Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1831 Tang Yu leaves

"Er'an, do you think we are in love?"

Tang Yu spoke in silence for a while.

"How could it not? We have been together for a hundred years. I know that you like the kind man in your heart. I have reshaped myself according to your right and wrong view. Jade, isn't I the man you want to marry now?"


Tang Yu frowned.

Before entering the Three Kingdoms world, she made up her mind to marry Qin Er'an, so she should be?

If you don't think about it, your heart will be messed up.

"I don't want to go to Jingzhou, you know, I was originally the opposite of the emperor, and I don't want to be with those people."

"Then you say, wherever you want to go, I will accompany you wherever you are going."

Tang Yu went into deep thought again, and sighed after a long time: "Go to the grassland."

Qin Er'an's face froze.

When he left, Zhuge was already saying that the reason why Qin An went north this time was actually to go to the north to establish a corps. If an ordinary person is naturally unable to do such a thing, but Qin An is not an ordinary person. He has special abilities and modern wisdom. It is not too difficult for him to control the North and establish the Corps after the Central Plains.

Jingzhou's defense is a big formation, and it is impossible for Qin An to sneak in. He wants to use the corps to fight the big formation.

Qin Er'an actually didn't care about this. He only knew that Qin An was going to the grassland. So Tang Yu was not going to Jingzhou but was going to the grassland now, not because of Qin An.

Qin Er'an was a little sad, and he also felt jealous of Qin An in his heart.

It would be best if Erlong could kill Qin An, and that would be a hundred, and Tang Yu must belong to him.

After making the decision, Tang Yu wondered, if he went to the grassland, what would Qin An do? Will he know that he will look for it immediately after he leaves? It seems that some signals are to be left to him, but with Qin An's character, can he come back to find himself?

Tang Yu's face became a little cold, and he turned his head to look at Qin Er'an and said, "I will go back to the camp to get some things, and then I will walk with you. Let's go to the grassland."

Qin Er'an still cared a little in his heart, but at least this time Tang Yu was willing to go with him, then he would try his best to take her far away.

The battle between Qin An and Shuanglong continued to be extremely fierce, and Cao Jun slowly retreated all around. The level of this battle was not close to them, and Xiaolong's methods were very evil and would use other people as a means of attack.

If it weren't for some generals who had received Cao Cao's order to let them not be nosy, these people would hate Xiaolong even more, and Xiaolong's methods of killing were even more devilish than Qin An.

Xiahou Dun, Ziyuanrang, is a real military commander.

He has spent much of his life in the military, and he still does not forget to study scholarship. He often welcomes teachers himself and asks for advice humbly. He was frugal, and all the rewards were given to soldiers. If you don't own any property all your life, you will have no money in your family until you die.

Therefore, he can become one of the top ten generals beside Cao Cao, possessing the talent of generals and the power of divine generals.

Riding a horse around, Xiahou Dun's face was not pretty.

"General Xiahou, that guy is too Damn it, and has killed many of us!"

Lieutenant Xia Houjin was only 19 years old this year. He was a very strong man. He just came out of the mountains to learn art. This is the first time he has participated in the war. Because he is a distant relative of Xiahou Dun, and his strength is really strong, he was taken by Xiahou Dun. Promoted to lieutenant.

"Look first, now there are two people, one dragon and one black monster. Those two people are powerful and we have a way to deal with it. The key is the dragon and the black monster! The dragon can fly to the sky, but it also needs to land to attack. Prepare the iron chain. Rope, the whole army is gathered together. If you want to deal with it, you must wait for it to land before you can find a way! The black-skinned monster is too powerful, and the chain and rope are not effective for him. Go and dig a pit around it and use a big tub to get it. White stone powder, black soil, and water are laid in a circle nearby!"

"It's the general!"

Xia Houjin took the order and left.There was a cold light in Xiahoudun's eyes. He had never fought in this battle today, but he did not intend to let go of the four people in the field because they had killed too many Cao Jun soldiers.

Although Cao Cao’s order was to cooperate with Xiaolong, now that Cao Cao is gone, he will be out. Xiahoudun often stays in the camp and knows many soldiers. On weekdays, he is worthy of his brothers. How can he see his brothers die? Let them go.

