"Dressed up like a demon,

The accompany guest swayed around,

Red neon lights,

Shining and blazing, causing me sadness.

Ah~ anyone will understand,

The sorrow of being a dancer.

Secretly flowing shit,

It is also a grinning cough.

Ah~Come, come and dance!

If the footsteps are shaking,

No matter who Yi is,

Jiayi~As a sleep dream..."

Two third-generation fighter planes flew from a distance, and they were loaded with ammunition in the highest state. This time they came out to carry out the task of investigating and destroying the zombie cluster.

There is a secret military base outside Hanghai City, which also suffered a lot when the doomsday broke out. It took a lot of hard work to save the two fighters and the auxiliary ammunition. The flight runway established on the water has just been repaired. Two pilots of the brigade came out to investigate the situation.

"Su Zhan, what song did you play? It's the same as a ghost call."

"Dancing girl, Han Baoyi's version, I like to listen to this song whenever I am upset, and then imagine myself as a dancing girl. You know, Life is always so unsatisfactory. We wear bright and shiny clothes. Actually But it’s for Life, it’s that simple, there is nothing to be afraid of, the big deal is to go dancing!"

"Sao Bao!"

"Haha, Wang Ting, have you seen it? This world has become like this. We can't contact any friendly forces. We can't see a piece of land after flying for a long time. Do you think it's possible for the world to return to its former state?"

"Listen to your dancing girl...hey? Look over there!"

Two drivers talking with communication devices found the zombie lair.

"Let me go, what kind of ghost is this? The zombies are all huddled together, squeezing and stepping on each other and transforming various shapes, looking like a huge alien creature from the sky!"

"Do you want to fuck them?"

"Our main task is to detect."

"But we are equipped with all weapons, and now the zombies are gathered together, don't you have to wait if you don't do them?"

"Okay! Then do it, shit, it's all in this world anyway!"

The two pilots made a decision after some negotiation, the dancing girl's song stopped and began to communicate how to bomb.

Qin An had already reached the little girl's Awakener. He knew that the two planes had flown past, but they were too far apart, and Qin An could not hear the voices of the two pilots.

Qin An didn't react until the hanging bomb left the body and made a powerful impact noise.

"Damn! Don't you consider whether there are survivors below?"

Qin An actually didn't have time to scold his mother, and ran to the end of the building desperately, then flew off and jumped off.

Several zombies appeared and bit Qin An a few bites, but Qin An had already risen to level ten in killing zombies, so even though he was bitten, his blood bar had dropped, and there was not much risk.

He didn't care about that much, he jumped directly into the water and swam quickly. There was a subway station nearby. Qin An quickly sneaked into the subway station entrance and felt that there was an overwhelming vibration, and a piece of ammunition had been concentrated where the little girl Awakened In the building, the little girl Awakener was directly blown to pieces, and nearby zombies were blown away.With the protection of these zombies, buildings, and the water surface, the subway tunnel under the water just vibrated violently. The water ripples inside it fluctuated rapidly, and the pushing Qin An shook around, but was not injured.

Qin An didn't dare to get lucky. He was really afraid that the subway would collapse, so he continued to swim in the water and stayed away from the explosion area.

The two pilots were a little crazy, maybe they were under great pressure recently. They emptied all the ammunition and wiped out most of the zombies gathered around the zombie lair.

Fortunately, these zombies have not been transformed into troll zombies, it seems that there is no nuclear warhead involved.

After lighting up the ammunition, the two pilots left the plane excitedly and commended each other. When they flew at low altitude, Qin An heard the dancing girl singing in Hokkien and scolded his mother in his heart, but he did thank the two pilots if It wasn't that they showed up in time, it was really not easy to kill the little girl Awakened in the corpse group. More importantly, the nearby zombies were wiped out by them seven or eighty-eight, which created a chance for him to lead people to escape here.

In the distance, Liu Xia, Weng Die and others were all dumbfounded.

Originally, Qin An jumped down and was only surrounded by the zombies.

Why did two fighter planes even blow up everything?

Even if Qin An is a god, it is impossible to survive such intensive bombing. How could this be?

Liu Xia suddenly felt a sorrowful emotion lingering in her heart, her eyes reddened and she burst into tears.

Weng Die is going to be a lot more mature, but at this time his face is also pale, as if she can't believe what she has seen.

After a long time, all the people in the room sat on the ground in a decadent manner.

The danger is lifted, but no one is really happy.

If it weren't for Qin An to lead the zombies away, they wouldn't be able to be rescued even if the two planes came. If they couldn't, the plane might even drop bombs as soon as the building was full of zombies.

"Damn! Dage died like that!"

Jin Dadao, a man of temperament, seemed to really have feelings for Qin An. He raised his hand and wiped his eyes a few times, but he didn't know whether he shed tears.

"Nonsense, he is so powerful, how could he die?"

Xu Rantian still stubbornly admires Qin An, thinking that Qin An is an immortal Vajra, but when she says this, there is too much uncertainty in her voice, so it is easy for people to hear that even she does not believe in Qin An. Alive.

