Conan Baird had just arrived, he hadn't seen Feng Qi and other hired hunters, but first ran here to have a meeting with a few other people.

While they were discussing, Conan was a little inattentive, and kept looking around as if he was looking for someone.

Conan Baird frowned at the player who the fighters had gathered at this moment, feeling a little unsure in his heart.

The news has passed, is she coming back?

Hearing Li Xianglan’s question right here, Conan Baird smiled and nodded: “Okay, my people will definitely go all out! Although we didn’t have much contact with the two before, we are both in the same novice village. , Of course we must cooperate sincerely!"

Li Xianglan and Spilt looked at each other, their eyes were full of surprise. I didn't expect that the executioner who killed 40,000 ancient pregnant women on the earth was so kind and easy to talk, which seemed a little untrue.

"Two gentlemen, since our plan is to storm and win by numbers, then there is nothing to study. Let's prepare? Assemble our people. My people will not be there until noon, except for me. Personal private army, family soldier, I also recruited many level equipment masters, the number of people participating in this operation may be more than 3,000. This can be regarded as the first largest Raiders BOSS opened by the Horton family after entering the game. The battle is over. We will take those words seriously!"

For Conan Baird's sincerity, Spielt and Li Xianglan are still very happy. The number of them together is almost 7,000, which means this is a 10,000-person Raiders BOSS battle, and its scale is about to catch up with the Raiders late stage BOSS.

Conan Baird left directly after saying what he had said before.

In fact, there will be a follow-up activity to speak to the player aggregators, but Conan Baird did not participate in person, but let own's Zach go through the process on his behalf.

Conan Baird has been waiting, waiting for a figure to appear in the crowd. When this figure appears, he will naturally go to see her immediately.

Walking through the crowd, following a servant walked into a small hidden forest on the edge of the gathering place, there was a young woman wearing a red classical cheongsam sitting on the grass.

Beside the young woman, there was a woman standing.

This should be a woman, with a graceful and sexy figure, enchanting curves, and very delicate features, but she has a bald head trimmed.

This is nothing in the future world, but it looks a bit special in the current world. Women's shaved heads have not yet become popular.

"Conan Baird, how old are you?"

The girl in the red cheongsam saw Conan Baird and immediately got up and ran over to ask, her arm hung on Conan Baird's arm.

The bald woman saw the girl's movements, her face changed slightly, but in the end she didn't speak.

Conan Baird smiled, but he inadvertently gently raised his hand and pushed away the red cheongsam woman's arm.

"I'm slow in leveling, level 18."

"Haha, really slow! I'm already level 21!"

"Huh? So fast?"

Conan Baird was really surprised.

"Of course, who am I? I am reddish!"

The reddish smile is very sweet and sweet, and can melt people's hearts, but for Conan Baird, this woman's smile can't make his heart fluctuate.

After greeting the girl in red, Conan Baird looked at the bald woman and saluted her respectfully.

"Conan Baird, the Horton family, give Hong Ji Big sis a courtesy!"

The bald woman's face was calm, and she gently squatted down to Conan Baird, but she did not speak.

After Conan Baird greeted Hong Ji, he focused on Wei Hong again and said with a smile:

"I have arranged a place for you in the family territory. You just came to this novice village map area on another map. When I turn around and have time to take you around, the scenery here is still beautiful."

"Why do you want to take it, I'm not a kid, are you afraid that I will get lost?" Weihong smiled very youthfully, she was really an authentic little girl, only sixteen years old in a few years.

"Haha, of course I am not afraid that you will get lost, but the zombie siege was just experienced here a few days ago. There are now a large number of hidden zombies in the wild besides wild monsters. The system zombies have disappeared, and those infected with the zombie virus The guys all avoided. Several major forces on our side have issued an order to jointly strangle the zombies. It will not be too late for you to go out and play when you kill all the zombies.""Cut, Hong Ji Big sis is following me, I am not afraid of anything, don't you believe in the strength of Hong Ji Big sis?"

"Of course I know, Hongji Big sis is very powerful. But after all, this is the game world, which is limited by the system!"

"Cut, because genetically upgraded people are powerful, they will have hidden attributes and become hidden professions after entering the game, don't you know?"

"Oh? So Hongji Big sis is a hidden class? What is it?"

"I won't tell you, guess it yourself!"

Weihong stuck out her tongue at Conan Baird, then paused, and changed the subject: "The reason why I asked Hongji Big sis to bring me here is mainly because I want to go with you to attack the level 20 BOSS, your map This BOSS seems to be particularly powerful. The BOSS on our map has already been attacked. It is not that difficult to deal with at all. Is it Hongji Big sis?"

Hong Ji is a bodyguard and servant of Wei Hong, who is naturally respectful to Wei Hong, so she smiled and replied: "Yes Miss, level 20 BOSS is not difficult to deal with, but ordinary players are still very difficult to deal with."

"Hear it? Normal players are difficult to deal with, but Hong Ji Big sis is easy to deal with. How about, Conan Baird, will you take me into the map later? I'm going to see your level 20 BOSS and us. The map of novice village is different."

