Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1790 Qi Rou's Nature

Depressed because of depression.

Qin Busheng hates the harmonious appearance of men and women in the Qin family. Has the earth's calendar changed, okay? What is the Chinese Valentine's Day for f*ck?

Really speechless!

Therefore, he would rather run outside the city to fight monsters and upgrades by himself.

He doesn’t know how many times he has been to this map. Level 40 monsters are easy to kill. After all, they have been in the game for several years. Even if Qin Busheng is lazy, he has reached level 60 and is a magician. .

Some crazy killings would be blamed, and suddenly a carriage approached from far away from the road, and finally stopped.

Qin Busheng frowned slightly and stopped to look at the carriage.

The curtain was pulled open, and a man jumped down, causing Qin Busheng's face to be directly angry.

"Haha, no birth, why do you see Dad so angry?"

"Chee, you are Qin Er'an, not my father!"

"Hey, your child is so rude, but I don't care about you. I'm going to visit my mother and ladies at Qin's house. Would you like to go back with me?"

"You have to figure it out. Although your strength is very strong now, you can't do it if you want to completely eat my Qin family! Go to see my grandma? Also look at my mothers? What qualifications do you have? Mothers I'm too lazy to talk to you, do you really think you are a green onion?"

Qin Busheng is really bored with this Qin Er'an, because he is not his own grandpa!

At the same time Qin Busheng sighed softly in his heart. In fact, he had met Qin An once and followed Big Brother Qin Potian three years ago. The man who was really his grandfather was kneeling on the street and begging for food.

Big Brother said that Grandpa's spirit seemed to be a little abnormal. He refused to follow everyone back to Kaitian City. He had to beg at Amiki's place, and the family had no choice.

Qin Busheng was a little unacceptable. The legendary father seemed to be very powerful. How could he be defeated by Qin Er'an, and then how could he become a beggar in a state of insanity?

It is said that the two Qin Ans fought a fair duel, but his father lost a spell card. Hey... I can't believe it.

The later story was a bit tangled. Kaitian City fought against the Qin Kingdom in the East China Sea, and the result ended in surrender.

In fact, the Qin family did not give their best, because Qi Rou and other female generals of the Qin family did not participate in the war at all. In the end, it was Qi Rou who asked Tang Yu to surrender. The Qin family did not know why they surrendered before they failed completely. Qi Rou Only one sentence came into the ears of the Qin family:

What should be endured must be endured, and everything is an arrangement of fate.

After surrendering, Qin Er'an dignifiedly came to the Qin family to harass.

Because he is the master, and the people in the territory of the Qin Family Kaitian City have become servants.

As a slave, you can't take the initiative to fight against the master, so the people of the Qin family have always endured this Qin Er'an.

He is also quite good at doing things, looks exactly like Qin An, and treats the Qin family's people with politeness and courtesy.

Although the Qin family still didn't like him, they didn't refuse Qin Er'an's visits to the Qin family again and again. Sometimes the mothers were still polite to him, seemingly because he was a fellow Qin'an.

Qin Busheng and the other men in the Qin family were actually upset.

In any case, this Qin Er'an is just a fellow of Qin An, or the grandfather he harmed is so downhearted, how can the mothers be polite to him, it is really a wolves into the room!

Fortunately, they are also polite and polite with Qin Er'an, and they have not acted too much, otherwise the Qin family would have been messed up long ago, and the Qin family men would not tolerate it for a long time. Rather than being punished by the system, they will definitely chase Qin Er'an away. Leave the territory of Kaitiancheng, so that he will never show up again!

Seeing Qin Busheng's evil attitude towards own, Qin An in the future world is very angry.

Humph, his name Qin Er'an was given by the Queen of the Orc Race. The woman has been trapped by him on Xia Ke Island in the East China Sea for five years. He hasn't seen her for two years. He just sent an old lady to take care of her, Qin Er'an. The reason why it was spread out is precisely because of that old lady!Although Qin An of the future world has already killed the old woman, his nickname has now been passed to the Qin family's ears. It is really frustrating to be called out!

