Killed a hundred.

If you don't kill, this girl will hate herself for a lifetime.

How to resolve the enmity of killing the mother?

But she is really too young, and she doesn't have any right and wrong views. If you kill her like this and deprive her of the right to continue her life, is it a bit too cruel?

Huh, how many decades are there in life?

Ten years later, this little girl is only fourteen or five years old. How can she treat herself?

"Your name is Xiao'e?"

The little girl rubbed her crying eyes and stared at Qin An with hatred, still more fearful in her eyes.

"She's Zhen E, my Little Sister, wicked, I am willing to replace her with my life, you let her go!"

The little girl's Big Brother now showed his dignity as a Big Brother.

"What's your name?"

"I'm Zhen Xiong!"


Qin An almost laughed, this name is really domineering.

There was no response to Zhen Xiong, Qin An coldly scanned for a week, and said indifferently: "I can't fight anymore? Let's go if you don't fight. Killing you and me can get many benefits, but I don't want to kill, so you have a chance to go. There is only one time, one minute to consider time. One minute to leave life, one minute to die! Regardless of men and women, regardless of age, regardless of grievances, regardless of good or evil!"

Qin An's four women are very domineering, and all the four women are very satisfied.

At this time, the players all thought that the players of the temporary guest BOSS should be enhanced, and they are all individual players, there is no way to attack the BOSS, since you can't kill it, you can't wait to die.

Although somewhat reluctant, the players still plan to leave here.

When the NPC scholar saw that everyone was leaving, he was immediately anxious, but no matter how he blocked the persuasion, he couldn't move others.

In the end the scholar became angry from embarrassment.

"You hypocrites, since you refuse to kill the harm, you can only let me do it myself!"

Do it yourself? Is this still a boss?

"Please note that because the player did not follow the route set by the system to kill the boss, he activated the elite 35-level BOSS ghost scholar on this map! The ghost scholar has three attack skills: summon ghosts, chaotic souls, and flying Sword. The pure physical attack is also very powerful, with 80% breaking effect, don't be hit by its sword! This BOSS cannot be dealt with with the dark attribute. Killing the BOSS will get a lot of experience rewards, as well as many gold and platinum suit parts. Players, please be prepared!"

When the system prompt sounded, the scholar's body had become ten meters in height, and he was holding a seven-meter long sword. It looked very vicious, and his facial features were all taken care of.

No wonder the two beautiful Taoist aunts said that there are ghosts in this place.

"Haha, all of you go to die! Flying Sword takes the soul!"

With a shout, the ghost scholar shot hundreds of Flying Swords from his body. In an instant, dozens of weakly defensive wizard players were killed in seconds. This attack power was also too strong.

"Big Brother!" Zhen E, the little girl who was still held by Qin An, let out a miserable roar. Qin An looked sideways and saw that Zhen Xiong had died.

Hey, the values ​​of this group of people in the future are really problematic. If they don't do business, they drag their family to play games. As a result, such a small child is trapped. Without her family in the future, how will she survive in the game? It's best to have her other relatives here.

"Slightly red, hold this one!"

While talking, Qin An threw Zhen E to Wei Hong, and then stepped forward. The two group attacking abilities were released, and the BOSS 500 blood was destroyed in one go.Fortunately, fortunately, at least it can be impressed, and the total blood volume of the BOSS is only 100,000, so it should be killed in a short time.

Qin An's damage was too high, and it directly attracted the hatred of the boss.

The ghost scholar rushed over with a roar, and there was a sound of breaking through the air with a sword cut.

The demon took out the Jin Ge Iron Horse Warhammer, quickly came over to block Qin An, raised the hammer head and slammed into the opponent's long sword.

After a loud noise, the demon boy retreated, losing 1800 blood, and the ghost scholar only lost 100 blood.

1800! This warrior, the demon child, couldn't resist the opponent's three attacks at all. Although Qin An's current blood volume was high, his defense and other attributes had been reduced, all of which were transformed into attack power. Therefore, once hit by the opponent, the damage value is close to the real damage, and it is possible to lose 3000 drops of blood, so Qin An can't hold it a few times.

Ci'an and Jingyi also started at this time. They used the charm slowing technique to cooperate with the demon, and at the same time turned on offensive spells.

