Stand tall and see far.

When Qin An reached the top of the building, he could see the situation farther away.

The women in Weng Lan are looking at them, Li Ying is extremely worried, and Wang Yi is a little restless. The other survivors hiding nearby have all focused their eyes on this side, but maybe they can only see the deep sea dragon. , But can't see myself.

Qin An felt a little entangled in her heart, mainly because she was worried about Weng Die, such a big water, such a crisis state, can she be well?

No, you must try your best to return to the building quickly, and then go out to find Weng Die!

"Your name is Wu Jiaojiao?"

"Well, Big Brother, I am called by this name, how do you know it."

Wu Jiaojiao was standing not far behind Qin An at this time. Qin An didn't look back at him at all, and continued: "You don't need to pretend to be innocent. Since I know your name, I naturally know your conduct. I don't usually know what you are like. Stay with you, because you are too dangerous, and your appearance looks like a natural rebelliousness!"

"Big Brother, I am not such a person, why would you comment on me like this?"

"Huh, I know you are very smart, so I will give you a chance. I want to reach the top of that building. You come to think of a way. If you can't figure out a way within ten minutes, then I will push you from here. Go down."

Qin An's voice was extremely cold, making Wu Jiaojiao shudder.

Wu Jiaojiao had a feeling that this man was actually of the same kind as herself, and looked good, but the viciousness and coldness of her heart was not comparable to other mortals, so Wu Jiaojiao absolutely believed that if she could not find a way, then this man might really be killed. Own.

Go to the top of the Dixing Building? Now that the boat is gone, what should I do? Suddenly, Wu Jiaojiao's eyes lit up and she shouted, "I figured it out!"

Goose test, Qin An was really a little surprised, how much time did this little girl have noticed?


"Big Brother, just now you passed a room when you took me to escape. I saw something! I'll show you."

"Oh? Let's go then."

Qin An didn't talk much. He was thinking about what Wu Xiaoxiao wanted him to see. When he went downstairs and entered a room, Qin An knew it.

"I saw the diving suit oxygen tank here before. Do you want to go under the water?"

"Well, most of the zombies are floating on the surface. I think the bottom of the water must be much safer. With Dage's ability, it is entirely possible to go from the bottom of the water successfully."

This method is actually somewhat risky, because Qin An knows that not all zombies have floated to the surface, and there are also some zombies and dangerous beasts under the water.

However, this method is indeed feasible, and it is the only way out that can be thought of now.

"Well, well, that little girl, I'm leaving, you can do it yourself."

"Well, Dage only needs to leave me a set of diving equipment, thank you for saving me just now."

Qin An had put away the two sets of diving equipment and was about to go downstairs. Hearing Wu Jiaojiao's words, she turned her head suddenly, revealing some complicated emotions in her eyes, making Wu Jiaojiao tremble in her heart.

"Dage, are you going to take me with you?"

"You know that I have a bad impression of you, and you can see that I am an enthusiastic and cold-faced person, so I would rather choose my own way of survival than come and beg me to take you, because you feel that you are more likely to live alone. In other words, you like to control your destiny in the hands of your own. It is really extraordinary. Wu Jiaojiao, I don’t like to kill innocent people, so they all say that I am a virgin, and some people say that I am a hypocrite. I only hope to start from today. I'm leaving, don't show up in front of my eyes anymore. I have a bad premonition for you. I will probably kill you myself!"

After Qin An said these words, he went downstairs and left.He didn't know why, he just thought this Wu Jiaojiao was special, but this speciality made Qin An unable to find a reason to kill her because it was special.

Hey, maybe she is neurotic. Regardless of her, Qin An really doesn't believe that this little girl who meets together can have any influence on him.

After reaching the bottom, Qin An puts on the equipment. This diving suit is very professional. The oxygen tank equipped with it is also full of oxygen. It is not that Qin An has never thought about walking from the bottom of the water, but considering that Li Ying should not be able to persist under the water, now it is fine. With these two sets of equipment, maybe they can escape, luckily, they can find this thing.