Why! Forget it, forbearance!

This Qin An has long understood Qin An's situation in the past world, knowing how huge his family is, and he has many sons!

In the future, the world Qin An will evolve and has lost fertility, so he is actually a little eager to have children and grandchildren. Since that Qin An has been removed, he of course has to replace it. Since the Qin family’s worldview prefers kindness, he can also work hard to suppress his heart. Find a way to be a seemingly kind person.

In fact, he could send someone to kill Archimi's Qin An at any time. The reason why he hadn't done anything was that he wanted to act in front of the Qin family, so that they thought they were good people, at least they could get better.

For this reason, Qin An in the future world has been working hard in the past few years. As the saying goes, it is easy to become better and more difficult. He has indulged himself for thousands of years, and it is so easy to converge.

Seeing that Qin Busheng was still glaring at him, Qin Er'an finally tried to squeeze a smile.

"Haha, naughty, actually said that your father is a green onion! Alright, I heard that Qin’s family will celebrate the Qixi Festival again. This festival has not been celebrated for a long time. The old calendar was abolished in the interstellar age for thousands of years, as I know March After the age, your world shouldn’t have Qixi Festival anymore, so the ladies probably had a lot of brains to figure out this day. I can’t miss it..."

Qin Er'an had stepped back into the carriage while he was talking. His top priority now was to get the Qin family's women, and then the Qin family's men would be able to deal with it.

Seeing Qin Er'an leaving, Qin Busheng immediately made a gesture of dying. After that, he was unhappy. He felt that the mothers were ruthless, and the father was not here. They also did not go to accompany them, but also received other men. It was really incomprehensible!

Because he didn't understand, he felt resentful. Qin Busheng lay on the grass and watched the sky, no longer thinking about killing monsters.

A fragrant wind entered her nose, and a pretty young girl didn't know when she had been standing on top of Qin Busheng's head, covering the young man's eyes looking at the sky.

Qin Busheng frowned slightly. He couldn't see the person's face clearly in the backlight, and from this angle, it seemed that the other person's face had been half-hidden by the majestic ups and downs.

Qin Busheng was stunned for a while, then suddenly stood up and withdrew from a long distance, before being dumbfounded!

The Qin family's women are not ugly, and they can even be regarded as stunning.

Qin Busheng grew up in a circle where yin is prosperous and yang is declining, and he is not sensitive to women. This is also the fundamental reason why he doesn't know how to find a woman as a target.

Then the woman who appeared at this time was too strange, she was so beautiful that Qin Busheng had an indescribable feeling, as if it were an incredibly sweet spring dream.

She looks like she is estimated to be seventeen or eighteen. Qin Busheng is now 1.7 meters tall, a stunning beauty even taller. In fact, she is not fat at all, but she has a lordosis and curled back. I really don't know why some women are slender and easy to hold, but only the chest and buttocks are magnificent.

When Qin Busheng became stupid, the woman had already chuckled softly.

"Hehe, look at your stupidity, come here."

The woman waved to Qin Busheng, with a familiar appearance.

"You...who are you?"

Qin Busheng was not tempted. He was not stupid. This woman was strange and silent. She must be a master, and she had to be careful to take precautions.

"Me? I'm your good Big sis!"

The woman smiled charmingly, Qin Busheng felt that his bones were crisp, and secretly said that this might be the fairy fairy in the legend? It's better to stay away from her.

"Cut, there are many Young Master Big sis, but you are not there. Don't be coquettish with Young Master here, don't eat your one!"

"Yo-yo-yo, kind of a temper! Is it because Qin Er'an is unhappy when he went to the Qin's house? Don't worry, the ladies of the Qin's family can handle it clearly, although he is a fellow of Qin'an, although he is pleased in every way, although The ladies seem to be polite to him, but everything is an illusion! Everyone actually hates him."

"Ah...how do you know so much about our family affairs, who are you?"

"You said it was your good Big sis, but you still asked, it's so stupid! Okay, we should go back too. Now it is safer in the city. Look at this day, it seems that there has been a change again. It is estimated that there will be rain."