Qin An was a little upset at this time. He cooperated with the black armor and was inextricably fought with Xiaolong Jinlong. Although he did not fall into a disadvantage, it was almost impossible to kill them.

The speed of Xiaolong is very fast, and it can turn nearby people into undead monsters at any time. The golden dragon can fly into the sky, and it has thick skin and can regenerate. Zhen'e sword has cut off one of its claws, and it only takes less than that. It was born early in a few minutes, and it was so fast.

Without the cooperation of the black armor, Qin An might still be unable to beat these two things.

Shaking his head slightly, Qin An felt that there was no need to go on in this battle. Since he did not plan to kill Cao Cao, he would not be able to find a bargain no matter whether the battle with Erlong was won or lost. Cao Jun around him was making various preparations. These small actions were natural. Can't escape Qin An's observation.

So, after another dozen rounds, when Xiaolong and Jinlong were all knocked back, Qin An flew back into the black armored cabin, and then controlled it to turn around and run.


Xiahoudun saw that Qin An seemed to be leaving, and immediately gave the order loudly. The soldiers nearby had already blushed.

They provoke whom, and compared with Qin An, they also hate Xiaolong even more.

After Xiahou Dun gave an order, countless bows and arrows shot towards Xiaolong.

Xiaolong was fighting with Qin An and he didn't expect the friendly forces to suddenly turn to each other.

Jinlong and Xiaolong have been together for many years. After coming to the world of Three Kingdoms, their strength has naturally declined a lot. Xiaolong knows that Jinlong's physical defense is actually not much stronger than ordinary people. He can't resist so many arrows flying over. He hurried down so that his body formed a circle to protect Xiaolong.

"Go online!"

Xiahou Dun gave another order and had prepared various nets. Soldiers with ropes and chains swarmed up and threw everything in their hands at the Golden Dragon.

Worthy of being a regular army, they only took more than 30 seconds to entangle the body of the Golden Dragon layer by layer.

This battle is Xiahoudun has prepared, so it is more tightly controlled than the black armored robot just now.

There are more than one hundred chain links with a length of 30 meters. A person with high foot strength takes one end and runs on the body of the Golden Dragon, and then runs to the other side to straighten the chain; when all the chains are covered on the body of the Soaring Dragon Later, the soldiers' ropes and nets also came up.

Hundreds of soldiers gathered around to pull the chain and the edge of the net, and completely controlled the Golden Dragon, preventing him from flying.

In fact, even if it is changed to black armor, it is not easy to escape at this time. There are too many people on the other side. Although the power of black armor is great, it still has limitations.

When the Golden Dragon was under control, a group of spearmen rushed up, facing the Golden Dragon with a random stabbing.

The iron spear was powerful, but it could not break through the defense of the Golden Dragon.

Xiahoujin had already returned at this time. He was riding a white horse with a machete measuring one and a half meters long in his hand. This knife was really big. It looked like it could weigh 70 or 80 kilograms. Heavy weapons.


Riding a white horse to Jin Long's side, Xiahou Jin flew off the horse, ran up to Jin Long's body a few steps, and raised his hand to chop down vertically.

His arm strength was too strong. After the space tunnel of the novel world was connected, he was also affected by the balance of energy, so the knife fell directly into the skin of the golden dragon, and the blue blood splashed quickly.


When the surrounding soldiers saw Xiahoujin wounding the Shenlong, they all yelled in excitement.

This is a dragon!

People in this world know the legend of Shenlong, and they are afraid of Shenlong, but not in awe.

Therefore, seeing Xiahoujin so mighty, he was excited to cheer for him.

Xiahou Jin laughed loudly, became more brave with self-confidence, and ran towards the head of Jinlong with a big knife on his body.

The Golden Dragon slave was struggling, but at this time, the chain of secret net that controlled it had been pulled by more people on the edge, which made him even more unable to escape.

Xia Houjin was really good. After running to the leading position, he didn't have any time to hit his head, and he actually knocked out a button one and a half meters long and blood poured out more crazily.