The deep-sea monster was still howling, and Qin An hesitated for a while before entering the water. At this time, he was a little worried for Wu Jiaojiao. Whether she could survive here is really a question.

After diving, Qin An dived directly into the bottom of the water. The depth of the water here was almost four meters. Qin An pushed away the zombies surrounding a circle to reach the bottom and looked around. It was not bad. There were really few zombies underneath, and it was caused by the resistance of the water. The action is slow, the claws are basically useless, as long as they are not bitten, there will be no danger.

Without hesitation, Qin An was swimming underwater, as if he had the ability to predict, he could look at the overall situation and find the best path forward.

The underwater journey of more than 100 meters did not cause any danger, and finally returned to the roof where Li Ying had stayed before.

In fact, this is not easy. Without Qin An's agile skills, it is impossible to avoid the pulling of zombies on the surface of the water when entering and exiting the water.

After going ashore, Qin An took off his diving suit and put the other one aside. When he looked up, he saw that Li Ying was already crying as a small cat, staring at herself in a daze.

"Haha, how about it, I will go back as soon as I go, and I have found a way to take you to a safe place, do you want a big hug?"

Qin An's words were naturally intended to comfort Li Ying's feelings. Qin An thought Li Ying was scared, afraid that he would not be able to come back.

Even if he has lived for many years, even if he has rich emotional experience, sometimes he still can't see women's thoughts.

Where is Li Ying scared, she just feels the loss, and then the loss.

He almost rushed to Qin An's front, then plunged into Qin An's arms and hugged tightly.

Qin An is somewhat different, because Li Ying's hug is too warm and unusual.

But Qin An didn't think much about it, but he also hugged her tightly to comfort her.

I don’t know how long it took for the two people to separate. After that, Li Ying began to blush and burn, and her heartbeat accelerated. She felt that her situation was very bad, as if she was carrying Wang Yi on her back and was having an affair with the man in front of her, but take a look. Qin An, he is still so calm.

Li Ying likes Qin An's calmness, which makes people feel reliable.

Li Ying hates Qin An's calmness. Why is it embarrassing that she is the only one?

Without wasting time, Qin An put on Li Ying's equipment and put on a set himself. After that, he hugged her and dived directly, aiming at the central garden villa.

For Qin An, this journey was not difficult, and he did not encounter any danger at the bottom of the water, and he reached the destination directly.

The gardener Guo Zida, the chef Jin Dadao, the main family member Liu Xiaomei, the female doctor Bai Yang, and Wang Yi have been together for a few days in the rooms on this floor.

There are actually a lot of rooms on this floor, there are six.

The lower half of the stairs is full of water, but fortunately there are no zombies in the water.

Jin Dadao exercises all year round, and naturally can swim, and the water is very good, you can leave this floor and dive out to find food.

Then with food, in this predicament, the golden sword also has the initiative.

A knock on the door resounded quickly, awakening Jin Dadao.

This room was originally a guest room with luxurious decoration. Jin Dadao has never lived in such a comfortable bed, such a proud house, so he has had a good time these days.

Was awakened, Jin Dadao rubbed his eyes and shouted, "Dammit, who!"

Opening the door while talking, Wang Yi, Guo Zida, Liu Xiaomei, and Bai Yang stood outside the door.

"Broad knife, we have eaten the little food you gave us the previous day. Now that we have not eaten for more than a day, I really can't stand it. In the morning, I see you catch a lot of food from below. Can you divide it? Let's be a little bit." Old man Guo looked haggard and weak.

"Lao Guo, you old man with arms and legs can't live for a few days. My food is precious and I got my life from diving. Don’t you know, I also encountered a floating corpse on the way, which almost scared Daddy to death. In the past. Now there is not much food below, and it will be more and more difficult to get food in the future. Then why should I give you the food that I have gotten from all kinds of difficulties? I have the ability to get it myself!" Stretching impatiently. He was wearing a tight boxer briefs. Because he was holding a pee when he just got up, the little brother was very imposing. The two women over there blushed and looked away.

