This long corridor is still very long. Qin An and the others are on one side, while Wang Dalong's team is on the opposite side. The night watchmen on both sides face each other 20 meters apart.

After Qin An left the meeting room door, he walked directly to the opposite side, trying to tell the night watchman of Wang Dalong's team that someone in his team was about to become a zombie.

As he walked forward, Qin An was still paying attention to the movement in the opposite room, and at the same time checking Wang Dalong's location.

Suddenly, the conversation of the little brother and sister came into his ears again.

Little Sister said nervously, "Big Brother! Don't do it, it's dangerous!"

Big Brother's tone was a little impatient and said: "I just look at it, why can't I pull this ring down!"

Little Sister said: "Big Brother!......"

Before she finished speaking, a huge explosion came! Qin An's heart trembled fiercely!

Damn, that boy accidentally detonated a hand mine! And obviously there was more than one grenade beside him, and the power of the explosion destroyed the entire house. After the smoke was everywhere, there was a fire!

So in other words, he, his Little Sister and several other people in the room are likely to be killed!

One of the four night watchmen in the corridor is called Wang Chuang.

This person is actually very sleepy. He sleeps every time he stays vigil, and he sleeps very fast.

Because of this, the night watchman who usually accompanies him has reported to Wang Dalong several times.

But Wang Chuang is Wang Dalong’s nephew, and Wang Dalong has a very strong vanity. He always hopes that Wang Chuang will do more to show that he is not a person of public and private, not because Wang Chuang is Own nephew, he didn't arrange his vigil for this kind of hard work, so Wang Dalong always reprimanded Wang Chuang to make him work hard, and then continued to let Wang Chuang vigil.

And Wang Chuang would continue to sleep every time he watched the night.

At this moment, he fell asleep again.

When the explosion happened, Wang Chuang was awakened!

He slept dizzy and saw Qin Anzheng coming quickly across the corridor, and at the same time he found that a room behind him had exploded!

Wang Chuang was shocked, picked up the submachine gun in his hand, and squeezed the trigger at Qin An in the corridor! Then he shouted: "Damn! The enemy attack! They are not good people! Get up, everyone, the person on the other side fired at us!"

When Wang Chuang fired his shot, Qin An quickly dodged and hid in the room beside him, and when he heard Wang Chuang's call, Qin An angrily cursed in his heart: fuck! Is this a fool?

Vajra and Wu Yan also hid in the meeting room at this time, and they didn't even figure out what happened!

Why suddenly a room on the opposite side exploded? And why did that kid suddenly shoot here? What the hell is this! I'm totally dizzy!

The explosion and Wang Chuang's gunfire shocked everyone.

In Wang Dalong's Little Brother, the room where Wang Xiaolong stayed, Wang Xiaolong took the two men around him and walked quickly to the door.

At this time, several other people in the room were also flustered and didn't know what was going on. They were pacing back and forth, wanting to go out but didn't dare.

When Wang Xiaolong walked out, a woman blocked his way.

Wang Xiaolong grabbed the woman's hair and flung her aside, then said, "Go away! Daddy has no time to play with you now!"

After speaking, he and two other men walked out of the room. They both had weapons in their hands, wanting to see what happened.

The woman who was thrown aside by Wang Xiaolong cried.

Her name is Xu Ping. She was originally in another small gathering place. A few days ago, she and her boyfriend and some other people came out looking for supplies, but they encountered a D2 jumping zombie.

Everyone in the team was killed by the D2 jumping zombie, and only she was rescued by the passing Wang Dalong team.

Afterwards, Wang Dalong took her directly with her on the road. At that time, she was too sad because everyone in the team had died and was in a trance. She followed Wang Dalong's team and did not return to the small gathering place where she was originally. .

As a result, Wang Xiaolong and the other two men forced her into force and temptation last night! This makes her very sad!

She was already very sad because of the death of her boyfriend and other people in the team, but she was also frightened, distraught, and full of hatred when she encountered such a thing.

At this moment, there was a loud shouting outside, which was obviously chaotic, and her heart and mind also became chaotic in this atmosphere!

She must not be weak, she must resist, she must go find revenge for the three men who forced her yesterday!

Therefore, Xu Ping rushed out of the room and saw a man in the hallway standing there holding a submachine gun, looking around nervously, obviously not understanding what was going on.

Xu Ping went up to take advantage of his defenselessness, snatched the gun in his hand, then opened the insurance, pulled the trigger at the crowd, and shouted: "You trash! Scum! Go to death!"

In this burst, more than a dozen people were killed at that time!

And in another room.

The woman was already yelling: "Husband! Don't scare me! It's messed up outside, I don't know what's going on! What's wrong with you? Answer me!"

The man lying on the ground leaning against the wall, the woman's husband, has gray skin all over, and his eyes closed tightly.

He suddenly opened his eyes amidst the woman's yelling, and there was a dullness in them.

When the woman was screaming in fright, he quickly sat up straight, then let out a roar, and took a bite on the woman's neck!

This man has been transformed into a corpse!

The woman was so frightened that she fell to the ground, knelt on her stomach and retreated madly to the inside of the room.

The man who became a zombie stood up, then rushed to the other six people in the room and bit them quickly!

After dozens of seconds, the corpses of these bitten people also changed! Then rushed out of the room to bite more people!

In fact, all of this happened almost at the same time, from the beginning of the explosion to this time, it was only a minute!

Until then, Wang Dalong finally ran out of the room where he was resting, still holding a gun, and the few people behind him were the main fighting force of the team, and they all had guns in their hands.

