The beauty laughed wildly.

A group of people are all dumbfounded. Is this woman a lunatic?

Now that the city lord of Evernight City is Yonezawa Sen, there are only two situations for the lord who wants to take over the city of Eternal Night.

The first situation is obviously impossible.

Then the second case is even more impossible, no one can kill in the safe zone, unless this beauty is a system monster.

When people were in doubt, a dazzling white light burst out beside Yizesen. Qiye suddenly stepped forward and stretched out his hand to push towards Mizesen.

Mizesen staggered a few steps and hit the shining light group, and disappeared immediately.

"Please note that Mizesen, the city lord of Yongye City, has been killed by the mysterious person, and the mysterious person has obtained the seat of the city lord! The mysterious person inherited the position of the city lord to Qiye. Congratulations to the player Qiye for becoming the third city lord of Yongye."

The system sound was throughout the city of Eternal Night, and the faces of all the players became pale.

Mizesen was killed by a spike? why is that? Why are you killed in the safe zone?

"She is a space mage!"

Someone finally thought of the hidden profession of Space Mage.

It is said that Space Mage has a skill called Forced Teleport.

It can open a portal and send the player out of the safe zone and into the wild unwillingly!

Then Qiye must have used this method, and there should be her accomplices in the wild. After being teleported out, Mizesen was killed by the mysterious person who had hidden his name, and the mysterious person would naturally become the lord of the city. He did not hesitate to transfer the position of the city lord to Qiye!

Oh my God, isn't it that the "Forced Teleport" skill book is very sad? Why did it appear so early? And who is Qiye in front of me?


There is a large map in the south of Kaitian City. The territory here is very wide. There are various monsters between 30 and 40. There are also many copies. The entire map is named Ghost Plain.

The Ghost Plain is actually the connection map of Kaitian City and Yongye City, half of which has day and night, and half of it is night all year round.

Qin An has reached an agreement with Yang Xiaofeng and the Yang family to summon all the family members who had left Kaitian City before.

Although many people in the Yang family died, it was heard that Yang Xiaofeng had already made friends with the mysterious city lord. Naturally, he felt that the opportunity was rare, so he returned to the city Life. The city lord Qin An finally had a citizen.

After finishing the trivial matters in Kaitian City, Qin An took the four women out of the house. He had been on the map here for 10 days, and finally reached level 35. Ci Jingyi was wearing time earrings and Qin An’s three fireworks. The experience bonus of the three major suits, so the upgrade is fast, and it has reached level 33. At this time, most players are still swaying around level 30.

Qin An still didn't use Granny Meng's bowl, pursuing the ultimate attack power and giving up other attributes. This obviously requires adequate preparation. Qin An felt that he could wait until the Devouring Suit had swallowed more equipment before trying. By then the least equipped defense and agility attributes are sufficient, and he won't be super crispy.

Ten days is very boring, that is, constantly killing monsters and upgrading, or doing missions to upgrade monsters. In order to upgrade, Qin An didn't even go to the dungeon to play equipment, anyway, his equipment was enough.

Nowadays, the five-person team is in two shifts, Qin An and Yaozi have night shifts, and the other three women have day shifts. Qin An obstinately acted in accordance with his previous strategic vision, that is, no-brained killing monsters and upgrading.

As the setting sun went down, the sunset glow was red, and Qin An, who was sleeping on the grass, felt that his nose was itchy, so he woke up and found that the beautiful and flowery woman in front of him was holding a dog's tail grass dangling on the tip of his own nose, not a fairy. Who else can there be.


Qin An uttered a word lazily, and the demon felt strange magnetism in his ears.

It's really hopeless. Why do you think this kid can burst her female genes by talking?

"Sorry? The moon is coming out soon!"The demon threw the dog's tail grass aside, and then did not go to see Qin An, his eyes turned to the grass field not far away, and the three Cian trio were cleaning the level 33 monster grass ghost.

