Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1807 The chaotic novel is even more chaotic

Qin An didn't want to think about why he could become the sea water. Anyway, his abilities are sometimes and absent, as long as they can work at critical moments.

Embracing Yu Qingcheng in the sea, Qin An lowered his head and smiled at her.

"I am not your Er'an, but Qin An's deity! Cang Hai, since I have my flesh and blood, I should take her to grow up. Haiyue hasn't been by your side for three years, but you don't look for her. You say , Should I spank you?"

Qin An was actually a little ashamed when he said this. He hasn't been in the dangerous city for more than a year to pursue comfort. Although he has also searched nearby, he hasn't gone too far.

In fact, this is really not to blame Qin An, Qin An is afraid in his heart, he is afraid that even if he does find his family, he will suddenly send away.

He seemed to be traveling in time and space, unable to control his own trajectory at all.

"Are you Qin An? How could...Woo!"

Qin An kissed Yu Qingcheng's mouth and refused to let her speak, mainly because he hated her for thinking of herself as Er'an.

So just in the sea, with a human attitude, the two of them are lingering again.

This time, the feeling of Canghai is even more special. Her body has evolved very close to humans over the years, so for the first time as a woman, she finally has a deeper experience and a clearer understanding of the relationship between men and women.

So it's like this?

Canghai has some shyness, and this kind of thinking has never been experienced. The vastness of the sea can make her fearless, but as a human woman, her careful thinking will be random and elegant, and finally realized the true meaning of being a human woman.


Qin An rented a large courtyard, spent a sword Spirit Stones, and could live in it for a month.

Sword Spirit Stones are also very valuable in the game world, can be used to forge weapons and equipment, and can also be used as a high-level currency worldwide.

Qin An didn't come back all night last night. Roland was a little worried. After getting up and buying some food nearby, he didn't have any appetite.

The relationship between Yana and Jin Ge has undergone subtle changes.

Jin Ge has learnt well. Instead of always showing anxious roar, he started to treat Yana very carefully. She took water when she was thirsty, and cooked rice when she was hungry, so the two of them ate the small stove, Roland. Looking at a table of food alone, not only did I have no appetite, but also felt a little bored.

At this moment, Master Qin An came back and brought back a beautiful and charming lady.

"Canghai...Jade Qingcheng?"

"you know me?"

"Well, I used to open a tavern in Hanghai, which also sells wine. I supply part of the Qin family's drinks."

"Oh, I remember, you are the proprietress of Violet Tavern!"

The two women greeted them very kindly. Qin An had already begun to sit there eating, and Yu Qingcheng even sat next to Qin An and started eating. Roland was confused.

"nailed it?"

Feeling that there is no need to avoid taboos, Roland asked directly.

"Who knows, this woman is also weird. We chatted all night yesterday and chatted for a while in the morning. She became such a good baby. Maybe it's because of my strong language skills. You know, I'm ethical. Convincing!"

Roland rolled his eyes, the ghost believed it! Dumas!

The atmosphere of breakfast slowly became harmonious, but in fact it was already more than eleven o'clock in the morning.

Yana and Jin Ge came to the courtyard. Yana was surprised to see Yu Qingcheng and rushed to call grandma.

Yu Qingcheng didn't have much friendship with the children before, and it was cool to be with them before, but now it has changed.

Qin An is like a good medicine, giving her the heart of a human woman, is this a kind of mental energy resonance, or maybe it is a reaction of the body after the weekend?

No matter what, Yu Qingcheng has changed..."Yana? My boy, are you here? Are you okay? I haven't seen you for more than three years, but it hurts you! Uuuuuu!"

Damn it!

Roland opened his mouth wide, Qin An almost choked with a bite of the steamed bun, but Yana's eyes widened, thinking in her heart is this woman the sea of ​​jade? Is it so tender and water-sensitive and emotionally intelligent? Really f*ck is hell!

Although extremely surprised, but the sea is so tender, how could Yana keep being petrified?

After chatting with Canghai a few words, tears began to flow.

