Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1803 is going to marry tonight

This is really a fantasy scene. The blue light curtain seems to divide the world into two sides. When it collides with the sky full of power grids, the power grid is directly cut and shattered, disappearing without a trace, but the blue light is full. In the extension, it took a full minute to slowly fade away.

What the hell?

The people nearby were all dumbfounded. It was a power grid attack from a level 70 BOSS. The Romance of the Gods used this trick to kill 200,000 coalition forces in a second. The Bingdou Qi and Mo are both level 70 BOSS. How could it be weak using the same trick? of? Was it cracked by this man with a single sword? Who is he... on earth?

People don't even have the concept of running, and now they have experienced such a weird event, all of them are weak and limp on the ground, and some people are even kneeling and kowtow.


In the sky, there was a sudden sound of heavy metal voices, followed by a dazzling light flashing and expanding, finally forming a mysterious sky light, releasing a more shining milky white light.

With the scorching temperature, this piece of light melted all people's clothes in an instant when it fell, and everyone was naked.

"Ah! Grandpa!"

Yana yelled and threw directly into Qin An's arms.

Qin An has no clothes at this time. How can he accept the old-fashioned thing about the naked breast of his granddaughter?

Seeing Jin Ge by his side, Qin An grabbed Yana by the arm and threw her directly.

"Protect her!"

Jin Ge watched a white body fly over, and hurriedly reached out to catch a tight hug, and found that it was Yana's face that flushed and her heart was excited, without any sense of horror.

Yana is actually an old-fashioned, unwilling to be naked in front of people even in a panic. Grandpa doesn’t want her so she can only lie tightly on Jin Ge, covering the key parts of her predecessor, but her face is red. Very charming.

The light was still falling everywhere, and the temperature seemed to get higher and higher.

Qin An struck out with a sword to the sky again, and the blue sword light wall, which was darker than before, lifted into the sky again. The white light wall was instantly cut, and the energy magnetic field disappeared after cracking.

After the light wall disappeared, countless one-meter-long ice cones had fallen from the sky, approaching the ground in the blink of an eye.

Qin An raised his hand and swung out the third sword, sweeping 360 degrees in a circle. The blue blade of the sword was scattered and the light wall was scattered and changed again. Blue flames burned on it. These flames were harmless to people, but the ice cone was still five miles away from the ground. When it was more than ten meters away, it melted quickly, and all became water droplets, like heavy rain.

Qin An was also a little frightened at this time, what the hell was this? Using three swords by himself, one sword is more powerful than one, and his strength is growing exponentially, but the problem is that he can't be so powerful? Why is it so?

Suspiciously, a 100-meter figure finally fell from the sky, and it was the Bing Dou Qi Demon deity.

She has the body shape of a human woman, covered with a transparent armor like ice, but her head looks a little weird, like an electric fan, with blades rotating at high speed, which makes her whole body wrapped around her body. Cyclone.

"Bingdou's resentment formation!"

The metallic sound came out of the body of the Bing Dou Qi Mo again, and the area of ​​ten kilometers with Qin An as the center immediately became a vast expanse of white. Everything except the person was frozen, and the person was half-dead.

Qin An's body turned into a stream of light and reached the feet of the Bing Dou Qi Mo, and Zhen E's sword slashed down on her toes very quickly.


The strong energy impact pulse erupted, and Qin An was shocked to fly 100 meters away. After landing, his body was not damaged. After turning over, he saw the clouds and mist in front of him. When he opened the perspective eyes and looked through the clouds and mist, the huge ice monster was also flying. After falling so far, there was a crack in the ice armor on the body, extending from the toes to the top of the head.

Humph, since it can produce a crack, it can be crushed.

Qin An flashed underneath Bing Dou Qi Mo again, this time he shot his sword from the bottom up, the sword went up, and the blue flame blade followed up.

I don’t know how hard it was. Qin An only felt that his arms trembled, and his hands seemed to cramp. He could no longer hold the hilt of the sword. After Zhen Ejian collapsed for 40 meters, he went deep into the ground and descended for a full 10 meters before stopping. Down.

