Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1691 Group Attack Skill Book

The concept of family will still exist in the future world.

The one who didn't face the end did not experience the end times, but experienced a world war in 2115.

After the war, the East and the West formed two major alliances, and the world became more integrated. The science and technology experienced 60 years of recovery before the war, and then fluffy development. After a hundred years, the earth was seriously polluted. Some people have left the earth, and the earth’s science and technology have gone back thousands of years due to the departure of high-end scientific and technological personnel. Since then, environmental pollution has been controlled, and the number of earth’s population has increased dramatically.

In this context, the interstellar immigrants returned to the earth, starting a war as a colonizer, controlling the earth, and then spreading the new interstellar thinking into the earth's thinking.

The concept of family was picked up again. Interstellar people used genes to find blood ties, connected through the Internet, and then controlled mechanical and intelligent weapons to fight for power on the earth and live a life of superiority.

Since there is no end to the social form, there must always be a high and low between people to be considered as life. Intra-family hierarchy, competition and confrontation between families and families are all indispensable colors in life.

The Doomsday Remnant Blood Game System is the highest-tech product. The network connects the Earth, the Moon, Mars, 16 large space stations, 23 small Planets and other multi-regional human Realm.

Concepts determine the form of social physique. In the concept of people in the future world, entering the game world to fight and kill is a manifestation of values, and it is a kind of ideological satisfaction and sublimation.

So once the game is launched, it is normal that there will be 500 million players entering the game, and more people will enter in the future.

Yang Guo’s hometown is on the moon. This time, the whole family entered the game. They want to make a contribution in the game. The system will reward players with good scores in the game, which means that the game world and the real world are completely understood.

After entering the game, some family administrators will add family members and friends through the system, and then issue a summoning order to prepare for a career in the game.

Yang Guo had received the news yesterday, but he was in a coma, so he could not rush back in time.

Yang Guo wants to invite Qin An to return with him.

How can Qin An have such a leisurely sentiment, now the most important thing is obviously the upgrade of monsters, Qin An feels very depressed, after all, he can't escape this kind of Xiaobai's routine.

Separating from Yang Guo, Qin An and Yaozi left the rabbit forest and entered the rabbit Realm. This is a place that can only be entered at level 10. The map is very large, with mountains and rivers, fields and countryside, and monsters are concentrated at levels 10 to 20.

Qin An has only one idea, which is to make every effort to upgrade.

The idea is very simple. If he must follow the rules of the game, he must become the strongest existence in the game, and then escape here.

Hey, all the plans seemed to be in vain. The plans always failed to keep up with the rapid changes. Qin An didn't know when he could escape from this game system. He had to work hard to deal with it. Fortunately, there was the evil devil to accompany him. At least he was not so lonely.

After running and fighting monsters in the Rabbit Realm all morning, Qin An and Yaozi finally found the best place to upgrade.

It was a clearing surrounded by small woods, and there were a group of ten second-level rabbit mages on the clearing.

The defensive power and blood volume of the rabbit mage are very small. Although the attack power is strong, the demon and Qin An are both hidden professions. The defensive ability is also very strong. As long as the opponent's attack is resisted, it is also very good to kill these ten second-level monsters. Easy.

The experience gained by leapfrogging monsters is rich. There are woods everywhere here, except for the open space in the middle. Qin An and Yaozi took the rabbit mage around in the woods to kill them all. When they returned to the clearing, another wave of rabbit mage Just refreshed again.

The Rabbit Mage will also burst out Rock Red equipment and Bunny suits, which is another important reason why Qin An and Yaozi choose to spawn monsters here.

"Warning, warning, the Boss-class beast from the Rabbit Mountain Forest, the Rabbit Fairy, has come from the clouds, the owner killed too many mobs on the Rabbit Mountain Forest map, the Rabbit Fairy is here to avenge the rabbit and the Sun! The Rabbit Fairy has super powerful dodge ability and The blood volume of more than 10,000 and the ultra-long-range attack ability belong to the nature of the magic fighter. Because it is the first time to appear in front of the player, the skill attributes are still hidden, so you must be careful."