Her parents are Qin Qicai and Katerina. Qin Qicai has been dead for many years. Katerina went to Tibet 11 years ago to find her own happiness. Yana can be regarded as a child without a father or a mother, wandering outside for a long time. When I saw my relatives in the past, I naturally had some insights.

Everyone chatted with each other in the yard, and the atmosphere was actually very harmonious. Only that Jin Ge was at a loss and wanted to follow Yana to call Grandma Canghai, but found that this chick was too young and looked tenderer than Yana.

I didn't know how many times the word "Milk" was put on my lips, but I didn't call it out in the end, and it made my face flushed.

After a long time, Qin An began to discuss with everyone what to do next.

"The demon, the ancestor of Demonic Beasts, had a relationship with me, so I can't see her trapped on Cuiyu Island. Before Tang Yu gets married, I plan to rescue the demon."

"But now the method of trapping the demon is too powerful, it seems that the cursed beast is doing a ghost. The cursed beast itself is a ninety-level BOSS, and he can't leave his map now, but he can use his soul to wander around, knowing why Donghai Qin Can the country be safe and sound for three years? It's because Qin Er'an is actually the spokesperson of the curse beast."

"Well, I thought about it, but I have to try it anyway."

"By the way, Qin An, why are you so strong now? Actually, if you really want to fight, I don't think the curse beast or even the first main god is necessarily your opponent. Of course, I don't know how strong they are." Cang Hai Yu Qingcheng frowned and spoke softly, as Qin Yana hiccuped as she watched.

"I don't know, my world is chaotic right now. I will tell you when I look back. All I have to do now is to find the demon!"

"When do you do it?"

"It's better to hit the sun than to choose a day, just today!"

Qin An drank the soy milk in his hand, feeling that the taste seemed to be good.


Inside the palace of King Qin, Qin Er'an looked solemn.

Bing Dou Qi Mo was beheaded by six swords, and Suya, a powerful general under his hand, was killed with his mind. The waves of the sea surrounding the sky last night, strange things were happening, which made him feel bad. Premonition.

"Don't be afraid, it's just that person who is here. Now he is very difficult to deal with. I don't understand the specific reason, but I have calculated that there is a very powerful guy who will come to the Knight Island to look for him, so he can't get it off. What storms are coming."

No one else appeared in the room, but the sound of the cursed beast could be transmitted to Qin Er'an No. 2 Middle School. This was exactly where the cursed beast's spirit had arrived.

"Powerful guy? Master, who is he?"

"I'm not sure, but he is as powerful as me and the demon, and should be one of the seven beasts! It is not easy for me to trap the demon, you must be careful, if you let the demon escape, Xia Ke Island will be destroyed! Don't think that! If I can trap the demon child, the demon child is weaker, she is one of the seven beasts! And the ancestor of the seven beasts is the most primitive power that constitutes everything in the world of sword spirits, and she can make your island of knights become nothing in a single thought! The rules of the game system cannot really restrict her!"

"It's the master! I must be careful!"

Qin Er'an respected the cursed beast Lingnian very much, because he knew how powerful the cursed beast was.

But, who among the seven beasts will come?

Because he was with the curse beast, Qin Er'an had some understanding of the seven beasts.

The ancestor of Magical Beasts, the ancestor of Demonic Beasts, the ancestor of divine beasts, the ancestor of ancient beasts, the ancestor of flame beasts, the ancestor of cursed beasts and the ancestor of magical beasts.

The cursed beast said that it sensed that the ancestor of Magical Beasts had been reborn but did not know where to go. The ancestor of Demonic Beasts was the demon trapped in the East China Sea Knight Island. The ancestor of the beasts had also been resurrected in the nest of the undead in the north. The ancestor of the ancient beasts seemed to be the first The main god has been tied together. The ancestor of the flame beast was originally closely related to the second sword god, but after the death of the second sword god, it disappeared; there is also the ancestor of the magic beast, even in the sword spirit. The ancestors of the magic beasts on the stars have almost never appeared. Only when the seven beasts were just born did they know that there was indeed an ancestor of the magic beasts.