"Big brother, just sort out your food. When you see my daughter-in-law and her sister..." Wang Yi moved Weng Lan out again, and this time Jin Dadao apparently stopped buying one. Cold snort.

"Hmph, how many days have passed, can you see any signs that you can still come to rescue? There is no water, no electricity, no network, no signal, it is estimated that all the errands are dead, and we little people still live a day. One day, is it comfortable for a while?"

At this time, Jin Dadao was completely relieved from his sleepiness, and his eyes began to turn back and forth on the two women Liu Xiaomei and Bai Yang.

"I said that the surname is Wang. I looked at these two women but they are very warm to you these days. How about it? Have you ever tried it? Which one tastes better?"

"Shameless, what are you talking about?" Bai Yang immediately turned his face.

But Liu Xiaomei did not speak, but her face was a little awkward.

She couldn't sleep last night, and indeed went to find Wang Yi.

To be trapped here, Wang Yi had no intentions. To Li Ying, Wang Yi was a man who had no thoughts and no interest but only knew how to play games, but in the eyes of Liu Xiaomei, Wang Yi's image was handsome, good-hearted, and the brother-in-law of the President.

This gap arises only because one is the owner, and the other has never owned it.

In short, Liu Xiaomei climbed onto Wang Yi’s bed last night. She is not doing anything else. She just feels that if a man loves her in such a predicament, then she will not think about so many fears. Think about the unknown future.

Wang Yi has turned his back. Liu Xiaomei is younger than Li Ying, more charming than Li Ying, and fresher than Li Ying. How could Wang Yi not accept such a woman who took the initiative to send her to her door. After accepting it, he actually regretted it a little, not knowing how to face Li Ying.

Wang Yi’s feelings for Li Ying are not complicated. He feels that Li Ying is like his own family, Big sis, mother, and so on.

The only thing that doesn’t look like a wife is that Wang Yi doesn’t have much passion for Li Ying. Men like fresh women. To Wang Yi, he is familiar with Li Ying. They grew up together, carried guns together, and had prostitutes together. , Brothers than brothers, being a husband and wife is really less of that kind of spiritual throbbing.

But in any case, Wang Yi betrayed Li Ying, and his heart was a little uneasy.

Now that Jin Dadao said so, he must have discovered something, so his eyes always fell on Liu Xiaomei.

Jin Dadao naturally noticed these details. Wang Yi always looked at Liu Xiaomei, and Liu Xiaomei blushed in shame, which already explained the problem.

Jin Dadao very disdainfully spit out directly on the ground, then returned to the own bed and lay down lazily, and raised Erlang's legs coldly and said: "Hey, sorry, I won't give you food, if you want it, it will be late at night. Now, women come to me. Men depend on Daddy’s mood. Maybe I’m in a good mood tonight, and I’ll give you something to eat tomorrow. Everyone, colleagues, I won’t starve you to death, right?”

Wang Yi wanted to get angry when he heard what Jin Dadao said, but was caught by Liu Xiaomei.

"Wang Yi, don't go, you can't beat him, this kid has practiced."

This person Wang Yi actually didn't want to use it. He was half of his anger when he heard that he had practiced, but he still said.

"Wait, he will look good sooner or later!"

After saying this, the four of Wang Yi exited the room, Jin Dadao jumped over and locked the door, and then went back to lie down again, but couldn't sleep anymore, wondering if a woman would come to him tonight? It doesn't matter if they don't come. After they are hungry for two days, when they are too hungry and have no energy, why don't they just do what they want? When the time comes, one bird will fly two birds, wouldn't it be a great pleasure in life?

The more I thought about it, the more excited, and the more I couldn't sleep, Jin Dadao suffered from insomnia.