However, the soil under Qin An's feet was impacted by a powerful force, and it collapsed down with Qin An as a circle, turning into a five-meter-diameter pit. Qin An's lower body plunged directly into the soil.

All this was only caused by the reaction force of slashing and slashing the strange monsters of Ice Dou.

After Qin An slashed the sword by Qin An, the Bing Dou Qi Mo directly flew straight up. It took a parabola to change its direction at a height of three hundred meters. After another thirty meters, it fell down vertically. A has been broken and scattered all over the place.

"Zhen E!"Qin An got out of the soil and shouted, Zhen E sword soul awakened, Zhen E sword flew back to Qin An's hands again, Qin An stood in place and swung his sixth sword against the Bing Dou Qi Mo!

This time the blue light wall sword light that flew out was even more rapid, as if it had already escaped the concept of time, I don't know when it was already a wave of light galloping hundreds of miles.

The ice fighting monster was dismembered, and the ground split into a huge deep gorge with a length of hundreds of miles and a depth of ten miles.

"Congratulations to the player Qin An for beating the 70-level BOSS Ice Fighting Monster and gaining the experience Ascension reward. Because the player has its own upgrade system, the Remnant Blood World game system cannot model the player level.

Congratulations to the player for achieving a significant Ascension. Because the player has its own attribute system, the Remnant Blood World cannot model the player's attributes.

An error occurred in the system, and the level and attribute rewards were recovered.

Death drops the super magical ice fighting magic sword, with an attack bonus of 10,000, a blood volume bonus of 20,000, a hit bonus of 1,000, and an accuracy bonus of 1,000. It has been picked up and entered into the package.

The system detected that the Bingdou Qi Mojian had been swallowed by the player's homemade mysterious weapon Zhen Ejian, and the new attributes of Zhen Ejian could not be detected. "

Qin An was shocked by Own Sixth Sword when he heard the system sound resounding in his ears.

what's the situation? The weapon that finally burst out was swallowed by Zhen Ejian? And why the own attribute system has not been monitored?

"Zhen E, what's the matter?"

"I don't know, hey, now I am in a daze every day. The souls of Zhen Hao and Zhen Yan are not awake. Qin An, you should hurry up and find Weng Lan and the others, and see if you can take us My memory was transferred out and merged into the souls of the three sisters Weng Lan. Now that we are like this, there is actually no difference between being dead. I won’t tell you, and I’m dizzy."

Zhen E seemed to be entangled in the voice that rang in Qin An's heart, and Qin An couldn't help this situation.

At this time, the people around were already stupid, some kept kowtowing, some kept begging for mercy, and many more opened their mouths and stared at the corpse of the ice fighting monster on the ground, and the corpse. A connected abyss.

Killed the Bing Dou Qi Mo with only six swords?

How can this be?

I didn't even see the blood bar of the Bing Dou Qi Demon, it can be regarded as a second kill after the armor is broken!

How can the blood of level 70 BOSS be hundreds of millions or even tens of billions, right? How could it be possible to kill with a single sword?

Could it be said that this man is not a player, but an NPC character who is as perverted as a level 70 BOSS? People can only think so, or else they really can't find other reasons.

"God, God, God, God...My name is Spear Anthony, I am willing to want you to be loyal, and I am willing to serve the Lord, I am willing, I am willing!"

The leader of the gathering place kept kowtow, and his words were trembling, and his naked aunt knelt there and looked ridiculous.

Because a lot of monsters died in the vicinity of the battle just now, the equipment exploded, and naturally there were a lot of clothing.

Qin An went to pick it up and let all of them put it on. Yana slapped him by the way when she left Jin Ge's embrace, and said in a very small voice:


Jin Ge didn't understand how he became a pervert? But Grandpa Yana asked him to protect Yana, and he didn't do anything but just hugged her.

