Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 246: A Prelude to Sadness

Inside the eleventh rectangular protective wall, Liu Dongfeng and Wang Yunzhi woke up in the morning and started eating breakfast together.

There are only ten people in this enclosed space, and Wang Yunzhi is the only woman here.

There are three big brick houses, there are seven or eight rooms inside, so there is no need to fight for Wang Yunzhi and Liu Dongfeng to get a room, and I slept comfortably in it without heart, and did it warmly at night. Interaction between husband and wife.

After eating, Wang Yuzhi lay on the bed and said to Liu Dongfeng: "You said Qin Boss would be okay with them?"

Liu Dongfeng pretended to be relaxed and said, "It's okay! We all escaped into this stone box. Do you think Mrs. Qin can do anything with them?"

Wang Yunzhi pursed her lips and said, "Hmph, it's not that I'm clever, watching the surroundings are too messy, so I jumped in with you in my arms!"

Liu Dongfeng was very upset and said, "Hey, you can! You are an upgraded, you are a cow!"

Wang Yunzhi heard Liu Dongfeng's sour tone, and hurriedly got out of the bed and acted like a baby with Liu Dongfeng.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Liu Dongfeng walked over and opened the door. A thin and withered man stood in front of the door, with a smile on his face said: "Hello, my name is Ge Mingdong, are you up?"

Liu Dongfeng frowned slightly and said, "Are you busy?"

Ge Mingdong said: "Ah, this is the case. We plan to have a meeting in the yard. Now we are trapped. It is common to be trapped by zombies in the last days, and those trapped must be together in Life, But everyone doesn’t know each other very well, so there will be some inconvenience in Life, so I hope you two can come out together, everyone introduce yourself, what do you think?"

Liu Dongfeng nodded, feeling that it made sense in his heart, and judging from the current situation, he still doesn't know when he can escape!

So Liu Dongfeng and Wang Yunzhi walked outside the door.

Liu Dongfeng walked in front, Wang Yunzhi followed Liu Dongfeng behind. The man named Ge Mingdong was originally walking in front of the two of them, but when he left the room, when he reached the courtyard, he suddenly bowed his head to tie his shoelaces.

Both Liu Dongfeng and Wang Yunzhi didn't care about his small movements and continued to walk forward, because the other seven men in the front courtyard had already stood there waiting.

When Wang Yunzhi passed by Ge Mingdong's side, Ge Mingdong suddenly stood up quickly, and then took a pistol from his arms, then put the muzzle on Wang Yunzhi's back heart, and pulled the trigger!

After the three gunshots, all three bullets were shot from the back of Wang Yunzhi's heart into her heart!

This kind of damage is also very huge for the upgrader!

Wang Yunzhi fell directly to the ground, cold sweat on her forehead, painful tears overflowing, and she couldn't even speak!

Liu Dongfeng, who was walking in the front, turned his head immediately when he heard the gunshot, but Ge Mingdong struck him on the head with the handle of the gun, causing his head to bleed.

Liu Dongfeng was dizzy and fell, and then crawled forward quickly, holding Wang Yunzhi into his arms and shouting: "Wife! How are you, wife?"

After that, he raised his head again and looked at Ge Mingdong angrily: "What the hell do you want?"

At this time, seven other men also came over, Ge Mingdong looked at Wang Yunzhi who fell on the ground, smiled slightly, ignored Liu Dongfeng, but said to the others: "How about it, three shots focused on the heart and didn't die! I said That's right? This woman is indeed an upgraded!"

Others have different expressions, some are shocked, some are grateful, and some have their eyes rolling, seeming to think about very complicated things.

Ge Mingdong moved his gaze to Liu Dongfeng and said, "Brother! When entering this enclosed space, I saw your wife, this woman, who jumped in holding you! So I knew she should be an upgraded Sorry, we can’t let the upgraded person survive! We have all seen the flyers of the Tibetan government! The upgraded person can eat people! So in order for everyone to live a few more days, I can only kill her first! Fortunately, you are all stupid, so I succeeded in the sneak attack!"