The woman reached Qin Busheng's side while she was talking and stretched out her hand to grab his.

Qin Busheng swore that he wanted to refuse, but the woman's attitude was too modest, her movements were too gentle, and the scent on her body was so good.

In the presence of various factors, Qin Busheng finally did not resist, allowing the woman to hold his palm with that slender and soft little hand. Although Qin Busheng was younger than this woman, he was a man after all, so the palm of his hand was bigger than her, which gave Qin Busheng some comfort in his heart.

The two of them walked hand in hand in the direction of Kaitian City. Qin Busheng was absent-minded, guessing the identity of the woman.

Suddenly, a breeze blew, and a faint black smoke filled the surroundings, and finally converged into a woman wearing black clothes.

Seeing that this woman was blocking the way forward, Qin Busheng was a little entangled. What happened today? He actually met some strange people. The one in front of him is also very beautiful, but his eyes are just fine. Like a scorpion snake, just one glance makes people feel scared? Who is she?

Kaitian City is the territory of the Qin family, so the people regard the Qin family as the king, and occasionally they will chant some things in the palace.

In the Qin family, the most mysterious is the Lafayette who is said to be Qi Rou. It is also said that Qi Rou is the mother of the former head of the Qin family.

Nowadays, most of the residents in the city are from Kowloon City, and they know Qin An’s history very well, so they always guess who Qin An’s mother who suddenly appeared is and where he came from!

In fact, this mysterious Lafayette does not have such a strong magnetic field. Qi Rou, who has lived in the Qin family for more than five years, has long been integrated into the human family environment, and she is not an old lady, and the structure of the body is getting closer and closer to the young human beings during evolution. Of women, there are also psychological changes.

To put it simply, Qi Rou's appearance has not changed, but her psychology is growing backwards, getting younger and younger.

For example, what she is wearing today, I don't know which trend made her fall in love with the skirt suspenders.

Therefore, Qi Rou wore a black leather skirt and a white sling dangling in front of Ma Liang's eyes.

Ma Liang is a sad internet writer. He wrote a book and a protagonist in his whole life, and his protagonist is always in trouble. Nian turned out to be a beggar who was a little mentally abnormal and disappointed everyone! When Ma Liang thought of these things, he really wanted to cry without tears.

"Hey, little Big sis, can you stop dangling in front of you?"

Ma Liang, who was sitting in the living room thinking about the plot of the novel, looked up depressed and yelled at Qi Rou.

"Yeah! You have really known me in the past few years, so you dare to yell at me?"

"Cut, everyone outside thinks how profound you are. I have been with you for five years and still don’t understand you? You are just a young woman with no life goal and a dark belly. Why should I be afraid of you! I'm too lazy to be afraid of you!"

Ma Liang really got acquainted with Qi Rou, because in the past five years, the person who had the most contact with Qi Rou was Ma Liang.

Everyone in the Qin family didn't understand why Qi Rou was so interested in Ma Liang and kept him by his side at all times. Could it be said that this legend really wanted to find an earthling father for Qin An? But the problem is that Ma Liang is not very good at show off, and there are even many problems. Well, it came into the eyes of Galeries Lafayette? If Ma Liang could marry Qi Rou, it would really be a good cabbage to let the pig go.

After being despised by Ma Liang as a black-bellied young woman with no goal in Life, Qi Rou pursed her mouth, instead of walking around, she sat on the sofa with her legs raised.

Although this action is very inelegant, Qi Rou has a dual cultivation thigh, so the feeling of putting her legs together is just sexy.

"You are a real person. I went to Archimi for a month. Big sis heard that you came back today and came to see you in a beautiful dress. But you have this attitude. I'm really not afraid that I will send you to the sky. what?"

Qi Rou actually took out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from the ditch in the middle of the bra, lit a cigarette and delivered it to her mouth, looking like a little sister.

"Fuck! I see, have you watched some Young and Dangerous movies on the eve of the end of the world recently?"