Qin Er'an was a little tangled, he really cultivated his character these years.

The former Qin Er'an could be regarded as correcting evil, he changed for Tang Yu's sake, so he was able to exchange Tang Yu's determination to marry him.

In the past ten years, everyone has been changing. If Tang Yu is truly unselfish in feelings, then she is not a person of flesh and blood, and the same is true of Qin Er'an.


Qin An left Yu Qingcheng. After all, Roland and Yana both need protection. Although Jin Ge is good at strength, it is useless to meet a master.

There was some distance from the place where he lived to the place where the demon was imprisoned, and Qin An was not in a hurry, and just strolled on the street.

The streets here look like an ancient market. The houses around are not regular, and the small winding streets are full of businessmen calling for buyers and sellers, but it is very prosperous.

Qin An does not deny that he is talented, so as a fellow, it is normal for Qin Er'an to have such a prosperous Qin Kingdom in the East China Sea.

When he reached a place similar to a food court, Qin An stopped because he saw a woman.

After hesitating for a while, Qin An walked over and sat opposite her, speechless for a long time.

"Here, do you want something to eat?"

The woman was eating a roast chicken. She had a peerless appearance, but now she is eating very unsightly.

"Just eaten...what should I call you?"

"Call me Xiaolan."


Qin An frowned slightly and looked at the woman's eating. After a long time, he shook his head and sighed softly.

This woman's appearance is exactly the same as Qin Jiusi's mother, the Xiangyingjian Shenyan Liuxiang.

Qin An knew that Yan Liuxiang's deity died in the Battle of the West Sea, so in other words, the woman in front of him should be another Yan Liuxiang?

In any case, seeing this person Qin An was very surprised and added a bit of emotion.

"Or you can call my full name."

"Do you still have a full name?"

"Nonsense, don't you have a full name?"

The beauty raised her head and gave Qin An a fierce look.

Qin An smirked.

"Then what is your full name?"

"Huo Qilan!"


Qin An was stunned for a moment. He knew the name. After the appearance of the wild beast, Guo Sihai appointed five generals. Among them, the general of Ange City is called Huo Qilan. It is said that he is the current owner of True Fire Palace. own now.

"Where have you been eleven years ago?"

Huo Qilan stuffed a chicken leg into her mouth, ignoring the image. Didn't she know that a woman would cause misunderstandings if she stuffed something similar to a cucumber into her mouth?

"Before sleeping in a ruin. Do you have the memory of Yin Yao and the sword god Yan Liuxiang?"

"Of course, I have all the memories of Yan Liuxiang, and many Yan Liuxiang have entered the game world, so I can better collect news and come to you."

"Oh... Guo Sihai also sent many people into the game map, right?"

"Well, a lot. The country we are building now is in the Realm of the Protoss. A kid named Adabuddin is the king. He is Adanaren’s Little Brother, Guo Sihai’s brother-in-law, and the next successor to the Kowloon Empire. He is very capable. I He was originally assisted by follow-up games. I have been looking for you for the past two years. I rushed here when I got the news that you showed up. By the way, your wife and children are all over there, and now your granddaughter has enough There are 24, so you are still famous, just because you have more granddaughters."

"You mean, Qiu Jinse is over there?"

"Well, at that time, she entered the Protoss map in order to avoid the Romance of the Gods, and met another 70-level BOSS after half a year. They were lucky enough to meet me, so I killed the glorious ice bones. , And saved them."

Qin An was a little excited, but also a little shocked.

Although in his eyes the level 70 BOSS is nothing, now he is in an open state, knowing that Qi Rou couldn't help the level 70 BOSS back then, Huo Qilan was able to kill it, does it mean that she is also hanging up?Forget it, it doesn't matter.

"Are all my children there?"

