Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1718 God Slaughter Blade

"The energy it contains is extremely powerful. In its deep universe, the energy of all things in the universe is not comparable to it! Today, the sky of the sky has reproduced this powerful energy, one sand and one world, the sky of the sky The next world is the sword spirit star made by the second super energy point. No one can explain why it was formed. This may be an accident of the Universe, or it may be an inevitability of fate. Ma Liang, you want to find Qin An, wait a minute, I will take you there when the time comes. He is my child, how can I leave him alone? And I have calculated the Universe God Stone, it is true, it is the strongest Universe energy Point, if you have it, you can subvert the world and return everything to the original! I think that the emperor, Tiange, Reaper, the mysterious queen of the undead will not give up. It won’t be long before they will enter too. The game world, maybe it’s not possible that you have already entered. The battle for the Universe Divine Stone will determine the future direction of the world. It will be extremely tragic and unimaginable. So Ma Liang, wait for some time for me, and my ability is constantly increasing. , I will become stronger and stronger, and it won’t take long for me to return to the position of God and become the second main god again. At that time, I will take you to Qin An, okay?"

Ah? Become a true second main god?

Ma Liang looked at Qi Rou's face, she was such a beautiful woman.

Hey, although he is a young man with ideals, but the goddess has now opened his mouth to stay, what else can he say?

"Okay, I'm waiting for you."

Okay, then don’t think too much. Qin An’s wife and children will come soon. Weng Lan mentioned in the message that Weng Lan sent me before. The children are all waiting to see you. This panda runs and says you There are too few scenes for them, so I have to write more in the future.

"How can I do it, my protagonist is Qin An, and other readers should say that I'm pouring water."

"Do you think your book is really good? Your biggest reader group is the Qin family. Because you are writing stories about men from the Qin family, I advise you to understand the situation and get along well with the old and young of the Qin family. If they are happy, your book will naturally be widely promoted. Do you think it is, so you write less about the things you care about in the future, can't you find something cool? Do you really think you are writing documentary literature?"

Ma Liang didn't speak angrily, feeling Qi Rou didn't understand him.

Qi Rou looked at Ma Liang's sulking appearance and chuckled softly, her appearance became more coquettish, Ma Liang didn't pay attention to it, and her eyes straightened immediately.


In the backyard of the Qin family's new house, Zhong Hongcui did not go to get food because Ai Yu did not call her.

They are chefs at the master god level, and it's not a matter of thinking to get some food out, so why do you need help? If it were not for teaching Xiao Liying's cooking skills, Ai Yu would not enter the kitchen.

Since there was nothing to do, Zhong Hongcui was in a daze.

The master told her a long time ago that everyone from the Qin family is coming today, and several men on the battlefield will also rush back, including Qin Beichen.

"Xiao Cui, where are my socks?"

"Xiao Cui, the tofu I ate at night is softer. Young Master has a toothache these days."

"Xiao Cui, can you look at the words written by Young Master?"

"Xiao Cui, Young Master wants to compose a poem..."

Inadvertently remembering the many experiences in the past years, Zhong Hongcui found depressed, that the memories of being with Qin Beichen were not sad, but they were all happy.

Hey, you chose to leave with the master, right?

I blame Qin Beichen for looking at Shi Lida's good looks, but he looks down on friends...

Thinking of this, Zhong Hongcui was slightly stunned, then smiled bitterly.

Yes, she herself thinks that she and Qin Beichen are friends.

The master was right. If she didn't leave back then, Qin Beichen might never regard her as a woman, but just a maid or a brother.

But now that she comes back, he has become the father of two children.

Zhong Hongcui was wronged, wronged terribly, but he didn't know who to tell his concerns.

I didn't know how long I stood in the courtyard, and suddenly a faint footstep sounded from behind.

Zhong Hongcui looked back quickly, and a little cutie with pink jade was walking on tiptoe.

She has beautiful eyes and beautiful eyes. Zhong Hongcui was stunned and said in her heart: Whose child is this?

"Ah! Auntie, how did you find out?"The little girl saw Zhong Hongcui looking at her with a frustrated expression on her face. She no longer tiptoed, but walked over with her head down depressed.

The child is so cute, Zhong Hongcui felt that he had made a mistake, which disturbed the little girl's interest in playing games.

She squatted down, took the little girl who was walking by her hands, smiled and said: "Which family are you from? How come you are in Qin's mansion?"

"Hey, I belong to this family!"

"Ah? Why have I never seen a little girl like you?"

"That's because I have never seen you before."

The little girl spoke innocently, which made Zhong Hongcui smile again.

"Why do you call me auntie?"

"Mum let it, she also asked me to bring you a gift!"

While talking, the little girl took out a small box from the backpack around her waist.

Zhong Hongcui hesitated, and then slowly opened the box. It turned out that there was a beautiful crystal necklace inside. There was a note beside the necklace, and a line of small characters was written on the note.

"Hongcui, after careful consideration, I decided to give you half of the man. I am at a disadvantage. I have two children with him and three of us. And you are a woman, so I can only give you half. Am I reasonable? You are welcome home, Lida."