Qin An sat up, rubbed his eyes, and said in a daze: "The experience of the grass ghost is too little now. Let's go find a level 35 monster to brush it."

"Okay, listen to you."

The demon was simply spoiled for Qin An, and he did not have the queen's airs at all.

Qin An jumped up, ran to the lake to wash his face, and then called back the three women who were cleaning monsters, and told them about changing the map, and the three naturally had nothing to say.

So the five of them ate something casually and set off to the south.

Talking and laughing all the way is also considered relaxed and comfortable, but Ci'an and the others are actually a little tired after brushing the blame for a day. However, Qin An was in a good mood and always told jokes, which naturally relieved them of pressure.

"A 25-year-old beautiful girl married a 60-year-old man. On the night of the marriage, the old man held out three fingers to the girl. The girl said: Wow, do it three times tonight? The old man smiled and nodded and said: Which one do you choose? Fingers?"

Among the four women, Ci'an and Jingyi are red and black.

Although Ci'an and Jingyi came from ancient times, they were both smart women and naturally understood what Qin An meant. They were shy in every way, but listening to Qin An's interesting words didn't stop him from speaking.

Wei Hong is already embarrassed with shame, this man is really... speechless, even telling pornographic jokes in front of her, how embarrassing she is.

Through the contact with the master and servant of Ci'an in the past few days, Weihong has already learned many things about Qin An and also knows that Weng Lan is alive, which makes her very excited.

At the same time, Wei Hong is also difficult to understand. It seems that this Qin An is also lustful, with so many women around him, why is Weng Lan's mother acceptable? Other women can still get along peacefully? This is really incomprehensible.

After asking Ci'an, Ci'an calmly explained to Weihong: "Qin Xiaoyan and Qin An live together in the early stage of the last days. Both of them think that there is no tomorrow, so naturally they choose to indulge. They are both adults, not juniors. Knowing the taste of men and women, how can a lone man and a widow live in the same room to control himself? Lanyue had no choice but to choose Qin An when trapped in the cube space. Liu Xia was rescued by Qin An so many times, and later his parents were because of Qin An. She died tragically, and her life was destined to be inseparable from Qin An. There were too many women after that. There were various reasons and difficulties with Qin An, which were not what Qin An wanted. Therefore, after Weng Lan learned about these difficulties, Even though he had a grudge against Qin An, he couldn't hate it. What's more, Qin An died once later, which made Weng Lan miserable and missed Qin An. Weng Lan vowed that as long as Qin An could come back, he could do whatever the other party liked. In general, it’s actually because Qin An is a good person. A woman feels safe with him, because he doesn’t like the new and dislikes the old. He knows how to balance the harem beauties. He is very good at balancing the rain and dew."

The rain and dew are evenly... the blushing blushed again!

Qin An's connotation joke made the Weihong trio shy, but it made the demon very cute.

"Why do girls choose fingers? What do you choose fingers for?"

The demon asked a sharper question.

This is the most embarrassing.

The so-called connotation is that it can only be understood and cannot be explained.

Qin An could never explain to the demon what the old man was going to do to the girl with his fingers, even if his face was as thick as Qin An, he was embarrassed to say it! Therefore, Qin An decided to ignore the demon and continue to tell the story.

"In a remote mountainous area, a woman was prosperous. Soon after her marriage, her man went out to do business, and the woman had an affair with her lover in the house. Halfway through, the woman hurriedly told her lover to put on a sheepskin coat and hide in the backyard. In the sheepfold. The man came back to pull the woman to have sex, but the woman refused. The man was hungry and impatient and went to the backyard to catch a sheep. It happened that the sheep was posing as a woman lover. He got up and went to catch the sheep to vent. In the morning, the man got up and recalled last night. He felt that the sheep had a strange taste, so he went to the backyard again, grabbed the sheep and was about to act. The sheep suddenly stood up and said: Are you TM crazy? Now, am I the only sheep in the sheepfold?"


