Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1765 Water Ghost Zombie

When these ordinary foods were placed in front of Liu Xia's eyes, Liu Xia was dumbfounded. This was really a big meal, she couldn't believe her own eyes.

"Uncle, who on earth are you? Did you lie to me what you said before?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You said you went looking for food, but you didn't find it after searching for a long time. Why did you come back? Where did you get these things?"

"Haha, of course it was stolen from upstairs. I didn't bother to steal it, but in order to prevent your belly from groaning, I lowered my body, moved or moved?"

"Ah... I stole it upstairs... moved, uncle, you are really capable. Can I eat all these things?"


Qin An smiled.

He has experienced many women in his life, Weng Lan is naturally his favorite, Qiu Jinse is his confidant, and Liu Xia is also special in his emotional world. There are always unexplainable emotions in this girl’s On the body, now Qin An is alone with the Liu Xia in front of him, feeling very comfortable and cozy, as if his body and mind are relaxed.

Especially seeing her rich expression, Qin An feels sincerely proud of herself. A woman is a person who pleases herself. Men will also be full of arrogance for women's worship of own.

"What are you looking for? Let's eat, I'm also very hungry."

Qin An had already made a beating quilt and threw it under the window. The owner of this quilt didn’t know where he had escaped. The stuff in a dormitory was used casually, and no one would investigate it. This is actually a charm of the end. .

The power in the building had been cut off, and the room was completely dark, but when the window reached the window, there was a bright moonlight, which just happened to illuminate the quilt that Qin An was throwing on the ground.

Qin An took out all the things and laid them out, then sat down on the quilt and waved at Liu Xia.

Liu Xia finally did not resist the temptation of food. No matter where these things came from, she ran to Qin An and sat down, picked up a butter bread and started eating.

"Wow, it's delicious, this is mango cream cheese, right? It tastes so good, I have never eaten such delicious bread in my life."

Liu Xia ate quickly, and the breadcrumbs were all over her mouth in a short while.

Qin An felt distressed again, and raised his hand to rub Liu Xia's cheek to clean her up, just like treating her own child.

Liu Xia seemed to feel Qin An's kindness, so he let his big hand rub his own mouth back and forth, just eating dimly, no matter it was dark or night.

Qin An also started to eat. He was naturally hungry. He didn't intend to steal it. If he was hungry all night, it would be fine. Just stick to it. But now with Liu Xia, he borrowed flowers to offer Buddha and at the same time borrowed Liu Xia's. Light.

After the two people stole Qin An and ate almost everything, they were finally full, and Liu Xia's flat belly was slightly bulging, showing how much they had eaten. When Qin An first came down, he even took a pack of cigarettes. Now he lights one after a meal. He understands that Life is actually quite comfortable, as long as he doesn't think about so many annoying things.

Just about to speak to Liu Xia, suddenly, a slight wave in the water several hundred meters away attracted Qin An's attention.

Huh? What is it? Why are you swimming so fast in the water?

Qin An didn't need to press his head over the window, opened his perspective eyes to look in the direction where he heard the sound, and was taken aback.

This seems to be a kind of zombie, right?

Its body is snow-white, its eyes and hair are also white, its body is almost two meters and five meters, its legs are very long, and its feet are like frog palms. When swimming in the water, it makes a roar of geosonic waves. This roar is similar to that of a zombie, but It's also not the same.

Qin An dealt with Liu Xia's silence and cleaned up, then pulled her into his arms and hid in the corner to watch the snow-white monster's every move.Liu Xia didn't know what Qin An was going to do. She hadn't been able to react in the dark, but she felt that Qin An's body was like a stove, making her hot.

Maybe the fever was because she had just eaten enough, but no matter what, the little girl couldn't be as calm as before, and finally figured out that even if he is an uncle, he is also a man.

For a while, Liu Xia not only silenced her voice, but also dared not move all over her body. She was afraid that any movement of her would turn the man hugging her into a beast.

But after a while, Liu Xia was at ease, because Qin An didn't do anything else to her, just hugged her.

And what really made Liu Xia comfortable was what Qin An said in her ear: There are strange zombies swimming nearby, don't talk.

I don't know why, Liu Xia feels that his words can be trusted.

At this time, the white humanoid monster is still swimming around. Its speed is very fast. It is more than twice as fast as Qin An swimming in the water. Qin An's swimming speed is no longer comparable to that of ordinary people, so naturally this monster More exaggerated.

After observing for a few minutes, Qin An came to some conclusions.

This should still be a zombie, and it lacks intelligence, but it has the wisdom of hunting.

It swims under a building, gets out of the water, climbs in, and searches the entire floor.

The building now entered is 300 meters away from here, and there are zombies in it, but there is a couple in a room who is about to starve to death.

After the monster wandered back and forth on the floor for a while, he found the room where they were hiding and broke the door to enter.

From this, Qin An could see its two attributes. It had a good sense of smell and was much stronger than ordinary zombies.