Qin An brought Li Ying to the floor where the five people were hiding.

Standing in the corridor, Li Ying didn't feel much joy.

I'm about to see Own's husband soon. Looking back now, I was trapped alone with Qin An these few days. It turned out to be a rare happy time in her life. It's so easy, even though it's dangerous, but the heart is calm.And returning to Wang Yi is tantamount to returning to reality. After all, the dream about Qin An has woken up.

No one knew, Li Ying sighed long in her heart. This breath was so long that she seemed to be able to hear it herself.

"Qin An, thank you for these two days, where is Wang Yi? How is he?"

"Wang Yi..." Qin An thought maybe he shouldn't tell Li Ying the room where Wang Yi was, because there was a pair of naked men and women rolling on the bed at this time.

"Wang Yi, you have two choices now. Either kill Jin Dadao and we snatch his food. Or I will look for him in a while. Anyway, I am not a chaste woman. I don't want to starve to death!"

At this time, Liu Xiaomei was a little crazy, she groped back and forth on Wang Yi's body, and kept Wang Yi's body burning.

"Damn! Okay, then I'll go kill him!"

"Do you dare to kill?"

"Dare, you feed me, I dare to kill all gods, let alone a person!"

The two crazy people are no more nonsense, only Wang Yi's gasping and Liu Xiaomei's howling are left.

The scream was so loud that it shocked Li Ying in the corridor outside the door, because the door where Qin An raised his finger at this time was also the same.

My husband, Wang Cheng, is inside, so are there other women inside?

Li Ying walked over with a blue face, and Qin An quickly followed and took her hand before Li Ying knocked on the door.

"Listen to me, men and women are very indulgent in the last days, so you don't really need to pay too much attention to some things. In a world without a tomorrow, separation from people may mean goodbye. Do you know what I mean?"

"Qin An, I'm very calm. You can open the door for me. This way I can catch the rape in bed. If I knock on the door, they will be alarmed."

Speechless... Li Ying is so calm, she can even think of this.

Wang Yi, Wang Yi, I didn't mean to hurt you. Who made you catch up?

Qin An is doing self-comfort in his heart. In fact, he is in a good mood. It is impossible for Qin An to be selfish. It is naturally cool to see Li Ying and Wang Yi at odds.

Therefore, Qin An's mood is more complicated than Li Ying at this time. With a slight force, how could the door withstand his powerful force, and it collapsed and made a loud noise.

The moment the door opened, Li Ying saw the men and women on the bed, then her face turned pale and her body was shaky.

Qin An stood beside Li Ying for a few seconds, then turned and left. He didn't want to see Li Ying and Wang Yi's secret hatred. For him, the most important thing at this moment is to confirm the way to the Emperor Star Building. Whether the path of the underground garage is unobstructed, if you can't walk, then it is a difficult road to climb from the bottom to the highest.

The entire Emperor Star Building is now really full of zombies, and of course there are many survivors hiding in various rooms. The situation is extremely complicated.

Qin An wouldn't worry if he was himself, but it would not be so easy if he brought Wang Yi and Li Ying.

Leaving the corridor, Qin An dived directly into the stairs, fumbled and left the residential building.

He doesn't need props for diving himself, and there are basically no zombies inside the wall of the villa here, so Qin An can move freely in the water.

After swimming for a while, Qin An emerged from the water and continued to swim and finally reached the entrance of the underground passage.

The waterproof function of this entrance is very good. There is no water in the passage. What makes Qin An depressed is that the electronic door is broken, and the door cannot be opened at all.

How to do it? Either wait to see when the flood can recede, or you can only climb the top floor of the Emperor Star Building.

Qin An figured out the situation and returned to where Li Ying was. When he went in to see that all the trapped people were there, Li Ying was sitting on the bed where Wang Yi and Liu Xiaomei had just rolled over and wept, while Wang Yi knelt there and confessed... ...

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