Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1671 I'm Willing To Die For You

"Damn it! Help me, it severed my legs! It hurts!"

Nishizabeth wailed the wolf, and only the upper body was left at this time, Campbell, how would Algure not be scared when he saw such a scene.

"It may take some time for him to repair himself. The trauma caused by this high-level golden jumping zombie is obviously not easy to repair. Jinbao, what should I do?"

"This guy's offensive power is too strong, and his movements are too quick, Alguri, you take him away, I will break it! It is impossible for us to escape at the same time, without this opportunity!"

Jin Bao was still calm at this time, because he believed Qin An would definitely come to rescue him.

If Qin An doesn't come, then he must have just met a fake Qin An, and his father, mother, Little Brother and others cannot be resurrected. If that is the case, he has no meaning to live!

Therefore, Jin Bao gave himself two choices, either to wait for Qin An, or he died fighting to fight for Alguri to escape.

"Gu Li! Gu Li! Hurry up and take me away, I don't want to die, let him hold on! Let the sunspot be broken, we run away!"

Nishizabeth lay on the ground and yelled like a wolf crying. He was scared by the high-level golden jumping zombie. Just a blink of an eye, his own leg was cut off by the opponent, so he understands that there are three people on his side. Tied together is not his opponent, so now that Jinbao takes the initiative to go out to break, how long will he and Arsuri wait until they don't run? That is to say, he has no legs now, otherwise he would have jumped from the top of this building to another. As a third-level swordsman, it is very easy to jump over a hundred meters.

"My full name is Jiang Bai Alguri!"

Algure was a little angry at Nishizabeth. How could this man be useless? Didn't he say that he had killed various famous beasts and awakeners? Why is it so delicious now!

Let her give up Jinbao and escape at this moment?

She can't do it!

Just now, Jin Bao almost fell into the tide of zombies below to save her, and now how can he let him die in vain.

Quickly stepped forward and stood behind Jin Bao, Alguri raised his hand and placed it on Jin Bao's shoulder.

"Heizi, his offensive power is too strong, this time we change, you are in the front to resist his attack, I will find a way to break through its weakness!"

"Alguri, you go, we can't beat it anyway."

"No, I am your boss, how could you let you die for me?"

"You should know that I am willing to die for you!"

A simple sentence is better than all sweet words in times of crisis.

Alguri looked at the tall figure of the man in front of him, and then at the tiny body of Nishizabeth who had broken his legs lying on the ground, and then suddenly awakened like a divine enlightenment.

She is stupid, how can she think that Cizebet is better than Campbell? If she can survive this time, she must carefully consider her relationship with Jin Bao. Also think about what kind of man you are looking for.

In fact, handsome guys look the same, an interesting and charming soul is the one in a million.

The golden upgraded jumping zombie did not immediately attack the two of them, for no other reason, because he was changed by Qin An.

As the saying goes, see the truth in danger, what Qin An wants is for Alguri to feel the preciousness of Campbell, and then to see through the character of Cizebet.

Feeling the change in Algulli's mood, Qin An felt that it was almost the same. If it continues, then the play will be difficult to perform.

Quickly create a phantom clone that appeared ten meters away, and then let the body of this changing zombie burn and instantly turn into ashes and disappear. After that, Qin An’s body replaced the phantom, as if he suddenly appeared and burned to death with flames. Zombies are average.

"Uncle! Here you are!"

Jin Bao was overjoyed and ran to Qin An excitedly.

Algure was already dumbfounded. He couldn't imagine how powerful this man was, so the perverted zombies were burned by a fire in the air? Her divine sword is called Fire Crow, and she is also good at fire attacks. Compared with a ball of fire released by a man, her ability is like a child's play.

Who is the other party? Is it a celebrity in the empire? From the Real Fire Palace?

Algure was puzzled, and Cizebet was still yelling, calling Algure's name, making her tireless.

But after all, she had a good feeling for this man before, and she couldn't just fall into the trap like this, so she went to check his wounds, and saw that the muscles at the broken leg were rotted and the blood had solidified, although the TC virus repaired some new meat. , But it should take some time to fully recover.

On the other side, Qin An pretended that he had indeed just arrived, and said to Jin Bao: "There are a few survivors on the floor over there. I went to look at it. I didn’t expect an upgraded jumping zombie appeared on your side. I’m sorry. I'm late."

"Uncle! You came just in time!"

"Haha, all right, how is your matter resolved?"

Hearing Qin An's question, Jin Bao's face turned dark red, took a peek at Algure who was taking care of Nishizabeth, and couldn't help but sigh again.