The explosion room is already on fire, so light up the corridor.

Wang Dalong took a look and found that there were own people in the corridor, and there were zombies turned into by his own inside! And I don't know who it is, shooting indiscriminately.

His heart beats quickly.

As a captain who thinks he is very responsible, he must be calm at this time, Wang Dalong said to himself like this!

So if people want to run outside, they will definitely run away, and if the people are scattered, the team will no longer exist.

Therefore, Wang Dalong roared loudly: "Go up to the second floor! Go up to the second floor! Don't be afraid, I'll kill all the zombies!"

The chaotic people heard the command, and quickly squeezed into the stairs and climbed to the second floor!

And when they climbed to the second floor, Qin An, who was scolding his mother in the room on the first floor, had his heart beating violently!

Because he heard a lot of sounds of rapid heart beating from upstairs, in the rooms where there should be no one!

This sound is very familiar, he has heard it once on the 32nd floor! That was the sound of the heartbeat when the dark zombies were resurrected!

Damn it! This is not a road management office! This should be a morgue for corpses, right?

Qin An remembered some news he saw on TV when the last days just broke out!

At that time, there were zombies in various cities, but the number was not too large. After the police and armed police soldiers killed those zombies, they gathered the corpses of the zombies and parked them in morgues in various cities!

There are two reasons why it will not be burned directly.

One is public opinion. Some family members do not agree to burn their own relatives casually! They haven't realized that the end times are coming, and experts at that time have also pointed out that the corpses of zombies are not contagious, so there is no need to burn them.

Another more important reason is that scientists want to find out the secrets of the appearance of zombies from the bodies of these zombies! Therefore, a large number of zombies are needed as samples, and then some differences can be found from them to conduct some big data meta-analysis!

Because of these two reasons, in the early stage that just broke out in the last days, the morgues in various cities were full of zombies!

Then at this time, since there are so many hidden zombies upstairs! Naturally, this is actually a morgue!

Qin An almost wanted to die, why didn't he go upstairs to have a look? It really depends on own super listening!

Upstairs, the people who rushed up did not know that in each room, there were already many dark zombies resurrected. When they opened the door and wanted to go inside to escape, the dark zombies rushed out!

Their speed and power are faster and stronger than ordinary zombies!

And there are hundreds of dark zombies resurrected together! It's as if they have the ability to resurrect each other! As long as there is a resurrection, the nearby one will be resurrected!Qin An can't manage so much at this time. This two-story building has become a dangerous place. He must quickly evacuate with his own people!

As for Wang Dacheng's people, Qin An had no thoughts and was unable to save them! He can kill as many zombies as possible, but he has no time to stop others from being bitten by zombies!

Then, facing the complicated situation at this time, Qin An could only choose to evacuate!

He quickly rushed out of the room. Wang Chuang, who was opposite, had been squeezed into by the chaotic crowd, so no one shot Qin An again.

Qin An returned to the meeting room with a cold face and said, "Go! Get out of the window!"

After speaking, he went to the corner to pick up the Xuantian heavy sword, and then jumped out the window first, and then came out to meet all the people in his team.

At the same time, those people who had rushed to the second floor, because they discovered the existence of dark zombies, began to return to the first floor! Some who ran slowly were directly killed by dark zombies or bitten and scratched, and turned into zombies again!

Then Wang Dalong’s team of ninety-three members experienced an explosion, experienced random shots by a woman named Xu Ping, experienced the first assault by a man who became a zombie, and experienced the resurrection of the dark zombies upstairs in just three minutes. In less than time, more than 30 people will die!

Wang Dalong's eyes are also red. At this time, he is not thinking about whether the team will disperse, but about how to keep everyone alive!

So Wang Dalong shouted again: "Hurry up! Come here, jump out from the window of this room to escape! Don't run around after you go out! Gather outside and I will protect you!"

The remaining alive people swarmed into the room that Wang Dalong said, and then jumped outside from the window.

When Wang Dalong's people all evacuated from the second floor, the building was full of zombies, and they were crawling out of the window.

Everyone in Qin An came out before a group of Wang Dalong's team. The zombies in the distance were obviously startled by the explosion here, and they were gathering here quickly and rushing towards it.

Qin An looked around, trying to find a safe way to escape, but when his gaze swept across a figure, his eyes straightened!

Two hundred meters away, a two-meter-high zombie is approaching quickly!

Its arms are very long, with huge bone hammers on its hands and an outer skull on its head.

The body was also wrapped in black-gray bones, and there was a metal-like luster flowing in the moonlight, as if it were a pair of metal armor.

At this moment, Qin An finally knew what the night watchman said that would move around in a flash! That is the D2 skull zombie in front of you!

In Wang Dalong's team, Wang Chuang, who shot Qin An before, also rushed out.

He saw zombies approaching around him, and at the same time he saw that the first one running seemed to be very fast, so he rushed forward, picked up the submachine gun and shouted: "Damn! This one seems to be an upgraded zombie, watch me kill it!"

Qin An recognized Wang Chuang, and it was he who shot at himself that made everything chaotic!

At this time, seeing that he was about to shoot at the D2 skull zombies again, Qin An was so scared that his heart was about to jump out!

He has seen the evolutionary ability of a skull zombie. As long as it is hurt, it will evolve. Then if the kid shoots and wounds this D2 skull zombie...

Thinking of this, Qin An's voice trembled, and shouted at Wang Chuang: "Fuck the mud horse! Don't shoot!"

And as soon as his voice fell, a series of gunfire sounded, and bullets flew to the D2 skull zombies that rushed!

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