After speaking, he raised the gun in his hand and aimed at Wang Yunzhi's head.

Wang Yunzhi had no blood on her face at this time, and she was about to faint.

Liu Dongfeng anxiously shouted: "Wife! Are you okay?"

Then, he saw that Ge Mingdong wanted to come over and shoot Wang Yunzhi, and hurriedly used his own body to meet Ge Mingdong's muzzle and shouted: "You bunch of rubbish, I'm fighting with you!"

Ge Mingdong did not hesitate, and quickly pulled the trigger.


Two gunshots.

Liu Dongfeng's body trembled, is it over? Did you get shot? Are you dying?

And The next moment, he suddenly discovered that in front of own, a large figure appeared.

Liu Dongfeng was dumbfounded for a while, before trembling and crying: "Boss!"

Qin An didn't look back, but said to Liu Dongfeng: "Old Liu! Hurry up and insert your hand directly into Wang Yunzhi's body. As long as the bullet is taken out, she will be fine, otherwise she will be in a weak state for several days! "

Liu Dongfeng hurriedly wiped away tears, then turned around and picked Wang Yunzhi up.

He took out a short knife from his body, and slowly cut the skin of Wang Yuzhi's back from the wound on Wang Yunzhi's back with trembling hands, trying to take out the bullet!

Qin An came at exactly the right time. He was holding the Xuantian Heavy Sword in front of him, and all the two bullets hit the Xuantian Heavy Sword, and then bounced off.

Ge Mingdong was already frightened. He and the other seven men hurriedly backed away, and then put their bodies on the wall.

What a surprise, how did this man suddenly appear? Is he a ghost? Several people in Ge Mingdong's minds have begun to think wildly.

Qin An's gaze locked tightly on the man who shot Wang Yunzhi and frowned.

Ge Mingdong is a wise man, otherwise he would not want to kill Wang Yunzhi. He saw Qin An looking at him with bad eyesight, and tried his best to keep his own mind calm, ignoring why Qin An suddenly appeared, and said, "Brother! I also want to protect myself! That woman is an upgraded, and after we have eaten up all of our food, she will definitely eat all of us! You can see that you are very capable, and you can suddenly appear strangely! You must also know about the upgraded people, right? Have you read the flyers of the Tibetan government? As mentioned above, the upgraded people will eat human flesh!"

Qin An didn't speak, because he was thinking about a question in his heart!

This thin and withered man is not necessarily a bad person, because his behavior is just like what he said, to protect himself!

However, his self-protection behavior almost killed the people of his team and caused Wang Yunzhi to be seriously injured.

So what should I do at this time?

Let him let him pay attention later, or should he directly avenge Wang Yunzhi?

Qin An hesitated.

So he didn't speak or move.

About two or three minutes later, Qin An turned around and said to Liu Dongfeng, "How is it going to Old Liu?"

Liu Dongfeng was a little nervous, so out of breath, he replied: "It's okay! Two bullets have been taken out, and I can't find one!"

Qin An felt relieved after hearing this. At this moment, Wang Yunzhi's tone trembled and she cried weakly, "My husband, I feel so painful! I seem to hear the voice of Qin Boss. Is he here? I'm so stupid. I'm an upgraded, but I've been tricked by ordinary people! Ah, it hurts!"

pain! Qin An's heart suddenly hurt!

The memories of the fragments flashed in my heart one by one.

Since the first time I heard the conversation between Wang Yunzhi and Liu Dongfeng in the supermarket, Qin An has always had some prejudice against these two people after knowing that they were actually cheating. Therefore, he and Wang Yunzhi have hardly communicated with each other.

But this woman, with actions, showed her lovely and kind side again and again.

At this moment, she was hurt because of own negligence.

Before, Qin An was distracted and listened to many closed spaces at the same time, so she failed to notice what happened on Wang Yunzhi's side in time, which caused her to be injured!