It can only be said that the Golden Dragon and Xiaolong still asked for the strength of ordinary people. They did not have a good contrast between their ability after the Three Kingdoms era and the current soldiers.

When Jinlong Xiaolong was beaten, Qin An was also attacked.

A group of soldiers carried a wooden basin and threw a basin of muddy things on the black armor.

Qin An controlled the black armor to evade, but there were too many enemies, and the black armor was still shot many times.

This...this turned out to be cement?

Qin An was really shocked!

Those squishy things will stick to the black armor after they hit the black armor, and it won’t take much time to solidify!

To be precise, this should be a substance similar to cement, and its setting power is better than cement!

Damn it! Isn't cement invented by foreigners?

Unexpectedly, there were people who could make it during the Three Kingdoms period, but they did not spread this craft, and did not apply it to construction, but used it on the battlefield, which is a pity.

Qin An did not dare to delay, because the cement was fixed, it found that the mechanical deformation ability of the black armor had been restricted.

With the fastest movement speed turned on, Qin An did not dare to delay any longer.

He was not that stupid. He knew that ancient soldiers were good, and that their quality was not worse than modern soldiers. After all, this was the Warring States Period, and the soldiers here were all well-versed.

In this way, Qin An rushed into the camp and slew out again.

When he left the camp, Golden Dragon Xiaolong was already beheaded by Cao Jun. In this unexpected encounter, Cao Jun finally won. The loser was Ssangyong, and Qin An didn't suffer and did not achieve his original goal.

After leaving the barracks, Qin An asked the Black Armor to finally get rid of the concrete concretion on his body, then upgraded to go home and rushed back to the camp in the forest.

At this time, Xiana had already taken the position of Yang Xiu.

This group of Huns are really fierce, and then there is the defeat of Yang Cultivation Base. After the return, they disrupted the rhythm of Yang Xiuxing camp, allowing the fierce Huns to take advantage of the loopholes.

Xiaanna was very happy. Not only did she win, she also snatched a lot of food from Yang Xiuxing camp. It is estimated that they will be settled here for a long time, but they were directly defeated by the blasting thunder. Xiaanna really wanted to I don't understand why Tang Yu and Qin An have so many weird things. The only thing I can think of is that they are not easy!

Pulling all the supplies back to the camp, Qin An also returned.

"You can be regarded as coming back. I was about to take our brothers to find you. We won a big victory and robbed a lot of food!"

Xiaanna happily ran to Qin An's side, expressing her own credit without any cover.

"Well, very powerful, the enemy is worse than we thought. If they can rush up after the original thunder formation, they will be shot by our arrow team most of them if they are close to the trench, but they are afraid of choosing to escape. It is probably Yang Xiu. It’s his purpose to fall in love with no heart, and to retreat from failure. This person is a real villain, he can do everything for himself... Let the whole army go back to the camp for rectification, and all construction will continue. I want to The weapons and equipment created here are not difficult for Cao Jun to deal with, but more powerful enemies may appear at any time. I don't want the Xianna people to fight for me before they formally commit themselves to me!"

"Don't say that. Several of the leaders in my clan are now stubbornly admiring the five bodies you admire. The Huns are warlike and are willing to plunder other people's belongings. We rely on this for a living, since ancient times. We fought this time. It’s so beautiful, there’s not much damage at all, and I don’t know how many good things were robbed. The enemy retreated too in a hurry. In addition to food, there are countless weapons, armors, tents and so on. Now even if we go directly to the grassland border to find one The locals can live through the winter. So your prestige is ascension among my people. Everyone is willing to take the initiative to cooperate with you."

Xiaanna's remarks were a little bit discouraged. The Huns were very happy in this battle, but they had never said that they were willing to cooperate with Qin An if they wanted to take the initiative.

Therefore, Xana's purpose in saying this is only one, and that is to please Qin An.

Qin An was full of sweat, and the battle with Ssangyong was a long time, which consumed a lot of his energy.