The system sound fell, and the two people who were busy beating Rabbit Mage were a little dizzy.

how? The system boss in this game can still chase people? He would come here from Rabbit Mountain to avenge his people, this is also true and wonderful.

Just thinking about it, Rosy clouds were flying in the sky, and a black bunny man dressed in costume jumped down from the clouds, and fell in front of Qin An and Yaozi.When he hit the ground, he smashed the ground out of a big hole, and the dust immediately rose nearby, and the morale of the appearance was also lacking.

"Hahaha! Tiny human beings have finally found you. I traveled to the old man before, but after returning, I found that many people were dead. After detailed investigation, I found out that it was you two human beings! Huh, today the old man is going to do it. My bunny rabbit grandson takes revenge, are you ready to die?"

The black rabbit fairy is very arrogant. His beard is very long. When he speaks, he will blow those beards when he exhales, which looks very funny.

Qin An and Yaozi looked at each other, their dull eyes gradually became clear, and then excited.

This is a level 10 BOSS. Generally, BOSS will explode good things. I haven't encountered it in Rabbit Mountain before. What kind of hospitality is there when this product is delivered to the door by myself?

The demon did not go to talk nonsense with the rabbit fairy. She heard Qin An talk about some things about the game world system. She knew that the monster in front of her was created by the system and could not be regarded as a real intelligent creature, so there was nothing to say to him. Yes, it is the best choice to do it directly.

The demon child's attributes are much weaker than Qin An, the main difference is in equipment, but she is still better than a normal level 10 player.

It was a knife to run to the fairy turtle, but the other party didn't lose a drop of blood...

"His agility and dodge are too high, I can't hit him!"

The demon was very depressed. He circled around the turtle fairy and shot him, and finally knocked him out of 5 drops of blood. The opponent has the blood recovery function, and the 5 drops of blood are instantly full. Go back to his grandma's house.

Qin An took the shot. He has four equipment attributes: Attack 50, Armor Break 50, Attack Speed ​​10, and Hit 40, all of which can reflect his attack power, so when facing this kind of BOSS, his attack strength is much stronger than that of the demon.

A fireball was thrown over, and the rabbit fairy lost almost a hundred drops of blood.

Seeing this situation, both Qin An and Yaozi were overjoyed, as long as they could get rid of the blood, one fireball would have a hundred drops, and then a hundred fireballs would have about the same amount of blood for the opponent.

The two were full of enthusiasm and began to attack the rabbit fairy.

The opponent is also a monster of the spell system. He will throw some carrots at Qin An and Yaozi. These carrots are not real carrots, but a kind of bomb. Once the blasting power is not weak, Qin An is bombed and dropped. With more than a hundred blood, he was speechless, which meant that Qin An's blood volume was blown up three times and died.

The battle lasted for half an hour. Although Qin An and Yaozi were not bombed again, they were extremely annoyed.

They found that it’s not what they thought. Although Qin An can consume 100 HP of the Rabbit Fairy with each attack, the other party’s HP will recover faster as the HP drops, when he only has a thousand HP remaining. At that time, Qin An consumed one hundred of his blood, and he could recover one hundred of blood instantly.

If this is the case, Qin An has no chance to kill him. What can I do with this f*ck? There is only a thousand blood left in the fight, do you want to give up?

"Qin An! I've never been bullied like this before, I want to kill him, turn on the dark attribute and kill him!"

The demon's face flushed red, and she was extremely embarrassed at this moment.

As a close professional, she wants to play the role of a meat shield. Now the rock red battle skirts that have been beaten are flying around, and her body is blue and purple. Her blood volume is less than 300. If she continues to fight, she will hang it. It might be dropped.

Qin An sighed deeply, and he had no choice but to give up.

At this moment, the rabbit fairy roared:

"Huh! You two actually had such strengths and almost beat me to death! The old man was very angry and decided not to mess around with you, go to hell!"

