Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 213 Super Accident

Wang Cheng's expression was a bit lonely, at this time he was like a man who had just lost love.

With a sigh, Wang Chengdao:

"Tang Yu's plan is to get a fast food truck on the side of the street! The so-called fast food truck is operated all day, selling some steamed buns and soy milk fritters for breakfast, lunch boxes at noon, and milk tea at night!

It is also necessary to obtain approval to set up a street stall. Tang Yu took me to the nearby police station and explained the fact that we were kidnapped since childhood and the female director of the police station, and said that he planned to build such a fast food truck.

The director of the police station is still a good person. She thinks our experience is pitiful and wants to help us find our biological parents.

Tang Yu lied to her that the two of us were actually brothers and sisters. When we just escaped from the beggar group two years ago, the local police station helped us find our parents.

But in the end it turned out that our parents had passed away, and relatives were unwilling to take us in, so we started the wandering life.

Now that we are too old, as long as the female director is willing to help, we can support ourselves!

Tang Yu burst into tears when he said it, it was too miserable and pitiful to make people not suspicious.

She is a natural actor. The female director who scammed at that time wept in tears and cried for a while holding Tang Yu. After that, she helped us go through the relevant procedures, and then helped us get a fast food truck!

Because we are all under the age of eighteen, the so-called procedures are actually completely irregular, but there are people in the DPRK who are easy to handle. With the great help of the female director, all problems are no longer a problem!

In this way, we started the life of setting up a street stall.

On the first day of the business, both of us were very excited because we finally had a serious business to do business.

So we got up early, and drove the fast food truck at five o'clock to the designated booth.

But doing business seems to be not as simple as we imagined, and we waited until it was almost six o'clock, and no business came to the door.

Tang Yu and I were very disappointed. We sat there, staring at the few pedestrians in the past, hoping that one of them would come over and tell us what we wanted to buy.

Unfortunately, no one came to ask.

Tang Yu sighed and said to me: ‘Wang Cheng! Don't be discouraged, I believe we will succeed! ’

At that time, I was just a 14-year-old thin boy, and I was always with Tang Yu, so I believed whatever she said!

Tang Yu said to himself again: ‘the living Bodhisattva in the sky! Hurry up! Reward me a tall, handsome guy, even if he only comes over to buy a bun or a cup of soy milk! If you send him to me, I would rather marry him! ’

When Tang Yu spoke, his expression was very solemn, but it was ridiculous in my eyes. I squatted aside, took a wooden stick on the ground, and scribbled back and forth.

At this moment, a tall young man ran from a distance!

Tang Yu and I found him, so we stared at him!

In the end, the young man ran to our fast food truck. He was not very handsome, but at that time he was very handsome in my heart and Tang Yu’s hearts. We hope he can speak out what we want to hear if.

The next moment, he spoke to Tang Yu, saying: ‘Little boss, get me a bun and a cup of soy milk’

Tang Yu was stunned at the time, staring at the man directly, without any reaction.

And I rushed forward quickly, gave the man a bun, a cup of soy milk, and then accepted the money he gave.

After the man left, I happily said to Tang Yu: ‘Great! We finally opened! ’

But Tang Yu was still there in a daze, staring blankly at the back of the leaving man!

At that time I didn't think too much, I thought she was just too happy!

But Tang Yu didn't have much energy for a day. I didn't know why at the time. I didn't understand until a few years later that the love at first sight was first opened!

That night, the young man unexpectedly appeared again. Tang Yu greeted him enthusiastically this time, and then sold a bottle of mineral water to the young man!

After the young man left, Tang Yu was very excited! Her joy is like how good business is this day! In fact, we did not sell much for the first day of business!

And after that day, something strange happened!

That young man would come to buy a steamed bun and a cup of soy milk every morning.

And every night, I would come to buy a bottle of water, which has been going on for more than half a year!

Tang Yu finally wanted to join Feifei. She told me that the young man must have liked her, so she appeared on purpose every day!

My feelings for Tang Yu at that time were still based on the relationship between siblings and brothers, so I laughed at her idiot, but she would rather be an idiot!

Finally, one morning after more than half a year, when the young man bought another steamed bun and a cup of soy milk was gone, Tang Yu decided to follow him! See what he is going to do.

And dozens of minutes later, Tang Yu came back, his face pale, and he seemed to have suffered some kind of blow!

I naturally wanted to follow up with concern. Later, she cried. After crying, she told me that the buns and soy milk that the young man had bought were all sent to a community that was only a thousand meters away from our fast food truck. A girl! He seemed to be pursuing the girl, so he bought breakfast for her every day!

Every girl has a first love, and Tang Yu naturally has it too. When she finds that her beautiful fantasy has been disillusioned, she is of course sad!

After that, she was depressed for a month, but the young man still must arrive every day! Then Tang Yu would see him every day!

This is about to drive Tang Yu crazy!

In the end, she decided to go to that young man! She was never a woman who would give up because of difficulties! Therefore, every time a young man comes over to buy something and leave, she will follow him. She has to figure out what point the relationship between the young man and the girl he pursues has reached! And does she still have a chance!

After tracking and observing for a period of time, Tang Yu became excited again, because she found that the relationship between the young man and the girl seemed to be watery, there was not much intersection between them, it seemed that they just met each other sooner or later, nothing more!

With the passage of time, Tang Yu decided to take the initiative. She thought of a man, if she seduce him, she would naturally get him hooked!