It's a pity that the attack power of the two is too different from that of Qin An, and only after a few skills were thrown over the opponent did he drop less than 100 HP.

The battle was very fierce as soon as it started. Gui Shusheng was dragged by the demon to hate him and gave up Qin An's goal.

But he didn't just deal with the demon, but continued to unleash the flying Sword's soul-killing ability to kill more players.

The players were frightened by the strong offensive ability of the ghost scholars, and they ran away to the distance, without the idea of ​​counterattack at all.

"Hahaha! You cowardly people, do you want to escape? Give me all back!"

The ghost scholar roars like a silent meditation, unlocking the ability of chaotic recognition.

Those who originally wanted to escape turned around and ran in the direction of the ghost scholar.

Even Qin An and the other fighters received this temptation and couldn't control their own body.

not good! This is a ridicule-like ability that allows the player to approach the BOSS proactively!

Haha, the ghost scholar once again released Flying Sword.

These Flying Swords are cold-blooded and ruthless, they quickly took the lives of hundreds of players.

A group of people died, and they confessed the news of the effect. The people who reacted screamed again and again and continued to turn around and run.

However, what everyone did not expect was that the other party had turned on the chaotic taunting ability again, which was too abnormal, the skills were released in a chain!

General skills actually have CD time, and the ability like taunting is even more basic.

And the ghost scholar obviously does not have the ability to recognize the mind and soul, which is too terrifying, and he will be charmed to death by the other party?

Swipe it!

Another Flying Sword broke through the air, and hundreds of corpses came to the end.

Qin An failed to evade the attack these two times, and the blood volume had already been reduced. Ci Jingyi was naturally more dangerous. If Wei Hong had not tried hard to increase their blood, the two attacks had probably killed the women of the two mage professions.

Oh shit! The attack power of this BOSS seems to increase little by little, if so, even if he only has 100,000 blood, he can't deal with it.

How to do? Do you want to use that thing? Qin An hesitated.


Outside of some worlds,

Hanghai City now has two Qin families, one is the old Qin family led by Weng Lan, and the other is the new Qin family led by Qi Rou.

The two Qin houses have been in chaos recently, and the news that Qin An was trapped has been known to everyone.

Weng Lan was determined to find Qin An, and everyone else in the family would follow. Although the four women lost to the children by a show of hands last time, Weng Lan still didn't want them to enter the sky.

I heard that you can't get out if you go in there. I heard that there is a game world and everything needs to be controlled by the system.

She can give everything for Qin An, but should the children have a freer future?

Because of this hesitation, Weng Lan temporarily suppressed the matter.

And now the Qin family's large army is not in Hanghai City at all.

After the appearance of the Ziyang Beast Emperor, his violent brutal beasts also appeared. This group of guys are powerful in combat and more brutal than the previous brutal beasts. The humans and the beasts who have surrendered are practicing defense against the territory. With the full support of the Mayan system, it was only a tie with the brutal beasts, and the battle was at a stalemate, and battles for positions occurred from time to time. The Black Gold Empire in the north has been very quiet recently, which prevents the Kowloon Empire from being enemies. Hei Jin is now fighting both God's Domain and Wukui, and for a while, he really can't get his hands to deal with Nine Dragons.

Tang Yu, Yu Qingcheng are all on the front line, and Qin Beichen, Qin Sanchuan, and Qin Huxiao also play in the front. Qin Potian was also there, but now he is trapped in the sky like Qin An. This is also very worrying. However, Qin Potian's strength is good, and Qin An would be able to take care of each other if they could be together.

Many people from the Qin Family and the Kowloon Empire have already entered the firmament of the sky. Although they can't get out after entering, they can use special means to spread the news inside. The last time the news came back, the spies said that the game world was too big, and they had not been able to find Qin An and Qin Potian. Now that several days have passed, I don't know if things have progressed. It seems that the big and small sisters have also entered the sky, but they have no channels to send the news. I hope the spies sent by the empire and the Qin family can find them.

While worrying in the yard, Shi Lida brought Qin Yanan and Qin Yali.

"Mom, are you still worried about your father?"

Shi Lida dressed up as a woman, her face looked haggard, she didn't know if she was tired from watching the children, or she missed Qin Beichen, a man who was worried about the battlefield.