The three daughters of Ci'an finally endured the laughter and laughed out loudly. The demon froze for a long time before saying:

"Yeah, a man is so stupid that he can't tell that the sheep is the woman's husband pretending to be. And why does he hold a sheep to do things? What does this make other sheep think? Shouldn't it be covered in rain and dew?"

Jingyi was speechless when she heard the demon's words.

Ci'an and Weihong looked at each other, then looked at Qin An at the same time, and then laughed loudly, her smiling body swayed, and her stomach hurts. It seems that the conversation between Ci'an and Weihong was heard by the demon, otherwise she I don't know the word rain and dew.

A group of five people came to a small village while talking and laughing. There were so many thousands of players gathered here, and there were many NPCs in the village.

Qin An and the others just walked to the entrance of the village when they were stopped by an NPC.

This NPC looks like a hanged ghost, looks ugly and has a long tongue. I don't know why I can speak clearly with this tongue.

"Dear player, welcome you to the Bliss Village! Haha, this is the ghost gate. After entering, you enter the ghost domain. As the old saying goes, once you enter the ghost gate, you will never look back. Are you sure you want to enter?"

I rely on? That's pretty scary.

Naturally, Qin An would not be frightened by an NPC, and directly confirmed to enter.

After the black light flashed, the scene in front of him suddenly changed. The small village was still there, but all the players Qin An had seen with super vision disappeared! So everything is a phantom?

This village looks extremely depressed and weird! Skeletons and bones can be seen everywhere, and the sound of the wind blowing is like howling ghosts and wolves. All the trees are dry, and some of them are still hung with scary skinny zombies.

Yaozi is a woman who is not afraid of heaven and earth, but the three of Cian are timid, all relying on Qin An, pulling his clothes.

"Hello? Why are you all so close to Qin An?"

The demon stared angrily.

"My Lady Queen, we are all human women. We are scared. It looks gloomy here."

Human woman? Fear?

The demon was sad.

People outside the sky can bring anything into the game world, but the nature of some things will change after they are brought in.

The two women, Ci'an and Jingyi, love to read Qingchuan's love novels, but they carry a lot of them with them.

Yaozi is now eager for human culture, so reading novels is undoubtedly a good choice.

After reading a few books, Yaozi began to learn more about human women.

"A woman who can act like a baby has a better life." She knows exactly what this sentence means.

Damn, you thought you would act like a spoiled old lady, don't you?

The word "Lao Niang" was also learned by the demon in the novel, and it seemed to be the self-proclaimed name of a powerful woman.

The demon licked his lips with his tongue, pushed Ci'an and Jingyi away suddenly, then hugged Qin An from the front of his body, and pressed his face to Qin An's neck.

"Ah...Qin An, it seems like a small deer is jumping around on his chest. I'm so scared! Will there be ghosts? I'm afraid of death, you hold me tight!"

Petrochemical, completely petrochemical!

The good atmosphere of terror was completely destroyed by the demon.

The three daughters of Ci'an wanted to laugh and felt it was out of place at this time, but couldn't help but not laugh. This demon was too pretentious.

Qin An knows that Yaozi is reading romantic novels recently and has learned a lot of new vocabulary.

But is the term f*ck deer chaos suitable to be used here? And she is a brutal beast queen afraid of ghosts? When the ghost sees her, it’s almost the same, right?

But... now this kind of performance of the Beast Queen is what Qin An likes to hear, she is becoming more and more feminine, and more and more humane, which is naturally a good thing.

"Okay, don't be afraid, it's just a game map. Even if some weird things are discovered, they are monsters. We have to kill them to gain experience. Don't forget our team's motto, brainless monsters and upgrades! "

Qin An raised his hand while speaking, and patted the demon child's back with one hand, but touched the demon child's soft hair with the other.

The demon was originally acting, but she never expected Qin An to comfort her like this.

In the demon's life, no one had ever treated her like this.