"Yeah, I just watched the Raptors crossing the river, the Nine-Dragon Ice Room and so on. They are really beautiful! The men and women inside are very cool!"

"Damn, Big Sister, you don't even know how old you are? You still go after the plot like a young man, I really convinced you!"

"What does it have to do with how old I am? I'm still alive, I always want to live, don't I have to eat fireworks?"

Seeing Qi Rou's pretty appearance with a small cigarette in his mouth, Ma Liang shook his head and sighed, and finally realized that not all beauties can become goddesses, and some will become dicks and girls, and Qi Rou is the best representative!

Ignoring Qi Rou, Ma Liang lowered his head, looking at the white paper in front of him, frowning his eyebrows.

After a long time, he said to himself:

"No! I can't wait for Qin An! Five years, five years of inaction! If it is such a novel, how to write it! Since it is a novel, it should come from Life and be higher than Life. I wrote it based on Qin An. The story for the material, not his personal biography! I want to write the story according to my own idea, and never take Qin An as the blueprint! Damn, now the five-year update is the life of Qin An as a beggar, and all my readers ran away ! It seems that I want to thank Qin Er'an more, he is still active after all! I want to cheer up Qin An in the novel, and then kill Qin Er'an!"

"Hey, are you going to make a fool of yourself?""Why, can't it?"

"Don't be so fierce, people are afraid of you, okay?"

Qi Rou's rare gentleness made Ma Liang stunned for a moment. After that, she ignored the beautiful girl in front of her, and she didn't know what medicine she had taken wrong today. Although it was not reliable before, she would not release it like this in front of her. Temperament!

Ma Liang rushed down and lowered his head, there was a small sigh in his heart.

Hey, how did he and Qi Rou get along? In the early years, he had a crush on this woman, and felt that he could not afford to climb high, and she was indeed a high above.

But I don’t know since when the ambiguous atmosphere they only saw disappeared, until it was like a buddy brother, Qi Rou became more and more unscrupulous in front of him, pulling herself from the position of the goddess in Ma Liang’s heart. Become an out-and-out female dick!

It's really hard to accept! So now Ma Liang rarely mentions Qi Rou even when she is in some novels, and directly turns her into a cocoon. Qi Rou appeared in such high-profile novels in the past, and now it is such that his author can’t accept it, and the readers again Why is it worth it?

Qi Rou took a deep breath, and the expression on her face suddenly changed a little. It could not be said that she was more happy or more angry.


After spitting out two words softly and solemnly, Qi Rou put the cigarette in her mouth again.

"Who's here?" Ma Liang asked without raising his head.

"you guess?"

Looking up at Qi Rou depressed, Ma Liang frowned slightly and thought about her expression:

"Qin Er'an?"

"Hey, you are so smart! But not only is he here, but all who should be here are here!"

"Hey, you pretend to be advanced again, just say, who's here? Otherwise, I'll really take care of you, no one will talk to you and make you boring!"

"Okay, okay! You man is really weird, you don't have any abilities, but you are not afraid of me! You must know that the Qin family would dare to talk to me like this."

"Can you stop talking nonsense?"

Ma Liang's attitude was wicked, Qi Rou's aggrieved mouth rose again, seeming to be sulking for a few seconds before she said:


"What fate?"

Ma Liang didn't understand.

"I mean, our destiny is coming..."

"I'm speechless, I really don't know what medicine you took wrong again. I won't tell you! I won't tell you! I want to concentrate on writing my novel."

As soon as Ma Liang's voice fell, she suddenly realized that Qi Rou had already reached him, and she was leaning half prone on him in a seductive posture.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing? I'm about to start working."

Ma Liang's body trembled a little, Qi Rou's pretty face was almost touching his face, making his heart beat faster.

Qi Rou smiled sweetly:

"Okay, I will accompany you when you work. I like to see the way you write a book, because... you are also my destiny!"

Qi Rou's words are very meaningful, how can Ma Liang understand Dao? At this time there are already 10,000 rabbits running wild in my heart!

Is this Qi Rou confessing to him?

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