"Why look so bad? Didn't sleep well last night?"

"Well, I didn't sleep much."

Weng Lan smiled and shook her head:

"I sent someone there to deliver the greetings several times, and she finally promised to see our family this afternoon, and Beichen would come back at noon. My daughter-in-law is not nervous to see her mother-in-law, you just go Seeing grandma, what are you nervous about?"

Weng Lan and Qi Rou have seen each other many years ago. This time we went to the meeting to renew the past, and the second is to let the children meet this alien grandmother.

Although Qi Rou is not Qin An's real biological mother, she is a real fire fellow after all. Real fire is dead. Qi Rou, as the inheritor of real fire, is no different from it. Weng Lan intends to treat her as a mother-in-law.

After the Qin family learned about Qi Rou and her origins, they were all very curious, and wanted to pay a visit. This was considered an ancestor confession.

Weng Lan feels that it is good to do this. If you want to be close to Qin An, you need to be close to his current life. Then, whether it is Qi Rou or Qin An's only righteous wife, Ding Haitang, everyone should know each other.

So Weng Lan kept sending greetings to Qi Rou, but she didn't expect her old man to ignore it a few days ago, and it wasn't until last night that there was a message saying that she could see her and she could come home at any time.

Weng Lan hurriedly sent a message to his family and asked them to return to the family to gather and visit their ancestors together today.

Shi Lida smiled bitterly after listening to Weng Lan's words: "Daughter-in-law is not the one who has never seen the market. It will not hurt to see grandma, but I heard that...there are two apprentices that grandma receives. One of them is Wu Xiaoxiao, and the other is...Zhong Hongcui."

Oh, I see! Weng Lan was clear in her heart.

"I know the story of Beichen and Zhong Hongcui. They grew up together, childhood sweethearts, but it's a pity that Zhong Hongcui died on the Great Wall of Heavenly Prison... What did Beichen say?"

"What can he say? I sent the maid beside me to deliver the letter to him. After reading the letter, his eyes became straight and he shed a few tears!"

Shi Lida's mouth was jealous.

"Hehe, what then?"

"Hey, then she asked my maid: how is Xiaocui? Where did my maid know about Zhong Hongcui, so she told him that she didn't know. He was in a daze for a long time, and then sighed and said: The battle is tight, go back and tell Lida, I am now Kill the enemy on the front line, not going home."

"That's not great."

"Mom! You don't know! This man doesn't have a good thing. He sent my maid, and then sent his cronies to fly back to Hangzhou City directly, and gave Zhong Hongcui various gifts! The money is still him and Tang Mother Yu borrowed it, so she didn't dare to take public account at all!"

"Haha! You, look very soft at ordinary times, but you are so tight on your man. He needs to borrow something from Tang Yu if he wants to give someone a gift. I guess your mother Tang Yu must be laughing at you secretly. Woolen cloth."

"I'm not afraid of my mother being angry when I say it. The daughters-in-law in the family actually care about their husbands very tightly..."

At this point, Shi Lida is not talking.

Weng Lan sighed leisurely: "Yes, after all, their father has a bad gene and a lot of wives. It's okay for you to take care of it. Although I don't resent Qin An, I can still accept what he has, but this world Is there any woman who doesn't want to be a double for life?"Weng Lan's face was a little sad.

"Grandma, are you upset? Granddaughter rubbed your legs!"

Yali is very good at flattering, her small body squatted on the ground and kneaded Weng Lan's calf.

Yanan curled her lips and said, "Cut, grandma is not an old lady, is it useful to rub your legs even if you are in a bad mood?"

"Sister, you don't understand! This is called caring. I am caring for grandma, so that she will feel my love, and then she won't be sad!"

Weng Lan laughed lightly after hearing Yali's words, and then picked her up and put her in her arms.

"Your little girl's mouth is so sweet!"

"Grandma, I also want to hug!"

As soon as Weng Lan’s words fell, another girl from outside the hospital rushed in. It was Qin Jiusi’s youngest daughter, Qin Yahua. She was a little beauty of the same model as Qin Yali, and she had a very similar personality and temper. She was born of a mother with Yali. Twin sisters.

Behind Yahua, Qin Wenxin slowly walked in with Qin Yafang.