Zhong Hongcui was silly, staring at the little girl in front of him in a daze.

"Shi Lida is yours..."

"Mom, I am the youngest daughter born to her and father. Big sis and the mothers are here to visit Grandma Qi Rou. I also met, and then I was sent by my mother to give gifts to my aunt."

"Are you here alone?""No! I couldn't find the way, but my mother still let me go alone. I asked my aunt where she was, and she said you would find it if you walked. So I walked, and soon I met my dad. Hey, the emotional mother knew that my father was nearby, so I asked him to take it with him. My father really brought me here, but he refused to come in at the door. He said he didn’t know if the auntie wanted to see him. . So let me come. I am the representative of my mother, helping my mother to give gifts to my aunt. I am also the representative of my dad. My dad said something to tell you that he actually loves you. When the wall fell down, he knew deeply that he loves you! Really loves you! Hey, my dad cried and said a lot of love, I am a stupid little girl, so I don’t understand you. This kind of love between adults, my aunt, if you want to know how many loves my father told me to tell you, then go out and ask him if he is okay, don’t let him stand outside. Now. Dad just came back from the front, wearing a uniform, exhausted, and there are blood stains on his robe. I blamed him, and I told him why he didn't dress up better to see the auntie. Guess what he said?"

"How to say?"

Zhong Hongcui's tears were already rolling around his eyes.

Oh my God, this kid is such a fairy, she is too good at talking. She was sour and numb in her body. She seemed to be unable to move, but she felt as if she could rush out and push the door to the man. In his arms.

"He said to me that he is Beichenxing, no matter how embarrassed he is, no matter how dirty and haggard he is, his Xiaocui will never despise him. Hey, I know he didn't have much confidence when he said this. It was full of sadness. In fact, my aunt, I know the story of you and dad, and my mother told me. I always feel very sad because you are unsure about your life or death, although if you were with dad and mom didn’t, Then Big sis and I cannot be born, but in your love story, I still prefer you, because you and dad are childhood sweethearts, there must be many stories between you before you met your mother! Auntie, Let’s not mention it, okay, you go to see Dad, and then slowly tell me later, I like to listen to stories. Yahua and I are the youngest among the Seven Princesses, so we all like to listen to stories , Grandma Jinse said that we are curious about this, but Grandma Tang Yu said that we just like making people. Grandma Weng is the best. She will hold me and tell stories with Yahua from time to time. Hmph, Grandma Canghai is the worst, she I don’t like children, even Aunt Haiyue doesn’t play with her much. Hey, I said bad things about Grandma Canghai. Don’t tell her auntie. In fact, Grandma Canghai is still very good. She always goes out. Bring us many gifts, my mother said that Grandma Canghai just doesn't know how to get along with us, because she is an alien!"

Qin Yali was obviously a chatter, and after completing her task of sending the letter, she began to express various opinions.

She is very smart, but she is a little younger after all, so it is normal for her to think divergently.

However, she is definitely a scheming one, she even understands adult matters, but she knows that she doesn't need to understand, because she is still a child.

He is really a lovely villain. When he grows up, he will be an enchanting member of the Qin family, right?

The third generation after Qin An are all beautiful girls. I don't know if this has anything to do with their father, because their mother is also the most beautiful.

Picking up the villain, Zhong Hongcui slowly walked towards the gate, and her pace became faster as she walked, but when she reached the gate, she walked slowly again.

"Auntie, let me down, I have to go out to see Grandma, my task has been completed."

"Oh..." Zhong Hongcui, who was thinking about his thoughts, subconsciously put Qin Yali on the ground, the little girl touched her head and feet, and ran out quickly, disappearing after a turn.

After the door was pushed open, Xiao Cui's heart suddenly jumped, and the man who made her dream was already standing in front of the door.

He is much stronger, his facial features seem to be more profound, and years of military career have made him more manly.

However, his temperament is still so refined, just like a graceful noble son.

Suddenly, Xiao Cui couldn't help it anymore, she shed tears, because she saw the man's eyes were full of crystal tears.

"Xiao Cui... why did you come back because I missed you? Why didn't you come to see me when I came back? But because I have a wife and a daughter?"

Speaking of the end, Qin Beichen was a little bit crying.

In memory, Zhong Hongcui really rarely saw this man cry.

What's the matter, he looks masculine, but why is he crying?

Xiao Cui could no longer suppress her own heart, ran out and threw herself into the arms of the man, before being hugged tightly.

"Don't cry, isn't Xiao Cui coming back?"

"Never go again!"

"Well, never leave again! No matter who you have with Young Master, you are the only North Star in my life. Young Master, do you want Xiaocui back?"

"Yes! No matter who I have by my side, you are the only Cui in my life!"

The only slight gap between the two people made Huawei vanish in an instant.

On the roof in the distance, a woman in white was sitting there in a daze, staring blankly at the embracing pair of men and women.

Suddenly there was a noise behind her, and the woman did not turn her head back, but said faintly, "What is your mood when you see the own man embracing another woman?"

