"You say that, it seems that these things really have something else hidden? Li Doulan, now is the end, and the previous laws will gradually become obsolete, so as long as we people can tolerate you, you won't be punished too severely. After all, the vice-president had a hatred of abandoning you, which led you to kill him. Although the behavior is extreme, it is reasonable, so don't you really want to argue for your behavior?"

"What? You mean, if I'm all confessed, I won't have to pay for my life?"

"Well, after all, you just killed your enemy directly, not the innocent."

"Good, good! I said, I will tell you everything!"

Li Doulan nodded indiscriminately, and everyone in the room was dizzy again. He originally thought it was like this, but now why is there a wave of trouble again? What kind of monster is Qin An, why can he always find out the problem? People do not understand.

Li Doulan, who seemed to have caught a life-saving straw, began to tell the whole truth of the matter.

"It was the third day I was trapped, and I was in a bad mood. Xianzhi Guo, the dead man, said that he would divorce his wife and marry me, but now he loves to answer me, and is still with another woman. I got it together, which made me really unacceptable! The feelings that day were very complicated, I didn’t know what I wanted to do, there was a mess around, people were talking about trapped things, and I didn’t want to listen to it. I was walking around like a duckweed, and finally I got downstairs. I saw the zombies floating in the water. I suddenly became sober. I felt scared and wanted to go back. At this moment, I found one The zombie’s hand was tied with a plastic bag. The bag was obviously tied up deliberately by someone else. Inside it was something that seemed to be a walkie-talkie. The zombie was already dead at the time. It is estimated that the head was broken by our soldiers. The zombies in the water would occasionally climb up, and the soldiers would also supervise the cleaning. The soldier on duty at the time was Zhao Zida. He found me and asked me to leave quickly, and I asked him to help me put the bag He took it from a dead zombie, he was also very curious, so he took it and saw it was really a walkie-talkie. I don’t know who tied it to the zombie’s hand. Seeing that I wanted it hard, Zhao Zida gave it to me. The next day when I went to bed at night, something strange happened. Someone called on the walkie-talkie, so I met the woman on the radio..."

The following story is not complicated, people just know that a strange woman used a wireless walkie-talkie to help Li Doulan to direct everything, how to use the total number of people to create chaos, how to assassinate Deputy Chief Guo Xianzhi, and how to guide the soldier Zhao Zida to go up. The road to suicide, and under Li Doulan's narrative, people knew that it turned out to be more complicated than Qin An had guessed.

The reason why nine corpses were used for nine patients was actually a detail that led Zhao Zida to suicide, because one of the nine corpses was the girl who was killed by him. Zhao Zida finally collapsed after seeing a body shot in the forehead. Not every salted pepper is poisonous. Only one of the peppers in a small bowl is red, and only the red pepper is poisonous. The woman took advantage of Guo Xianzhi’s overbearing and arrogant character. When only one of the peppers is red, you will definitely eat that, so that you can avoid accidentally killing other people.

Li Xiangdong, Liu Xia and others in the room were speechless for a long time. They felt that the woman who used the radio to control Li Doulan was really amazing. At the same time, they felt even more that Qin An was unbelievable. Although he didn't clarify some details, he could use this whole layout so short. Deciphering it within a period of time, it seems to be... as if he and the incredibly clever woman have a clear heart.

"What's her name? Where is she?"

Qin An was a little excited. He had a feeling that the woman hiding behind Li Doulan was probably Weng Die. Who else but her would get along with so many twists and turns.

"I don't know what her name is, and I didn't mention it to me. She seems to be trapped in a building in Jinghua Jiayuan District. She told me the specific units and floors, but I didn't remember too much.""Didn't she let you find someone to rescue her?"

"No, she just asked me to tell her the details here, and talked a lot."

Yes, if it was Weng Die, she must have grasped the situation here clearly, so she knew that people here could not save her, so she didn't ask for it.

"Can I still reach this woman?"

"I can't get in touch. We haven't talked for two days. She has planned all these plans for me in advance. It's just that I'm less courageous. After all, I haven't done anything like murder. I regret it now."

At this point, Li Doulan began to cry bitterly.

Qin An no longer wanted to listen to her to continue, and asked Li Xiangdong to ask someone to take her away. After that, he said to Li Xiangdong very sincerely: "Captain Li, you can see that you are a very good soldier. A friend entrusted it to you temporarily."

"Entrust it to me? What do you mean, you are leaving?"

"Yes, I have nothing to hide now. Actually, I am the bodyguard of the president of a large corporate company. Her Little Sister failed to rush to rendezvous with Big sis when the doomsday broke out. I was ordered to find this second Miss. Yes. The woman Li Doulan just talked about has a style very similar to that of my second Miss, so I'm going to the Jinghua Jiayuan Community."

Before Li Xiangdong could speak, Liu Xia said in surprise: "But the Jinghua Jiayuan Community is three to four kilometers away from here. Do you want to keep diving there?"