The voice fell, and his body burst into crimson's light.

The light quickly spread to the nearby area, and the bunny mage who was walking around in the clearing of the forest became blood red immediately after being shrouded in crimson light, and changed from an active attack type to an active attack monster.

After the figures of Qin An and Yaozi were discovered, they rushed over quickly, and before they got close, some magic wind blades had already shot out.

Qin An was not in a hurry to dodge or was beaten for a while, and unexpectedly dropped two hundred drops of blood.

In other words, these jealous rabbit mages have changed from ordinary level to elite level, and their strength has more than doubled.

I really didn't expect the rabbit fairy to have this ability to bless the mobs.

Qin An was a little unhappy. He and the demon were already very powerful, and now they can't deal with the rabbit fairy. It is estimated that even if the other players are a dozen people, it is useless to team up.

"Demon, you go to deal with the elite rabbit mage, I will continue to deal with this rabbit fairy, I still have to work hard and persevere!"

The demon was still angry, and did not answer Qin An's words, and ran to deal with the elite rabbit mage.

As a player, he also has the ability to recover blood volume. The demon has separated from the rabbit fairy, and the blood volume starts to recover slowly.

Although the elite rabbit mage is quite powerful, but the attack speed, four basic attributes and blood volume are much worse than the rabbit fairy.

The demon's ability to move and assassinate is flashing, but it can also handle it, but it is impossible to kill all the monsters as quickly as before.

After killing for a while, Yaozi's mood improved, because she hit two rock red equipment, it seems that the chance of the elite monsters exploding the equipment is really high.

With the harvest, the demon child does not want to use the dark attribute, after all, killing a monster with the dark attribute is equivalent to killing in vain.

A few minutes later, Yaozi killed another elite monster, and the two pieces of equipment exploded turned out to be baby bunny necklaces and hats.

Bunny Necklace, hit 60,

Bunny hat, 100 defense, 100 dodge.

After picking it up, the demon said depressed: "It's your equipment again, one set is ready!"

"Haha! Give it to me, and add 60 hits, then it shouldn't be a problem to deal with this super-dodge fairy rabbit."

"Ah, yes!"

Only then did the Yaozi react, hurriedly backed up and approached Qin An, and handed him two pieces of equipment.

After Qin An took it, quickly put it on, and the Bunny suits were all gathered!

"Master, congratulations on completing the first chapter of the main quest in the world of doomsday residual blood and collecting the level 10 golden bunny!

As the first person to collect this set, you will get a luxurious residence located on the south side of Mozu novice village, this residence will be bound to you for life.

You can collect materials to expand the house, and finally transform it into a city of your own.

In most maps of the Remnant Blood World, you can turn on the function of returning to the city, which means that you can directly return to the mansion from some areas in the wild, just like Spatial Teleportation. "

After Qin An's little XX assistant system sound fell, the main system sound of the Doomsday World started full-frequency broadcasting, which means that 500 million players in the entire Doomsday World could hear the broadcast sound.

"Players, please note that there is a very powerful player who has completed the first chapter of the main quest in the world of doomsday residual blood. The level 10 golden bunny set is collected, and the doomsday residual blood will enter the next chapter. Zombies are coming! After being bitten or scratched by a zombie, you will not lose consciousness, but you will transform from a player into a monster! This change is irreversible, please be careful!

warn! warn! The first wave of zombies has arrived and will attack all the novice villages of the gods and demons. The novice village NPC guards cannot fully defend against the attacks of these zombies. Players hurry up to support them.

Zombies are elite-level monsters, which are different from the system fixed refresh monsters. Killing them can explode a large number of different items such as equipment, skill books, Spiritual Qi stones, etc.!

One minute later, the monster siege activity will start and last for one hour. Please be prepared for all players. "

After the system sound fell, the whole world of remnant blood boiled.

What are you doing?

