cizebet is obviously afraid of death. If there is a monster that the three of them can't fight together at this time, what will Cizebet's performance be like?

Thinking of this, Qin An began to recall the appearance of jumping zombies in his heart, thinking about how many upgraded jumping zombies should he become? Level 30? Or forty?

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