A hint of surprise flashed in Conan Baird's eyes, but there was a worried expression on his face. He shook his head and said, "That's not good. Our boss is really amazing. Anyone who went in didn't come out alive. They were all killed. novice village, so you still don’t want to go."

"What? Was killed back to novice village?" Both Weihong and Hongji exclaimed at the same time, some of them couldn't believe it.

"Isn't it dead if I die? It can be resurrected?" Weihong asked her questions first.

"Yes, our level 20 BOSS doesn't have this attribute." Hong Ji added.

Conan Baird nodded and said: "That's why we are so exciting. This time we have organized 10,000 people in the Raiders BOSS. We plan to use group attack tactics!"

"My God, ten thousand people?"

Hong Ji and Wei Hong were both dumbfounded.

They just came to this place and they heard that Conan Baird was there, so they sent a servant to look for it, so they didn't know exactly what happened here.

Now it is unbelievable to hear that they actually need 10,000 people to attack a level 20 BOSS.

Could it be said that the boss of this map is really so powerful? Is it the upgraded type among level 20 bosses?

With this thought, Hong Ji and Wei Hong became curious, and didn't feel any danger at all.

This is normal. More than 10,000 people go to fight a monster. If they are still in danger, it would be weird. Can the boss in the novice village space still be heaven-defying?

"Do you really want to go?"

Conan Baird looked worried.

"I must go! Is it Hongji Big sis?"

"Well... it’s okay to go and see. With so many people, we’ll just walk behind. If it’s really dangerous, then just exit. And it’s not that you won’t die if you go in for the first time. Is it to return to the safe zone?"

Conan Baird seemed to think again before agreeing to let them in.

"Well, you guys are resting here now. We are now gathering people. It is estimated that we will not be able to enter the valley until the afternoon. Then you and I will follow behind. I will make sure that you are safe, otherwise you can't afford this responsibility."

The bald beauty Hong Ji smiled and nodded, and gave Conan Baird a knowing look, which meant that you knew it.

Conan Baird nodded rudely at Hong Ji again, and then left. When he reached the door, his face turned cold, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He couldn't see women the most. If it wasn't for the benefit of the family, he would never agree to the marriage with Weihong.

So now, let him take advantage of this woman! Perhaps her death is more profitable than her life!

With attention in mind, Conan Baird was no longer nostalgic here, and began to meet those hired.

The woman in the ice suit doesn't know if she is here, what is her name? Oh, by the way, she claims to be the woman of God, named Xiwa!


In the valley, Qin An pouted Lao Gao, feeling unhappy.

He took out a charcoal fire rack and supported iron nets on it to make various barbecues.

Lamb skewers, steak, saury, grilled squid and more.

Qin An felt that he must have been a foodie before, and the most stored things in the Apocalypse Space were clothing and food, of course, there were wine and cigarettes.

This space is very large, and it is estimated that the things stored in it will not be used up for a few years.

After brushing the monsters for the whole morning, Qin An and the Yaozi entered the 22nd level together, and the Yaozi finally obtained two fighter skill books.

Lion Roar is a kind of taunting ability that can attract all nearby monsters to approach her. This kind of taunting ability is very strong. Ordinary monsters will not give up the goal of demon until they die, so that they can provide more output time for nearby remote output players. .

Shattered body flash is a physical ability. The demon can suddenly flash in one direction while being surrounded, and monsters passing by the distance and space along the way will withstand a small amount of attack power. This skill is mainly used for dodge, and the activation condition is to be used when surrounded. The so-called surrounded means that there are at least four monsters in the four directions of the demon.

So with these two tricks, the monster can now be regarded as a god-tier for pulling monsters. The frequency of spawning monsters between Qin An and the monster has also increased. Basically, it takes less than a minute to kill all monsters in the open area. Level is estimated to be able to leave this place to upgrade to other places.

In the past two days, Qin An used the Red Leaf Flying Daggers to kill many intruders in seconds.

Originally, his purpose was to prevent other players from coming in to snatch monsters, but he didn't expect to have caused this kind of trouble now.

Thousands of people have already gathered at the entrance of the valley, and it seems that there are 10,000 people planning to rush in.

Good deed, so many people, he will kill for a long time, right?

"Hey, didn't you get it right? I want to eat that roast leg of lamb, it's delicious!"

"Didn't you say you don't eat cooked meat?"

"No? Did I say this before?"

Qin An looked at Yaozi's innocent and cute face, and really wanted to go up and kick her!

She just said plainly that she didn't like to eat cooked meat, but after Qin An finished the barbecue, she was attracted by the sweet kiss, which had already eaten up all Qin An before.

This woman didn't look like a lady when she was eating, she was simply a violent thing, she just stuffed the meat into her mouth and swallowed it, she didn't know how much space there was in her little mouth.

"Hey, I'm working hard, eat, eat, I wish you a fat pig!"