"Hmph, are you a lunatic? You can guess that it is me without looking back, and then ask me the hardest question. Wu Xiaoxiao, you and I have not been seen for many years. How well did you live in the cave? Thank you too. Saved the child in my womb."

"Oh, is the child born?"

"Hehe, she has grown up a long time ago, and her name is Qin Yanan. Then we gave birth to a small child, Qin Yali, who just ran away."

"This little girl is so smart."

"Yeah, I also think she's a bit too smart. Yali and Yahua have very similar personalities. They are both kind of little girls who give people a dull and cute feeling, but they are actually very precocious in their hearts."

"Haha, Qin An's offspring will naturally not be stupid. Lida, I am also very happy to meet you, but I seem to be going crazy, so I can't continue to talk to you normally."


Shi Lida's face is full of black lines, she really can't understand Wu Xiaoxiao, can she really be crazy if she is crazy?

"Hi baby, you said if I go to dance in front of Qin An, will he fall in love with me?"

Suddenly, Wu Xiaoxiao turned her head, her expression on her face was reddish, her eyes sparkled, and she looked a little different from the silly look just now.

f*ck, is this really crazy?

Shi Lida looked bewildered, and nodded. She didn't nod but didn't know how to respond.

"Haha, it seems that you don't know anymore! That deity will go, enter the game world to find Qin An, and you will know if you go naked and dance in front of him! Goodbye!"

Wu Xiaoxiao's figure flashed and disappeared while she was talking, and she didn't look back after she went thousands of miles away.

On the roof, Shi Lida was stunned for a long time and didn't come back. It wasn't until she saw that Yali in the distance was climbing a tree in the other direction before she came to her senses. She hurried over and took her off the tree.

"Little liar, I heard it just now. Didn't you tell Aunt Lida to see Grandma?"

"Mom, haven't I seen them all when I first came here? I want to have fun!"

"This is grandma's house, you are not afraid of losing face when climbing trees? How old are you?"

"Dissatisfied with ten taxes..."

"Straighten your tongue!""Under ten years old...Mom, why are you so fierce? If you are jealous, don't write that letter to my aunt!"

"I want you to be nosy."

"Hey, a needle in the seabed of a woman's heart, I really can't guess it!"

Qin Yali shook her head and sighed, and Shi Lida pulled her ears up and left.

After walking a few steps and looking back, the man and woman in the distance are still hugging each other tightly.

How long have you held this TM? Aren't you afraid of moldy and moss?

Shi Lida was very spineless and cursed in her heart. If Yali were not present, she might curse bitterly.

Women's hearts are needles in the bottom of the sea, and sometimes they don't know themselves, let alone men.


In the labyrinth world, Qin An didn't know that the wives at home were seeing her mother-in-law.

He thought of something.

Ruyi Scepter golden cudgel!

This baby has now become a game item.

It turned out to be a god-level equipment.

God-level equipment is considered top equipment in the game. Although Qin An is happy, he is also very depressed. The attributes of Ruyi Scepter's golden hoop are all marked as 10000. There is also a constraint in its attributes that it cannot be used as a weapon for life.

This is of course worrying. How can I not worry if a Divine Armament can't be used?

Qin An actually thought before, whether to swallow this golden cudgel with a devouring suit.

When he made this attempt, the system told him that the golden cudgel can be swallowed, but this thing is a rare item and needs to be confirmed by Qin An.

Qin An hesitated again and again but still failed to make up his mind to swallow the golden cudgel.

At this moment, Qin An was annoyed by the crisis, and once again had the idea of ​​devouring the golden cudgel.

Since it can't be used as a weapon for life, putting it in the package also takes up space. It's better to swallow it to see the effect. If you can increase the attributes of the Devouring suit, it will be lucky.

So, under the protection of Yaozi and others, Qin An took out the golden cudgel and said to Xiaochacha: "Swallow."

The sound of the small fork fork system:

"Congratulations to the master for the successful devouring, because this item is very rare, so the devouring suit has gained a large attribute Ascension and upgraded.

The Devouring Seven-piece Set is automatically upgraded to a god outfit, the blade of the god slaughter.

This item has 2000 attack power, 1000 hits, 1000 attack penetrations, and 10000 HP. It is a super weapon for slaying the gods and demons! "


Qin An was a little dizzy, why did the seven pieces of equipment become one?

This f*ck!

The attack power is awesome. With his own 1900 attack power attribute points, Qin An is now 3900 attack power, and the damage should be directly tens of thousands. He was originally a group attack. With the hit and attack penetration, it is estimated that the same Players at the level can basically kill in seconds.

However, now he only has a three-piece set of fireworks, that is, the flame giant blade, the flame bracelet, and the flame cloak. The attributes of these pieces of equipment are not powerful. After that it increased tenfold.

This is really amazing. Qin An is now close to 20,000 blood, and after ten times it will be 200,000. As a player, it is already heaven-defying.

However, now that the defensive attributes of the suit are not good enough, Qin An’s defense power is already zero. It is estimated that a single player can throw two skills to him and he can lose more than a thousand blood. Although he has a lot of blood, it should be no problem if he singles out the player. , But he is also very strenuous if he fights with a group of players.

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