After entering the room, it killed the man directly, bit his throat with sharp teeth, and then began to suck his donated blood until it sucked dry without eating his meat.

It went to see the woman after dealing with the man. At this time, the woman was scared and fainted by the scene of her husband's tragic death.

Qin An was a little surprised, because the water ghost zombie did not treat this woman like a man.

The reproductive system of his lower body suddenly became longer, as if a needle pierced half of a woman's lower body clothing, and then penetrated into the woman's body.

In just ten seconds, some genetic material entered the woman's body, combined with soft cells after implantation, and then rapidly divided and proliferated, forming a fist-sized embryo.

This reminded Qin An suddenly of jumping zombies. Something like jumping zombies borrowed human female bodies to create the next generation, and their next generations are better than them. They are the essence of dozens or more low-level zombies. .

So the water ghost zombie in front of me is obviously similar to jumping zombie. It has hunting behavior and uses the body of a human woman to inherit the next generation. Perhaps this is an upgraded species that will only appear in the end of the ocean. It is a bit scary and knows how to inherit the offspring. The zombies are always the most terrifying in the doomsday, because they are endless and frustrating.

After everything last night, the water ghost zombie did not continue to stay in the room, and left to enter the water again.

And he left, the door was not closed, and the zombies outside naturally rushed in and quickly ate up the man who had been drained of blood, but none of the zombies touched the woman. This scene is weird in Thailand.

The woman woke up from the drowsiness and saw that a pair of zombies were eating the bones of the own man, and she immediately screamed.

This scream attracted most of the zombies in the corridors of the nearby floors. They came and piled up beside the woman, but they still didn’t touch her. When encountering a woman, the zombies will retreat like crazy, even if they tear their companions back to pieces with sharp claws, it seems that they would not hesitate.

Qin An observed everything, and the dysmenorrhea story also noticed that the water ghost zombie had already arrived under the building where he was, and he was a little nervous.

After you start to move your hands, you must protect the little girl, just like it was upstairs in the twin towers back then, not to let her suffer any damage.

The head of the water ghost zombie was thrown out of the water, and Qin An could see the state of its nose twitching, which showed that it was smelling.

So can it spot the people in the building?

Qin An's doubts just came up, the water ghost zombie suddenly turned over into the water, and then wandered at a faster speed than before!

Qin An's face turned blue when he saw it, and there were a series of question marks in his heart.

why did you leave?

Could it be that it found that there are many people here, so it went to find a companion?

After thinking about it this way, Qin An's face turned from blue to white, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

"Hi Liu Xia, am I worthy of your trust?"


"I mean, I'll take you away. It's not safe here. We need to move right away."


Liu Xia didn't understand Qin An's meaning, but when she heard that Qin An was going to take her away, her eyebrows were slightly frowned.

Talking well is one thing, but Liu Xia is not stupid at all. In this case, it's better to stay with her classmates. Although Qin An looks kind, he knows that people don't know what they want. Liu Xia did not harm others, and was willing to treat a stranger well, but this did not mean that she could just trust a stranger. And this stranger just did a strange move, he forcibly hugged her...

"Uncle, I can't go with you. Although my classmates are very annoying, but I know them. No matter how bad they are, they just like to bully me. They call me big breasts, and occasionally block me in the alley and ask for a few small dollars. , I can accept all these things because I believe they can’t be so bad. So I must be with my classmates. Uncle Qin An, thank you for the dinner, it’s really good, I ate well, If you want to go, then go by yourself."

Liu Xia pushed Qin An away and stood up and said the above. Obviously, she didn't know where the so-called crisis was, and she began to disbelieve what Qin An said. After all, he looked ordinary, but thinking about it, he was actually very special. Who Will swim around in this crisis-filled water, who can steal food so easily?

Seeing that Liu Xia had a crisis of confidence in herself, Qin An was a little bit depressed.

If you take her away like this, it will take a long time to get her forgiveness, right?

Well, anyway, he will still be in this world for a while, so he knows himself and his opponent, and he won't end up in a hundred battles. He wants to see what tricks the water ghost zombies have. It's just that this building can't stay, even if Liu Xia is temporarily disgusted, he will take her away.

Two hundred meters from this building, there is a dormitory building higher than this side, with zombies all over it, and a few survivors are all trapped in the house.

Qin An looked around and found that the top of the building was safe. After turning on Super Vision, all the sections of the building appeared in front of him. Qin An quickly found a path to the top of the building.

"Little girl, it’s impossible to go by yourself, but we can move to another place and see if I’m right. You don’t need to be afraid of me, and don’t think I’m a bad person. I have no malice against you. This is true. of."

Qin An felt that it was not clear at all with an explanation, so when the voice fell, he had already stepped forward and hugged Liu Xia, and then jumped into the water with her.

Liu Xia didn't have the ability to resist in front of Qin An. Although she was reluctant in every way, she was eventually taken by Qin An to the top floor of the building, and her whole body was soaked.

