Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1788 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

#1788 single dog can not afford to hurt (1)

"Oh dear Rhine, how can you give your arms to a drunkard, this is impossible!"

Paul saw Rhein curled up in Qin An's arms, and he was already going crazy with jealousy.

Corey and Tello, who were at the same table with Qin An, opened their mouths in shock, and the other people in the tavern naturally did the same.

Qin An was also shocked at this time, actually it is not that Rhein's body makes him intolerable, but because the memory in his heart at this time makes Qin An unacceptable.

This is another story. Qin An entered the Skull Buddha copy five years ago, and many changes have taken place in the world since then.

Kaitian City has become the Heavenly Emperor Kingdom, but this empire does not exist independently. The East China Sea Xia Ke Island is the imperial capital, and the East China Sea Qin Kingdom is the center of the Mozu Eastern Empire Alliance has been formed. Another Qin An has become the king, and Kaitian City has to obey orders. For him, because in the war two years ago, Kaitian City had been defeated and became an empire of Ya and others, which meant that they were just slaves in front of the Qin Kingdom in the East China Sea.

Against this background of the story, what shocked Qin An was that he entered the Skeleton Buddha dungeon five years ago, but actually only lived in the dungeon for five days before returning. After knowing that Yaozi was trapped in the East China Sea Knight Island, he went there to rescue the Yaozi, but was defeated by Qin Er'an and almost killed.

After luckily escaped to Archimedes, he began to live in seclusion, because he was badly damaged in the battle with Qin Er'an. He lost all his abilities and became an ordinary player. He was not strong at all, so he was devastated and decadent since then. Unbearable.

After the defeat of Kaitian City, Kaitian City’s principal, Ci An, announced his surrender to Qin Er’an. The condition was that Qin Er’an would let Qin’an, who lived in the Protoss’ area Archimi, be let go. In the eyes of people, Qin’an had become a waste material and would never be the same again. That high-spirited man, so living in seclusion here may be the best choice.

Qin Er'an originally wanted to kill Qin An, but after sending someone to monitor him for a while, he also lost interest, because Qin An was so useless, that Qin Er'an didn't even want to kill him.

In this way, surviving in Archimi, Qin An lived every day begging for food, drinking, and sleeping.

In the beginning, Ci'an or Jingyi would occasionally come over to see him, but later they were disappointed in him and just sent someone to send money.

At the beginning, the people sent over could still send the money to Qin An, but later they left all the money for their own use, and no one would care about Qin An!

Qin An seems to have completely withdrawn from the stage of history, just circling around the tavern in this small corner of the city day and night, here is all he has!

And these people in the tavern, as well as Rein Qin'an sitting in his arms, are all familiar, after all, he has been here for five years!

That's not right!

Has he been trapped in the Skeleton Buddha copy for the past five years? Why is there a third Qin An who appeared here instead of him, and ended up making his life so miserable that his grandmother would not kiss his uncle or his uncle?

It seems that Qin An’s other women have also entered the game world, and those women hate Qin An’s decadence. They have tried several times to cheer up Qin An, but the end is that Qin An hurt everyone’s heart. It seems that they are now Qiu Jinse also came to see him every month, but only to take a look.

How did that happen? Damn it, what is it for?

"Duel! I want to fight him, so I dare to hold my girl!"

Paul rushed over angrily, seeming to want to beat Qin An.

Corey, Tello hurried forward and hugged his body.

"Dear Mr. Paul, please be sure to polish your clear eyes. You should be able to see that it was our beautiful girl who took the initiative to embrace Ann. You can't blame Ann for this!"

"Yeah, Mr. Paul. We just came to Ajit, we finally have enough gold coins to have good memories with her, and we are here to spend money too!"

Corey and Tello are friends of Qin An. They beg for food together on weekdays. The reason why I came to this tavern today was to spend all the money to take the dancer Ajit out, but I didn't expect it to be out of the question.

The two of them were quite loyal, and they came to stop him when they saw that Paul was about to fight Qin An.

Paul is a combat player, one punch is estimated to be able to beat Qin An's blood. Although this is in the city, the army that opened the Heavenly Emperor has declared war, so the city is no longer in a safe zone. They are really scared. Qin An was killed directly by Paul.

Qin An stared blankly at everything in front of him, and finally set his gaze on Lacey's face in his arms again.

At this time, Lacey put on light makeup, looking charming and charming.

He also knew very well in the memory of Rein Qin'an.

