Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1674 Zombie Big Bang

"The deity saw the hungry old man back then. It seems that the strength of the old man should be the lowest among the top ten masters of the dead sect, right? Weak water, I admit that you are much better than him, but you want to kill the deity too?"

The roar fell, and the demon sky flew to the weak water. The huge snake body swayed and released the Spiritual Qi of the colorful light sword. After rapidly spreading, it formed an energy aperture with a diameter of one thousand meters. The purpose of this was obviously to control the weak Water trapped.

Weak water can turn water into invisible, and once you escape, you can go anywhere. Yaotian didn't know whether his own energy magnetic field could trap the opponent, he could only do his best. At this time, Yaotian hated Weak Shui to death, and it was a great shame to be trapped as a master god.

While Yaotian was fighting weak water, Qin An found Huayue.

Huayue was very embarrassed at this time. She couldn't control the zombies here. After a few bites, she also found that she could not tolerate the zombie virus that was changed by the weak water 3000 toxin. Although she did not directly become a zombie, she was also a little dizzy and confused.

As an awakened person, it would be too embarrassing to be infected after being bitten by a zombie.

The location where Yaotian had been before was far away from her. Yaotian was the main force and attracted most of the zombies to besiege him. Therefore, Huayue could barely support it at this time, and when the weak water corroded and the poisonous rain fell, she did not escape the catastrophe by Yaotian's side, and was not corroded to death.

Qin An saw Yaotian fighting with Weak Water, so he appeared behind Huayue, and the light wave swept across Qianjun and shot out quickly.

Huayue felt the powerful energy after she came, although she dodged but did not completely avoid it, and her arm including her shoulder was directly cut off.


Huayue frowned tightly in pain, but when she looked back, she found that no one was there.


Is it the one who might be Qin An?

Huayue felt anxious for a while, her strength could only be considered good, but she was not a real powerhouse. The purpose of Yaotian was to protect her.

But at this moment Yaotian himself was besieged by the zombies, and went to find the weak water to fight, leaving the Huayue people alone and lonely and didn't know how to deal with it.

Qin An was not at all polite, and did not intend to talk nonsense with this woman. As one of the two major sources of zombie virus transmission, Qin An certainly wanted to kill her with the most swift means, and the timing was obviously just right now.

Once again, Qin An used a mixed attack with multiple abilities. Huayue was originally unable to defend, and she couldn't even evade in the face of such a strong attack. After only a few rounds of work, Huayue was killed by Qin An's corpse.

Yaotian's heads-up ability is stronger than that of Weak Shui, but Weak Shui is really not weak, so he cannot win for a while, and it can even be said that there is no possibility of winning in a short time.

Qin An's move made him a little surprised. The things he faced were so chaotic that he had forgotten Qin An long ago.

Damn it!

Yaotian's heart is extremely entangled. The purpose of this trip is to protect Huayue. Now he has fallen short. He hates Qin An and even the weak water in front of him. So all his anger instantly transforms into killing intent, and the weak water retreats again and again. Without worrying, after avoiding Yaotian's several attacks, Qianshui suddenly laughed out loud:

"Haha, your companion was killed! It is said that that kid might be Qin An's reincarnation, Yaotian, you should take revenge when he killed your companion. Is it interesting to pester me here? I'm not fighting you, You should go find him, and my zombies, they are tireless! Your sword Spiritual Qi energy can't trap me, although you are the eighth master god who is all-powerful, but for me, it is nothing more than that. The age of the dead sect is coming, and it is bound to wipe out all the ants, and your demon sky is just one of the ants!"

The weak voice of the water fell on the body and suddenly exploded, turning into pure and transparent water, and then disappearing into mist.

The demon sky can no longer feel the breath of life of weak water. At this time, all the flying zombie beasts nearby flew towards the demon sky’s Spiritual Qi. Although these guys are not enough to destroy the energy shield, they will be damaged with every impact. With the energy of the demon sky, and after hitting the energy shield, their bodies will explode into a mist of broken flesh and blood. These mists are corrosive and poisonous. After being incorporated into the light sword Spiritual Qi, the demon sky will feel uncomfortable.Yaotian could only take back the color light sword Spiritual Qi energy shield, and then turned on the killing mode.

At this time, Qin An also took out the golden hoop and started killing. The weak water obviously took care of Qin An. The surrounding zombies surrounded layer after layer, like the waves, the nearby ones had just been killed, and the distant ones surrounded. More.

Time passed by like this one minute and one second, and the entire Giant City was surging like a big wave scouring the sand. The zombies were not only attacking Qin An and Yaotian, but also some survivors who were hiding in the corner under the control of the weak water.

Qin Potian and the others were not spared from being attacked. Qin An's alchemy fortress was not completely closed, and some of the topmost windows were still open.

The zombies quickly piled up under the building, reached the top of the building, and crawled in through those windows.

Qin Potian was a real warrior. He stood in the corridor as a guard, killing all the zombies that rushed over, and slashing their dead bodies with a huge Overlord's Excalibur.

In just ten minutes, the hallway was full of rancid smells, the meat mud blocked the cross-section of the hallway, and the blood lying all around became a creek.