Now there is a very depressing problem. Zhen Ejian's attack power is too strong, and the black armor's defense power is also great, but his own body strength is not much stronger than ordinary people. The height of the black armored robot is five meters, and the Zhen E sword is a bit small. Qin An feels that he should practice using the black armor to control the Zhen E sword. If these two weapons can be combined, his combat effectiveness will leap by one. level."I'll take a shower first, and the defensive position will continue according to the previous plan. Xianna, help me look after your people. Don't let them be too casual. Now there are traps everywhere in the forest. If you hurt yourself, you can Oh no."

Qin An was not very polite to Xiaanna. Since she was able to put down her worth and match herself in this way, Qin An felt that it would be bad if she was too polite, as if she did not treat her as her own.

Sure enough, Qin An's performance made Xianana very happy, and she hurried away before Qin An left.

"Don't worry, leave everything to me. I will definitely help you get the camp."

Xiaanna's figure is still good, Qin An looks at her back, her slender waist makes him look straight.

How do you feel that Xiaanna is so happy, is it just because of a victory that has strengthened some supplies?

At this time, the sky hasn't dawned, and the enemy hasn't completely retreated. You don't need to be so happy, right?

Qin An was puzzled. He raised his foot and walked towards the center of the forest. Not long after he had walked, he saw a small figure running up in front of him, and found that her steps were unstable and seemed to fall. Qin An hurriedly reached out and hugged her in. In the arms.

"Shuangyue, why are you running in such a hurry?"

"Master! No good, Madam has left with someone who looks exactly like you!"

Qin An's head buzzed, Qin Er'an actually came?

"Don't worry, tell me slowly, where did they go, madam?"

Shuangyue panted for a while, then said:

"Just now, Madam and the man came back. I thought he was the master, but the wife said no. Then she told me: Shuangyue, Madam is leaving. When the master comes back, you tell him that I was going to marry. For Er'an, you showed up and brought me into the tunnel of time and space, and then I crossed into the Three Kingdoms world. Now Qin Er'an came to find her, she must go with her, because she had a marriage promise to him, and The master is happy to be together for so long, at least she knows that you are still that kind little man, but she is no longer the female president of the year! She is just a woman who longs for family, longing for children, longing for a plain life!"

Qin An is really angry!

"Fuck, go straight away if you want to go, why do you want to come back and say these things?"

Seeing Qin An's anger, Shuangyue was so frightened that she did not dare to speak for a while, and fell to her knees.

Qin An stood there for a long time, reaching out and pulling Shuangyue up.

"What else did she say?"

"The madam also said that she doesn’t know how to go back to the original world, so she doesn’t know where to go. Originally, she was going to see the grassland, but now the grassland must be extremely beautiful, so she said that she wanted to go to the grassland. Go and see the beauty over there."


Qin An's anger subsided for a few minutes, and he went to the grassland? Instead of going back to Jingzhou?

What does Tang Yu mean?

If she really doesn't want to have anything to do with herself, she should go back to Jingzhou! Whether it's Ssangyong or Qin Er'an, they should be from Jingzhou.

So since he didn't go back to Jingzhou, it only showed that Tang Yu hadn't made up his mind yet.

Also, in the past two days, he and Tang Yu have slowly remembered the many emotional entanglements they had when they were together. If it hadn't been for the sudden arrival of Cao Cao's soldiers, they would have shared the same bed before they could not get it right! How could he be robbed by Qin Er'an!

Qin An thought before that if Qin Er'an came, Tang Yu would follow him and let him go, but now he is reluctant to give up!

He wanted to find Tang Yu back, and marry her as his own woman in an open manner.

Although Tang Yu had never given birth to him, he brought up Qin Beichen and stayed in Qin's house during the years he died.

There are only three women in the Qin family, Weng Lan, Cang Hai, and Qiu Jinse, and they are not considered to be great people. Although Weng Lan is capable but not ambitious, it can be said that Tang Yu should be the reason why the Qin family was able to prosper in the Kowloon Empire.

If such a woman fails to miss it, it is Guan Yin Bodhisattva will go down and say that he is SB!

Without delay, Qin An directly summoned Hei Jia to drive away from the camp and ran north along the river, vowing to chase Tang Yu back.

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