She is an earthling. She entered the game world for the third year. Soon after she opened the hidden career of winemaker, she opened this tavern here. At least no one in the neighborhood didn't know her, because she was really a charming woman.

With such clear thinking, Qin An felt painful, because his other memory was also very clear.

He entered the Skeleton Buddha dungeon and was trapped at the beginning of another apocalypse, reunited with Weng Lan, Liu Xia and others, spent five years with them, and then killed many zombies.

How could Qin An not be dizzy when two separate memories merged into his mind?

It seems that everything should be related to the Rhine in his arms.

Didn't she say that she is a system super NPC? So why should she treat herself this way?

"No, I must kill him!"

The more that Paul was blocked, the more arrogant he became.

Qin An was still interested in wasting time here with him, suddenly stood up and ran out of the tavern directly with Rhein in his arms.

Behind him, the people in the tavern were all dumbfounded. What's the situation? The poor drunkard Ann actually snatched the tavern proprietress Rhein away?

"Hurry up, that drunkard is crazy!"

I don't know who yelled, and people immediately awakened and chased them out. They could look at the streets where people came and went, and where there were traces of Ann and Rhein.


Here is the roof of a building, Qin An ran fast, and ran up straight with Rhine's foot on the wall.

When Rhein got out of Qin An's embrace, she looked at Qin An with shock with her big beautiful eyes.

"Why, when do you want to see me?"

Qin An's tone was poor, because he was really annoyed now.

"How can this be? How can you be so powerful? You can run up directly from below?"


Daddy could directly teleport it up before, but now I don’t know what happened. The teleportation ability can't be used. Fortunately, the physical skill ability is still at the main god level, so even if the ability Qin An's Movement Technique is not used, it is still extremely powerful.

"Why can't I run up?"

"But you were conspired by him in the duel with Qin Er'an, and you hit a spell card, and all your abilities have been sealed!"

"Daddy has been in the Skeleton Buddha Cave Dungeon for the past five years. When did he fight with Qin Er'an? What the hell are you doing?"

After Qin An said these words, Lai's face turned pale.

"How could this happen? What happened in the Skeleton Buddha Cave that you still took? This is completely impossible! I have deleted this paragraph, why do you still remember?"

Qin An is now more certain. It seems that this Rhein is really a super NPC in the system. Maybe she is the game master intelligent system. Otherwise, how could she have such a big authority and let herself have two in the game world? What about the development route? It's a pity that she doesn't seem to have a good combination of her own two lines of memory except for something wrong.

"I don't want to care about other things now, so I just want to ask why you are doing this to me?"

"No, you are the more powerful one of Qin An, so I plan to kill you first! That's why I set up another story route, remove the Skeleton Buddha dungeon route, and let you become an incompetent person and die. The duel between Yu and Paul! You shouldn't remember the events of those five years, could it be...you are so strong that I can't control it, how could this be?"

At the beginning, Rhine said to himself, but later asked Qin An.

Qin An slammed forward, pinching Rin's pretty face with his hands, and then said every word: "I'm asking you, what is going on?"

Lai was panicked first, then her face became calm again. She looked at Qin An and shook her head, then smiled.

"Well, since I can't kill you directly, then take your time! Qin An, the time and space hunters have arrived, let me see what you can do!"

Rhine disappeared immediately after saying these words, and Qin An's heart became empty after the emptiness in his hands.

He felt a sense of powerlessness, as if he could never help this woman.

In the sky, there was a sudden dark cloud, and then there was lightning and thunder. A thick lightning suddenly tore the dim sky and threw it vertically on the top of the building. After a few seconds, it disappeared. There were two people's voices in the original lightning pillar, and they were naked. , A man and a woman, look rare and handsome, and women are beautiful.

Qin An's mind subconsciously reflected Rhein's words, needless to say, is this the so-called time and space hunter?

"So sleepy, I'm still sleeping, but I was sent here, woman, who is the goal this time?"

The beautiful woman ignored the handsome man, stepped forward and glanced at Qin An, and said coldly:

"Universe residents, we are the Universe men from the most developed Galaxy in the Multidimensional Universe. You appear in the same time and space as another fan, which has violated the Universe Supreme Law, so one of you is going to die. Now we have chosen you, then you Just go to death."

"Wait, wait! Since it's a matter of two people, why did you come to kill me and not kill him? Is it also Lacey's ghost?"

"Lacy? I don't know this person. All our actions are controlled by a super intelligent system. The system chose you, so we will kill you."

"Ha ha!"

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