Time passed by doing nothing, until someone knocked on the door frantically, and everyone reacted.

Jin Dadao was the first to jump over and open the door. Standing outside the door were Li Xiangdong, Qu Lanshan, Wu Qifan, and Xu Dongpo, the old dean with a swollen nose.

"Great, you are still alive! You are still alive! Great, everyone is dead, it's great that you are still alive!"

Li Xiangdong was a little incoherent, he entered the room and took a round look, and found that Qin An was not there, his face became very bad again.

"Where is Qin An?"

"Our boss went out, it was he who led away the zombies!"

"It's him? No wonder, all the zombies in the building ran away, and none of them were left! It's a pity that our people were all dead. I looked around upstairs and downstairs, and now we are the only survivors! My soldiers Brothers, they are all sacrificed too!"

Li Xiangdong shed tears from the man. In order to protect Qu Shanshan, he did not go to be with his brothers at the critical moment. Instead, he found a room to hide. Because the escape was timely, because the door was strong enough, and because of good luck, he didn’t. Eaten or bitten to death by zombies, and survived. He will no longer be able to say that he is a soldier with pride, because he deserted for a woman at a critical moment.

This is a hurdle set in his heart. In fact, even if he does not escape, he will definitely die. However, the loss of a soldier's integrity is tantamount to losing half of his life.

These people gathered together and began to feel melancholy. The zombies crossing the border really seemed like a flood. They passed through most of the rooms, smashing everything in the room, and the food storage place was even worse. The walls were all collapsed. The food Most of them were squeezed into the water by the zombies along the collapsed walls, so now there is not much food in the building.

This is a real desperation.

Jin Dadao, Bai Yang, Wang Yi, Liu Xiaomei, Zheng Kai, Liu Xia, Xu Rantian, Weng Die, Li Xiangdong, Wu Qifan, Qu Lanshan, Xu Dongpo.

There are hundreds of people in a building, but now there are only so many left.

And the building that looked rather cozy was already dilapidated. Everyone left the room, and then went up to the roof to sit around, watching the gunpowder smoke everywhere, all at a loss, not knowing what to do next.

Without the mainstay, this human heart will naturally dissipate.

Wu Qifan finally opened his heart completely. He no longer wanted to be pissed off by Xu Dongpo. Before, he took this old guy and hid in the cabinet and escaped. Now that everyone is not dead, he must be cleaned up. This is the last wish before dying.

One can imagine how sad Xu Dongpo's life is. This man is already in his sixties, and his body is actually very tough, but Wu Qifan is only in his forties, and his physical strength naturally has an advantage when he is young.

There used to be a very interesting saying, called Doudou if it's all right.

Now Xu Dongpo is Wu Qifan's peas. Wu Qifan kicked him in a bad mood and slapped him in the past when he was happy. It was really blissful. Wu Qifan finally found fun at the desperate moment of his life.

No one cares about their affairs at all. Who made Xu Dongpo get someone’s wife? It was a very nasty thing for the master to get his apprentice wife. Therefore, the old man Xu Dongpo completely lost the dignity of the dean. People saw him as being abused. A landscape.

Jin Dadao and Bai Yang officially talked about love.

Of course, their emotions are sad. Least Jin Dadao now really has some feelings for Qin An, which provokes Bai Yang's grief.

"Hey, in fact, if it weren't for Dage, we wouldn't have the present. We might have died in the president's house. My dear, please remember the others."

"Broad knife, I found that you are actually very emotional."

"Big sword?"

"Hate, I mean my husband!"

Bai Yang sprinkled Xiaojiao, and then it was very simple.

What's not so easy? All fell into this kind of field. She didn't know when she would die, or if she had a future.

She is no longer a high-level intellectual. She is not wearing as much as a beggar now. There is no underwear in her body, and she is unspeakably sloppy.

What she owns is the man next to her, so why doesn't she just take it?

"Hey, I feel so comfortable with what my husband called."

"Smelly... Hey, husband, if we can survive, shall we really get married, okay?"

"Well, of course it's good, but baby, whether you are married or not, you are my favorite piece of pig meat!"


Bai Yang looked very angry, but her heart was happy.

Qu Lanshan's face was a little pale at this time, and she was still in shock.

Li Xiangdong was sitting next to her, in a trance.

"Hey, thank you."

Qu Lanshan wasn't so arrogant at this time. She knew she wouldn't be able to live without Li Xiangdong. Although she hated this stinky man, it is better to have such a man by her side nowadays than nothing.

"Thanks, daddy? Daddy was a deserter for a woman of you. You still want to thank daddy, how far and how far away, daddy won't want to see you again in the future."


Qu Lanshan almost didn't choke to death.

This damn stinky man, he still insulted her before, now let her go? She had never been treated this way in her life.

But now Qu Lanshan is really helpless, she has no right to speak, Li Xiangdong can kill her eight times with one hand.