How did that happen? Why is the heart beating so fast? It really feels like a little deer jumping around!

Suddenly, in a ruined temple not far in front, the breath of three people appeared. They appeared abruptly and immediately aroused Qin An's vigilance.

"Two teachers, are there really ghosts in this village?""Well, of course there are, and they are fierce ghosts!"

"How fierce?"

"Cannibalize human heart, suck human blood!"

"Amituofu, the little monk panics!"

Qin An had opened his perspective and saw that there were three NPC characters in the room, two glamorous Taoist aunts, and a weak scholar, all dressed in ancient costumes.

what happened? Is there a task here?

Thinking about this, Qin An led the four women to the ancient temple, then opened the door and entered.

The three people inside were all startled when they heard the door ringing, and turned their heads to look.

The scholar was a little white-faced, just surprised how anyone would come.

But the two aunts suddenly got up, the older horizontal eyebrows were cold, and they pointed at Qin An angrily and shouted: "Any thief, my disciple and I have been looking for you for a long time. I really can’t find a place to break through my iron shoes. Take time! You and the Four Demon Girls appeared here, don't want to run away today!"

Ah? The thief and the four demon girls?

What the hell is this? The five Qin An were a little dizzy.

"Dear Qin An, player, you have entered the plot mission "The Thief of Bliss Village". Because your level is higher, the system automatically determines that you are the ultimate boss villain in this story dungeon, and the player kills you to get There are a lot of sword Spirit Stones. If you kill the player, you will also get many sword Spirit Stones, and you will also get the final reward of the mission killing ring. Please cherish this game experience and try to kill as much as possible!"

After the system sound suddenly sounded, a group of players just displayed in the small village suddenly appeared again, and the three NPCs in the ruined temple remained the same.

The scholar was very scared, and the two glamorous Taoist aunts jumped over to Qin An and started directly.

Qin An hasn't realized from the shock that there is such a copy? Has he really become a game boss? Want to be attacked by the player?

With his eyebrows tightened, Qin An suddenly remembered Maya, who had rebelled.

Then this super artificial intelligence system in the future world should also have its own mindset. This thing was developed for the purpose of serving mankind, but is it absolutely heartfelt?

Maybe not! Perhaps it is this super system that has borrowed the power of the Supreme Curse of the Skyscraper to adjust the game world so that it cannot be resurrected after player death!

The battle for the palace before the opening of the sky city, as well as the task of the small village today, the system seems to provoke the killing between players. Although this is normal in the game, the game world today is deadly!

Hmm, damn system! It is estimated to be a rebellion, but it should not have the right to kill humans, so it uses some program loopholes to secretly kill people, which is really vicious enough.

When Qin An thought about it, he found that the dark attribute was still available, so he casually killed two glamorous daunts who had become monsters.

The little scholar was still in NPC mode. Seeing Dao Aunt died, he ran out like crazy, shouting everywhere, telling everyone that he had found the wicked boss.

The players previously hidden by the system have already received the system task, otherwise they would not gather in this village.

"What do you do, sir, can you kill or not?"

Jingyi looked very tangled.

"Killing those two NPC Dao aunts can use the dark attribute, but now the dark attribute has disappeared...what else can I do? Kill it, but wait a moment, the master will tell them the truth, if it doesn't work, we will kill again."

"Huh, Mother!"

The demon is also rare to be fierce to Qin An now, so Qin An doesn’t mind her attacking herself, on the contrary, he admires her very much, and asks with a smile: “Recently, I have learned a lot of words when I read through novels clearly. What's special?"

Yaozi squinted at Qin An, with a trace of murderous in his eyes.

"Lord? You are the first person to proclaim yourself in front of me... But your question is very good. I just wanted to ask you about something. You once told me, On the earth, people would call more respectable women stinky women? Is it right?"

Qin An immediately slapped his forehead with a cold sweat. It seems that the demon child knows the meaning of this word. How can this be good?

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