The zombies did not stop their attacks because of this. Under the control of the weak water, they still sprinted into it desperately. But because there was too much meat in the age, the corridor space became narrower and narrower, and the persecuting Qin Potian obviously did not lose. Keep stepping back.

Qin Potian found helplessly that he couldn't hide in this building. The zombies' attacks were too turbulent. If they gave up the top floor and ran down and waited for the zombies to accumulate here, they would not have the chance to escape.

With this recognition, Qin Potian smashed a skylight on the top of the ceiling and took all the survivors out of the top pavilion to the top of the building.

No one is easy, everyone just goes from one desperate situation to another.

The zombies have already piled up the entire building at this time, and it is naturally easy to climb to the top of the building.

Qin Potian couldn't stop all the zombies alone, so all the survivors joined the battle.

Qin An realized that the crisis situation here was afraid to transmit it, because there were many kinds of zombies besieging him at this time. If he passed by, he would inevitably attract these zombies, and then the people over there would be even more dangerous.

Kill it, anyway, all of this will have to be faced sooner or later.

The scenery at this time is a bit weird. The zombies all over the city have formed two huge vortexes with Qin An and Yaotian as their respective centers. The flesh and bones of the zombies are piled up together. It's big, and all the confusion in the space is the breath of Death.

These are two real masters, and the corpses can be seen everywhere between raising their hands.

During the killing, they gradually forgot about themselves, the world, and everything.

The night was stained red by blood and water. When the eastern sunrise appeared, the entire Giant City was in depression. The zombie riots left few survivors in the city. The rancid smell of the corpses made the air muddy, and the poisonous fog of the zombies appeared as Blood red, Qin An and Yaotian both opened the own space, isolating the zombie poisonous fog outside, even they did not dare to breathe too much into the body.

Qin Potian, Campbell, Algure, Nishizabeth, and Delevena were eventually admitted to Dream Space by Qin An.

Qin Potian was okay, but other people could no longer resist the attacks from zombies from all directions, and they would die one by one. The Heavenly Horse beast girl named Si Meng was not spared, and her death did not seem to Qin An at all. Everyone is not a stand-in person, it's just that they gathered together because of suffering. Naturally, Qin An has no obligation to be responsible for her safety.

The daytime seemed to pass very fast, and it passed without knowing it. Although both Qin An and Yaotian used defensive methods, they also suffered some damage. The poisonous fog of zombies they inhaled made them weak and released. The speed of the abilities became slower and slower. And after a day and a night to kill, only about a quarter of the zombies in the city died, and many upgraded Elent zombies were not so easy to kill.

Feeling unable to continue the fight, Qin An himself entered the dream space, hesitated slightly when he entered, and brought Demon Tian in.

The demon's face at this time was the same as that of Aimo, a beautiful and sexy blonde. Her skin was white and smooth, and her body was sexy and tall, which was very attractive.

Qin An knew that his soul should be a man, so seeing her naked, felt very unacceptable. After entering the dream space, he changed a suit of clothes and wrapped it around him.

"Huh, the dream space of nightmare?"

Although the exhausted Demon Tianxin hates Qin An for killing Huayue, he really has no energy to entangle at this moment. This is a city view. The place Qin An brought Demon Tian into is on the roof of a building. There is a swimming pool, comfortable beds, and warm sunshine.

"Yes, I let my people in before, so now the dream space can still be opened for less than eight hours, I think you also need to rest."

"Our relationship doesn't seem to reach the point where you need to care?"

"I know, but when Qin An was besieged by the Dead Sect and the Demon Race, you used to help him. For whatever reason, I think I should thank you. Now you should be exhausted too? But there is no place to stay in this giant city. I will provide you with this space for eight hours, which is a return to your kindness in the past. Since then, you and I are still enemies! I know that the emperor does not have any kindness to me, so maybe I I'm going to find him sooner or later!"

"Haha, how do you admit that you are Qin An back then?"

"Admit it, there is nothing to deny, but I have forgotten a lot of things!"

"Hmph, it's Qin An! You don't have the emperor anymore, I will kill you, do you still want to find the emperor? So arrogant! Who in this world dares to say that he is capable of picking the War Great Emperor? Death? No, Real Huo can't, Tiange can't, you Qin An is even more useless!"

After the demon sky laughed loudly, he was no longer talking to Qin An, raised his hand to tear open the clothes all over his body, turned naked again, and quickly walked to the side of the pool and jumped in.

When his body touched the clear water in the swimming pool, the clear water was immediately stained red, and he didn't know how much blood was stained on Yaotian's body.

Qin An curled his lips, he didn't mind Yaotian's provocation, and he didn't even bother to pay attention to him. Now the enemy is the weak water and the huge number of zombies outside. This is also Qin An's true purpose of staying with Yaotian. They have a common enemy. , Then at least temporarily can cooperate!

Let's take a good rest for eight hours, and continue to face the dangers outside after the rest.

That zombie poison is really annoying, even if the ground seal space is opened, it can't completely block the damage of the poison, and the self-repair ability of Pudu Sword God is actually not very effective under the corrosion of this poison.