Hey, bear with it, and find a way to revenge later! If there is a future.

Qu Lanshan didn't have much energy to care about with Li Xiangdong because of concerns about the current situation.

Liu Xia, Weng Die, and Xu Rantian are all full of thoughts, and they don't take care of them.

It would be an exaggeration to say that these three people already had Qin An's position in their hearts at this time, but they were indeed thinking about Qin An, thinking about the stories that happened with him in the past few days, it was really like a dream.If Qin An is dead, they will be very sad, right? Weng Die might be a little bit more sad, after all, she and Qin An already have skin-to-skin relationship.

The day passed quickly, and there was not much food in the whole building. At night, everyone shared the last bit. By the next day, there was nothing to eat. The sun slowly passed over the head, and night came again. All People haven't eaten anything for a day, and Qin An has never come back.

People's hearts become a little impetuous. Fortunately, the survivors here are not considered to be very evil people, so nothing too outrageous has happened, but people are indeed hungry, hungry and even unable to sleep.

This is a lost night, and no one knows whether he can still see the sun tomorrow.

When everything can't be controlled, people don't care, self-exile, and fall, some people embrace and kiss, some cry in a low voice, some look into the distance, and some are filled with inexplicable thoughts.

At this moment, a siren suddenly resounded across the fields, attracting everyone's attention.

Everyone got up and ran to the wall and looked down, only to see a small boat appearing under the building.

In fact, this ship is not small at all, it looks like a destroyer, but it is almost half the laughter than a real destroyer. What kind of ship is this, and who got this ship?

"Hey, won't you come down? Weng Die said you, this head is down too much, don't fall down for a while!"


This shout is so strong and powerful, it turned out to be Qin An? He's not dead?

People's hearts are all excited, especially a few women!

In the hearts of Liu Xia, Weng Die, and Xu Rantian, Qin An’s disappearance made them worried, worried, sad, and all in all.

But emotions are just emotions, they don't think there is anything.

However, when they learned that the man on the ship turned out to be Qin An, their various emotions erupted, like a volcano that was uncontrollable!

Even they themselves can't figure out why this is happening.

A group of people ran down in a hurry, and when they reached the fourth floor, Qin An had already put a huge sail on the window so that people could slide down from there.

Xu Rantian moved faster than anyone else. He stepped on the window frame and flew down, and finally slipped into Qin An's arms.

"Sir, are you okay?"

Xu Rantian was so nervous for the first time in her life, she didn't know how to call Qin An, so she called him husband. After that, she felt dirty and boring, so her face was gorgeous and red, and her heart was pounding wildly.

"Haha, it's okay, I should have come back a long time ago, but thinking that I need transportation to leave here, so I took advantage of the scarcity of zombies and walked around. I was lucky. I encountered a fishery ship, this ship. The draft can barely walk here. It’s okay to drive slowly. It’s really not possible to drive faster, haha! Hurry up, come up one by one, and daddy will take you home!"

Qin An's mood is really good. How could he be unhappy if he survived a catastrophe and was about to escape.

"Uncle, you...how did you escape? I obviously saw all the explosions over there! You just fell down and then exploded. I thought you would definitely die. Uuuuu... ..."

Liu Xia actually didn't know why she was crying, maybe it was because Qin An came back and she was saved, a feeling, a kind of excitement? Or what? Don't know, unclear emotions.

Weng Die took the initiative to hold Qin An's arm when she slid down.

"This time, please be a male pig's foot, and tell us in a moment how you escaped from birth! Also, are you really a monkey? You can jump on such a high zombie pole. I really want to know the story behind your ability to do this. Oh, by the way, don’t worry about this, let’s listen to how you escaped."

Weng Die looked calm, but there were tears in the corner of her eyes, and she couldn't understand why she was so excited in front of this rather strange man.

People got on the boat one by one, everyone greeted Qin An, and even the old dean with a swollen nose and swollen face had a smile on his face. In his opinion, if this man is back, maybe he doesn't need to be persecuted by Wu Qifan. , As long as he finds a way to establish a relationship with this man. Jin Dadao was the most enthusiastic, and after holding Qin An for several times, Qin An got goose bumps and almost kicked him off the boat.

Now that there are too many people, it is natural that Qin An does not need to worry about sailing the ship, but these people need to be trained for posts. Li Xiangdong once went to the navy for exchange internships, so he knows this fishery administration ship that can carry weapons very well, so he takes the initiative. After replacing Qin An as the driver, he looked a little silent at this moment. When he was leaving, he bowed deeply to the building and saluted the army.

No one has died in life since ancient times, but Sangzi is in the sky!

His brothers from the north and south have left their bodies here forever, unable to return to their respective hometowns. They are all young men in their early twenties. Li Xiangdong is full of guilt.

In any case, this seems to be a happy ending, and this ending is actually just the beginning of another story.

There is no end to the end of the world, and the story naturally needs to continue. Qin An takes everyone to set sail, and the goal is the tallest building in the city, the Emperor Star Building!

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