Yana turned her head and glanced at Jin Ge, and found that he had a stunned look, covering the place where she was hit by her hand, and staring at herself in a daze.

Yana blushed, and pointed her finger at Jin Ge's lower body. Jin Ge understood, and then smirked without feeling ashamed.

No one knows how big the map of the game world is. Qi Rou took Ma Liang all the way to the south, bypassing the inaccessible central area of ​​the map, but still did not reach the edge in three years.

"Qi Rou, why didn't you fight that boss back then? You are a real fellow!"

Ma Liang would often think of this, so he raised his mouth.

Qi Rou generally ignored him, but responded today.

After gathering the firewood together, Qi Rou waved to ignite it and said: "That little BOSS, I didn't lose to it, but to Law?"

"What rule?"

"Hey, you are as stupid as a pig, and you don't understand if you tell you!"

"Cut, I still don't bother to know!"

Ma Liang and Qi Rou's quarrels are daily routines, which have been the case for almost ten years.

Squatting on the side of the fire and rubbing his hands, Ma Liang looked around and sighed:

"Why it gets colder as you go south? Could it be that the weather system here is the opposite of that outside?"

"Who knows."

"Qi Rou, then why do we have to go all the way south? Don't you go to Qin An, your grandson and great-granddaughter?"

"Don't go now, because I have more important things."

"You always say that, you tell me, what are you doing here?"

"Find someone, find a way!"

"Damn, play deep, what do you mean?"

"Find a road where everything can end, find someone who can walk on this road!"

"Hey, I'm getting more and more confused. Isn't the way to end all of this the Universe God Stone? Now everyone believes that as long as you get the Universe God Stone, you can become the God of the Universe. But now even the level 70 BOSS can't attack it, I guess. This will never end, and we will die here if we don’t."

"That's not necessarily true. In fact, I don't believe in any Universe God Stone at all."

"Huh? Don't you believe it, you brought the Qin family into the game world with you?"

"I am not here for the Universe Divine Stone!"


"I said, find someone, find a way!"

"Fuck your sister!"

"Huh? Fuck sister? Swearing?"

"Ahhhh, Big Sister, don't pinch my ears."

"Go! Go and write a novel!"

Once the force was used, Ma Liang was helpless and had to surrender obediently.

Qi Rou was very satisfied that she once again killed the arrogant Ma Liang.

At this moment, the snow of goodbye was floating in the sky, Qi Rou was like a little ignorant girl, spraying and dancing among the snowflakes, and the beaming appearance made the heavy snow flying more ethereal and more psychedelic.

Ma Liang sat on a rock, holding a writing board, conceiving the own plot, occasionally looking up at the running girl, his heart gradually calmed down.

It has been ten years, and he has been tied up with Qi Rou. I don't know how many more years there will be?

The Chaos Canyon on the East China Sea is the outer map of the Qin Kingdom in the East China Sea.

This is also the most densely populated place in the northeast corner of the gaming world in recent years.

The cliffs on both sides are towering into the clouds, and in the middle is a narrow space with a width of ten miles and a length of one hundred kilometers. Originally because the cliffs on both sides should be very dim here, but there are many colorful and shiny stones on the cliffs, so the canyon becomes a little dreamy and colorful. .

In just one night, the residents in the entire canyon were all messed up, and news came from the Xingyuan Ruins that the 70-level BOSS Ice Dou Qi was killed by a mysterious man with six swords!

Is this a joke? how can that be possible?

So all races in the canyon sent out spies and saw the body of the ice fighting monster and the deep ditch.

According to eyewitnesses, every time the mysterious man swings his sword, a blue light wall that cuts off the sky appears, and everything that collides with it will be shredded with unimaginable power.

After some investigation, when people know that all of this is true, they are naturally frightened, more fearful than encountering a level 70 BOSS.Qin An and the four had entered the chaotic gorge leisurely, and none of them were calm.

Jin Ge is because of Yana, Yana is because of Jin Ge, Roland is because of Qin An's strength, and Qin An is because of his unstable state.