Shaking his head slightly, the exhausted Qin An was not thinking about it. He found a place to take a bath to refresh himself, and then he took to see Qin Potian and others.

At this time, a few people are all freshened up, but they are not in good spirits. The previous battles also made them exhausted. They were unable to fall asleep after entering the space for a few hours. Only Nizabeth was in the best condition with his legs. It has grown again, and at this time, I just woke up from a coma and looked at the most energetic one.

"Master An! You are finally back!"

Qin Potian expressed concern.

Qin An nodded to him, and then said: "Sleep all, this dream space can only last for eight hours. After we go out, it may take a long time to open it again, before facing it again. I don’t know how many of us will survive the war!"

"Hey, Uncle, there are too many zombies, and they are all powerful. If we didn't protect us before, we wouldn't be able to survive." Jin Bao had some lingering fears.

"It's a pity that Simeng is dead."

Qin Potian said a little depressed, he was enthusiastic, and he already regarded Simeng as his own.

"Okay, don't think too much, take the time to rest."

Qin An patted Qin Potian on the shoulder and stopped talking. He found a room and fell asleep on the bed. He was really tired. Since returning as Fang Xiaobao's soul, he has never been so tired.

I slept not too long this time, and I did not sleep too long this time. Two hours later, Qin An woke up with a clear spirit. The influence of the zombie virus on Mental Energy has basically disappeared, but the body is still a little weak. , After feeling the ability to cast, there is still a sense of obstruction.

Hey, the end of the world is really hard to mix. In all crises, it is better to stay in the city, to drink fine wine, and to be accompanied by the beautiful tavern proprietress.Violet's lady boss's name is Roland!

Qin An actually knows that this woman used to be a teacher in Qin'an High School in the previous life, so she will be so kind to herself after she knows her own name, right?

Think about that Qin An, this life is really colorful, and there is a basket of confidantes around him. There are all types and identities. You can open a wonderful confidant woman exhibition hall!

Maybe the name Qin An is better?

He seems to have a good relationship with women nowadays, but it is all because of Qin An in the previous life. This feeling is actually quite weird, as if he brought himself a green hat.

After thinking about it, Qin An raised his hand and opened the video interface connected with the outside in front of him. Through these floating interfaces, he could see the entire Giant City situation.

At this time, the city has completely turned into a city of zombies, and there are almost no survivors.

The external view space of Dream Space is connected with Qin An's Spiritual Sense ability, so Qin An can also see some of the conditions in the building.

He searched around randomly, and then he saw a few acquaintances.


The basement of a building in the west of the city,

Shennong, Yang Youji, Di Qing, Gongsunlan, Li Siye, Yang Guang, Hu Chenghua and Shihu were sitting together.

After Zhu Hai, Shi Bi, and Hui Qing died, Shennong left the empire and entered the territory of the orcs.

They mainly didn't want to provoke Yin Yao and didn't want to let Qin An go, so even though they had left the empire, they hadn't left nearby, planning to find a chance to attack Qin An.

Before Qin An appeared by the Sanyue Lake, Shennong and others saw him from the Hada Huanshou video, so they followed Qin An all the way and finally entered the Giant City with Qin An, but they encountered a zombie crisis here and were trapped. .

Shennong still maintains a calm appearance, Yang Youji still has a cold expression, Di Qing’s mask seems to be rented and always wears, Gongsunlan plays with the sword, Li Siye wipes the knife, only Yang Guang, Shihu and Hu Chenghua are the most. Noisy, talking non-stop.

"Hey, Dage, or let's rush out! You and I are the overlords of the past, but now you are trapped underground by those zombies, this is too unreasonable!"

Yang Guang shook his head and expressed his own point of view. At this time, he was holding Queen Hu in his arms and groping up and down.

Empress Hu is known as the first adulteress in history. After she was originally full of desires for men, it was a pity that among the people around her, only Yang Guang and Shihu were interested in her, so she could only let the two of them be on her own. Pastime, while she was also pastimeting them.

The person over there seemed to be upset watching Empress Hu being held in Yang Guang's arms. He was not jealous, but felt lonely in his arms. After looking at Gongsun Lan, he finally decided to forget it. It was a rouge horse, so it would be better not to provoke him.

So Shi Hu leaned against Empress Hu and Yang Guang, stretched out his hand to pinch Empress Hu's waist secretly.

Empress Hu is a woman made of water, and she will immediately respond when she is touched lightly. Her apricot eyes turned round and stared at Shihu, but there was a smile on her face, and her mouth still made a charming and stray laugh.

Shi Hu's face was reddened, and it was really irritating to scold Empress Hu secretly. It would be good if he secretly took advantage of it, but she had to laugh to attract attention.

In order to conceal the embarrassment, Shi Hu said loudly:

"Yeah, Dage! Qin An and Yaotian have been killed all night, and now I don’t know where they have been taken, so let’s find a way to find them! Then kill them all! Humph, what a shit alien god, this Yaotian Isn’t it the same level as the ghost general? We will kill him, and then tell the ghost general, lest he always wants to yell at us, doesn’t he know that we are all great sages of the earth?"

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