At this time, Zhen E's small mouth was completely opened.

God, is there a black hole in this man's body? How long is this, Zhen E has clearly felt that the lake surface has dropped a little bit, the lake water rises from the lake surface and directly falls into Qin An's mouth. Is this too good to drink?

"Haha, how is it? Is my drink volume good? Tell you, I'm the kind of person who can drink all the time in the legend!"

"Well, you are really good, and the speed of drinking is also very fast, but even if you can drink so, it is estimated that it will take three days and three nights to drink all the drinks in this lake. There is too much water in this lake!"

"Three days and three nights? That really doesn't work, one meal is enough! As the saying goes, there are less than a thousand cups of wine every confidant, and a lot of opportunism. Zhen E, you used to hide your personality, but now you are not pretentious and show the truth. If you are in a state, why do I have to make you a very cute person? Hahaha! So I feel like a confidant when I drink with you. This wine can naturally be drunk but not drunk!"

Zhen E is very speechless, who is a confidant with him, he is too smug?

"Okay, okay, tell your story, don't you want to tell a story?"

Actually, Zhen E was very curious about herself in this space, how did she get along with Qin An?

Qin An drank another shocking wine, wiped his mouth, his face was already a little ruddy.

"Story? Haha, how about let me write a poem? I know how to write poems!"

Writing poems...Yes, back then, Qin An often wrote some small crooked poems with hidden heads. Although it feels very vulgar, there are also ingenious things in it. The first generation Weng Lan liked it very much.

Qin An ignored Zhen E's thoughts at this time, and already shook his head and said a little crooked poem.

"Li Xia Guatian has a good relationship,

Yinghui is extremely happy to be connected.

Love is with me for seven years,

False feelings give rise to resentment in the last world.

A woman surnamed Weng is in front of her,

Lan Jing is beautiful but the horizon.

Sleepless at night for love and sorrow,

The wife is on the other side and the husband is in the sky.

Acacia bitter cabbage of the living,

Dead ice bones do not think of men.

Turn back to your homeland for peace of mind,

Unexpectedly, the wife has returned.

Ask about fate again after infatuation,

The heart surged into the abyss.

Don’t remember the pre-life love thread segment,

I regret the broken heart and tears! "

Qin An sighed secretly after saying the words with teardrops.

These sixteen sentences actually describe his life with Weng Lan.

"We got married for one year and got married for seven years, and finally thought that Li Ying had betrayed, and the end of the world broke out. Weng Die appeared to solve the mystery. It turned out that the real wife was in a far away place. I couldn't sleep all night. So I knew that my real wife was on the other side of the ocean, but I was on the far side of the sky. I went to United States to find Weng Lan for many years without fruit. It was really sad, but I don’t know that Weng Lan has been frozen. I didn’t even know that I was looking for her. Back to China With some confidantes, Life wanted to calm down, but Weng Lan woke up at this time. Later, after receiving the news, I set foot on the road to find a wife in United States again. After finding Weng Lan, there was a wave of trouble and died into the abyss. Samsara is reborn and can’t remember what happened before, now that she thinks of everything, she really wants to cry..."Qin An intermittently translates own small crooked poems into vernacular.

At this time he drank more wine, his face was redder, and he seemed to be more drunk.

Zhen E looked at the drunk Qin An and was silent for a long time.

This is indeed the characteristic of Qin An. The first word of the sixteen lines of a poem with a hidden head is connected as follows: Li Ying is a fake, Weng Lan is a wife, reincarnated in life and death, infatuated with no regrets!

It turns out that the Qin An in front of him has also been reincarnated, and Zhen E actually doesn't quite understand what Li Ying is a fake? In the first life of own, I was with Qin An. At the beginning, I was kind and loving. Later, when I immigrated to United States, many bad things happened. Once again, the relationship between the two Little Sisters and the brother-in-law was normal... .. It seems that the emotional line of Qin An and Weng Lan is different from that of himself and the future world Qin An, although they both went to United States.

Zhen E was curious, so she asked.

Qin An is very generous, and Zhen E will answer all questions, so Zhen E is allowed to understand all the things between him and Weng Lan.