He unexpectedly lost the ability to lead people to teleport. Originally, a few hundred kilometers teleportation passed by and reached the sea, but now he can only go there on foot. I really don't understand.

"Really don't understand?"

In fact, Roland did not know how many times he had asked this sentence.

Qin An shook his head depressed.

"That's weird. You have gone through a few time and space, and now you have such a powerful ability here. You also said that your own destiny is controlled by a mysterious woman. How powerful is that mysterious woman?"

"She doesn't seem to be very good."

"What's the meaning?"

"It means she can only control myself."


Roland frowned, feeling that Qin An was talking nonsense.

"Okay, let's hurry. Although it was said that it was seven days before, the sooner you get there, the better."

Qin An's idea is really simple, just to meet Tang Yu, so many years of entanglement and entanglement, if you don't see him, you will regret it.

Roland's expression became a little lonely. This Qin An is really incomprehensible. If this is the case, she will cause him some trouble?

Thinking of this, Roland suddenly stopped Qin An’s arm and pointed to the front: “Look, how beautiful is this place? The shining stones on both sides have been connected to the sky, like colorful stars! There are so many races here. There is a shortage of resources in the outside world, so many people have come to the game world, especially those who are weak. They think they can become stronger in this place, after all, they can be upgraded! Hey, look at it, the houses over there are really peculiar, they are all round buildings hanging on trees... Oh I see, they are Umar snake people of the star of the sword spirit, they will twist their bodies when they sleep ...Qin An, I like this place, aren't you responsible for finding a man for me? One day, I want you to find a man here to marry me."

Qin An kept walking forward, actually admiring the surrounding houses and buildings. It was really a great fusion of ethnic groups. There were all races, so the houses scattered everywhere were really peculiar. Suddenly, when Roland said this, Qin An almost staggered and fell. Looked in surprise, and then said depressed: "You want to marry here?"

"Yes! Qin An, I don’t plan to follow you anymore. I have nothing to worry about now. I am lonely and can be my home anywhere. I am just an ordinary woman. The only ability I have is to become a butterfly and fly around. I The parasitic beast in the body has not been upgraded in recent years. I am only suitable for being an ordinary woman. Your destiny is too tortuous. I can't afford to hurt me with you, so... just here, just today, find someone to treat me Marry. Realize your promise to me, and from then on, you and I don’t have to worry about you anymore. I live with the own man, sleep with him, give birth to him, and if I want to die in this game world in the future, then It's been a lifetime. My heart is not too young anymore, you know, I can't wait, and I don't want to wait for a dream when I was young..."

Qin An was very entangled, but he had asked Roland if he must marry her, and she said not to marry herself. Why does this tone sound wrong now?

"Well then, let's walk slowly here, looking for someone."

"It's not looking for someone, but you must marry me out today. If you don't find it before midnight, then I will find someone to marry, and you don't need to worry about it."

Roland spoke with a strong tone, strode forward, and walked far away in a short while.

"Grandpa, you are stupid."

Yana came to Qin An's side.


"Well, don't you understand Roland's heart?"

"But I asked her if she must marry me."

"Grandpa, if you ask me that, I must hate you to death. Why? Have mercy on me? Think I can't get married? So I can only marry you?"

"I didn't mean it..."

What do you mean by this sentence?


Qin An thought for a long time, then blushed, which seemed to be what he meant. You Roland hasn't married for so long, if you really can't add it, then I will marry you... Now that I want to say what I said, can I find any other comments? Hey, really annoyed.

"And you always mentioned that you were going to grab Tang Yu's grandma in front of Roland. You must know that Tang Yu didn't marry you either."

"It's not the same."

"It's not the same. You and Roland met earlier. It's just that she is your teacher and you are her student. Speaking of which, I have also compared Roland. Among all the women I have met, the looks and temperament are those of Weng Lan. Grandma is the most similar. On the other hand, the reason why you and Grandma Weng Lan fell in love and married, is it really because of some affection for the teacher when you were in school?"

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