"Hey, it has been solved, but Uncle, can we take Alguri? She should still be my friend. If I leave her here, I feel a little worried."

"Of course it is possible, but I don't care about Cizebet, and you are not allowed to care about him. If Algure wants to take him with him, it is her own problem, do you understand?"

"Well...then should I help her carry someone..."

"No, I said, you are not allowed to take care of Nishizabeth's business, it's Alguri's own problem."

Hearing Qin An's determination, Jin Bao stopped insisting and nodded slightly.

Qin An's idea is very simple. He allows Jin Bao to make a choice, and he also hopes that Al Gulli can make a choice. Is he willing to follow Jin Bao or follow the handsome guy? If Algure can finally get together with Jinbao, Qin An hopes that there will be sincerity between them, without any Impurities, and without any regrets.

So Alguri must see for herself what kind of man she needs.

After treating Nishizabeth's wound, Alguri got up and went to Qin An.

"This Uncle, you look so young, and you are so powerful, you killed the zombie in seconds? It seems that you are not suitable for cooking, but more suitable for killing!"

Alguri's tone was neither humble nor overbearing, but his face was not pretty.

When Qin An saw her before, he said that he was the administrator of the orc warrior dormitory, which was a kind of deception to Alguri, so the girl was holding her revenge.

With a slight smile, Qin An didn't waste time, and took Jin Bao's arm and said, "Okay, let's go and meet my people. It's safer over there."

While talking, he jumped over a distance of 100 meters and reached the top of another building.

Alguri didn't expect Qin An to leave as soon as he said, and also took away Jin Bao, and immediately became a little anxious.

She walked over in a panic and grabbed Nishizabeth, and then jumped quickly to catch up with Qin An.

Qin An didn't run too fast, and didn't want to drop Alguri.

In this way, two figures and four people in the black shadow moved back and forth on the roof of the building on the floor, and finally went up to the southern city wall to meet Qin Potian.

At this time, Qin Potian was still guarding on the top of the tower, while Dlavina and Si Meng below were sleeping and resting. They are brutal beasts that come out at night, and they must rest at night, or they will have nothing during the day. No spirit.

Seeing Qin An returning to Qin Potian with three people, he was shocked, pointing to Nishizabeth and asking:

"What's wrong? Who is he? Why did he break his leg?"

As soon as the voice fell, Qin Potian's gaze fell on Jin Bao.

"Ah! You are... Jinbao Dage?"

Jin Bao was familiar with Qin Potian when he was young. Although Qin Potian has grown up now, he looks a lot like when he was young, and Jin Bao recognized him in the same way.

Jin Bao was a little excited to see that it was the Qin family he was familiar with back then, because it meant that Qin An didn't tell lies, everything was true! Sure enough, his parents and brothers have a chance to come back to life, so he has no regrets in his life!

"Breaking the sky!"

Jin Bao stepped forward and hugged Qin Potian forcefully into his arms, and the two brothers were very excited.

"Brother Jinbao, you disappeared nine years ago, but I sent someone to look for you for a long time! Later I learned that you were wandering and wanted you to come back, but..."

"Don't talk about Po Tian, ​​I was not good at the time! I was too weak! Haha, I am fine now, Uncle is not dead, everything will return to the past!"

"You know it too?"

Qin Potian looked at Qin An as he spoke, his expression agitated again.

Qin An was a little frightened by Qin Potian. When he left before, he was almost snapped by the excited Qin Potian.

"Yeah, Uncle told me everything! He also let me meet my parents!"

"Ah? He...I mean Master An resurrected Vajra Uncle, what about the others?"

Qin An knew what Qin Potian was thinking at this time, and hurriedly answered:

"Your mothers, I don’t plan to resurrect them for the time being, because I don’t know who they are now, and I have no impression at all. So I don’t know how to face them when they are resurrected. I have a little time, okay?"

Qin Potian hadn't been able to adapt to the man whose body was parasitized by his father before him, so he could not call him father just now, but was called An Ye.

Qin An actually thinks that such a name is good, after all, he is not prepared to be a father of such a big man.

On the one hand, Alguri finally recovered his strength after breathing for a while.

Although Qin An has slowed down, it is still very difficult to keep up with Qin An.

Listening to the conversation between these people, Alguri was full of doubts.

resurrection? Does this man still have the ability to resurrect the dead?

That's too abnormal, right?

At this moment, the city wall under everyone's feet suddenly began to shake, unexpectedly rising sharply...

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