"Well, some things must be done, at any cost!"

Qin An's tone was very determined, making Liu Xia dazed.

Liu Xia has never experienced such a man in her life.

At first I thought he was a drowning victim, but later I thought he was a wretched uncle who was thinking about his little Loli. Later, he found out that he was like a general who led troops to fight without fear of any difficulties on the battlefield. Later, he showed all kinds of things With all kinds of wisdom and cleverness, now he has played the same color as Zhongnanhai's bodyguard!After all, it turns out that everything he did was to find the second Miss? I don't know what kind of woman she is. Is Qin An doing this at all costs simply because of his loyalty to the employer, or is the second Miss someone who can let him do this?

There are many things in Liu Xia's little head.

Qin An felt that it should not be too late. Since the walkie-talkie hadn't made a sound for two days, there was probably something wrong there.

Just now Li Doulan said that there seemed to be no food in the place where the other party was trapped, but this one was enough to make Qin An worry about it.

Qin An's intention to go was gone, and Li Xiangdong was naturally not good at stopping him, promising that he would help take care of his companion.

Jin Dadao, Wang Yi, Liu Xiaomei, and Bai Yang were a bit reluctant to Qin An. They were reluctant to follow Qin An at the beginning, but they were already in the relationship of comrades-in-arms along the way, and they would naturally not adapt to separation.

Liu Xia and Xu Rantian also had their own thoughts, but even though Zheng Kai showed concern for Qin An on the surface, no one knew how genuine he was. This is not to blame him, after all, he just joined the team.

A mysterious man suddenly appeared in the building, solved the sudden mystery case, and then left in a hurry, said to be for a woman.

After Qin An left, the story was spread madly, and it was martial arts. The end of the world is an era that needs heroes, and people long for heroes to appear or exist around them.

Of course, there are also gloaters who think that Qin An will never come back.

Qin An really didn't despair. Didn't he just maintain the previous mission conditions and survive the last days with the three sisters, and then kill all the zombies in this world? Although it feels a pitfall, since the road is in front of us, no matter how far the goal is, we need to keep going.

Before the storm left the building, Qin An lit a cigarette, and then another one after smoking. He smoked a pack of cigarettes before he stopped, as if he was trying to make up all the cigarettes he hadn't smoked these days.

"It's not good for you to smoke like this."

I don't know when, Liu Xia stood behind Qin An, speaking softly.

Qin An turned his head and glanced at Liu Xia, revealing his brightest smile, and then he opened the window and jumped down.

Liu Xia was stunned for a few seconds, and when she ran to the window to look at it, Qin An was already gone.

Liu Xia is still thinking about that question. This person is simply a monster. How did he manage to stay underwater for so long without using any diving equipment? Moreover, he was really unreasonable, and he would not respond to her concern if he said to leave.

Thinking of Qin An's smile, Liu Xia turned out to be in a trance. Why did he find his smile so comfortable? Why did his smile last for a long time, as if he was so gentle as a déjà vu?

Liu Xia's ignorant and careful thinking is naturally not a love, because although Qin An's impression of her is bizarre, but it is not good enough, she is really curious about this person, Liu Xia said to herself.

Qin An also didn't care about Liu Xia's careful thoughts. Before he found Weng Die, he would not care about any emotional entanglements between men and women. At least he didn't have that thought for now.

Sneaking all the way from the bottom of the water into the Jinghua Jiayuan community, there were not too many waves in the middle.

This is a small high-rise residential area. The shortest unit building has 15 floors, and the tallest one has 22 floors.

The two and a half floors below all the buildings are basically submerged. There are not many zombies in the water here, but there are many survivors on the upper floors of the unit, but now most of them are facing a food crisis, and cannibalism has occurred.

This is not illusory. It is a very real problem. If you don't eat the same kind, you can only die! As long as one person dares to take the first step, intelligent human beings will follow suit and give up all conscience.

In the early stage of the last days, Qin An could not accept the phenomenon of cannibalism at all, but after seeing more and experiencing more, he became indifferent and even cold.

At this time, he didn’t want to worry about others. He searched one building after another. After three hours, he finally found in the bathroom on the seventh floor of the second unit of the thirteenth building and found the thing that made him work so hard to find. woman.

When Qin An saw her state with a perspective eye, Qin An was shocked, completely unable to believe it!

Is this Weng Die? You are so embarrassed?

Qin An was stunned for a while and smiled. This should be Weng Die. No matter what kind of situation she encounters, she can face it firmly and calmly!

Yes, Qin An saw Weng Die's face clearly and saw her expression. He was really calm, but she was too haggard at this time, and is this calmness a disguise? Qin An clearly saw a trace of panic and despair in her eyes.

Leaving the water quickly, Qin An went straight up the stairs to the seventh floor of Unit 2, Building 13, and kicked the door open.