However, on the night when she had this idea, she followed the young man to the neighborhood where he pursued the girl, but was shocked to see that the girl took the young man's hand and said to him:' Qin An, let's get married! ’

Brother Qin, I'm preaching here. Do you know who that young man is? "

Qin An's mouth is long enough to fit into a big Steamed bun! At this time, even the idea of ​​killing Wang Cheng was temporarily left behind by him, because the story Wang Cheng told him was so shocking!

At that time, in order to pursue Li Ying, he would go to Li Ying's house every day for a year, sell a bun in the morning, give her a cup of soy milk, and bring her a bottle of water in the evening.

Moreover, he did buy these things in the same fast food truck not far from Li Ying's house.

Throughout the year, he went there rain or shine every day, and the fast food truck was open every day rain or shine!

He remembered that the boss who was wiping the car was indeed a sibling.

Big sis is thin, without any flesh on her body, and her face is sallow and she looks very unhealthy, and she always wears a hat and keeps the hat low. Because she is anxious to see Li Ying, she never really pays attention. Pass her.

There seemed to be a little boy next to her, who was thin and dry, and had very dark skin.

So can it be said that the Big sis is Tang Yu? And that little boy is Wang Cheng?

Is this too ridiculous? Thinking of Tang Yu's beautiful face and mature temperament, Qin An could not connect her with the thin girl who ran a fast food truck back then.

Qin An smiled slightly when he saw Qin An's surprised expression. He knew that Qin An would be stunned.

Taking a breath, Wang Chengdao:

"Later, you should be married. You stopped going to our fast food truck. Tang Yu was depressed for a month and finally decided not to continue operating the fast food truck business!

At this time, she was eighteen years old, and I was fifteen!

At that time, Tang Yu became a little inferior because she felt that she was not as pretty as Li Ying. Of course, we didn't know what your wife was called at that time! It's just that Tang Yu knows that your name is Qin An, because the girl that night, Li Ying, called you by your name!

Tang Yu feels that if she is beautiful enough, she can completely strengthen you from Tang Yu's hands, but she was not beautiful at the time, so she has a low self-esteem.In fact, Tang Yu is also very beautiful, but the suffering of our childhood makes us unable to eat anything good, and there is no regularity in life, so the physical development is a bit slow.

Tang Yu decided to take good care of his own body and set himself on a beautiful route!

We did not continue to operate fast food trucks, so we chose to work separately. Eighteen-year-old Tang Yu got an ID card with the help of the head of the police station that helped us get the fast food trucks.

Street children like us who have no place of birth and no parents can reissue their ID cards when they grow up, but the policies are different in each place. Still, there are people in the court that can do things easily.

After having the ID card, Tang Yu went to the counter of a cosmetics company to work as a salesperson. During the year, she spent most of the money she earned on food, what is delicious and what is nutritious to eat! One year later, she went from a thin girl of more than 70 catties to a fat girl of 120 catties!

In the second year, she began to lose weight, using exercise to make herself lose weight, from 120 catties to 95 catties!

And in the past two years, she also bought a lot of books, starting from the simplest basic knowledge, addition and subtraction, multiplication formulas, English letters, ordinary men!

In short, she is like crazy, absorbing the knowledge she should have acquired more than ten years ago, making her own mind more fulfilled! Make yourself look more intellectual!

At the age of twenty, she turned herself from an ugly duckling to a swan! She was reborn from the ashes, just because she felt that she was not as beautiful as Li Ying!

So after two years, she transformed herself! Her skin became smooth, white and tender and full of luster, and her muscles became strong, well-proportioned and full of curves! Her mind became more sensible and smarter!

I didn't understand her at the time. How could a woman like her have a crush on you? How can you be jealous of another woman because of you?

Because of doubts, I asked her directly.

Twenty-year-old she told me very calmly that there are only three reasons for liking you.

First, fate! When she prayed to Guanyin to give her a handsome guy, come to the fast food truck to buy a bun, and a cup of soy milk, you immediately appeared! And you came for a run at the time, and your figure looked so strong and powerful in the morning sun, she thought you were so handsome! Then you came up and really said to buy a bun and a cup of soy milk, which is the same as what she prayed for! In the many years she was abducted, she had prayed for Bodhisattva of Guanyin to bless her to realize some wishes, but she never succeeded, so you are the first thing Guanyin Bodhisattva rewarded her! It is of great significance to her, this is fate.

Second, first love! In the heart of any girl, there will be a template of an ideal man. And the ideal man in Tang Yu's heart is a strong, tall and handsome, honest, reliable, romantic and tough man! She thinks you are such a man! Actually I don't think you are handsome, at least you are not as handsome as me! I don't think you are romantic either. What kind of romance is when you run to deliver breakfast to others every day? It’s a pity that there is beauty in the eyes of a lover. Tang Yu likes your type. She just thinks you are handsome and thinks that the silly things you do are romantic, and your year-long unimpeded wind and rain proves that you are a will. A firm person, so you become her ideal type of first love, then she unconsciously regards you as her first love object.

Third, there is no reason for love!

After saying this, she laughed again and said: ‘everything is over, that man is married, and he may not remember me at all! And first love is not the same as love at all, let alone I still have a crush, let everything become a passing smoke! ’

I think, now it's okay, Tang Yu finally won't think about a strange man every day, she is sad every day, and it hurts me too!

And then, Tang Yu, who is no longer entangled with you, has changed back to the real her, that is, constantly working hard to sprint to the top of life!

The two of us had done a small business and worked for two years. She felt that this would not make her a successful person, so after discussing me with me, we decided to adopt some extreme methods! "

Qin An's heart was very restless at this time. Tang Yu appeared in her mind. He thought of the woman in Sanli Village, who was like a queen, crying in his arms.

As a man, how can he calm down when he hears such a love story about own?

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