It's all his hesitating heart, Qin An deeply blames himself!

Then he looked at Ge Mingdong, who looked at Qin An nervously.

Qin An opened the mouth and said: "You just said that you wanted to kill her because you knew she was an upgraded and you were afraid that she would pose a threat to you?"

Ge Mingdong nodded subconsciously, then felt wrong and wanted to shake his head.

Qin An immediately said after he nodded: "You are right! I agree with your point of view! It is a pity that she is my person! So now you have caused a danger to her life, so according to your theory, I cannot Keep you! Even if you are a good person!"After finishing speaking, he didn't wait for Ge Mingdong to have any rebuttals, and directly swung the Xuantian heavy sword and chopped off Ge Mingdong's head! Ge Mingdong's hand was already raised, but it was too late to shoot Qin An, because Qin An was teleported to him.

The other seven men, seeing this man carrying a big sword, killed so fiercely, they suddenly knelt down with a little fear: "Dage! No matter our business! It was Ge Mingdong's own idea. He also wanted to do that! I hope you don't want to kill innocent people!"

Qin An was taken aback for a moment, then looked at several people and said, "Just now you said, what is the man's name?"

The seven people were already shocked by Qin An's killing and attacking aura, and more importantly, the ability that Qin An suddenly appeared in their field of vision was really weird and scared.

So they rushed to answer: "His name is Ge Mingdong!"

Qin An smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and then asked, "So does he have any children in the family?"

The seven people just froze for a moment, not knowing why Qin An suddenly asked this question, and hurriedly said, "No, no, he was never married before the end of the world!"

They rushed to say it, and some even added some of Ge Mingdong's life experience, obviously trying to please Qin An.

Qin An coldly snorted, and then said: "If you threaten yourself according to Ge Mingdong's theory, you must kill, I think you should all die at this time! Because you are clearly familiar with Ge Mingdong, then you are his accomplices. You said, should I kill all of you?"

The seven people were completely stunned, and then they realized why Qin An suddenly asked them if Ge Mingdong had children at home.

Everyone was annoyed, how could they become stupid? Maybe it's just because of Qin An's killing aura that made them too nervous, right?

Qin An was not waiting for any action or expression from them, and shouted: "Hurry up and stand up! Then enter that room within thirty seconds, and I will lock you up. If someone dared to resist, or at thirty If I didn't enter that room within seconds, I would never show mercy!"

In troubled times, Qin An really did not want to kill people at will. After all, these people did not offend him, but at this time, he did not have time to waste his tongue or investigate their good and evil! Because in other enclosed spaces, there are still some situations that need to be dealt with by him.

The seven people didn't seem to have the heart to resist, because Qin An's appearance was too weird, making it difficult to see how powerful Qin An really is, so they quickly stood up, and then ran into the house where Qin An was fingering.

After they entered, Qin An directly locked the lock on the door of the room, went around to the back of the house, checked the windows and saw that there were metal anti-theft guardrails outside the windows, so he went back to the front courtyard without worry. He went to Liu Dongfeng and Wang Yunzhi and asked, "How is it?"

Li Dongfeng wiped the sweat on his forehead and said, "Okay, all the cartridge cases have been taken out, and the wound has repaired itself. She seems to be too painful and fainted! She should wake up soon, right?"

Qin An nodded, patted Liu Dongfeng's shoulder, and then said: "I will go to other places first, if there is anything you call my name loudly, I will hear it!"

Liu Dongfeng was taken aback for a moment, and repeated: "Go to other places? How to go?"

Qin An said: "Do you remember Li Qingqing's teleportation through walls!"

Liu Dongfeng nodded, and Qin An said, "I will use it too!"

Liu Dongfeng opened his mouth wide in shock, and Qin An's figure had suddenly disappeared!

However, when Qin An's figure appeared on the roof of the enclosed space where Liu Dongfeng was, his body suddenly shook, and his face was pale and bloodless!

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