In the room, three men were fighting, the landlord, and a woman was making food. After Qin An rushed in, all four of them were taken aback.

However, they reacted very quickly, quickly picking up the weapon next to them, the woman took a kitchen knife, and the men held wooden sticks of different lengths.

"Why? Looking for food? I think you are looking for death!"

A man yelled fiercely, with an imposing manner.

Qin An was too lazy to talk nonsense with them, went up and kicked him directly.

The so-called flying is really flying, hitting the wall behind, vomiting blood when landing, and fainted.

The other two men were so scared that they backed away again and again. How strong is this? Catch up with the fake action made in filming, can one kick kick people into that way? Is this too fake?

Qin An didn't give them a chance to speak anymore, rushed forward and stretched out his hands to grab the hair of the two people, making them unable to struggle, and then slammed the two heads together, and the two of them fainted directly, half dead.

Qin An didn't let the woman off either, and also rushed to stun.

This can be regarded as a ruthless start. The reason for this is because the miserable situation of Weng Lan in the bathroom at this time is really difficult for Qin An to accept.

After dealing with the four people outside, Qin An walked to the bathroom door.

The decoration of this house is very old. Perhaps the parts of the old house were disassembled and installed in this new building. The head of the household should not live here. Look at the decoration and layout of the room to know that this is mostly a rental house. .

It is precisely because the decoration is relatively old that the bathroom door is a thick wooden door, and the door lock is very strong, which protects Weng Lan from being intruded and also keeps her trapped in prison.

Qin An sighed softly at the door, then knocked on the door, but there was no response from inside.

Qin An hesitated, walked over to pick up a cigarette on the table, lit a cigarette, took off his clothes, then found a towel in the room to dry his body, and found a suitable set of men’s clothes to change, and then came again. Go to the bathroom door and sit directly on the floor with your back against the door.

"Hi, are you Wengdie? I was sent by your Big sis to pick you up."

After about ten seconds of silence, there was finally a sound inside, followed by a weak voice.

"My Big sis? I don't have a Big sis."

"Your Big sis is called Weng Lan, the president of the Emperor Star Group, and she also has a Little Sister called Li Ying, who are twins with her."

"You...who are you? What about the people outside the room?"

Weng Die's voice trembled a little.

"My name is Qin An. Are the three men and one woman in the room? I've knocked them out. If you need them, I can kill them."

In the bathroom, it was silent for a long time, and then weeping came.

Qin An's smoke burned out, and he reignited one, and let the woman inside cry loudly. It didn't seem to be really calm.

"come out?"Qin An asked when the cry was a little lower.

"Do not......"

"Do not?"

Qin An was very entangled. At this time, he really wanted to open the door and go in immediately, but he was afraid of disturbing the nervously fragile woman at this time.

"Have you met Li Doulan?"

After a long time, the crying became quieter, and Weng Lan sobbed for questioning.

As smart as her, how can you not know such little things?

She had only told Li Doulan where she was, so if she took it by herself, naturally she must have seen Li Doulan.

Qin An now misses Bingxue's smart Weng Die. In the future world, Weng Die was so smart in front of her at the beginning, and then she gradually became a good wife. She is very good at covering her up properly. Qin An's smart material, because this can make Qin An feel more feminine, and Qin An naturally knows her careful thoughts completely, so she allows her to play stupid in front of her occasionally.

Thinking of these Qin An finally had a little smile on his face.

"Well, I saw it."

"Did she...do those things?"

"Yes, according to your instructions, I completed the task perfectly and killed the deputy chief."

Qin An feels that talking to smart people is simple and doesn't need to explain too much, just say what you have.

"Where is that soldier?"

"Jumped off a building and committed suicide."

"He... he really jumped off the building, he really shouldn't die, because he is a kind person, so he chose to jump off the building with an uneasy conscience. I killed him, it was originally just my self-entertainment It’s a game of self-joy. I told Li Doulan what to say and what to do to force the soldier’s conscience to a dead end. I took her and did it, and he really died..."

Weng Die's voice was a little flat, so Qin An couldn't hear her emotions.

Turning her head and looking through the others, Weng Die was closing her eyes tightly, crying silently.

Qin An didn't know how to comfort her, and this was her talking inside again.

"I'm already a sinner, is your name Qin An? My Big sis sent you to find me?"


"She asked you to take me back. Is there anything she can't do to take people and take away my heart?"

Qin An knew that Weng Die might not be able to think about it, so he comforted:

"Weng Die, no matter what happens, you are forced to be helpless and can be forgiven. If you are willing to come out, I will give you some stories about the doomsday."

"Huh, how many more stories do you know?"

"I know a lot..."

Qin An opened the door of own memory and began to tell Weng Die the touching and tearful stories of the doomsday.

After listening to a few stories, Weng Die's mood finally seemed to stabilize, and then...she took the initiative to open the bathroom door!

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