"Well, it's very far, and going from here is like walking through a maze. Some maps are not accessible. You need to find a teleportation entrance to enter. You don't know how much time I wasted trying to find you. You didn't find it. The children have found a lot, so the reason why they can gather together is all my credit!"

Qin An was really excited and calmly said for a long time:

"Why are you looking for me?"

"Looking for some answers to some questions, I always feel weird, so I opened Ask Tianyan to ask for help, and found that all the questions point to you, Qin An! You are a magical existence, I still can’t explain it, but I know it’s all because of it. You start, then everything will naturally end because of you!"

Qin An looked at Huo Qilan in front of him for a long time, and didn't understand what she was talking about.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know either! I only know that I need to come to you. Soon, the ancestor of the seven beasts may come to you!"

"The ancestor of the seven beasts? According to my research, the Magical Beasts are dead, right?"

"Resurrected, I felt her presence a few days ago."

"What? Then you mean that you are also one of the seven beasts?"

"Yes, I am the ancestor Yan Liuxiang. The Xiangying clan is nothing more than a playmate I created when I was bored. When I was bored, I erased their memories, but I didn't take back their abilities. They continue to split themselves and become the Xiangying clan. And I am one of the seven beasts, the ancestor of the flame beasts! The energy in charge of all things, hello, Qin An, do we know each other again?"

Qin An opened his mouth wide, dumbfounded.


In 2017, on Monday, September 11, Hangzhou, China, there was rain, and it is said that a typhoon will come.

At a bus stop near the West Lake Scenic Area, this year is already a junior, and only 20-year-old girl Weng Lan is waiting for the bus.

Suddenly, a flash of lightning that was as thick as the mouth of a bowl flashed across the sky, tearing apart the dark clouds, making people astounding, just like a doomsday scene.

People all began to talk about whether such a stout lightning could enter the Guinness Book of World Records.

It was originally hot in the morning, so Weng Lan wore cool, sky blue cloth shoes, some playful denim skirts, and a white tight-fitting shirt on her upper body. She looked pure and energetic, and added sexy.

"Fuck! Did you see the lightning just now? I scared my old lady to death!"

Qin Xiaoyan hurried over, holding two bottles of Coke in her hand, and handed one to Weng Lan.

"It's going to rain, right? Girl, let's take a taxi?"

"What kind of car? You see it's stuck, or go ride a public bike, I guess how can I get home in 20 minutes."

"Okay, listen to you!"

Qin Xiaoyan’s personality should be more lively, and she ran with Weng Lan. Soon she found a public bicycle rental spot. The two girls rode on their bicycles and started to set off for the rental house on Wener Road. After twenty minutes passed. , They really got home, and it was already pouring rain outside.

"Haha, it's so risky, I almost got wet!" Weng Lan said playfully.

"It's really depressed. I finally made an appointment with Dr. Zhao that I will go to his house to see his dog at night. It rains heavily. What can I do?"

"What else can I do? Just take a taxi and go, and when you get to his community, you will run away! When Dr. Zhao opened the door for you, your body was soaked when you appeared in front of him. If there is a pink corset under the white shirt, he will take you in, and then give you his white shirt! Hey, it’s a circle bigger than your body, after putting it on, it looks like A sexy little one-piece skirt, my legs leak when I walk! Yeah, if I were a man, I would definitely tell you: Xiaoyan, it’s raining heavily tonight, let’s sleep at my house, although I only have A bed, but don't worry, I promise not to touch you! If I touch you, I will be a beast!"

"Hehe, then he wakes up in the morning and he is not as good as a beast, right?"

The two girls laughed and ran upstairs together.

This is an old-fashioned building, because it has been too long, the stairs are broken, and the walls are dirty.

As two girls who came to Hangzhou to go to school, they would cost two thousand and one hundred yuan to rent a house in two cities and one living room here, which is not cheap.

Life is not easy, but the two sisters are optimistic by nature. They are classmates, go to school and practice together, preparing for a new life.

Just ran to the third floor, and the next floor was the fourth floor where they lived. Suddenly, they stopped abruptly, their eyes widened...

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