Shi Lida's big girl saw that Avon, who was of the same age, was coming, and immediately walked over and took her hand.

Avon and Weng Lan met with a gift, and the two little girls ran to the pavilion on the side and said that the girl's feelings were gone, and they didn't mind what the adults were doing. As for the two young Little Sisters, they didn't care even more. .

Weng Lan smiled and hugged the running Yahua in her arms and let her sit on her other lap.

Lida Wenxin hurriedly stepped forward and drew the two children back.

Weng Lan smiled bitterly and shook her head and said, "Although I am not young, isn't this body the same as a twenty-year-old young girl? Are you afraid that they will ruin me?"

Qin Wenxin smiled and said: "No, the children will definitely be here in a while. I'm going to see their grandma today. Isn't this specific matter still to be discussed? So you hold them two, our little Sister It’s probably time to let you hug it again. It’s time for them to learn the rules. The little girls are naughty, but you can’t let the alien grandma look annoying. I help Qin Jiusi look after the children, so naturally I have to teach them etiquette."

"Hey, you, things are getting more and more organized. Guo Sihai mentioned to me before that he wanted you to help her, what do you think?"

"Mother Weng Lan, there is only one reason the Uncle Sihai wants me to pass. I just want to say that he is serving the womb of a gentleman with the heart of a villain! I Qin Wenxin will not go out of office, and naturally will not do anything. The Great Leader of the World! He doesn't need to look at me by his side."

Qin Wenxin's tone became a little cold.

Weng Lan sighed and said, "Don't go if you don't go, don't blame Guo Sihai, he has no malice towards the Qin family. It's just that the Qin family is too glamorous, and the Maya Qin Ling system comes from the Qin family. It has been a taboo since ancient times. But after all, we are not in the feudal era, and Guo Sihai, a superior person, is not so arbitrary. When you were just born, you returned to save Qiu Jinse’s life and told her that you are the Shadow Sword God of Time. , The leader of the Eurasian League, it’s no secret. The writer who was called Panda Run was exposed in "Dangerous City". Guo Sihai should be thinking, since you have this kind of future, then it is better to take you in Cultivated by his side. After the ancients passed down the throne from Dayu to his son, the concept of the family world prevailed. Again, it’s not that era anymore. Although the children in Guo Sihai’s family are also very prosperous, the future of the Kowloon Empire may be The leader of the Eurasian League will never be his son. He will definitely choose a better person to serve. You are one of his goals."

Hearing this, Qin Wenxin's complexion improved, and she smiled and said, "Mom, where am I like a leader? Now, I would rather stay with my watermelon. It is my dream to be a husband and a child! Both of me and the watermelon I've said that, after giving birth to a daughter, my surname will be Qin, and when a son is born, he will be surnamed Li, and inherit him from generation to generation. All I think about is the child, how can I think about him?"

"Hey, the child’s affairs are sad. At that time, Qin An and I hadn’t been married for seven years. I didn’t expect to be separated from him but we were pregnant with four. If there is no Qicai, these four children born in drifting may not survive. Coming down...Why didn't the watermelon come here?"

"I'm busy with business affairs. Now the war is continuous. My brothers are busy killing the enemy on the battlefield. My man is not that capable, so I can only do logistical work."

The grievance that I asked Xin said was actually asking for credit for his man. Weng Lan and Lida looked at each other, and then they all smiled.

"Wen Xin, depending on what you said, it seems that some man is not busy. My family Dongsheng wants to make wine for the Qin family's soldiers, but it hasn't been home for three days."

"Yes, Big sis, my Lanshan hasn't been home for several days. I am busy in the arsenal, and the frontline soldiers are seriously worn out. Basically, a large number of armors have to be replaced every day.

Pro Jiusi, Qin Xiangming two people walked in.

Qin Yahua, who was held by Qin Wenxin, immediately ran to Qin Jiusi and said.

"Mom, are you here? I played with my aunt, but I'm so cute!"

"You, just like Yali, you have a clever mouth!"

Knowing the daughter Mo Ruomu, Qin Jiusi hugged the little girl and kissed her hard on the face.

Without waiting for the women in the courtyard to say hello, others came one after another.

The Qin Family's maiden army is extremely powerful.

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