"Pig? There is a savage beast like Pig Demon in our race. I cannot become this species because I am a unique orc demon!"


Qin An was speechless, talking to aliens was tired, she was so serious, obviously she didn't know that she was cursing her.

After sprinkling some seasoning on the barbecue, Qin An was silent for a while, and suddenly said:

"Monster, you said that if they all enter the valley for a while, what should we do?"

"What else can we do? We have to level up here, and we have to wait here for the level 20 BOSS. Then outsiders want to enter and kill them. Isn't this the goal set at the beginning?"

"I'm afraid that after killing them back to the city, they will entangle more people."

"Huh, then really kill some people. Your current fire and electric swarm attack skills are as good as fire. You are a hidden class. It shouldn't be difficult to kill some ordinary players? There are too many dead people, and they are probably too. I'm afraid!"

"Are you murdering? But they are not bad guys."

The demon looked at Qin An with surprise, and said with contempt: "I ask you, the lamb, beef, chicken, and fish you are grilling, are they good or bad before they die?"

"of course not."

"That's right, but we still have to eat them, regardless of whether they are good or bad, this is natural! We don't want to kill people, but The Weak are Prey to the Strong, if they want to grab something in our mouth, the end will only be There can be one, and that is death! The beast Cangtian said that killings that are not for the purpose of predation are wrong. The beast Cangtian also said that the king should have the heart to guard the earth. At this moment, this valley is our territory, our Realm, and entered The foreign enemy will naturally be eliminated! This is also natural, do you understand?"

These truths were so simple that Qin An could have thought of it himself.

But now when I heard the Yaozi said, he still gave the initiation after being slightly shocked.Yeah, why do you think so much? If you don't kill yourself, people will come to kill yourself!

Yes, this is his territory. He has erected a monument outside as a testimony. Those who enter this valley are dead!

Thinking of this, Qin An's face became calm.

He concentrated on Mental Energy and refined a square alchemy monument at the entrance of the valley to grow out of the ground. At the same time, he controlled Mental Energy to write four bright characters on the tombstone, and those who entered the valley died!

This time, Qin An is very serious. Since they want to attack their own boss, since they want to invade their own territory, then they can't say that they can't afford it. Those who come in, don't want to go out!


Outside the valley, many people have seen the process of the huge inscription growing from the ground up to a height of ten meters.

"Look, the map has changed!"

"Those who enter the valley die?"

"Oh my God! This is the boss challenging us! The previous inscription was replaced by this one!"

The crowd was restless for a long time, and the news spread quickly, making everyone shocked.

Li Xianglan, Speart, and Zach once again gathered to discuss the strategy of the boss.

In the end, everyone thought that this was just a system setting, just like zombies siege the city, like many hidden tasks.

The reason why this BOSS is so special is that it is also a super hidden mission!

Thinking of this, Li Xianglan and Spielt were all excited, and offered to transfer more staff.

Zach was attending the meeting on behalf of Conan Baird.

Conan Baird nodded directly without even thinking about it, and then sent a messenger to return to the Horton family territory to explain the situation to the Patriarch.

Old Horton felt that this matter was not trivial. After he learned the information ahead through his own channel, he finally felt that he had to do it, otherwise, if it was a super hidden mission, wouldn't he have missed it?

So Old Horton decided on the spot to send another 10,000 family children player to come to support!

This is a bit exaggerated. The three major forces will gather almost forty thousand people to the central valley of Rabbit Realm. This raiders war is already like a national war!

Qin An's mouth in the valley was crooked!

Is this group of people f*ck sick? Qin An's original intention was to scare them away, and he would save a lot of trouble, but he didn't expect them to get worse!

Oh shit!

Wait, whoever dares to enter the valley, Qin An will not spare any effort to kill! He won't be surnamed Qin if he doesn't run into a river of blood!

With this kind of determination and will, Qin An looked a little cold, and his whole body was filled with Xiao murderous aura.

Originally, Qin An felt strange when she changed his appearance, but now Qin An is in this state again, and the demon feels even more unfamiliar.

Really, if you want to kill someone, you can kill. How does it feel that Qin An is accumulating killing intent? As for this? The big deal is to help him by himself, isn't it tens of thousands of people? Even if you don't use the dark attribute demon, she is not afraid, once the dark attribute is turned on, she will be able to kill them all in seconds! But if this is the case, it doesn't seem to really kill people!

Okay, then engage in assassination with Qin An!

After all, it is impossible to confront 40,000 system players head-on with the system's ability.

"Qin An, don't be angry, the meat that is roasted when angry is not delicious! Beast Cangtian said, you must love food, and you have feelings for it, so that it can give you delicious."

"Hmph, did the beast Cangtian tell you to save some for the laborers when you eat? I cooked it all and you would eat it all, making my heart still hungry!"

"Ahhhhh! Don't you people on earth say that men can't care about women? Why are you so careful?"


Qin An was speechless again, wondering if he met a fake orc queen, how could he always feel that this woman opened it in a wrong way...

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