OMG! They were so tortuous in love, and they even gave birth to four children, so in the world of Qin An before him, does Weng Lan still love Qin An deeply?

While Qin An was drunk and composed poems to express his emotions, the three sisters Weng Lan were actually sitting in the cave.

"Congratulations to the players for coming to the entrance of the Skeleton Buddha Cemetery. This is a rewarding hidden mission copy. Because it has been activated, players can enter directly, or choose to understand the situation through the video, please choose..."

The three of Weng Lan naturally had to look at the inside first. A real projection screen appeared on the wall, just like a movie theater screen.

So the three sisters saw Qin An and Zhen E inside through this screen, and heard their conversation.

"It's speechless. Zhen E really met Qin An... Hey, Big sis, don't be tempted by Qin An's little crooked poems. If you have the memory of three generations, you should know that Qin An is an evil person in his heart. Sooner or later, he will change. Bad!" The fourth generation Weng Die frowned and expressed her own opinion. Her mood was actually not good, because she felt very depressed when she thought that she had a husband and wife relationship with Qin An. In fact, the reason Weng Die hates Qin An is because his memory of the third life has not been fully awakened, but only a part of it. In fact, if all of them are remembered, she should not be so tired of Qin An. After all, she and Qin An were getting along Yes, they eventually became husband and wife, and the relationship must be better than that between Li Ying and Qin An.

Neither Weng Lan nor Li Ying spoke. Li Ying gave birth to a child to Qin An. Now that she remembered this incident, what could she say when she saw Qin An.

And Weng Lan, listening to Qin An’s small crooked poems, and seeing Qin An’s heroic drinking appearance, was really agitated.

She now has the memory of the previous two lives, so there is a contradiction.

She and Qin An are in love in this life, but will Qin An become like the first life in more than ten years?

If it changes, she really can't bear it.

She originally thought she knew Qin An well, but now she is not sure.

After closing his eyes and contemplating for a while, Weng Lan exhaled a long breath.

"Let's go, the purpose of our visit this time is to go to Kaitian City for a mission. This place is still far away from there, let's take a rest. This hidden copy has already been entered, and there is no need for us to go in again."

"Sister, do you really care about him?" Li Ying grabbed Weng Lan's sleeve.

"So many ties, can you really let it go?" Weng Die also said with some worry. Although she is a little bit older, she is still Weng Die after all, and of course we can see through Weng Lan's sincerity.

"Okay, okay, don't worry about me. I have just awakened from my memory, and I don't want to take care of this stinky man. Is it because you can't let it go? That's why you come to entertain me?" Weng Lan looked at me with a joke. Look at the two Little Sisters.

"Where is it? Nonsense!"

"Big sis you are really bad, make fun of us!"

The two Little Sisters all surrounded Weng Lan and acted like a baby. The situation where the three women hugged each other was really like a dance of demons. Anyone would be tempted after watching it.

Then the three of them walked out of the cave. The smiles on Weng Lan's face swallowed, and there were water stains in her eyes. Sansheng III, she knew she couldn't let go of this man, but she didn't dare to love it anymore!


"Drinking Sanjiang water, Wolong can make clouds, haha...Zhen E, are you Weng Lan?"

Qin An didn't go to see Zhen E when he said this, because he had walked slowly to the lake at this time.

Zhen E was thinking about everything that Qin An just told, but she didn't expect that in that world, Qin An and Own had experienced so many twists and turns, which was different from Own's first life.

Suddenly hearing these words from Qin An asked her, making Zhen E a little surprised.

Can he actually feel that he is Weng Lan? Nowhere is he exposed, why can he feel it? Could it be that the heart is wise?

Hey, complicated things, complicated feelings, complicated emotions.

Zhen E sighed, took a sip of the wine on the table, not planning to answer Qin An's question.

Well, this wine is really beautiful!

Qin An actually just asked casually. He was not sure of Zhen E's identity, but when he was talking to her, Qin An felt a little bit about the look in her eyes.

At first, Weng Lan could recognize Qin An when he could see Fang fools with different appearances.

Now Qin An can naturally recognize Weng Lan.