"Uncle, you said that you are not a bad person, why do you want to be a tough guy? It's really a loss. I trust you so much. This is simply the story of Mr. Dong Guo and the wolf."

Liu Xia was about to cry. She was actually a little scared in her heart. She was brought to a strange place by a stranger, but she still didn't want to believe her initial impression and judgment. She felt that this uncle would really not be a bad person.

When Qin An took Liu Xia into the water, a girl named Xu Rantian was lying upstairs by the window drinking a cup of hot coffee.

Instant coffee was handy when I went upstairs to negotiate, and hot water was made to burn in the corridor. Xu Rantian felt that all this was hard-won.

She couldn't sleep a bit. Although she used to fight and joke all day at school, she was not a heartless master.

Now she is under pressure. How can she get food from the group of college students upstairs?

As he was thinking, he saw Qin An jumping into the water with Liu Xia, Xu Rantian was stunned, and then yelled angrily.

"Damn! Who watched the night?"

She yelled and hurriedly went downstairs to check, and called Wu Jie and everyone else. After counting, she found that Liu Xia was gone."Little bitch, are you messing around with your partner again? Make you watch the night without knowing?"

Xu Rantian's sturdy sturdyness is genuine. She kicked the other night watch girl to the ground. The other party didn't even dare to show up, but just cried silently. Her boyfriend is also a bear, and he swears each other on weekdays. Now that Big Sister is so angry, she didn't even dare to help her own girlfriend.

Xu Rantian was naturally dissatisfied with the female student who was going to get a partner during the night watch, and at the same time dissatisfied that the boy was as useless as a woman.

But this is not the time to go deep into this, the own person was taken away, it is too have no face, this is Xu Rantian's mode of thinking.

"Wu Jie, take a few men with me. Lin Li, gather all the women together, and they are not allowed to go anywhere in this room."

"Tiantian, what are you doing?"

"Why? My man was taken away. Of course, the old lady is going to get her back, or else she will lose her face? I can see clearly, that person took Liu Xia to the other side. On the building."

"Who caught Liu Xia?"

"It seems to be the old man who showed up at night. Later, didn't Liu Xia say that he was gone? He came back for some reason and took Liu Xia away. This idiot is so credulous in others, it depends on how I get her back. Pack her!"

"But Tiantian, that building is two hundred meters away from here, how did we get there, and it became obviously unsafe, haven't you seen it during the day? The window meeting is full of zombies... "

"Stop talking nonsense, the man can take my people there, and the old lady can also pass. If you don't want to follow me, then I will go by myself. No one will care about you in the future!"

Xu Rantian’s skill is really good. Without her protection, these people might not survive the fight. Now everyone sees that she is really angry, and no one dares to talk too much. So the four boys have no choice but to say nothing. Can follow Xu Ran sweet.

They are a club in school, a swimming club, so they are good at water.

Xu Rantian led the four of them into the water and began to swim towards the building where Qin An was.

Qin An's impression of this sweetness has changed a bit. Standing on the top of the building, he whispered: "Your Big Sister is coming to save you. At first I only thought it was not good for her to bully you. Now it seems that this person is simply stupid. ."

Liu Xia was in a panic at this time, and she had never expected such a thing to happen when she was brought all the way. She was still too credulous.

"You are stupid, you big bad guy, why did you bring me here?"

"Bad guy? Haha, right, you should call me a bad guy. I like you to call me like that."

When it's over, this person is not only bad, it seems that he is not an ordinary bad person. Listening to his tone, why does it seem to be teasing her? Liu Xia really began to regret it, and felt that she shouldn't have saved this person at the time, making herself so embarrassed and embarrassed now.

"Well, if they really rush into the building indiscriminately, they will probably make the chickens and dogs restless. All death is a small matter, and it will not be good if it affects our comfort. We go down to welcome them, if they are willing to do everything with us, no Go back if you like. In short, you will be mine from now on. I will be responsible for protecting your safety and taking you to a safe refuge."

real or fake? Liu Xia couldn't believe Qin An anymore, she didn't understand this man, she was too immature in front of him.

Qin An took Liu Xia downstairs together. The river water had just touched the window on the third floor and could not overflow.

Qin An arrived in a room and waited by the window. After coming for a long time, Xu Rantian five people swam over, leaning on the wall and panting.

Swim two hundred meters, really tired.

"Hey, either come in and rest?"

Qin An was lying at the window and talking leisurely. Xu Ran had a sweet and dignified breath, looked at Qin An and then at Liu Xia behind Qin An, and said angrily: "Dead woman, what are you doing? Did you get caught or take the initiative? Come with him?"

"Tiantian, I was arrested, but he didn't do anything to me."

"Fuck, kid, I'll just ask you a word, what is the person who arrested me?"

Just as Qin An was about to answer, his face suddenly changed, and he said anxiously to several people: "Come up quickly if you don't want to die, there is something in the water!"

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