Someone got the bunny suit the next day after opening the service?And before entering the game, the system strategy said very clearly. The zombie siege activity on the third day after the server was opened was only launched for a few fixed novice villages. It was regarded as a kind of feedback to the player. Then the player can go to those villages to kill. Weird, zombies will drop a lot of equipment as rewards. How come zombie siege is happening in all novice villages nowadays? Most players are still under level ten and don't have the necessary equipment.

And what is it that you will become a zombie and lose the qualification of a player after being caught and bitten by a zombie? How can a player become a monster?

At this time, many people gathered in various novice villages. They were originally discussing about being unable to quit the game, but now they are shocked by the news broadcast by the system.

Qin An, who was outside the novice village, naturally ignored these, and those players had nothing to do with him.

After the bunny suit attributes were synthesized, Qin An’s blood volume doubled by 3000, which was already more than that of the demon, and after having the bunny necklace and the hit attribute bonus, Qin An’s fireball could already make the bunny fairy one-time. Drop around 200 blood.

In the end, Qin An killed the Immortal Rabbit and instantly spread out all the equipment.

Blood bottle, gold coins, equipment, and two golden skill books.

Regardless of own fatigue, Qin An hurried over to pick up everything.

The medium-sized super blood bottle recovers one hundred blood volume in three seconds. This is a good thing, there are more than ten bottles, Qin An picked them up and put them in his own package.

The Yaozi had five pieces of Hongyan equipment, and now two more have been released, so that the Yaozi finally got the silver red rock suit.

Qin An told Yaozi the good news loudly, and at the same time threw those two pieces of equipment to the Yaozi. After receiving it, the Yaozi put on the suit, the attributes of the suit were activated, the original damaged battle skirt was repaired, the anti-injury ability of Hongyan was activated, and the sword of Hongyan became available. The attack power of the post demon was not ascension, and he rushed into the rabbit mage elite monster to kill more fiercely, killing two more in a few rounds.

This made Qin An feel relieved, it seemed that he didn't need to support the demon child in the past.

With excitement, Qin An smiled after picking up the two skill books. It turned out that they were the group attack skill books that he had been expecting for a long time, and they were all available to his profession.

Rushing fire, level 10 group attack skill, fire attribute attack 100, can burn monsters within a certain range for one minute, the number of attacks within one minute is 10, that is to say, the attack that can be achieved in one minute is 1000, as long as the monster does not leave the roaring fire Range.

Shocking Thunder Array, level 10 group attack skills, attacking 20 targets at the same time, has the ability to lock the attack, the thunder of the sky has a lightning attack power of 200, which can output 20 times in one minute.

These two abilities are obviously stronger than the attack power of Shocking Thunder, but the attack range is still greater than the raging fire.

Qin An was a little disappointed when he was excited. The notes at the end of the two books are marked: "This skill and other 10th-level spell abilities cannot be used at the same time."

Can't you learn together? That's a shame.

After thinking about it, Qin An finally chose the Shocking Thunder Array to learn, but the so-called learning is actually very easy, and the system can be directly mastered by Qin An.

"Congratulations to the master for learning the ability to attack the sky-shattering thunder formation. The system detects that you have a special dark attribute, and you will not be restricted by other wizards. You are already a thunder-shattering mage. After breaking the limit, you can learn spells of any attribute."

It can be like this!

"Master, you still have a fire system group attack skill book that can be cultivated. Do you want to learn it?"

"Study! Of course!"

Qin An gave the order to Xiao XX without hesitation.

On the other side, Yaozi killed the last elite rabbit mage, and she and Qin An's XX system assistant gave a voice prompt at the same time.

After a busy morning, after killing a BOSS and many elite monsters, they finally reached level 11!

The demon wiped his sweat and looked at Qin An. Qin An walked over and grabbed her hand and said, "I already have group attack skills, we can change to another place to level up!"

"Where to go?"

"We've been to that valley before, and the monsters there are so dense, it's just right for a group attacking mage like me! Demon, let me take you to fly!"

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