In fact, they really have a good heart, but the complicated experience makes them struggle in a sea of ​​emotions.

"Little girl, my lord said that you can drink all the water in this lake. I'll drink all of it for you now!"

Qin An roared domineeringly. Although the alcohol would not make him irrational, it did stimulate his emotions, so he was a little excited.

Qin An's heart is indeed very depressed, his life is really too difficult, hasn't he experienced anything? Almost unable to think of it, he has experienced all the weird things.

Suddenly, his body suddenly became bigger, rising a thousand meters, becoming a naked thousand-meter giant.

Zhen E was so frightened that she threw away the wine in her hand, stood up and looked up, her face blushing dumbfounded.

Now that it has become a kilometer high, all parts of the natural body have increased many times. Looking up from below, Zhen E can just see the object between Qin An's legs. This f*ck is also too scary!

"Qin An! You rascal,"

Zhen E originally wanted to shout and ask Qin An to put on her clothes.

But I thought that he has become a giant of a thousand meters, where is there such a big dress for him to wear?

So Zhen E could only be shy and speechless. After this emotion slowly transformed, she couldn't help but observe carefully. The f*ck is really big...

Qin An can actually turn clothes out by himself, but he is drunk now. The wine is good or not, but even Qin An will be slightly drunk if he drinks too much.

Qin An opened his huge mouth, and then used the ability to control objects to make the wine form a tornado and fly up. A tornado with a diameter of three meters took countless wines to a height of 1,000 meters, and then fell into Qin An's mouth.

Zhen E was shocked by the sight, and then found that the lake level began to drop rapidly.

Oh my God, it seems that Qin An can really drink up the lake water, but won't he die of drunkenness after drinking it?

In just ten minutes, the ending that Zhen E had expected appeared. Qin An really drank all the lake water. A huge palace appeared at a depth of more than ten meters under the lake. The area of ​​the palace exposed on the ground was not too large. , But it has a depth of forty meters underground, covering almost the entire bottom of the lake.

After Qin An drank the lake water, it changed back to normal size, and triumphantly came to the little Loli and laughed.

"How is it? Lord didn't brag, did you really drink it up, hahaha!"

Zhen E's eyes were staring like ping-pong balls. When Qin An became a giant naked, she looked scary, but now that she became a normal naked body makes Zhen E frightened.

She wanted to raise her hand to block Own's eyes, but she didn't want to show weakness in front of Qin An.

The second life has always looked like a child, so she has never interacted with any man, but Zhen E is a normal mature woman psychologically, and now she sees a friend who is a good old friend or a good old friend, and at this time Qin An sees It is still very harmless and cute, and Zhen E was a little tempted.

How do you feel that this Qin An's body is more stylish than another Qin An's, it seems that the model between the legs is also a few sizes larger?

It's over, what mess is you thinking about?

While Zhen E was struggling, Qin An had already put on his own equipment from the Interspatial Ring.

When he just turned into a giant, he put away his equipment, and now he naturally wants to put it on. Qin An's mind is very innocent, not an exhibitionist.

After getting dressed, Qin An didn't say much, and hugged Zhen E in his arms and said: "Little girl, let's go to the palace first and find your two Little Sisters. Then you can tell me your secrets. Don’t say you have no secrets, I know you do, I can see it!"" obviously have clothes, why don't you put them on right away? You have to hang around naked in front of me, don't hold me!"

Qin An ignored Loli's struggle and went all the way into the palace below, which was called Jiushui Pavilion!

Opening the door, Qin An was very surprised, this turned out to be a space.

There is heaven and earth in space, flowers and grassland.

A hundred meters away, a large table was visited on a flat grassland. A teenager was sitting in the main seat. The two little ones, Loli and Wu Xiaoxiao, were already drunk at this time, and they were all lying on the ground.

Qin An hugged Zhen E to the table quickly, and saw that the table was full of various bottles, and the bottles were naturally filled with various fine wines.

"My name is Bacchus, and I am the final boss of this map. This player, you are really powerful. You can turn on the dark attribute and drank all the wine of the lake. I admire it very much, but now I’m in the Wine Pavilion, I don’t know. Can you continue to drink?"

"For a drunkard, if you have wine, you should drink it! It's just that I just drank a good wine from the lake, can you have better here?"

"Of course there is, or how do I deserve to be called Bacchus? There are eleven kinds of wine here. Not only are they delicious, but they also have great benefits for your players! The first ten kinds of wine have freely assignable attribute points. The bottle can be increased by one hundred, and ten bottles can be increased by one thousand. The last bottle of wine is called Blood Qiankun. After drinking, it can increase the basic blood volume by 100,000 blood, permanent!"

What? One hundred thousand blood? This is very abnormal, and the blood volume is exactly what Qin An needs now.

"Then you want to buy me a drink? My friend seems to be drunk?"

"Their drink volume is too bad. I just removed the lid of the bottle and smelled them and they were already drunk. This player, I am an NPC boss. The task of this level is to drink eleven bottles. Wine, I want to clarify first, this wine is very strong. Drinking too much will cause death. You should know that this game world is already in line with reality. If you die, you can't live. Are you sure you want to drink it?"

Qin An is already drinking, why would he be afraid to continue drinking?

He laughed boldly, put Zhen E on a chair, and then stepped forward and opened the first bottle of wine on the table.

Sure enough, it is fragrant, and in this wine, it has the power of invigorating the soul, which can make people drunk when they smell it.

Qin An unlocked Zhen E's ability to heal and guard, so that she would not smell the scent of wine directly like her two Little Sisters and Wu Xiaoxiao were drunk to death.

"Qin An, should we stop drinking, shall we take the Little Sisters to go first?"

"If you are willing to give up, how can you get it? A tiger's den, a tiger's den, how can you get a tiger if you don't enter the tiger's den?" Qin An said a bottle of wine and went directly to his stomach.

Zhen E's black line, this Qin An! As long as you drink, the temperament of that literary dick will be exposed.

"If you are well, I will have no trouble, wine is not wine looking for the spring! Wengzi drunk to drink Star, the top of the Lanshan mountain smiles in the sky! Hahahaha, really good wine!"

Qin An glanced at Zhen E drunkly, eyes full of complex emotions, then took the second bottle of wine and drank it.

Hmph, this bad guy, the hidden head of these four sentences is: You are Weng Lan.

Hey, when I think about the first life, I just met Qin An. Isn't I just attracted by the occasional youthful temperament in him? It's just that for many years after arriving in the U.S., until her death, the man hadn't written a little crooked poem.

"I don't want to break the situation, and I forgot to swim to Nine Heavens. I saw the face of Guanyin for the first time, and my heart is like a Bodhi lotus!" Qin An drank the third bottle of wine after a little broken poem.

What does it mean? Don't want to make a big difference, just want to be free? When I first saw the face of Guanyin, my heart was like a Bodhi lotus. This should be Qin An's heart for kindness. He wanted to stay kind. And the hidden head of this poem is: Do not forget the original intention! His original intention is naturally his virtue!

"If the gods have no way, they should be punishable, the ghosts who stand in the way should not be merciful, kill the gods and lower the ghosts and raise their hands, and the gods and ghosts will stay away from Mo Laiqian! , The Buddha statue is sent to play as a ball, hahahaha!"

This... this dead man! It's crazy! "God blocks and kills the gods, Buddha blocks and kills the Buddha". The last sentence is so nonsensical that the Buddha statue should be used as a ball. How arrogant is this?

Zhen E's mouth was raised high, and she frowned after she felt sulky.

No, the arrogance of the man in front of him at this moment is not the same as the arrogance of another Qin An.

Another Qin An's madness is disgusting, because he is unrestrained, even despicable.

And Qin An has a bottom line, so what kind of state is it if he has a bottom line to be arrogant? Hooligans are good at martial arts, so is Qin An a Martial Forest master who wants to be a hooligan? He is just a little bit innocuous.

Yes, the two worlds have completely different trajectories. Will this Qin An eventually become the same as the other Qin An? If he can never forget his original intention, isn't he his favorite good man?

Zhen E's eyes flickered, and there were many thoughts in her heart.

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